PTC - Part B Engineering Design and Construction Aspects

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PUBLIC TRANSPORT CORPORATION |_ENG-AD-STD-0001 INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION VERSION 2.0) GENERAL CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT AT RAILWAYS LOCATIONS PART B - ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (cont'd) 7.0 PIER DESIGNIPROTECTION Where possible, rail crossings and developments should be constructed as a single clear span between abutments over railway tracks. Piers between tracks will only be considered where there is no alternative. To limit damage by the redirection and deflection of railway equipment, piers supporting bridges over railways and with a clear distance of less than 8.0 metres from the centreline of a railway track shall be protected by a reinforced concrete crash wall or be of heavy construction in accordance with the following:~ . (@ ——_ Abutments and piers adjacent to tracks shall be designed to resist the loads specified in Clause 2.6.3 of the 1992 Austroads Bridge Design Code where they are located within 5.5 metres of the track centrefine. () For piers between 5.5 and 8.0 metres from centreline of track the reinforced concrete crash walls may not be required if piers are of heavy construction. Piers shall be considered of heavy construction if they are of reinforced concrete and have a cross-sectional area equal to or greater than that required for the crash wall, that is 2.7sq. metres, with the targer of its dimensions parallel to the track. Pier footings are to be well anchored into the ground. Pile footings or spread footings with their tops at least 1.0 metre below natural surface are deemed to comply. (c) ‘Crash wails are required for all piers within 5.5 metres of track centreline. (a) The crash wall shall be at least 750mm thick, at least 3.6 metres long and well anchored into the ground (see (b) above). {e) Crash walls for piers from 4.0 to 8.0 metres clear from the centreline of track shall have a minimum height of 2 metres above the top of rail. Piers less than 4 metres clear from the centreline of track shall have a minimum crash wall height of 3.6 metres above the top of rail ® Where columns supporting the bridging are less than 3.6 metre in length, they shall be set back at least 150mm from the face of the crash wall unless the crash wall is 3.6 metres above rail level in which case the columns can be flush with the crash wall face. (9) Crash walis shall extend at least 300mm beyond the outer most columns, parallel to the track. war Tar To Fae PUBLIC TRANSPORT CORPORATION |} ENG-AD. INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION | _version20| GENERAL CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT AT RAILWAYS LOCATIONS PART B - ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS (cont'd) (hy @ ‘Where bridge piers consist of more than one 3.6 metre long crash wall or are of heavy construction, as defined above, they shall be joined together with a reinforced concrete wall that extends to a level of at least 1.5 metres above rail, with a length of at least 12 metres and is well anchored in the ground (see (b) above). All walls shall be reinforced with a minimum of Y20 bars at 150 spacings in each direction and in each face or approved equivalent. Tay Poe

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