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200-001, 100-062, WwO-45L. 160-161 ap9-169 100-472 160-255, 200-150 Syecuroncus, Fully Corrective, 320 Volt AC Clock and Programing Syston. ca sprexctnon” Madels Covered By Tats Yona Six Program Circuits Belve Progren Cireutte . Six Procrem Cixcuits: Yotor Nosad Pecerve Guelve Progren Cirewito: ystor Wound Reserve * Ubility control features are not oxpleined in tide publication, Nats ‘anc 212k A,B, Trovious ystems, i.2. 260 A,B, = CR = GRO, ore eintlar to, tut do net include ali of features of the above systen. 1. WOE oe wie, 1 NORMAL OPERATION FIO. 2 HOUREY RESET cIRcUTE | Fie, 3 1278 EOUR RESET CIRCUIT Fic. 4 PROGRAM TAPES A 210. 5 {TAPE ROGETRG Fig. 6 PUNCHING TEE TAFE i m0. 7 VER OF SECONDARY MOvEAENT - wig. 8 Von oP omeoupany KovpaEND : FIs. 9 VIGN OF SECONDARY MOVEMENT vas, Ww’ VIEW OF SCONDARY MOvREMT Fag. 11 * gyDe VIEW OF MOVIE AND RESET EAVER ol . AND EEAPD ASSmMIY (GR-LMi) wig. 12 SBOONDARY CLCCK--REAR VIEW . 12. AppzIoTx 2. l00-0OL-2D 2d. 1. SCHEMATIC OF MASTER CLOOK. 2. WO-OOLnID od. b INTERNAL WIRING OF MASTER CLOGK. 3. WASTER CLOCK, SEQUENCE OF CONTACT OFRRETIOW CHAR, _ 44, ASTER CLOCK DOOS==REAR VIEW. 5. 103-O78-20 ed. 1, MODIFICATION REQUIRED FOR ASSTCIING PROGRAM RELAYS TO COU CONEOLE SERVICE. 6. GRASS=D eda. EXPLODED VIR! OF GRC SECONDARY NCVEMENT, te SIDR VIEW OF ORC SECONDARY MOVEMENT GEARING. 8. CURREND DENAMD DATA CEARE. INDEX . Ne PAGE T, GENRRAT pair, : . d 21. MASTER Glock FINoRTONS AND OPERATION . L MASTER CLOCK FINIORTONS AID OPERATION A. Secondary Clock Control Assexblias, B. Secondary Glock Driving Operation. - ©. Secendary Cloci leurly Reset Operetion, 1. Operation. 2 Cireultzy, D. Secondary Clock Twelfth Hour Reset Operation. 2. Operation. 2. Cireuitzy, . TIL, TESRING AUD TROUBIEsROOITNS THE DIVE AND PEED crReuTTS OF THE Napriy Clock 3 A. Hourly Correction Test. B, Twelfth our Correction Test. 1. MASTER clock zRocRWeRNG 7 A. Operstien, B. Westing The Program Cirsuita. . C.. Special Connections. D. Frogran Scheduling, V. SBOOWDARY COOK RORY OF opESATTON a SECONDARY CTOCK THEORY OF OPERATTON A. ‘The Driving Mectanten, B. Hour Correction Tent, G+ The Tucltth Hour Correction Wechentan (Frery 12 Youn), ‘VE. SEQORDARY CtOoK OFERATTORAL T=57S 3 Ay General. 3B. Four Correction test. &. Mwelfth Hour Correcticu Test. Vi. AbTemesr oF 9m Secoupary yoveenr 15 _ RE OF SH SECONDARY NoviENRNT A. Reset Lever and Shart Assanply. B. Trelfta Hour Correetion Assembly. VIII. DISASSRNELING THR GEeOWARY oroex ay TISASSIMDLING HE SECONDARY Croce 4A, RMD (Sorgece) Clocks. - ] B. PAD (Plvsn)- Clocks. 7X, REASSMELING THE EDCONDARY cEncHe aw SEASSR-GIING THE BECouany rnc APPEND ‘T. G2pENAL THEORY . . A, Dering norzel system operation the secondary clocks rua oa their ova indiviusl 1 FFM eyncurouous wotors. Note: A synebronous motor operates on the principle of chenging magnetic fields. Tte speed depends on the inpt pover's “oycles per second” rate. Snell changes on voltage do nok affect tae motors. . ‘A second synebroncus moter (60 REM) is used in each secondary movement to synchronize the secondary clocks with the Mecter Glock. Provicten tc wade (in tae Master Clock) for two types of correction. 2. BBLS mot pover failure, the secondary elocka Will advance up to $5 minutes oa the kour following the pover failure. This is accomplished ty electrical end mechanicel means. A noteh in the Elmte and veconds drive wheels of she secondary elecit ("daad-spot") prevents the reset mechanism from resetting beyond the hour. Therefore, vhen the drive motors etop, the reset motors cen only advance the uinute end gecond aends to the next hour. 2. Since it is possible for the clocka vithin the system to be more ‘than one tour apart Twelfth Four Correction (“scatter correction") is provided twice each dey. By running both the drive ané resct motors, - the clocks advarce rapidly to the next hour, vnere they "slow don" yhile the dzive uotor moves the hands past the "dced stop", ‘This combines until a special mechanism in the secondary clock prevents further rapid advancing. This brings all of the sccondary ciscks te within cue hour of exch other, independent of the time they previously indicated. ALL "on-time" clocks are at the position where rapid edvancing is locked~ out, and tnerefore contime to function normally. Bo fully syzchronize the minute and second hands enother correction, as docoribed iz par. #1. above, is sent to all secondary clocks on the how following the Twelfth Hour Correction, B. A gpring driven reserve ascenbly Keepe the Neeter Clock in operetion uring power failures. Key wound units = continue to rua for 12 te 15 hours; Metor wound units (medetmemiaionenedidior (<5) contimns to run for 20 to 2S hours. C. Program signals are operated by relays in conjunction with "Kemory Tapes” and contact fingers in the Master Glock. ‘The tapes are driven oy a sprocket @run which ds directly stteched to the Nac%cr Glock acvement. HL. VABEER QLOGX FUNCTIONS AND OPERMTTON, ‘Fhe GRC Nacter Clock operates Crap a 190 volt, single phese power sources. A synchronous setor keeps the Mester Clock on tine and drives the program taped, the clock bands and the cana for operating the control ewitenes ~ A. Sesontary Clock Control Assewblies. The following asaeablies ore utilised for Secondary clock coutrel. 1. the "D" reley {energized during Hourly Correction) 2. The "Y* relay (energized dv: ‘ing ‘Pvelftk Hour Correction) . \ : THE SSecona GpwiaeT (roses even MMvTE 3. The 16 Minute Mic Switch (closes 16 simutes of each hour) + 4. gne "NW" Relay (Pover Failure Relay) * 5+ Poe 12th Your Miro Suiten (cloces once every 12 hours), * 6. Te One Hour Aero Switch: {Closes omee every hour) ,* J. The 35 Second Contuct (Closes once every mimtte) > €. wre 1 second Contact (Closes once every wimite). * 9 Vertical Terminal Strip"? See Appendix irawing #s for location. Note: Micro svitehes are cepeble of handling only small currents. ‘They are actuated by very little xachanical, pressure or travel. Acro Guitches are similerly actuated, but are capable of gandling relatively higher currents. B. Secondary Clock Driving Operation. The 120 volt input pover is fed ‘through a 15 Amp. cirouit breaker (ins-brenker) bridged wita « neon lerp wich glovs when the breaker 4¢ tripped. Paver is fed through an oa-of?, swites to operate the secondary clocks. This same switch controls the 2h volt current limiting transformer which provides energy to the coils of the control relays in the Master Clock relay compartment. ‘The 120 vae power to operate the secondary clock drive motors (black wire) ig supplied to terminals JC, 2C, and 3C through the normally cloced Contacts of the de-energized "I" relay. ‘The circuit to the reset motors {red wire} As open veceuse of the normally open-coctects of the de-merélued "K" relay, “The otner side of the 120 vac pover is counceted directly to beth motors (white wire) via the © terminals, (cormon.) IGURE 1 “NORMAL OVERATION" DRAWING ©, Secondary Clock Hourly Reset Operation. an neurly zesst can only docu after + Shee pour PeTnTS Te dory clecks comrect up to 55 Minrtes) or during the Twelfth Hour Reset. L ration, During Hourly Correction, the drive motors of the system are stopped end the reset motors ave started. If the minute and second hands are on the hour =-the correct time - they era not effected. Mevever, ir the miuite end second bande are not on the hoax, they advance until they reach the next hour. They remein stationary ou the hour until t7e reset motor 4s stopped and tne drive xctor re-starced. A reset duration of 35 seconds is toavired te advanee both hands one houx. 2. Civousiry, During normel opereticn tae "HW" relay is enersteed ond “Locked=in™ by ite own left-iend cowtact. The rightehand contact controls the cirouit to the coil cf the "TP" relay, which is open during norgal operation, thereby preventing resetting of the seccndary clocks Tf a power fatlure occurs: 8, The "N" relay de-energizes due to loss of 2k volt pever. b. When pover is restored, the secondary clocks still centinne since the "I" relay is still dc-energized. fn the 59th minute, 12th second of the cene hour, the Rout Suiteh actuates. nis dees not effect the system unt!] the 25 Second Contact closes. @. At the 59th wimute, 2¢Lh second, both the Hour Switch and the 35 Becond Contact will have actunted, sllowing current to flow to the "J" relay. Tne Cireuit is from the tranaformer vis T-10, 7 thru the 35 Second Contact, the Hour Switch, the de-energized con~ tacts of the "R" relay, via P-11, thru the normally closed contacte = - of the Manual Reset Switch, thru the coll of the "E" relay, and beck : to the trensforer. a a e. As the "f™ relay energizes, current flows from the 120 vac ° source, thru the paralleled contact of the "I" relay, te 1R, aR and JR, and hense te ajl secondary reset motors. At the seme time, energizing the "T" reley opens the circuit to all drive motors. f. At the 60th mimite, G second, the 1 Sccond Contact closes, allowing current to flow to the coil of the "N! relay. The cirenit is fron the transformer, via T-10 to tine 35 Second Contact, the Hour Suitch, and the 1 Second Contest, thra the coil of the “N" relay end via 7-9 to the transformer. This one second impulse uomenterily energizes the "i" relay. The cireuit is nov complete frem the transformer, via T-10, thru + the 12th Hour Syiteh, the left-hand contacts of the "N" rely, thra the coil of the "N* relay, vie [-9 to the transformer, thereby locking-in the "i" relay by ucsns of its own contect, g. Ab the €0 minute, let second} the 35 Second Centect trensfers, opening the "I" relay coil circuit, returning the system te normal "arive". During she shove 35 Seconds 211 clocks advance uz to ‘55 minutes, ~ FIGURE 2 "HOURLY RESET CIRCUTE" DRAWING D. Secondary Clock Twelfth Kour Reset Gnerntion. Twelfth Hour Reset occurs oreo Every SueLve hos, Eelusen O00 mt EGO giclee, 1. Qpevation, ‘he Master Clock aynehronizes all secondary elacks tuat ure fast Gr slow. During this time both drive and rooet motors operate. Secondaries that are “on time" arc nak affected - due to a special lock-out mectenisa. All other clocks advance one hour st @ time until all read between 5:00 and 6:00 o'clock. When a partiewler secondary reaches between 5:09 - 6:00 o'clock its Lock-oxt mechanion stopa the rapid odvencing woile the other clocks io the system continue to advance tovard the 5:00 ~ 6:00 hour. ALL clocks reaching the 5:00 - 6:00 honr continue to drive ab nema speed. A correction duration of sixteen minutes 1s required to % advance a secondary clock twelve hours. Bince some of secondary clocks reach the 5:00 - 6:00 tour before otsers, there is a enol time differencs - clays leas then 55 wimites - Betueen the various secondary clocks, At 6:00 o'clock an Hourty Hecet synchronizes ell of the second, minute and acur hands in the system. 8. Cirouitry. Onee avery twelve hours - at 4:45 = the calendar advence lever rises on its cen and transfers the 1¢th Zour Svitch, thereby breaking the circuit to the coil of the "N" relay. ‘Tais action does nov change the operation of system until the next contect sequence as follovs: Q. Gn the 59th mimte, 12th seeond, gf te kth hour, the Hour Switch actuates, This action foes nok effect he system util the "35 Second Contact closea, db. At the Sth hour, 59th minute 26th second both the Hour Switch and the 35 Second Contact will have ectivated, alloving eurrent to flow to the "2" relay, causing ac Hourly Corzecticn. The eireuit is from the transformer Via T-10, thru the 35 Second Gontact, the Hour Switch, the de-energized right hand contacts of the "W" relay, vis T-1l, thru the normally closed cdutact of the Manual Reset Switen, thru the ceil of the "P" relay, and beck to the transformer. ¢. "Ae the "D" relay energizes, current flows from the 120 volt source, through the paralleled contacts of the "I" relay, to IR, 2 and 3R and hense to ali secondary reset actors. a, “At the Sth nour, 6 minute, Ist second, the 35 Second Coutect deactivates, opening the "t"" relay soil and returning the sycten to normal “drive”. €. At the Sth Hour, 12th minute, the 16 Minute Switch closes, ellowing current to flow to the "K" relay. Whe curcuit is from the transformer via T-10, thru the actuated 12th Hour Switch, thru the actuated 15 Minute Switch and via T-3 to the coil of the "X" relay aud beck to the transformer. f£. As the "KX" relay energizes, current flows from the 120 volt source, through the paralleled coutacts of the "K" relay, to IR, ®R and 3R, and hense to all eecondary reset motors. Since the mt" relay is still de-ecergized, current also flows to ell secondary drive motors. Al2 clocks now advenee to the 5:00 - 6:60 hour. g. At the Sth hour, @8th minute, O second, the 16 Minute Sviteh desetustes, ozening tue "K" relay coil end returning the system to normal “ariva". ALL clocks are now between §:00 and 5:28, h. At the 5th hour, 59th wimute, 26th second, both the Hour Bvitch ané the 35 Second Contact will nave actuated allowing current to flow to the "I" relay, thereby causing en Rourly Correetion tp oceur, vaich brings #11 secondaries uz lo the correct, time. he elreuitry is as fescribed in e. end b. above. i, At the 6th hour, O minute, 0 second, the 12ta leur Switch ra gloses suttinc up o eirowit from the transformer via T=10, thru th ‘let Hour Bviten, to the Left cantesh of bas ANF Gem e O the ds. At approximately the sane time, the 1 Second Contact closes, ~ allowing current to flow to the coil of the "N" relay. The’ te eireuit ic trom the transformer, via ‘T-10 to the 35 Second Contsst, the Hour Svitch, and the 1 Seconé Contact, thra . the coil ef the "N" relay and via 1-9 to the trencformer, X. This one second impwler aomentarily energizes the "N" relay. The circuit set up iz i. above, vill now be complete thru the left contact of the “W" relay, thru tne co of the “n" relay and via T+9 to the transformer, therevy locking in tne "HW" relay via its own contact. he °N" relay remains locked-in until a rower fatlure gecurd, or until the pext Twelrtn Hour Reset FIGURE 3 "28SH NOUR RESHE CTRCULE" DRAWING TIL, TESEING AND PROVBLESHOOTING TLE DRIVE AND RWSET CIRCUTTS OF THE MASTER CLOGx, (The Master Clock motor shall be left running unless othervise specified.) A, Uourly Correction Test: 1, Gain accesa to the terminal strips of the Master Clock=by removing the plate on the front of the reley compartment. (love teat vertical ~ terminul strip "I" is used only for connecttons betwedn the relay compartment end the couponents oa the door.) 2. “Tura toggle awitch "A" (located at the topeleft of tie relay congartuent) to the left (the “off” position). ‘Taig stops the secondary clocks and de-energizes ell relaya (including the "N" relay). 3, Remove e13 building wires trom the terminals marked IR, 2R and BR. 4, Connect @ voltmeter (120 volt A.C, range) between any of the terminals (removed in 2 ebove) and one of the +b (comeon) terminels. 5. Manually set the Master Glock to 5 minutes before the next kowr 17 ueiox the Erurled Imoe on the calenés? drum. . 6. Gurn toggle awiteh “AN to the "on™ position, T. Wotea the voltmeter aa the Mester Clock epproaches tze hour 8. Thert should be ne reading on the meter during the sth minute, ~ . Simultaneously with the closing of the 35 Second Contact on the goth wimute, 2 reading should eppear on the weter. This reading Should be constant. b. During the bine that the 35 Second Contact is closed, remove ‘the voltmeter probe fro te particular "B" terminal to weich it ‘was connected and aommatarils touch it to cue of the terminals marked 10, 20, or 30, Wo reading should appear. Jeglace tne probe . on the "R" ternal to which it wes orginally counected, . On the S0th minute, the dcor should euergize and loc! NW" relay on the Master Clock win vie its own contact. 4, Tce “O” relay, which was energized for the 35 Second reect period, should de-energize end revove the voltage from the ‘ AR, =R, and 38 terminals. &. Continue observing the voltmeter during the entire Goth mioute. No voltage reading should appear on the ucter. 8. age: of Hourly Govrection Test; IZ the moter readings observed gre Titers than those Gescribéd cbove, further teste and adjustments Should Ye wede on... , . The Hour Acro Sutter, ‘D. the Thirty-Five Second contact. . c. The "H" Relay Contests a. The "9" Reley Contacts, @. ‘The One Second Contact. All of these components effect the Hourly Correction efreuit and gust be vorking properly before further tecta are made. Refer to the Grewings in this manual to more clearly ungeretand the circuits. 2B. TZuE ZouR.Comprorroy SEAT, TAELFTH OUR. ConrRonon TEST, i, Advones the aster Clock to 4:00 an@ slowly (1) ccntinue ’ sévanzing until the "N" relay on the door de-energives. Tnia should happea detveen Bho ané 4:50 (ideal time Wrh5). If the yelay faiis to devenergine, adiuet tae 12th Hour Micro Seitch until the "y" velsy opsns at the propor time. 2. Advance the Mester Clock to 5:10 slovly (1), at 5:12, relay "K* should energize and a reading should re-appear on the volometer, This is the start of the 16 ainute reset cycle. During thie time there, Should also be a reading between the terminal and the 10,20 em 30 terminals. 3.| Slowly advance the Mester Clock to°$:27, at 5:28 the "K" Relay showld devensrgize and reaove the voltage fron the IR, 2K, and 3R terminals, Voltage stould remain on 2¢, 20 and 30 terniaals. : 4. Anolypis of twelfth Hour Correction: Tf the results of the oneerven ~ ‘Boone ef tests B. and 3. above are different tnan those indieated, adjust the 16 Minute Micre Switch until the proper results ave gbteined. Repeat tests 2. end 3. coveral tines. If the miero switenes do not uetuate et the save tine during each test, # faulty miere seiten 46 indteated. NOME: ' DO ROP USE A PENCIL Ox SREVORIVER 1 ACTUATR Exe uxcEo . SNECHAS, AG THIS COULD ChUSY A "GOOD" INDECATION ROM A FAULTY OR EWERATIEMT MICRO, THESE EVTICHES MUD BE WORKED SLOWLY BY MIR OH CANS AND SERINGS.4O OBTAIN A TRUE TEST F TV, MASTER Clock PROGRAMING AL Operation. - The functica of the Frogran circuit. te te automatically cotuate program Sigasls et predetermined times and in different locations. This is done macnanicelly and electrically, : 1. Mechanical, ‘The progran tapes ere driven bythe sprocket dram waich makes onc revolution per hour. The progren fingers ride on the program tay, over the numbered "tine rectangles". The tape is positioned so that the point of the progran finger waich touches ‘the taps corresronds to the time sown on the fave cf the Master Clock. : A calendar drum (iccated above the sprocket drum) is diviied énto Ih day-night positions. Tt 4s rotated one position each 12 hours by a cewoperated cSlendsr drum advance lever. hen @ pin ia inserted in ¢ particular ponition it will litt the program finger off the tape for 12 hewra. Tm thie woy a complete 7 dey schedule {A. M. and P. M.) can be programed using the tapes end pins on the calendar dram, . 2. Electiigel: A contact bar 1s positioned under the proeram tapes, et the point where the program tapes make contact with the preeraa fingers. ‘The tepes act es insulators between the fingers and the contact bar uniess ome or wore of the mubered rectangles has beea yunched oui, When a bole passes the coutact bar, electricel connection is, xade Zor approximately 0 seconds. During this $0 seconds a ean- 4 qporated contact (wich closes fcr 5 seconds each minute) in series with ‘the program finger completes the circuit to the coil of ong of the program relays. The costects of the relay close the circuit to ‘the signaling devices. Gince the program tapes are constantly xoving, the connection between tae contect bar and the program finger is tzcken hefore the 5 Seccnd Contuct closes again (on the next minute). A nmbered eelector switch and asecclated pushbutton, as vell as on "AL1-Cali" pushbutton, are provided on the rout of the Master Clock for momual operation of tho signaling devices. On-off switches for cack program cirewt pormit 2 choice of automatic or manuel procrem operation, Testing the Program Cireults. 2. Manvel Guzration,- Tura the nusbered selector switch to each of the numbered clrouits and push the button in its center. Each of the corresponding relays su the relay compartment (mmbered from latt to right) should energize as the button is gushed. A voltneter connected nerosa the appropriate teminals shoald indicate thet pover is being sent to the signals. 2. farbomstic Cperetion, a. Turn ell 6f tne program toggle avitehes off. bi Renove ths program tayes fron the progrom machine. : ‘c, Be gure that tne calendar drum pins alloy ell of tre program Hogers to touch the contact Ler. Givtabe the cwlender drum if nruessary-) . . a. Turn the program-switehca on, one at e time. Yhe corresponding rogram relay should evezelve for approximstely 5 seconds each minute. If not, check the contacts on the 5 Second Can, and the program fingers where they mske contact with tae bar. e. Replace the progrex tapes after ell circuits have been ‘vested. f. Watch the 5 Second (duration) Cam. Ae soon as the contact closes, turn off the Mester Clock motor snd the secondary clocks. ke vight-angle bend in the program fingers should be exactly in the center of the numbered zectangle on the tape. ‘hia mexder stould agree With the reading of the face of the clock. If the fingers are not in the proper position, bend then ‘slightly until they rest in the centers of tre rectangles. ¥ Hote: The aster Clock motor switch is loceted on the motor plate, and the secondary clock on-off svitch "A", is in tae upper-left hend corney of the reley compartment. €.. Special Connections. Mheré axe many vays to comect the program signals to the Naster. Clock. Liste’ below are some of the sperish connections frequently uscd. 1. Bell Power Yoiteges. Normally the Master Clock is connected to actuate 120 volt A, C, signals, However, it ia possible to use other voltage sources to actuste signals. . ‘To do this; a. Remove and tops the wire fron terminal #8 (Bell Tower ) of the lower horlvontal termine} strip. he other end of this wire ¢ connected to a latgewire nut over the 24 yolt trensforner in the relay compartment. Db. Remove ahd tops the wire from terminal #9 (Bell Fower) of he lover horizontal terminal strip, The ether end of this ire ie comected to-terminal #i. ¢. Conucet tae new voltage source to terminals £9 and 49 (Bell Power). ®. Dividing The Bell Pover To The Circuits. When desired, one or more of the program circuits can ve used for epccial programming. “Dry contact” circuits, for sound console nee, can be provided by following the instructions eonteineg in appendix drauing $5 “Aesigning Proerem Releys To Sound Console Service.” 3. GrosaConnecting Progren Circuits. As eyplained in IV, A the function of the program circzits is te automatically actuate program signals et predetermined tines and ip different locations. “8 It is somtimes necessary to set wp two (or more) separate program schedules for the sane location. As an example, a school ney require the gym bell to ring at 12:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; end at 12:15 2 Tuesday and Thursday. Set up the evozs-consections aa follows: a. Determine, eccording to the circuits available, the number of different achedules required. Bech different schedule will require one program cirouit. b. Aaiuet the calendar drum pins so that each cdrevit well, operate the signals on the proper dey (night), while the others ere lifted off tae tape. ¢. Using @ jumper wire, cross-connect the circuits on the vertical terudnal strip in che reely compartment. (Progyan terminals are labeled 1-5/02.} Note: DO NOT MAKE CROSS-CONMECEIONS AT THE BRLISOARD. ‘The belipoard pegd are used to determine the locations where the progran circuite will aztuate the signala. ‘D, Program Scheduling: “L. Preliminary Steps. ~ Turn all prosrem circuit switches to "off" (naviag waich were Yon"). Torn the calendar drum wmtil the pine lift the program Tingcrs off of tho Yepes, The calender dma should be rotated oy meens of tne Peelendar-avum-«cvance-Lever” (or by hard i? the advence lever is too high on ite com). : Noted. Since ‘one of the micro-sviteses is controlled by tie action cf the calendar~truniever, caution mst ba exercised im using this lever, The lever may be safely operated; when switch "A" Locaved et the top left hend eomer of the control box, ia off (discomecting seconéary locks). The tape farthest from the novexent 4a for edreutt one acd two. The next tape is for ciravits three end four etc., as show. “The outer- most tape wili be removed first and replaced lect. As the tapes are removed, write the circuit number thet the taps controls in the margin of each tape at the & A.M, position. Tis will allow you to keep track of the differect circuits while the tapes are off ‘the machine. On the 2h hour memory tapes the hours from 6 P, UY. to 6 A.M. have an "N" (night schedule) after the numeral on the tape. FIGURE 4 “DRAWING 2. Rewoving The Tapes. a a. Remove the outernést tape from the floating spooks Ste 3. New unmia ene tep8 teem the } | renlaining fixed spools. - PICURE 5 ce. Zig the tapes from the sprockets on the progeun dima and remove slowly. @. Repeat his ‘protedure for tae remaining taped, : 3. Eunching A Ney Schedule. : The nly punch that may te used on memory tapes is the one supplied with the Master Clock, "sia junch azould et be need on materiel other thon tae tapes ac tre cutting edges vill be demaged. This is duportant because the program Singers can fail to cperate properly if punch holes arg not cleanly cut On the Oh nour memory tape the houré. frén 6 P.M. to 6 A. M, have an "N* (night scaedale) after the numerel on the tape. 2. Select the desired hour and minute thet the progra signal is to be sounded. : D. Holding the tepe a3 show, plece the pench over the tape 90 that tae rectentle te be punched cut 48 visible and centered tarcugh the hola ia the puneb ¢, With one motion punch out the nole 4. Repeat this operation until the entire new eehedule is completed. IF A SPACE 18 PUNCHED OUT IN BRROR, Do ROT PATOH THR HOLE-- US A iW PAPE, ‘FIGURE 5 : "DRAWING" A, Replacing The Teves. Replace the tapes in the opposite sequence from vivich trey were removed, Because the sprocket dru is atteched to the Lends of the clock, care mst be taken nat to nove the sprocket erm while replacing the tapes. Whea proverly installed. ‘the time indicated ot bre contact bar shoul: correspond with the tine on the front of the Maste? Clock, If the wprocket drum sas been woved, ‘the Master Clock will be shead of time. If the tine is advances dy only 8 few minutes, the Master Clock should be stopped by throw Ang the switch located near the master drive mctor on the clock «door, If the master has beer advanced a greot deal it vill be necessary to menually advance the Master Clock uproximately Pl hours to the correct tine, To do this; -10- A. Bhut off secondaries by throwing sviteh "A" to "ofZ™. NN b, Advance the Nester Clock by turaing tue small knob on the sprocket drum in a clockwise direction (2s you face the end of the drum). ec. Since the calendar drum has teen advanced (see. 1. Prelixinery Steps), you will have to reset the calendar drum to the correct day or night period by using the advance lever located te the right of the calendar @rur, Note: Since one of the micro-suitches 18 controlled by the action of the calendaradrum-advence-levar, cation met be extrsied in using this lever. ‘The lever nay be cafely operated; ween switeh "A" located at the top lett hand commer of the control box, is off (discomnecting secondary clocks). 4. Return switch "A" to the "on" position. 5. Binal Steps. Returo the progran eireult switches to the positions they were previously in If, duriag the replacenent cf the tepes there is any difference between the tines of the mecter and cecondaries, momentarily ohut off owiteh "A". Tois vill ellow the scconfaries te be re-set at the next hour, (Ve SECONDARY G1OCK THEORY OF OFERATTO Reference: Appendix Drawing 6: “hixploded vsew GRC Secondary Novenent* . CR-456-D ed... Appendix Drawing 7: “GRC Secondary Movement Searing", A. She Driving Mechenisn 2. he voltage for the 1 RPM driving motor is supplied Zrom the Master Clock (ae described in Section IT, WASIER CLOCK FUNCTIONS AND * OPERATION"). 2. The drive motor advances the second, minute, and bour hgnds through ‘the various intermediate gearc. 3. The drive motor runs continously exept during an Feurly Correction - (after a power failure) and during parts of the Pwelttn licur Correction eyele. B. Phe Reset Mechaniam (one Lowr). 1. When the Master Cleck transfers voltage from the secondery érive - notors, the reset motor is ectivated for 35 scecnds, ond during S this period the ellinticél cem (Figure "?) on the nctor shaft - rotstes Q contimally ; 2. She elliytical surface of the cam rides againas she roundeg gurface of the nylon voller (B) seusing the sprinualosded sevet lover (Ce to a . Move with an oseilleting notion, (Figure 7). . -u- (var. # 3-6 Refor to Figure 8.) 3. Reset pawl esseubly (8) csetliates with the sane action as (¢) Fig. #7 because of the common softs (2). FIGURE 7 . os . “SECONDARY DEANING 4, Nylon pawl: (PF) thevefore, . advances koth the seconds Tatchet wheel, (G), mimtte retehet wheal {not showa), end the corecpond= ing hengs. -e . 5. Whén.botn ratchet’ uneels have advanced to the point xtere pawl (@) falls imse the missing toot: space (H), the second end mirate Bands stop. The positicn of both hands shovld be on tne nour. 6. The reset yawl assenbly (B), - continues to asciliate until whe end of the 35 second reset period, but the deyth of the missing toot! space! (H) prevente pawl (F) from reaching the next tooti on the ratchet wheels. : SIGURE & "SBCOMDARY DRAWING" Note: If the secondary clock is “on-time” when the reset eycle veins, pavl (7) Will, ne an the missing tooth espace of the minute ratchet wheel, and only the second hand will advance. G, Tyelvth Hour Correctio: Mechanism (Rvery 12 fours). Bae Teldth Hour Correction assenblies iu the Master Cleck (see section I.), synchronize the emtize aystme twice per day. ‘This eocurs betwaon 5:60 and 6:00 o!clock. | The Twelzth Hour Correction hes a duretion of 16 minutes, begining at 5232 and ending at 5:28. 1. Qa-Pise Secondaries. Iz a secondary clock is "on-time" i automatically ‘gnores the 12% hou corrective reset as follow FIGURE 9 “SECONDARY DEAWING" a. At the end of the Hourly Reset al 5,00 the sorrective lever ({), the hour gear {5}, and ite pin (ic) are im the position shown. (Figure 9). b. Between 5:02 end 5:10 the howe gear (a) and its pen (k} have advanced Zar enough to permit the Zlat eurface of the corzec- ‘tive lever (I) to b¢ lifted : by the pin (Figure 10). HH VI. Secondary clocks moy a9 teeted Zor proper operation by resoving them fic the clock eysten, ‘The only equiyment required for this testing fe a vower cord Shes ean be plugged into € reguier wall oublet, Yais cord should at ¢, In this position nylon roller (3) 2923 not touch ellipticel cem (A) vhen the “high si is neerest the roller, hig clearance - shown as (W)~ aust be betveen 3/32 end 18 cn an iach . wrome 10 C re 1D}. ° cURE . att The clearance w) SECONDARY DRAWING mst te evident by not | Jater than 5:10 so that Fapid inpuleins of the “onwtine" secondary t6 prevented. “OfS-Time" Secondaries #12 the sixteen mimte “Qvelfta Hour Correction" begins vy starting wll of the secondary clock reset motors. a, The reset aotor drives the secondary's hands to tae next pour. Av this polnt the reset pavl drops into the missing tooth arece -(see Fig. 2) thus preventing further advancing of the nenda. b. Bluce both drive and react motors are zunaing. (See fection II, Par. D, above) the drive motor advances the gears (and henda) past the missing Louth space, enabling the repid resetting to take over again. 2) This alternating drive and reset sequence continues until the sccondary clock has reached a position betveen 5:02 and 5210 where the reset is dis-engaged by the corrective lever and the pin on the nour gear. Note: There may be e clight differosce in the time indicates. on the face cf the various (ssettered) secondaries, aie happess because esch cecondary reaches tac dis-engaging point at a aifferent tine after the beginning of the Twelfth Hour Correction cycle. 4. All seconaries vill heve reached the eorrect hour (between - 12 and 5:26) when ths cixteen imme, Master Clock controlled, reset ends at 5:28, At this point, all of the reset aotors step and the nornal drive coatinues. Xote; All of the ‘secondaries ere nov indicating the correct ucur, but canbe Several wioutes glow. €. At 9:99:25 the ourly Reset (deneribed in Gee. V, Par B) brings Ali of the secondsries up to the correct time. SECONDARY CLOCK OPERATTONST, TESTE. General, 13+ have tyo alligntor clips on the opposite end for connection to the wires af the secondary clock. 1. Reroval, Fran Tre Systen, Waen removing secondary clock from the syater, pover stiould be sae off by moving switch "A" (cn the top of the Nester Clock relay pasel) to the "oft" position. However, the clock mey be ronoved vaile“the power renaing cn by following the steps velow. (Reverse for Reconveutiay), a, Discomect the black (drsve} wire. ‘b, Disconnect the red (reset} wire. a, Disconnect the two white (common) wires. B. Hourly Correction Test. 1. Connect the power cord to the red end white wires (the two white wires mayse left comected together). Holding the clock in an upright position, plug the power eord into e wall outlet (160 volts), In the sase of Qh volt systens, a 24 volt sterdom treneforner in neeeasazy to Jowen the Line voltage, The state end second Lente should advezce at a repid rete until they reach the next 60th mime {and second). At this point they should stop advancing. 2. Analysis o? Recurte &. If the sends atop moving, but not at the 60th minute (and second), adjust either or both hands to the proper position (rotate cleck- wise only) without moving any of the geays in the movement. >. If the hends do not edvance et the rapid rate, edjust the : Pesel lever assembly (below). ©. If the Zande advance 2b the rapid rate, dub do net stop, examine the reset lever sesembly adjustnent, the reset arn itself, the nisging tooth space in the mimute roteliet wheel. eovenbiy (98-137) end the miseing tcoth space in the seconds ratchet wheel asserbly (GR-115) for any irregularities that would indicate replacensrt. + BNelfth Hour Correction test 2. Connect the black (axive) ond rea (reset) wires together. Coucect the alligetor clips of the pover cord to the blsck-res and to white wires (still comected together}. Keeping the clock in an upright position, plug the power cord into a wall outlet. This couses both the drive and reoet noters te xan simultaneously. The winute and second hands advance tc the & minute (second) snd nomestarily stop (approximately 20-90 seconds for the mizwte hend3 1 eeeond for the second hand), due to the ection of the > missing Sooth space." Bocaase the drive motor ic running, the minute ratehet wheel is driven past the missing tooth cpace. {his cesion continues to repaas incelf until the clock has passed 5:00. Soxetine before $:10, the rapid advancing stops (tha drive motor continues to evence the bands at the nome speed). 2. With the power stilt omplie® and the sane connection as used ta : G, ji gbove, manually advance the minute send to 25 mimtes suse $00 ~ Ge the elock ras uot teen atsnsseatied, remove the dust coe ane C mova the minute hené by turning tug GR-112 Interqal Wheel.) Jet the drive motor continre to sdvance the hands ai the ronal rete, Peignmite gud second hands should not resume advencing et the rapia rate weior to 5:30. : % 3s, -lemov® Power, eiecomnect the allisstor clipa, aad disconnect the Pigeit and red wizes (ecnnected togetier earlier} : 4, Analysis of Results; . - a. if the test performed in Par. 1., above, did nob tale place ab i? Mites indiosted, reacjuctmsct of the Telit Hour eset Ascunbly Ss indleatea. Zopetaucs: The Faplé edvencins of the minute and second nends ray stop anytiue from 5:03 to 5:10, but all osclilating mation of the bande mst heve ceased by 5:10. She 22 me tet im Far. 1 shows tuet tue movenent is out of adjustment, the tost outlined in Ter. 2 shovld not be atieapied. c. If the timing of the test in Par. 1 ia Broper sad the timing of the Kost am Par. 2 45 off) veplacenont of the itt Lever (OR-P75) aud/or the soar Gear (CR-281) is uececaary. t Vil. ADIVEMUENT OF SECOMARY NovEENTS. A. Reset Lever And Shaft assenbly , Reset Lever find Shaft assenbly adjectre ee naety clock Res not bees disasceubled. tae reset lever ascenty Gavuetmons can be asde acter the dust cover bas been veroved, (On eotece” type clocks fre outer cave (rim) may have to be reneved before the eajustoant van be mate. & Procedure Tor Seeondarica Menufeetursd After February 1968. | Procedure Nor Seeondartea Henutectured After Pebruary 1968. pe getotate the elliptical cem until tae nylon roller eu the reset lever assembly rests agninst e “lew point" of the car. Rote: the lox point is that point necrest to tite motor shazt, (Pe oem 82 wielble fron the riyht #286 o the novemunt, fncizg it fram the ress.) B Wegseu the Bristol set cexow. the reset pavl lever ds adjusted te rest timmy agaiust the surface of the pillar (between the trove end cee Plates) wille the ayton roller is reatang ou the lov point ot te elliptical com. 3, Tiunten the Bristol vet serev. (Se eure chat the adjuetuent is correct By Techecking the Position of the react pavl lever end the nylen relioe, -s- Procedure For Secondaries fiansfactured Hefore ebruary 1960. 1. Rotate the elliptical cam until the nylon roller on the reset lever eusembly rests egeinst a "low point” of the com. + @, Slide « #31 drill ( or similar oize metal rod ) fron the zear of ‘he novenent, into the guide holec. Note: DO NO! EXYEND THE DRILL BEYOND THE OUISIDE SURRACE CN THE RON? PIATE, SINCH THIS PREVENTS OPERATION OF THE REOBT LOVER (See Fig. #12). 3. leesen the Bristol set scres- Rajust the reset pavl lever to rest firmly ogainst the drill surfece FIGURE #11 vile the. nylon roller stil] reste on the n = Low point of the cam. ‘SECONDARY DRAWING! 4, Gighten the Bristol set ecrev. (3c sure that the edjusteent 1s correct by checking the position of the reset pawl lever end the nylox roller. : B. Qwelgth four Correction’ Acsenbiy he Zoliowing adjustment procedure is to be used wher it hes been determined ‘thet the Dvelfth Rour Correction Asseubly is cut of sdjustment or if any of the ports Listed below have been replaced. Mhe Four Gear and Sleeve (oR-281) ‘The Tnterual Yusel Assembly (oR-122) Tue Mite Bleeve (52-133) The Wiowte Drive Pav. Geer Aceenbly (GR-L34) The Minate Ratchet Wheel Assembly (68-137) Remove the dust cover frou the moveseat. @. Remove the rim and glass (See Section VIII). 3. Look down into the ncveuent from the top. Be cure they the nylon roller of the Reset Fawl Assenbly is on the flet side of the elliptical motor cum. If it is not, rotate the com by hand to one yo. of the “low points". 4. Mamally advance the minute hand in a clockwise cirection while \siching the Reset Pevl Asccubly. Within tvelve rotstions, the mimte hand of the Reset Pawl vill move tovard the nylon spscer. “Comtirme advencing the minute hang, only 4% must be done very slowly ? Stop whea the Rese? Yaul returns to its originel position (a slight click cen ° be heard). ‘ 5. Loot the GR-137 and GR-L15 gears (shown in the ebtached drawing “ono Recondary Geazing"} by placing the index finger of the left hund om the teeth and preseing toverd the canter ahett. ~ Ss ~— — = ‘ §. Nite the geors ctill locked, slip the minute hand on its shaft ina clockvise direction to the 3th minute. Release the searing. 7. Advance the minute hand (clockiise) to the next hour (vertical pasiticn). Deis is the 6:00 o'clock referenve golnt. The hour hond mey now he a4 jueted for 6:00 o'clock by rotating it elociwise to the $100 ofclozk position. 8. Menuelly advanze the minute hend (clockwise) until the Bristol set serey in the GR~137 Mime Ratchet Wheel 4s vieuble (and reachable) frou the top of the movenent. Loosen this set ecrev. OF THE ADJUSIMEND IT 18 VERY IMrorTanr THAT The minute rend 4¢ slip-fitted over the minute shaft, therefore, be sure thet the fit is, tignt before meking adjustment. a, Nanuelly edvance the minute hand to the next hour. ‘v. Tum the elliptical csa (on the reset motor) until the aylon voller of the react Linkage: rests on the higi point of tue cau. ¢. Prevent the miaute hend fron turning by ioldiog the internal wheel. “(@R-111), Note: When tae giuwte hand turns olockwice, tha GR-214 tuzas coustezelockiise, Rotate she sinwte ratchet wheel until the nylon recet pevl just falls into the missing tcotn space, 4. Wighten the Bristel set screw. Hote: Tf the nuvengut dtvmiops a slight bind afte: the Brietel seb serey is tightened (in the GR-137), Loosen the set acrev and gently move the GR-137 minute retehet waeel toward the rear cf the movewent (epproxinately 1/32 inch) without votativg it on the shaft. Rettgntes ‘the set screw and recheck for binds and accuracy of adjuctment. 10, Test the aceuzucy of the adjustment by conducting teste (under poxer) for the Zourly Cozrection and the 12th Hour Correction. gee.sectioa VI. “Operational Tests". @. Jf the mime hand does not step "on the hour” in the Hourly Gorrecticn test, repeat steps 8. aud 9, sbove (using siiy Zour), b, A tolerance le aliowed in the Tielfth Nour Correction satt: (see VI. €.). If the results indicate the tue tolerences hove not deen met, repeat the entire edjustment sbove. 2s 21, Reasseuble thé clock efter oll odjuctwente and teats & been mate. VEIT. DISKSEMELING THB SECONDARY CLOCK A. ENI-(SURZACH MOUNTED) Cuo The Her (surface Mounted) clock consists of a air (Flush Mounted) ciosk end a suap-or case. The RMP case is secured to the TT case ty meand of tour crimping ears, located mid-uey between the clipa (wi-b87) used te retain the glasé ead rim on the FMP case. caution { Rest the elock on @ padded surface, while removing SMI case. Ee aot renove che stationery KZ elips securing the glass end HA rim, : umtil the RMP case has been removed. FIQUEE 12 ‘DRAWTNS Bo vomove the TAM Cas 1. ‘Inert two spare cligs under the lip of the RM case. Bach spare elip should be located eppronimely half-way between the “eriuping ear’ end the stationary Clip. Tie hocking end of tie olip suould just eaten under the Jip of the RE case, with tne hent portion of the eLip resting on the clock backplate. 2. Bxert equal dovnvard pressure on hoth clipe with your tiuahs. T? the cese docs not snap loose, re-\nsert the elips st nother point, and re-exert pressure. he instructions for disassenbly of the FMP clock should ne fchloved © after the BMD cese has deen removed. B, FE (FLUSHED MOUETED)_3100KR. L. ub avay the four speed mute (FU-W52) securing the retaining clips (0-887) to the backplete. DO NOT AIRE? 70 RE-USE THE SPEED NUES 2. Remove the clipe, rim and gins. 3. Rewove tho tvo dust cover screws, and the dust cover. 4. Renove the second bend by gracping the second end mirnte ratchet gears (with wissing-toota space) Timmy vith the Inéex finger oF ‘ghumd on one hand, and twisting the cecond band ciockwiss vith the other hand. Caution: Do net twist the hand counter cleckwise or the bronze yatehet spring will be dsmaged. Grasp tae second nend a close to the tub 7 podzible. One to three revolutions of the hand on ite sbeft may be nacezeary before 2% comes Loose. Te the above procedure ta unsucessial, use the claps (0-387) 28 Levers under Ghe second bend hub te Lift it frem the shaft. 5. Using the sane provelure, remove the minute hand end then the Ser bend. (Again, do aot tiist hands ecunter=clockrise}. 6. Temove the two diel mounting screws end the dial, 7. Mouove the three oevews securing the xuvewent to the dial back plate, Remove the neverent, TX. RESASSEMBTING THE SECONDARY CLOCK A. Mount the movement on the diel beck plate using the three counter-amk screws. - B. Mount tre dial ueing the two dial serewe. €. Plece the hour end minute hande on the ekaft using the seme prodedure in renoving. DO NOL THIST THR HANDS COUNTE2-CLOCKWISS. D. Plsce the clock face up with the bail end of the center s2eft zectine on @ bard surface. E. Place the second hand on the center sheft, Using @ suall block of vooi, er Wood pencil, over the rub of ‘the oczond cand, tap gently until the hend is flush with the end of the center shaft. Test the Tit by gently moving the hard clockwise (while nolding the ratezet caro). Hote: 12 the secoud nand is loose, remcve it and gently peen the airfare of the Bub, vhich will slightly close the hole. R. After the novenent hes bean tected and adjusted as necessary, position the mimrte and second ratchet gars in the missing tooth epece, Turn the miaute and second hanig clockwise, (wiilc holding the gears) until they point to tie "12" on the disi, tura the hour hand to She correct hour. ~ Note: the "correct" nour is established by followiig tho procedure in section VIE'B, steps 4 and 7. . Inctall tne glass, rim, (RMT case) on the movement using new PU=I52 speed nuts. -1g- “yp Bvagly (Lasau JLVDIGNI SdWY SI [ool S3NI1 GAL10a) yanvaua [="T Sims NOILVusd0 TVWYON : . ce 3009 (fF ut, dlls WANNANSL WHUYZA YSAVOASNYAL Av13e ~ ayntivs YEMOd HOLIAS YyNOH HOLIAS yNOH Hizi| HOLUAS QBZIONINS-AVIAY,L, | ANZHLUYENOD AYTEU G3SO10-1LovINOD ‘OBSGe fe LINDHID LASSY ATENOH } E Be pt ALS WeNIbuyaL WOULNZA i ot aarMuOsSNVEL - - - ai AvTay - TH aun is 1 c woailas ae BLONIN 9! OK Geet J U Abe i: 6 : : = AY Tzu L3S3u srrct 4 TI 4UNOM HLZ HOLIAS ? HOLIAAS 2. 2 7 YACH Hizl , ® © Pg3zigw3Na — 30 - A138 ,N, Q3ZISYINF -AVI3Y yooa] | LNSWiuydOd Av Tay AB1LVALOY -HOLIMS "NIN SI § OBLVNLOY- HOLIMS YNOH HL2ZI LINDYIO LISS UNO MLZ! ® PNM OOM OCooOOY) FIGURE 4. PROGRAM TAPE(S) CONTACT BAR, FLOATING SPOCLS, DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. CALARDAR ADVANCE TEVER. FICORE 5 9. MASTER CLOCK MOTOR SWITCH, FIGURE 6 ' aoe . . RESET PawL, sy LEVER ASSEMBLY vnes [ | Bo FIGURE [1 FRONT PLATE SET SCREW FRONT RESET LEVER ASSEMBLY + RM) CLIPS CRIMPING EARS SPARE CLIPS USED AS PRY LEVERS . FIGURE 12, SECONDARY cLocK REAR view i aiavea par 'SS¥IT '@1SI4ONRES, 709 SHI, ORLOETE auVGRYIg BHE ¥ HSS} ih LY 00 [08 oo] 9 |n19 Hoot wes| s 4192 Hows Joos [22 oe | yizi HOVaN OO | 4421 teow: 4109 {HOWSH O's |,4,09) esi fes HOval] os 189 [rows OLAS "EH kovalHowall ¢o |Mowa: O82 |Hova/Hoval] o92 | Hows) Hove! [23S Se Hoya) xa! SZ |HOW3| HY 3! Hov3 |. S°2 |HOva}Hovs ‘oass SHOWS | HIS St lHovstHoush sO |How3| HOWaIH W'S] ¢ 0 [noes HOV “238.5 a u N a y y ALTER ELUTE RGTS ARAB s | Ys] ew [2 & wok Sih 4OVLNOD an SRI 340 N33ML39 SN3d0 N32M138 $35079 wad Seievd Fane Pe ADT NN Seca jaar iar aa a ‘Segue hare 1 init naan CT 34 _[ pwate BRN Pw pasate borer a Pate “Sugeye aaeconey wert rae Fate sety [RET aa oped Sea eset waren inew 2a ar

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