Past Simple Grammar

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6.1 Past simple of to be: was and were 1 The past simple of to be is was/were. The negative forms are wasn’t/weren’t. a Subject Pos I % He/shert | 25 wasn’t We at home yesterday. You were weren't They 2 We often use was/were/wasn’t/weren’t with past time expressions, e.g. /ast week, three days ago, in the 1990s. We always use was/were/wasn’t/weren’t with born. 1 There weren’t any clouds last night. It was very cold! 2 Anna was with me yesterday. She wasn’t at home. 3 He wasn’t born in the 1980s, he was born in the 1990s. © oor Univesity Press GRAMMAR Navigate Se 6.1 Past simple of to be: was and were 1 We change the order of was/were and the subject to make questions. Question | was/were | Subject Ree Uo Pre Was \/he/she/it_ athome? _Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn't. Were we/you/they rich? Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t. Where ~~ was \/he/she/it at 10 p.m.? When were we/you/they born? 2.We put the question word at the beginning. NOT You-were-where? 3 We can use short answers for yes/no questions. We usually use contractions in negative short answers. Covrra univers GRAMMAR Navigate Se 6.2 Past simple regular verbs 1 We use the past simple to talk about finished actions or states in the past. We often say when the action happened, e.g. three weeks ago, last month/winter/week. 1 They worked late last night. 2 We lived in Singapore from 2004 to 2008. 2 We make the past simple positive of most regular verbs by adding-ed. The past simple is the same for all persons. Bias Pee ae Rc ! playedtennis He/She/It watched TV yesterday. You/We/they Worked all day © oor Univesity Press Navigate Se 6.2 Past simple regular verbs We usually add -ed to most regular verbs to make the past simple, but some verbs havea spelling change. Peer nry Se [Example -e add-d live lived, hope- hoped, consonant+-y change -y to -i+-ed study ~ studied, marry — married vowel + 1 consonant double the consonant+-ed, stopped, (but not consonant-x or-y) (stayed, relaxed) two-syllableverbs with doublethe consonant+-ed, _prefer— preferred stress on last syllable © oor Univesity Press Navigate Se 7.1 Past simple irregular verbs 1 We use the past simple to talk about finished actions and states in the past. 2 There are many irregular verbs in the past simple. We do not add -ed to irregular verbs. Each irregular verb has a different form, e.g. go — went, do — did, have — had. 1 They went to Malaysia in 2001. 21 did my English homework last night. 3 He had toast for breakfast. 3 The past simple form is the same for all persons in regular and irregular verbs. saw the film on Monday. WWou/He/She/It/We/They wrote six emails before the meeting. ate pasta at lunchtime. © ood Univesity Press GRAMMAR Navigate Se 7.1 Past simple irregular verbs Here are some more past simple irregular verb forms. How many do you know? ia eee nin Lee buy bought put put choose chose ride rode come came say said drink drank sit sat drive drove sleep slept fly flew take took give gave teach taught make made tell told meet met think thought © oor Univessy Press GRAMMAR Navigate Se 7.2 Past simple negative 1 We make the past simple negative with did + not + infinitive without to. The negative past simple is the same for regular and irregular verbs. aaa ced work He worked late last night. He didn’t work late last night. take She took some photos. She didn’t take any photos. go We went home early. We didn’t go home early. have They had a good time. They didn’t havea good time. sit Isat next to him. I didn’t sit next to him. 2 We usually use the contraction didn’t but we sometimes use the full form (did not) in formal writing. Covrra univers GRAMMAR Navigate Se D 8.1 Past simple questions and short answers 1 We form past simple questions with Did + subject + infinitive without to. Did you meet anyone interesting? Did they stay in a hotel? Did he go tothe beach? Where did they play tennis? How did she know the answer? What did you think of the game? 2 With yes/no questions we usually use short answers with did/didn’t. We can also answer a yes/no question with just yes or no. 1 Did you see him? Yes, | did. NOT Yes-tsawe 2 Did they go? No, they didn’t. NOT Ne-they didn’t ge- 3 Did they stay? No./Yes oweidunvesinress GRAMMAR Navigate Se

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