Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain

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Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain

Paul Farquhar-Smith
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Purpose of review
Correspondence to Paul Farquhar-Smith, MA, FRCA, To discuss the importance, clinical features, possible pathology and treatments of
PhD, FFPMRCA, Department of Anaesthetics, Royal chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. Newer biological agents such as bortezomib
Marsden Hospital, Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JJ,
UK will be considered in greater detail.
Tel: +44 207 352 8171 x2727; Recent findings
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a frequent complication of
Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative common anticancer therapies. It may lead to treatment compromise, significantly adds
Care 2011, 5:1–7
to the symptom burden and interferes with quality of life of cancer survivors. Recent
investigations have identified processes involved in CIPN which may give some insight
for the development of novel treatments. CIPN induced by different anticancer therapies
may be heterogeneous and present as distinct neuropathic pains. Recent work has
focussed on the newer anticancer drugs such as bortezomib. Contemporaneous
studies have failed to find good evidence for the use of several common antineuropathic
agents and further research is required.
Painful CIPN remains under recognized and undertreated. It is an important cause of
pain during cancer treatment and is a common pain in the cancer survivor. Difficulties
in assessment and limitations in treatment contribute to management problems.
Improvements in education (patient and clinician), assessment and treatment would
potentially reduce the often debilitating effects of painful CIPN.

bortezomib, cancer pain, neuropathy, survivorship

Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 5:1–7

ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

or perception that it is not important to the

Introduction physician.
The concept of cancer survivorship is relatively new [1]. (5) Limited options for prevention and treatment.
Patients with cancer are living longer and in many cases
there is a symptom burden associated with this increased
longevity. Pain due to cancer itself is well known, but Clinical presentation
often forgotten is pain associated with cancer treatments Neurotoxicity is common with several chemotherapeutic
(e.g. surgery and chemotherapy) which may persist agents and may involve many parts of the nervous system.
long after cure or remission. Chemotherapy-induced However, peripheral sensory nerves are most commonly
peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a major source of pain affected leading to sensory abnormalities and often pain.
that interferes with activities of daily living, significantly The incidence of CIPN and pain depends on dose
reduces quality of life in cancer survivors [2] and (usually cumulative) and type of agent and is more
increases the use of NHS resources [3]. As with other common with patients with preexisting nerve damage
pain in cancer survivors, treatment of the symptoms of either from previous CIPN or from other causes (e.g.
CIPN is an area of unmet need due to the following diabetes). Symptomatology depends on the sensory fibres
reasons: affected: small fibre damage is more likely to lead to
alterations in temperature and pain, including neuro-
(1) Failure or reluctance to recognize symptoms of CIPN pathic pain and allodynia [6].
by clinicians [4]. There are several common clinical features of CIPN:
(2) Difficulties in diagnosis.
(3) No universally accepted assessment tool and lack of (1) Symptoms are predominantly sensory (although cer-
interobserver agreement [5]. tain agents cause motor and autonomic dysfunction).
(4) Patients’ reluctance in reporting symptoms either (2) Symptoms should be temporally related to chemo-
due to worries that treatment may be compromised therapy and may occur at any time during the
1751-4258 ß 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/SPC.0b013e328342f9cc

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2 Pain: cancer

Table 1 Proposed mechanisms for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy from animal models
Treatment Chemotherapy Mechanism Reference

Antisense TRPV4 Paclitaxel TRPV4 receptors [14]

Ethosuxamide Paclitaxel T-type voltage sensitive Ca channels [15]
Anti-Ca2þ Paclitaxel Decrease Ca2þ flux [16]
(TMB-8, EGTA) Vincristine
Gabapentin Paclitaxel, vincristine Binding to a2d subunit of Ca2þ channel [17]
Pregabalin Oxaliplatin (acute) [18]
IL-10 gene therapy/IL-1ra Paclitaxel Anticytokine [19]
NSAID Vincristine IL-6 [20]
COX products
Acetyl-L-carnitine Paclitaxel, vincristine unknown [21]
Cannabinoids [23]
WIN 55,212-2 Cisplatin CB receptors [24]
AM1241 Paclitaxel CB2 receptors
TTX Paclitaxel TTX sensitive Naþ channel [25]
PL37 Vincristine Inhibition of enkephalin metabolism [26]
Bradykinin antagonist Vincristine B1 B2 receptors [27]
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nitric oxide
Glutamate production inhibition Cisplatin Glutamate carboxypeptidase inhibition [28]
CB, cannabinoid; EGTA, ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid; IL, interleukin; NGF, nerve growth factor; PLC, phospholipase C; TRPV, transient receptor
potential vanilloid; TTX, tetrodotoxin.

course of chemotherapy, even after stopping (this is and play an important role in many pain states, including
also known as ‘coasting’). neuropathic pain [10]. Mitochondrial caspase activation
(3) Symptoms are usually symmetrical, but may be worse is integral to apoptosis by proteosome inhibitors such as
on one side. bortezomib [11] and has been shown to be involved in
(4) Distal parts of limbs are affected in a ‘stocking/glove’ vincristine-induced neuropathic pain [12]. Mitochondrial
distribution. Although dependent upon agent, feet dysfunction has also been postulated as an important
are often affected first. CIPN mechanism and correlates directly with pain beha-
viour [7]. Inhibition of these mitochondrial changes
Knowledge of the pathology of CIPN can aid explanation by acetyl-L-carnitine is associated with a reduction of
of symptoms and identify putative treatments. paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain [13–26,27,28]
(Table 1). Disruption of intracellular calcium regulation
is involved in bortezomib apoptosis [29] and has been
Pathology demonstrated to be important in painful CIPN [16].
Many texts suggest the mechanism of CIPN is secondary Correction of the disrupted calcium channels appears
to disruption of microtubules leading to interruption of to reduce pain behaviours [15,16,18,30].
nutrient transport causing a distal axonopathy resulting in
the ‘stocking/glove’ distribution of symptoms. However, Alteration of expression of many genes for pain mediators
in some animal models of CIPN, there is little evidence has been demonstrated in the spinal cord dorsal horn
of gross damage to nerves [7]. Furthermore, some agents after vincristine exposure [31]. These include moieties
that cause significant neuropathy and neuropathic pain involved in other types of pain, including cytokines, ion
(e.g. bortezomib) do not affect microtubules. Other channels and growth factors [31]. Deficiency of NGF is
agents that disrupt axonal transport, such as colchicine, found in early diabetic neuropathy and neuropathic pain
do not cause pain [8]. The microtubule explanation also [32]. Similarly, the degree of cisplatin-induced peripheral
does not account for acute painful toxicity of oxaliplatin nerve toxicity correlates with a reduction in NGF levels
which occurs long before any anatomical damage could [33].
Other potential important mechanisms have been
Investigation of animal models of painful CIPN have demonstrated in animal models of CIPN (Table 1).
identified mechanisms related to those involved in the
generation and maintenance of other types of neuro- Some of these are integral to the development of per-
pathic pain. Activation of mitogen-activated protein ipheral and central sensitization, processes themselves
kinases and extracellular signal-related kinases have been pivotal in neuropathic pain [34]. Abnormal spontaneous
shown to be involved in cisplatin-induced apoptosis [9] electric discharge in A and C fibres, found in neuropathic

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain Farquhar-Smith 3

Table 2 Features of certain types of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

Chemotherapy Incidence Onset time (coasting)a Duration/recovery after stopping Comments

Cisplatin 40% From 1 month, at most Some recovery in 80% patients Carboplatin less
3 months (þ) over some months/years CIPN (10–20%)
Carboplatin Mostly small fibres 28% patients symptomatic
after some years
Pain common More severe less recovery
Oxaliplatin Acute 90% cold induced Acute occurs within Acute 2–3 days Chronic CIPN similar
Chronic 30% an hour 20% limited recovery to cisplatin
Vincristine 30–40% Within 3 months (þ) In most, some recovery after 30% CIPN at 2 years
3 months
Lower limb more common More severe, less and slower
Paclitaxel 30–50% Maybe after single dose, 75% some recovery after Less common now due
>50% after second dose (þ) 6 months to changed dosing
Docetaxel Most sensory modalities Docetaxel less CIPN
CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Data taken from [6,35,36,39].
(þ) denotes presence of coasting.

pain states, occurs in vincristine-induced and paclitaxel- symptoms, and requires specialist equipment and time
induced CIPN [22]. However, although CIPN may share not always available in clinic. Although sensitive, there is
common mediators and processes with other types of little evidence that QST can provide an earlier diagnosis
neuropathic pain, the disparity in efficacy of antineuro- than patient symptom reporting [38]. Interest in mech-
pathic agents suggests mechanistic differences exist. anisms of neuropathic pain may increase the routine use
Despite the similarity of diagnostic features of CIPN of QST, but at present it remains predominantly a
secondary to different agents, sensory testing reveals that research tool.
sensory abnormalities can be quite distinct depending on
the chemotherapeutic agent [31]. This has ramifications
on potential treatment options. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral
neuropathy features of selected agents
The major groups of chemotherapy anticancer drugs
Evaluation of chemotherapy-induced include platins, vinca alkaloids, taxanes and the newer
peripheral neuropathy biological agents including bortezomib. Key features of
The diagnosis of CIPN is usually made on clinical CIPN induced by these agents is shown in Table 2
grounds. History and examination often suffices. [6,35,36,39]. A more detailed consideration is available
Neurophysiological studies may strengthen diagnosis, from the source documents of the table. Although these
but does not always reflect clinical severity [35]. The chemotherapies are important causes of CIPN, recent
assessment of CIPN is complicated by its hetero- developments have focussed on newer agents such as
geneous nature and by the multiple tools available, bortezomib. This review will concentrate on bortezomib
some of which do not have any assessment of pain. (Velcade, Janssen-Cilag, High Wycombe, UK) and the
Several grading tools are in usage including Eastern immunomodulator thalidomide.
Cooperative Oncology Group and National Cancer
Institute of Cancer Common Toxicity Criteria (N-
CIC-CTC). These tools use subjective and objective Bortezomib
methods to assess the grade of CIPN. These tools Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor licensed for the
exhibit poor interobserver agreement in grading [5]. treatment of refractory/relapsed myeloma, although has
For example, only 42% of practitioners agreed on CIPN been used for other cancer types. It is highly neurotoxic,
grading using the NCIC-CTC tool [5]. Currently, there often leading to dose reduction or even stopping treat-
is no universally accepted tool. More recent tools use ment [40]. Bortezomib causes a sensory neuropathy
patient-based evaluation (including activities of daily involving Ab, Ad and C fibres creating sensory changes
living and quality of life) and target specific types of such as elevated touch detection and heat pain thresholds
CIPN [36]. The Functional Assessment of Cancer and pain [41] (Table 3) [42,43,44,45–50]. Histological
Therapy Gynecologic Oncology Group neurotoxicity examination shows pure small fibre neuropathy and
tool fulfils many of these criteria [37]. mixed small and large fibre involvement [44].

Quantitative sensory testing (QST) allows the identifi- Up to 10% of patients present with postural hypotension
cation of fibre type involved in CIPN symptoms. How- owing to autonomic dysfunction which may also lead to
ever, QST findings do not always correlate with clinical dose reduction [51].

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4 Pain: cancer

Table 3 Features of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy in the literature

Preexisting Emergent Dose modification
Study Treatment Treatment group CIPN (grade 3/4) (stopped) Recovery (median time)

SUMMIT CREST [42] Bortezomib Refractory 81% 35% (13%) 12% (5%) 71% improve/resolution
N ¼ 239
APEX [43] N ¼ 333 Bortezomib Relapsed 67% 37% (9%) 22% (9%) 64% improve (110 days)
[44] N ¼ 64 Bortezomib First-line induction 20% 64% (3%) 30% (14%) 85% resolution (98 days)
[45] Lenalidomide, First-line induction 80% (2%) 44%
N ¼ 66 39% received
full dose
VISTA [46] BMP First-line induction 46% (13%) 43% (15%) 79% improve (1.9 months)
N ¼ 682 60% resolution (5.9 months)
[47] BMP First-line induction One time per 17% (4%) 64% resolution/improve
week (8%)
N ¼ 511 Bortezomib one Two times per 41% (16%) 66% resolution/improve
or two times week (28%) (2.3 months)
per week
RMH audit Bortezomib Refractory 47% 39% 47% (11%)
N ¼ 36 [48]
[49] N ¼ 100 retro Bortezomib Refractory 38% (6%) 53% resolution/improve
(3 months)
[50] Bortezomib Relapsed 39% 56% (22%) 14% (12%) In all, some improvement
N ¼ 78 retro More severe and longer
(grade 3/4, 8 months)
BMP, bortezomib with melphalan with prednisolone; CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; RMH Royal Marsden Hospital.

The incidence of pain is high; up to half of those with predispose to neuropathy, as many chemotherapy-naive
bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy (BIPN) suf- myeloma patients have pretreatment neuropathy [44]
fer pain [45]. One study showed 73% of patients required and lung cancer patients receiving bortezomib have less
dose modification due to BIPN, and 20% of these due to preexisting CIPN [53]. In one trial, 14% of patients with
pain [45]. Twice a week administration of bortezomib is preexisting CIPN developed at least grade 3 neuropathy
associated with an incidence of neuropathy of 28% grade compared with 4% without [42]. In another study,
3/4 compared with 8% grade 3/4 BIPN with weekly myeloma patients who received bortezomib for relapse
treatments [47]. or progression were more likely to have painful BIPN,
took longer to recover and more often resulted in a dose
Generally, BIPN exhibits the common features of other reduction compared with those for whom it was first-line
CIPN with length dependence, symmetry and dose treatment [54].
dependence. Onset occurs at any time after treatment,
but usually after the second cycle. Most BIPN develops Recovery is variable and appears to follow two main
before the fifth cycle. Some authors have suggested that patterns. As many as 80% of patients may become
‘coasting’ (development of BIPN after treatment has asymptomatic after stopping bortezomib (at around
ceased) does not occur in BIPN, but we have reported 3–4 months) [55], but there appears to be a more severe
‘coasting’ in 8% of patients [48]. group of patients in whom recovery is limited and
delayed (Table 3).
The incidence of worsening or emergent neuropathy is
high, although it varies between trials (Table 3).
Increasing awareness and surveillance of neuropathy Thalidomide is used as an immunomodulatory agent in
leading to earlier dose modification in some studies myeloma. It acts by antiangiogenesis through TNFa.
may account for differences in BIPN. In patients who It causes a sensory length-dependent neuropathy.
had a dose reduction owing to BIPN, 68% had resolution Sensory loss and painful paraesthesias occur in 20–
compared with 47% who did not have a dose reduction 70% of patients [56]. Unlike other CIPN, its incidence
[43]. Dose reduction may also protect against develop- is related to daily dose and not cumulative dose [56]
ment of higher grade toxicities [50] which is more likely and there is less capacity for recovery [35]. Thalido-
to recover [43]. Close neurological monitoring can mide is frequently the cause of preexisting neuropathy
reduce the incidence of BIPN [52]. in patients receiving bortezomib and may increase
incidence and severity of BIPN [42,49]. Paradoxically,
Preexisting neuropathy is common due to previous neu- there is some evidence that thalidomide may be pro-
rotoxic chemotherapy. However, myeloma itself may tective for the development of BIPN [50], perhaps by

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Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain Farquhar-Smith 5

immunomodulation or causing preexisting neuropathy nized. Assessment is hindered by the lack of consensus
resulting in earlier dose modification. and by differences in the underlying pathologies and
presentations of CIPN. The use of the antimyeloma
agent bortezomib has led to BIPN becoming more preva-
Treatment and prevention lent and is associated with increased pain morbidity for
Many types of preventive strategies have been tried to these patients during treatment and into survivorship.
reduce CIPN. Any protective strategy should not com- Although investigation into the pathology of CIPN has
promise anticancer efficacy. Although there are some data identified potential therapeutic strategies, there is lim-
that suggest modest benefits for certain substances for ited evidence for pharmacological prevention and treat-
certain types of CIPN [57], it is difficult to recommend ment of CIPN. Treatments are based on current neuro-
routine use of any protective treatment. Vitamin E is pathic pain guidelines. Future investigation into the
most widely used and has some evidence for reduction in processes that differentiate painful CIPN from other
neuropathy after cisplatin and paclitaxel [58]. neuropathic pain, and more clinical studies, may provide
enhanced treatment possibilities.
There have been many putative targets gleaned from
animal studies for CIPN treatment, yet there is scarce
evidence for effective treatment. First-line drugs for References and recommended reading
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