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The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2007, 1, 1-4 1

Theoretical Analysis of Cross-Correlation of Time-Series Signals Computed

by a Time-Delayed Hebbian Associative Learning Neural Network
David Tam*

Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203, USA

Abstract: A theoretical proof of the computational function performed by a time-delayed neural network implementing a
Hebbian associative learning-rule is shown to compute the equivalent of cross-correlation of time-series functions, show-
ing the relationship between correlation coefficients and connection-weights. The values of the computed correlation coef-
ficients can be retrieved from the connection-weights.
Keywords: Time-delayed neural networks, cross-correlation function, Hebbian learning rule, associative learning, time-series
signal processing.

INTRODUCTION with time-delayed inputs is equivalent to computing the

cross-correlation function for time-varying signals.
Neural networks are networks of interconnecting neurons
that compute specific functions when given a set of input The neural network architecture introduced in this paper
signals. These networks can be shown to compute complex differs from most other traditional feedforward networks. In
adaptive functions (including self-learning) using the vari- particular, we use a time-delayed neural network (TDNN) to
able (adaptive) internal connection-weights between neurons process time-varying signals. This network takes a time-
to compute their outputs. When specific appropriate learn- series signal as its input for processing in order to compute
ing-rules are used in these networks, they can be shown to the cross-correlation function automatically. A similar neural
compute adaptive complex functions transforming the input network architecture has been shown to process time-series
into output that may not be solved by traditional analytical signals generated from biological neurons to extract the cor-
techniques, such as self-learning. The ability to perform relation between the firing times of neurons [9].
these unique functions by these neural networks lie in (1) the An analytical solution of the computation performed by
neural network architecture (nonlinear multi-layered net- such a TDNN will be given in closed form showing the rela-
work), (2) the learning-rules, and (3) adaptive connection- tionship between the connection-weights in the network and
weights. the cross-correlation coefficients it computes. It provides a
These neural networks have been used in recent years to formal proof of the mathematical description of the computa-
perform parallelizable computing functions that are capable tion performed by such a TDNN network. It can be shown
of learning using the adaptive learning-rules to update their that a time-delayed Hebbian neural network essentially com-
connection-weights. The significance of the computation putes the cross-correlation function by storing the correlation
performed by these networks depends very much on the coefficients in its connection-weights.
network architecture and learning-rules. There has been Note that we will limit the discussion of this paper to the
much interest in finding the mathematical relationship be- theoretical analysis only, while the implementation of this
tween these neural networks and traditional engineering TDNN to solve specific real-world problems will be deferred
analyses. For instance, the relationships between neural net- to subsequent papers in full-length, such as the implication
works and principal component analysis (PCA) have been of how biological neurons may use a time-delayed Hebbian
investigated [1], because PCA is one of the techniques used network to cross-correlate auditory signals in real-time for
in data compression and feature extraction. The relationship sound localization and frequency-tone discrimination.
between a one-layer feedforward network using a Hebbian
learning-rule in an unsupervised mode to compute the PCA CLASSICAL NON-TIME-DELAYED HEBBIAN AS-
was initiated [2], and subsequently investigated by many SOCIATIVE LEARNING-RULE
others (e.g., [3-8]). An associative learning-rule was first proposed by Hebb
This paper focuses on extending the analysis to establish [10] as the mechanism for synaptic-weight change in a bio-
the theoretical relationship between a time-delayed Hebbian logical neural network. Hebb essentially stated that changes
learning network and the mathematical cross-correlation in synaptic (connection) weights between neurons occur
function. We will show theoretically that a Hebbian network when the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons fire simul-
taneously. It is called associative learning because it makes
the association between the input and output by modifying
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Biological the connection-weights between them. The stronger the as-
Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203, USA;
sociation, the greater the connection-weights will be.

1874-110X/07 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

2 The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2007, Volume 1 David Tam

Mathematically, it states that if the input and output of a Let x(t) and y(t) denotes the input and output signals
neuron are activated simultaneously, then the connection- at time t , respectively, and w(t,  ) denotes the connection-
weight for the inputs are changed. To rephrase in the current weight between them with a lag-time,  , then the modified
neural network terminology, it states that the weight con- time-delayed Hebbian learning-rule is given by:
necting two neural elements will change if and only if both
neural elements are activated at the same time; otherwise the if x(t   )  0 and y(t)  0
connection-weight remains the same. then w(t,  )  0
Let x(t) and y(t) denote the real-valued activation else w(t,  ) = 0
functions of input and output of a neuron, respectively, and if
w(t) denotes the real-valued connection-weight between where x(t   ) denotes the input signal delayed by the lag-
x(t) and y(t) , and w(t) represents the weight change time,  , and w(t,  ) denotes the change in connection-
between successive time-steps, then the Hebbian associative weight (or the weight-change). Thus, a continuous-time
learning-rule is give by: time-delayed Hebbian learning-rule is given by extending
Eq. 1:
if x(t)  0 and y(t)  0
w(t,  ) = x(t   )y(t) (3)
then w(t)  0
For hardware implementation, we use discrete lag-times
else w(t) = 0 (  = kt ) in integral, k , multiples of t to delay the input
where non-zero value of the activation functions represents signal by multiple delay-tap lines. Therefore, the time-
activation and zero value represents non-activation. More delayed Hebbian associative learning-rule at the k -th delay-
concisely, a Hebbian learning-rule that satisfies the above line is given by:
condition is expressed mathematically as follows: w k (t,kt) = x(t  kt)y k (t) (4)
w(t) = x(t)y(t) (1) where k is an integer constant, w k (t,kt) is the change
The relationship between the input and output with re- in the k -th connection-weight between the time-delayed
spect to the associated connection-weight is shown in Fig. input, x(t  kt) , and the k -th output, y k (t) (see Fig. 1).
(1), and the output is given:
A single time-series signal is used as the input to the
y(t) = w(t)x(t) (2) network. This time-delayed input is cascaded into multiple
branches as inputs to successive neurons to provide the in-
TIVE LEARNING-RULE puts for the modified Hebbian learning-rule (Eq. 4) to update
the corresponding connection-weights. The network would
A time-delayed neural network architecture is used to produce as many outputs as there are discrete time-delays.
process the time-varying input signal in this neural network. The k -th output of the network in Fig. (1) is established by:
This time-delayed network is similar but different from the
hybrid network introduced earlier by Tam [11]. The initial y k (t) = w k (t,kt)x(t  kt) (5)
input is delayed successively by a time-delay element in each Alternatively, each of the delay-tap lines in Fig. (1) can
input stage of the network (see Fig. 1). Thus, the time-delay be considered as feeding into a pseudo-neuron as the first
produces the modified Hebbian learning-rule such that the (pseudo) layer of the network in Fig. (2). This first layer can
connection-weight will change only if the time-delayed input be considered as a pseudo-layer for the network because it
and current output are activated rather than if the current does not perform extra computation, except for conceptuali-
input and current output are activated simultaneously. In zation of the equivalent neural network architecture.
other words, the output is associated with the previous input
x(t) x0(t)
rather than the current input. x(t) y0(t)
x(t) y0(t)
x(t) x(t-t) x1(t)
w0(t, 0) t y1(t)
x(t-t) y1(t)
t x2(t)
x(t-2t) y2(t)
x(t-2t) t
t y2(t)
w2(t, 2t) x(t-3t) x3(t) y3(t)
x(t-3t) y3(t) t
w3(t, 3t)
. .
. . .
. . .
. x(t-kt)
x(t-kt) yk(t) xk(t) yk(t)
wk(t, kt) t
Fig. (1). Architecture of the time-delayed neural network showing Fig. (2). Diagram showing how the time-delayed inputs are cas-
the relationships between the time-delayed input, x(t  kt) , con- caded into forming a layer of pseudo-input neurons. This network
nection-weights, wk (t, kt) and their output, yk (t) . architecture is equivalent to the diagram shown in Fig. (1).
Cross-Correlation of Time-Series Signals The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2007, Volume 1 3

The output of the k -th time-delayed pseudo-input neuron It will be shown below that the cross-correlation coeffi-
(in the first pseudo-layer) can be expressed in terms of the cients are computed by the weight-sum of the time-delayed
initial input signal by: inputs by the output neuron at the k -th connection-weight
after successive iterative training.
x k (t) = x(t  kt) (6)
The main reason why we represent the network in this
equivalent architectural form is that now the layer of time-
delayed inputs is a parallel layer rather than a cascaded se- When the network is trained with n iterations of the dis-
quential input layer. In other words, it transforms the single crete time step, t , the resulting connection-weight is given
sequential time-series input into parallel inputs by the delay- by:
lines, which allows for simultaneous parallel processing
rather than sequential processing. This represents the spatio-
w k (nt,kt) = w k (0,kt) +
temporal transformation of the input signal explicitly by the n

 w ( jt,kt)
alternate network architecture, although they are equivalent k
implicitly. j= 0

Such a network would have a single sequential input, for t = nt and  = kt . The continuous-time time-
x(t) , branched into (k + 1) parallel lines by k discrete delayed Hebbian learning-rule of Eq. (3) can be re-expressed
delays. It will also have k outputs, y k (t) . The k -th output in terms of the discrete-time step (for t = jt ) as:
of the network in Fig. (2) is given by:
w k ( jt,kt) = x( jt  kt)y( jt) (10)
y k (t) = w k (t,kt)x k (t) (7)
The resulting connection-weights after iterating n dis-
These outputs can be further merged into a single output, crete time steps becomes:
y(t) , to form a network produces a single output signal w k (nt,kt) = w k (0,kt) +
rather than multiple outputs (see Fig. 3). This results in the

 x( jt  kt)y( jt)

output of the network that computes the weighted-sum of all (11)
k time-delayed signals mathematically:
j= 0
i= 0 TION
=  w i (t,it)x i (t)
The standard classical cross-correlation function between
(8) two continuous-time stationary time-series signals, x(t) and
i= 0 y(t) , is given by:
=  w i (t,it)x(t  it)

1 T
rxy ( ) = lim x(t   )y(t)dt (12)
i= 0 T  T 0

x(t) x0(t)
x(t) y0(t) The corresponding cross-correlation function for a dis-
crete time step, t , and lag time,  = kt , is given by:
x(t-t) x1(t)
t y1(t)
1 k
x(t-2t) x2(t)
y2(t) y(t)
rxy (kt) = lim lim
n  t 0 nt
 x( jt,kt)y( jt)t (13)
j= 0
x(t-3t) x3(t)
. .
. .
xk(t) Substituting Eq. 11 into Eq. 13, the relationship between
t yk(t) the cross-correlation function and the time-delayed Hebbian
Fig. (3). Diagram showing the architecture of the single-input and connection-weights is revealed:
single-output network that computes the weight-sum of time- 1
delayed input signal. rxy (kt) = lim lim
n  t 0
[w k (nt,kt)  w k (0,kt)] (14)
Thus, this network architecture will provide a single in-
put and a single output to process the time-series signal using This equation proves that theoretically the cross-
a pseudo-input layer. This design satisfies the main objective correlation function is essentially computed by cumulating
of creating a neural network that correlates two time-series the connection-weight after iterations of n learning time
signals, x(t) and y(t) , using a set of time-delayed Hebbian steps using the time-delayed Hebbian learning-rule intro-
duced in this paper. This relationship shows that the cross-
associative learning-rules.
correlation function is computed simply by the difference
4 The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, 2007, Volume 1 David Tam

between the initial and final connection-weights of the the processing results are retrieved from the connection-
TDNN. weights rather than obtained from the output of the network.
Once trained, the network can still predict the output, y(t) ,
The correlation coefficient, rxy (kt) , at lag-time
like other neural networks by computing the weighed-sum of
 = kt can be retrieved directly from the k -th connec- the time-delayed input signal at the k -th connection-weight.
tion-weight of the network. This provides a theoretical
closed-form solution of the relationship between the connec- Although this is linear network collapseable into an
tion-weights and the correlation coefficients of a cross- equivalent single-input, single-output network, it can per-
correlation function. form multiple (parallelizable) computations of all the corre-
lation coefficients simultaneously, which are retrievable
This also shows, in contrast with most other neural net- from each of the connection-weights. Thus, this analysis
works, the computational result of the network is retrieved bridges the conceptual framework between traditional engi-
from the connection-weights rather from the output of the neering technology in cross-correlation and the novel tech-
network. Furthermore, in contrast with most other neural nology implemented by a time-delayed neural network.
networks, the network performs linear computation rather
than nonlinear computation, since cross-correlation is essen- Furthermore, since the cross-correlation function is com-
tially a linear operation. Because of the linearity, there are puted using a neural network, such computation can be im-
multiple equivalent networks that can represent the same plemented in hardware to process signals in real-time.
computation, as already shown in the above analysis. Hardware implementation of this network can provide high-
speed processing of time-series signals when cross-
TRAINING OF THE NETWORK correlation computation is required. Demonstration of the
The neural network shown above illustrates how the net- applications of this time-delayed Hebbian network for proc-
work can self-organize to compute the cross-correlation essing time-series signals, such as auditory signals for
function by adapting its connection-weights after n itera- sound-localization and frequency-tone discrimination will be
tions of time-steps. The remaining question is: How does the given in a subsequent paper in further details.
network “know” what the output, y(t) , should be? The an- REFERENCES
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Received: July 10, 2007 Revised: July 20, 2007 Accepted: July 30, 2007

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