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The future of AI.

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The future of AI.

Frank, A. (2016). The Future Of AI: Is Something Different This



“newer systems can take the visual, auditory, or language input directly. This

advancement enables the machine to take direct inputs from the world without human

involvement and create its internal representation for further processing.”

This article explains a shift in the files of artificial intelligence from the earlier systems

computer technology systems that depended solely on the human intervention in the processes of

keying in data and direct the reasoning of the computers into a certain functioning that they felt

was key to the outcome that they expected from the computers. This included any formulas or

functions that were key to their works. (frank, 2016) explains that there are two key functions in

the Artificial Intelligence realm that changed to better the field as a whole. The latter two

functions include the increase in capacity of the machines to learn by themselves and the

capacity of the machines to work or think perform tasks better than the human and the human

mind. The second mentioned function is described in the author's words when he states, “… we

have witnessed a mushrooming of machine learning systems in virtually every domain where

large data sets have become available. It is becoming more common for computers to perform

tasks better than the best humans can” (Frank, 2016). This article seeks to explain in detail these

two functions as the center of the mushrooming of the Artificial Intelligence industry.

Pathak, P., Pal, P. R., Srivastava, M., & Oar, P. (2019). Fifth revolution: Applied AI & human

intelligence withccyberphysicalsystems. International Journal of Engineering and

Advanced Technology, 8(3), 23-





For a long time, the Artificial Intelligence industry has sought to replace the dangerous,

dirty jobs done by human beings with the functions of a computer. In this article, the author

explains the interdependence between human beings and artificial intelligence, especially the

devices enabled with IoT. This was the era of the fourth industrial revolution to develop artificial

intelligence to get to the fifth industrial revolution. The main reason for the collaboration of man

and artificial intelligence was to upgrade the fourth to the fifth industrial revolution. (Pathak,

2019) in his article states the principles of the fifth revolution industry that include; mass

communications, a collaboration of sophisticated, physical systems of the cyber, the renewability

of the resources used by the new Artificial Intelligence, and the main preferences of the

consumers. With the fifth industrial revolution being the latest upgrade of the industrial

revolution, the author of this article seeks to discuss how it can be considered the future of

Artificial Intelligence based on the features of the fourth industrial revolution.

Haenlein, M., & Kaplan, A. (2019). A brief history of artificial intelligence: On the past, present,

and future of artificial intelligence. California management review, 61(4), 5-14.



The future of Artificial Intelligence is based on the regulation of the current technologies

to better function to compete or surpass human thinking. Concerning this article, (Kaplan 2019)

explains that the future of Artificial Intelligence is based on” micro-perspective: regulation

concerning algorithms and organizations, mesa-perspective: regulation concerning employment

and macro-perspective, regulation concerning democracy and peace.” Micro-perspective is used

in this article to state how artificial intelligence is formatted in algorithms that may recognize a

specific char on the functions that align with those algorithms. Meson-perspective explains the

rate at which Artificial Intelligence has been used to replace human labor in the job industry.

Lastly, macro-perspective is based on the thought of who will govern the people. This article is

suitable for the discussion of artificial intelligence in the future as it discusses the application it

in the future and how it will affect the human nature of doing things. Similarly, it gives an

account of the nature of artificial intelligence based on the past, present, and future developments

that surround this field.

Floridi, L. (2020). What the near future of artificial intelligence could be. In The 2019 Yearbook

of the Digital Ethics Lab (pp. 127-142). Springer,


“But it is a solid step forward, which helps us look further ahead, beyond the “big data”

narrative.” The author of this article states that the future of artificial intelligence could be based

on the ability of the industry to produce products that can primarily input their data which in his

article he relates to as synthetic data. Thus synthetic data is durable, reusable, can be transferred,

and duplicated. The article then proceeds to give a peek into the future of Artificial Intelligence

by stating, “… with synthetic data; AI never has to leave its digital space its digital space, where

it can exercise complete control of any input and output of its processes.” This article seeks to

discuss the future of the Artificial Intelligence industry by building on the current improvements

of the technology industry within a fixed period that the author chooses to focus on.

Shabbir, J., & Anwer, T. (2018). Artificial intelligence and its role shortly. arXiv preprint


“Most artificial intelligence systems can learn, which allows people to improve their

performance over time” in this article. The author seeks to compare human thinking to the

complex functioning of computers that are empowered to compete with the human brain. The

author discusses artificial intelligence with all its accompaniments which may include its

importance, how it compares to the human brain, what the challenges are that come along with it,

and a brief explanation of its technical background.


Reference list.

Floridi, L. (2020). What the near future of artificial intelligence could be. In The 2019 Yearbook

of the Digital Ethics Lab (pp. 127-142). Springer,


Frank, A. (2016). The Future Of AI: Is Something Different This



Haenlein, M., & Kaplan, A. (2019). A brief history of artificial intelligence: On the past, present,

and future of artificial intelligence. California management


29145-7_961(4), 5-14.

Pathak, P., Pal, P. R., Shrivastava, M., & Ora, P. (2019). Fifth revolution: Applied AI & human

intelligence with cyber-physical systems. International Journal of Engineering and

Advanced Technology, 8(3), 23-





Shabbir, J., & Anwer, T. (2018). Artificial intelligence and its role shortly. arXiv preprint


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