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Non — ideabities of BJT= @ Tdeak BIT => Thfinile outpat Ampedlance Read BIT => Finite output Avapeclance Recafl : Pe asf” on Yoleak ras => Output cRaracteristic of BIT: ¢ Xe 7 Slope = Tee lee Vee Yolead Real Exercise Consicler tHe following cirenth™ Yout Vout 06 voltage xX, + tee | Vout Tete ee cunent I, Tout hat as tha outpat Ampedlance C "hooking An") of Re cirewit 2 Solitons : @ Recall prom offer counses Tout = Toe @ Intitive answer +H-} Ras inp fe. Aupedance => Tot = Tee @ Superposition theorem: We apply Vout (= stime2us) and oblain Lect (= effect), When applying Be srperposchion tReertem, We consider , seperately » each shimutus and set aff ofRer sthmulii to Zero. The civerit. Ren becomes aw tout Ohm's Law “eed {Mout Vu oat Tu = ice. ® Let us take into account all sources =? Most complex meRod > Shoukd give same tesult — Tout ie cE Vout a a _ et Mout) Ce Concbusion : Methods above agree and show Rat rz, As te outpat Ampedlance of He transistor Earby effect => Base wiolth so dulation© owe DepBton Aegions TT E 1B} GS Base wii BE oleplction region is thin (forward bras) GB olepletion rggion is fick (reverse bias) View ho Vem t = Reverse bias incteases => Neutral base wasttR becomes Pinner => oc t —> Bt => Awplificahion increaces wih Ve, ! ic RecaR: Ves my \ Veg Bi Ve iE Ontpart chavactenst'c of BOT Xe AYe | tb ~~ [~ are pe bene be ingeares wh Vee due to base Vee wicll modu — Laton Early Found Re FeLlowing fact © Le Eady vodtage Ver =0 Yer => Extending Be TV traces Leads to Ohe common pont => Earby voltage patet Veen = -loV to —loov (Csomehwmes Be “—" Sgn As outed. Recall: V, Soe eter v/v, (Diode equ. for J.=ell=ay, oeelMe ee Beatie) —E ° Due fr Eat, ePfect , eqn. As modifro Yee /Ve (ie ) Te-“t.e Vary od Addeion due te Barly effect Reeall : Output Atpaclance of gr = 12 BIT output chara cteiishe with Eady effict: — Vest * Vee ———*4 Thspecton z Re Pyare Aeveels Slope. = xe © Vea + Vex Selve. for om yietds Vecardy = le tee — Vee tin of By Breakdown of CB junction at high Veg values a Recall : Ves oe | Vee Vee = Vee + Vee B Le ory Vp’ E Whew Vee + => Vez t = Reverse bias of CB diode Ancreases =P AY some prt =P Dielectric breakdown BIT output characten stic Diehetni breakabun Te Casnally outside. spec-fieol ange of BRT) 7 Ve ~ 100Vv for st Materials options Ge SS Gahs SG GaN G4 Vrcrease in bteeldown field => Some semicoucucterr are beHer Ran Si

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