Rotocol F Mergency Edicine: P OE M

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Protocol Of Emergency Medicine Parameter/Obseration

Blood Sugar (mg/dl)

Warning Range/Danger Sign
≤80 ≥450

Systolic B.P. (mmHg) ≤90 ≥220
Temperature ≤95⁰ F ≥120⁰ F
Oxygen Satura on ≤88%
Pulse Rate per min ≤40 ≥130
Respira on Rate ≤8 ≥28
Urine Output ≤20 ml/hr
Conscious state and orienta on •Reduced conscious state
•Disoriented in me of place
based on Lips, mouth, airway, voice
•Seizures, hallucina ons, delirium
Swelling of lips, tongue
Capillary refill test
Two Months Online Certification Training Color of skin
> 4 second
Very pale or yellow (jaundiced)
Responsiveness of pupils Unresponsive to light s mulus
Emergency & Pain Management Diarrhea
from Copious, watery, bloody
Shridhar University Unresponsiveness No pulse + No breathing Cardiac Arrest /Death
Dialysis pa ents Vomi ng/ Itching/ excessive swelling/ Breathlessness/Delirium Above symptom indicates emergency dialysis
Medical Postural Acupressure To consume Miscellaneous
Condition Medicine Local Application
Kadha/tablets Tools/Materials needed
1 High B.P. LLHWI LV 3
LI 4 Long Bucket, Hot Water
2 Low B.P. -5⁰ HDT GB 20
Coffee drink Tilt Bed, Bricks, Inclinometer
3 Headache Gv26 Sniffing oil 2 Sec headache sniffing oil
4 Faint Recovery posi on N/A
5 SpO2< 85% CAAT/Prone ven la on Sniff Kapoor (Desi) N/A Hand held fan , Desi Kapoor
6 Angina/ H7
Heart Heart safe posture LLHWI Chew Ginger/ Long Bucket, Grad Dialysis Tub
a ack HWI red chilly

7 Cardiac arrest Cardiac Compression H7 Defibrillator AED (Automated Defibrillator)

8 Epilepsy Recovery posi on Gv26 N/A
H7 4 Pieces of towel, cold water,
9 Fever ≥102⁰ Cold Fomenta on Night Jasmine Leaves Decoc on
SP 6
10 Heat stroke Recovery posi ons Lot of water to drink Drinking water
11 Electric shock “
12 Snake bite Tourniquet Tourniquet

13 Blood sugar≥ 500 Lantus insulin Insulin (Lantus)

14 Blood sugar< 70 Packed Juice, Fruits, Glucagon Injec on
15 Burn Cold water flow for 10 min Fruit/Juice Free flowing cold water
Periardium 6
16 Vomi ng Cinnamon
17 Itching Alum + Coconut Oil Alum, Coconut oil,

18 Swelling in legs HDT Tilt Bed, Inclinometer

19 Cuts/Injury/bleeding Hemosta c dressing Haemosta c dressing , Stapler
20 Broken bones Splint, cast

21 Anaphylaxis Leg raise 2-3 Pillows

22 Asthma a ack
K27 Lu7 Sniff Kapoor (Desi) Blue inhaler Blue Inhaler, Kapoor (Desi)
23 Small insect bite Water immersion @ 50⁰C Grad Dialysis Tub, Hot water

24 Nose bleed Cold Compression Small towel, ice water

10 min

SP 6 ST 36
25 Abdominal pain TENS Machine, Ajwain, water, ginger

26 Severe joint pain ST 36 Potli, oil

27 Cancer pain HWI TENS Machine Grad- Dialysis Tub, Hot Water, TENS Machine
28 Fibromyalgia HWI Grad Dialysis Tub, Hot water, TENS Machine, Potli, oil
LI 4
29 Stroke/Paralysis LLHWI Chew ginger ll tears roll out Long bucket, Hot water , Ginger
30 Acidity/GERD Le lateral posi on ST 36 Coconut water / Banana
31 Head injury +30⁰ inclined Tilt Bed, Inclinometer
32 Anxiety/fa gue LLHWI Long bucket, Hot water
33 Sleep disorder LLHWI/HWI GV 20 Long bucket, Hot water / Grad- Dialysis Tub,
Hot Water,
34 Hickups Valsalva maneuver ST 36

Abdominal Thrust/
35 Choking Heimlich maneuver
36 Mucus in lungs Postural Massage with mustard oil Ginger + raw turmeric 2 Pillows, mustard oil, ajwain. methi seeds,
Drainage Lu7
+ ajwain + methi seeds + garlic crushed garlic

37 Temperatures ≤ 95F LLHWI@45⁰C Long bucket, Hot water

38 Pulse rate≤40 HDT Lu7 Head Tilt Bed , Inclinometer
39 Pulse rate≥130 Valsalva maneuver
40 Respira on rate≤8 Chest physiotherapy Lu7

41 Respira on rate≥28 Pursed lip breathing Lu7 Sip warm water

42 Gallbladder/Kidneystone pain ST 36 Tens machine TENS Machine
LI 4
43 Back pain HWI Potli massage Grad- Dialysis Tub, Hot Water, Potli , Oil
44 Sprain Potli massage Potli , Oil
45 Bleeding
46 Ear Ache GV 20

47 ST 36
Colic Pain
48 Piles Pain Sitz bath @ 42⁰C Sitz Bath Tub. warm water
49 Loose mo on
50 Scia ca Pain Avgaha therapy
51 LI 4 SP 6 Grad Dialysis Tub, hot water
Labour pains HWI@38⁰C
52 Painful Menstrura on HWI SP 6 Grad Dialysis Tub, hot water
53 Poisoning HWI
54 Tooth Ache Garlic paste Garlic paste
55 Severe Constipation ST 36 Enema Enema Kit, Water

H.I.I.M.S. follows P.O.E.M

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