Module 6 Ucsp

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Castor,Al Francis B.


Activity number 4: POWER OF THREE

Upper class- People in the upper class have annual household incomes that are more than double the
national median. That's after earnings are adjusted for household size, because smaller households
require less money to maintain the same standard of living as bigger ones.

Middle class- Families who earn only enough for their family's needs like managers, small business
owners, executives, and others. They place the most value on education because it is the most essential
indicator of social position for them.

Lower class-Poor families with less than a day's income and often without proper housing.They are
reliant on their pay.

Activity number 5: FROM RAGS TO RICHES


Socorro Cancio

Born in 1923 in Sta. Cruz Laguna, Socorro Cancio had to do odd jobs as a young girl to augment the
income of her family. For instance, she peeled paper off discarded cigarettes. She was paid 5 centavos
per pack to do this. Also, her other siblings had to work in candy and bubble gum factories to help.

Her elder sister married the son of an established bookstore owner landing Socorro a job as a salesgirl in
one of the book stalls. This was her first stint with bookstores and the business of books.It seems the
young lady was destined to pursue a career related to books for soon enough she met Jose, the son of a
bookstore-business clan. Though their love was forbidden by her parents, Ms. Cancio married Jose

Jose transformed one of the branches of his family’s bookstore and renamed it National Book Store.
Success did not come to them immediately though as their first store was totally destroyed during the
war. When they decided to rebuild in Avenida, their store was caught by a storm leaving all books
worthless. Still they pursued the business, putting in tighter measures. Today, NBS (National Book Store)
is present in most big malls, and is the foremost purveyors of books in the country.

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