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Immaculate Conception Parish

Guagua, Pampanga

I. Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council officers, Barangay

Pastoral Council Presidents, commission officers and mandated organization
officers held at the conference hall on March 31, 2011. Attendance sheet
showed that there were 52 members present including our Spiritual director.

II. The meeting started at 6:50 PM with an opening prayer led by Sis. Lydia
Tengco, chair on Liturgy.

III. The Gospel of John 9:1-41 was read by the Vice President Sis. Fe Umlas. It
was about a man born blind and was healed by Jesus on a Sabbath. The faith
of the blind man healed him.

IV. Bro. Marianito gave the reflection:

“Faith is best understood if we look it in the eyes of faith rather than the
eyes of reason. Our faith will help us understand what our reasoning
cannot explain. Sometimes the blinds see more than those who can see
because their faith in God is strong and they let the power of God work on
their lives.”

V. Sis. Tess Mabanta, PPC treasurer reported the financial status:

Beginning Balance as of 2-24-2011…………………………..Php 51,059.03
Collections………………………………………………………….. 3.900.00
TOTAL………………………………………………………………..Php 54,959.03
Less expenses……………………………………………………… 7,730.00
Total Funds Available as of 3-31-2011……………………….Php 47,229.03
The PPC funds are deposited at Metro Bank with S/A 133-3-133289026

The report was signed by the treasurer, audited by Sis. Myra Reyes,
approved by the Pres. And noted by the parish priest. The body approved the
report of the Treasurer.

VI. Sis. Girlie Razon, BPC president of Bancal read the minutes of the previous
meeting and was approved by the body.

VII. Meeting Proper:

1.a. Vice Mayor Anthony Twaño was present to report on the
progress of the road repair as it will affect the route of the procession on Holy
Week, especially the electrical and telephone lines that were too low which will
not allow the processional to pass through these lines of wires. It was announced
that the local official will coordinate on Monday, April 4, 2011 with the PLDT and
PELCO to solve the problem and will relay the result of their meeting.
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1.b. Among reported also the projects undergone in the parish.
Painting of the belfry almost finished, repair of the outlets in the convent, the
maintenance of the cleanliness of the CR in the patio needs donations.
2.a. The programs for the schedule of activities for Holy Week were
given and discussed
3.a. A seminar was proposed for the job description of the newly
installed PPC officers. Suggested venue at The Farm of Sis. Pres. Alma and the
date will be after Holy Week. Among also elaborated that we are here for service
to our fellow believers and to God. Let us embraced the sacrifice that entails this
religious service.
3.b. Among also discussed the parts of the PPC;
b.1. Plenary—when all the officers are usually present in meeting like
the quarterly, annual meetings;
b.2. Executive—when only the Executive (Pres. Vice Pres., Sec.
Treasurer, BPC and mandated organization Pres. are meeting monthly
b.3. Working Committee—when only the Priest, the chairs on Liturgy,
Formation and Service and the president of the Youth ministry are meeting to
work on church activities.
b.4. The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church:

GOD Pope Archbishop Auxiliary Bishops Priest

The Catholic church is not democratic but is founded on the Apostles

of Faith not by popular choice or preferences of the people. It is mandated that
we believe in God; it is also mandated for us to love God and man and to teach
this love to all.
A question was raised by Sis. Aleni Pres. of Ladies of Charity. Why do
we not have deacons ? Answer: It is not accepted in the Philippines but we have.
In other countries, they have Catholic deacons.

VIII. The meeting ended at 8:08 PM with a Closing Prayer and blessing.

Prepared by: Concurred by:


PPC Asst. Secretary PPC Secretary

Approved by: Noted by:


PPC President Parish Priest

Note: Our next meeting will be on the last Thursday, April 28, 2011 @6:00PM

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