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Task 1: Outline (Week 5)

Criteria Excellent – Very Good Fair Needs Points

good Improvement

Task completion The student The student The student delivered The student did
successfully successfully an outline of the not include
delivered an delivered an essay which included relevant
outline of the outline of the basic relevant supporting
essay which essay which supporting ideas and ideas or
included wide included identified the points identified the
relevant appropriate to discuss related to points to
supporting ideas relevant the topic. The outline discuss related
and identified supporting ideas displayed research to the topic.
the points to and identified and understanding of The outline did
discuss related the points to the matter. However, not display
to the topic. The discuss related the student needs to research and
outline displayed to the topic. The go into more detail understanding
deep research outline displayed about the matter. of the matter. 
and sufficient
understanding of research and
the matter. understanding of
the matter.

35 pts - 31 pts: 30- 26 pts: 25 pts - 13 pts: _____ 12 pts - 0 pts:

_____ _____ _____

Language and The outline The outline The outline showed The outline
communication showed the showed enough capacity to didn’t show
student’s capacity to communicate clear much or any
capacity to communicate and relevant capacity to
communicate clear and supporting ideas but communicate
clear and relevant lacked coherence clear and
relevant supporting ideas and / or cohesion. relevant
supporting ideas but lacked The outline included supporting
with coherence coherence and / basic language ideas, lacked
and cohesion. or cohesion. structures like the coherence and
The outline The outline present and past cohesion. The
included varied included tense, tend, will, outline didn’t
language appropriate defining and non- include
structures like language defining relative appropriate
the present and structures like clauses. The student structures and
past tense, tend, the present and used basic vocabulary for
will, defining and past tense, tend, vocabulary for the the level and
non- defining will, defining and task.. incorporating task.
relative clauses. non- defining new and more
The student relative clauses. elaborated words and
used a variety of The student expressions.
vocabulary that used
shows the appropriate
competence for vocabulary for
this level. the task.. 

35 pts - 31 pts: 30- 26 pts: 25 pts - 13 pts: _____ 12 pts - 0 pts:

_____ _____ _____

Learning The student The student The student prepared The student
prepared his or prepared his or his or her task, but he didn’t prepare
her taking into her taking into or she didn’t use the his or her task.
account the account the model provided. The The student did
model provided. model provided. student used only few not use the
The student The student grammar structures suggested
made sure he or tried to use all studied and little new grammar
she used the the grammar vocabulary. The task structures nor
grammar structures can be enriched.  new
structures and studied and new vocabulary. 
new vocabulary vocabulary to
to enrich the enrich the task
task development. 

15 - 20 pts: 11 - 14 pts: 7 -10 pts: _____ 0 - 6 pts:

_____ _____ _____

Self-assessment Answer the following questions:

1. How did you feel working on this task?

It was really interesting sitting down and think all the reasons online
education guaranties a good quality of education or not. Also I mixed it
with my personal experiences with online education so it was fun.
2. Which were your learnings?
I ask for some external point of views, I learn how other people see online
education and his pros and const.
3. In which areas do you think you need to improve?
Brainstorming ideas

Read each statement, and for each choose YES (Y), NO (N) or IN PROCESS
(IP) according to your own learning experience in this task:

I can present arguments on both sides of a familiar x
issue or topic and tell someone the merits of the
I can discuss a professional topic at length and in x
I can explain in detail a non-routine, complex x
I can state a personal point of view on a subject, x
including controversial issues, explaining why I
hold my beliefs.

*Based on your reflections, grade your work from 0-10 points. 

0 -10 pts: _____ 10

Total Points

Qualitative feedback of the teacher:

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