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Stage 2 Mathematical Methods

Folio - Investigation 1

Modelling and
development of a
mathematical model,
as there is some
confusion between
selling the items and
the profit made.

1 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Modelling and
Provides evidence of
the use of linear
techniques to
develop a
mathematical model
which is
implemented to find
some solutions to
the problem.

2 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Knowledge and
Skills and Their
Provides evidence of
use of mathematical
algorithms and
techniques (graphed
electronically) to
support finding some
correct solutions to a
complex question.

3 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Knowledge and
Skills and Their
Demonstrates some
application of
knowledge and skills
to find the wastage
of each product,
leading to mostly
accurate and
complete solutions to
the problem.

Modelling and
Provides evidence
that points to
interpretation of the
mathematical results
in the context of the
problem. The
calculations for
wastage are
completed but little
understanding of the
purpose is evident.

4 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Communication of
The range of tables
and graphs provides
evidence of mostly
accurate use of
appropriate notation
(e.g. mostly correct
format of
representations (e.g.
graphs), and
terminology (e.g.
feasible region,
objective function).

5 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

6 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Knowledge and
Skills and Their
The changes made
to the original
problem provide
evidence of
generally competent
knowledge of linear
programming and
understanding of

7 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

8 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Modelling and
interpretation of the
mathematical results
in the context of the
problem is evident
as each scenario is
investigated and
summarised here.
calculations are
completed, but no
interpretation is
provided in the
context of the

9 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Modelling and
A comparison of
amounts of wastage
is indicative of some
awareness of the
reasonableness and
possible limitations
of the results.

Additional Comments
A review of the student’s response provides evidence of:

Communication of Mathematical Information

• appropriate communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning to develop some logical

10 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012
Stage 2 Mathematical Methods
Folio - Investigation 1

Mathematical Knowledge and Mathematical Modelling and Problem-solving Communication of

Skills and Their Application Mathematical Information
Comprehensive knowledge of content and Development and effective application of mathematical Highly effective communication of
A understanding of concepts and models. mathematical ideas and reasoning
relationships. Complete, concise, and accurate solutions to mathematical to develop logical arguments.
Appropriate selection and use of problems set in applied and theoretical contexts. Proficient and accurate use of
mathematical algorithms and techniques Concise interpretation of the mathematical results in the appropriate notation,
(implemented electronically where context of the problem. representations, and terminology.
appropriate) to find efficient solutions to
In-depth understanding of the reasonableness and possible
complex questions.
limitations of the interpreted results, and recognition of
Highly effective and accurate application of assumptions made.
knowledge and skills to answer questions
Development and testing of reasonable conjectures.
set in applied and theoretical contexts.

Some depth of knowledge of content and Attempted development and appropriate application of Effective communication of
B understanding of concepts and mathematical models. mathematical ideas and reasoning
relationships. Mostly accurate and complete solutions to mathematical to develop mostly logical
Use of mathematical algorithms and problems set in applied and theoretical contexts. arguments.
techniques (implemented electronically Complete interpretation of the mathematical results in the Mostly accurate use of appropriate
where appropriate) to find some correct context of the problem. notation, representations, and
solutions to complex questions. terminology.
Some depth of understanding of the reasonableness and
Accurate application of knowledge and possible limitations of the interpreted results, and recognition
skills to answer questions set in applied and of assumptions made.
theoretical contexts.
Development and testing of some reasonable conjectures.

Generally competent knowledge of content Appropriate application of mathematical models. Appropriate communication of
C and understanding of concepts and Some accurate and generally complete solutions to mathematical ideas and reasoning
relationships. mathematical problems set in applied and theoretical to develop some logical
Use of mathematical algorithms and contexts. arguments.
techniques (implemented electronically Generally appropriate interpretation of the mathematical Use of generally appropriate
where appropriate) to find mostly correct results in the context of the problem. notation, representations, and
solutions to routine questions. terminology, with some
Some understanding of the reasonableness and possible
Generally accurate application of inaccuracies.
limitations of the interpreted results and some recognition of
knowledge and skills to answer questions assumptions made.
set in applied and theoretical contexts.
Development and testing of one or more reasonable
conje ctures.

Basic knowledge of content and some Application of a mathematical model, with partial Some appropriate communication
D understanding of concepts and effectiveness. of mathematical ideas and
relationships. Partly accurate and generally incomplete solutions to reasoning.
Some use of mathematical algorithms and mathematical problems set in applied or theoretical contexts. Some attempt to use appropriate
techniques implemented electronically Attempted interpretation of the mathematical results in the notation, representations, and
where appropriate) to find some correct context of the problem. terminology, with occasional
solutions to routine questions. accuracy.
Some awareness of the reasonableness and possible
Sometimes accurate application of limitations of the interpreted results.
knowledge and skills to answer questions
Attempted development or testing a reasonable conjecture.
set in applied or theoretical contexts.

Limited knowledge of content. Attempted application of a basic mathematical model. Attempted communication of
E Attempted use of mathematical algorithms Limited accuracy in solutions to one or more mathematical emerging mathematical ideas and
and techniques (implemented electronically problems set in applied or theoretical contexts. reasoning.
where appropriate) to find limited correct Limited attempt at interpretation of the mathematical results in Limited attempt to use appropriate
solutions to routine questions. the context of the problem. notation, representations, or
Attempted application of knowledge and terminology, and with limited
Limited awareness of the reasonableness and possible
skills to answer questions set in applied or accuracy.
limitations of the results.
theoretical contexts, with limited
Limited attempt to develop or test a conjecture.

11 of 11 Stage 2 Mathematical Methods task

Ref: A185688 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2012

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