Lit'. I: P01iti Al

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:: 1 (2019-2023)
41 ~ ~~
t ! This Plan of Action (PoA) is aimed at implementing the goals and objectives of the I ~-
! Strategic Partnership between VietNam and Indonesia as smted in the Joint Statement 1 ~-~

~·· I between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Republic of Indonesia, issued in l iti
~~~ 1 Jakarta on 27 June 2013. !
•! To realize the Viet Nam-lndonesia Strategic Partnership in a broad-based , equal, and !~~.
: !i. mutua!ly beneficial manner, the PoA also aims to address emerging regional and global j
"' challenges over the next five years and continue the progress made under PoA 2014- lit'.
·' I 2o1s. i
I This PeA builds upon the strong cooperation between Viet Nam and Indonesia that !i ;~:.
I began in 1955 and contributes to world peace as well as regional stability and 1., ~a.
I! prosperity. ! it'"'
Viet Nam and 1.1donesia hereby endeavor to pursue cooperation in conformity with tr.eir !1
"' rights and obligatio;-,s under international law ar.d i:1 accordance with their respedve
- I ~
,. 1 I ,'·
· domestic laws, reguiations, and policies. 1
! I ~-
I~ I
1 1. P01iti~al Dialogue

• 1
i 1.1. Maintain frequent high-level excha!lge of visits between the lead8rs and officials
I r""'~~

' I of the two Governments, political parties, Parliaments and through people-to- I ::
•I people links to intensify mutual trust ar.d enhance traditional friendship and I~
, j mutually beneficial cooperation, including sharing experience on good !
I governance and promoting exchanges of the two legislative bodies. I~
:! !! ~"
,. .
i ! ~--

~ 1.2. Organize activities commemorating 10 years of Strategic Partnership in 2023,

[, I including a VietNam- Indonesia leaders meeting. 1 ,1

,, i 1.3. Con•;ene regular Joint Commission f.:-,r Bilateral Coopemtion (JCBC) meetings
1 ,,

j every two years, headed and co-chaired by the Foreigr• Ministers of ~he two 1 ~·

, ' countries at the time agreed by the two sides and alternately in the two countries, 1

, an d regular Policy Planning Dialogues between the two Government!:>. 1: ~·

~~ I,~
~ :

i 1 i
i I I ''

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2. Maritime Boundary Delimitation
Maintain positive outcomes and momentum, intensify the discussions of the
Technical Meeting and explore all mutually acceptable solutions in order to
expedite the finalization of the Exclusive Economic Zone boundary delimitation
between the two countries based on international law and practices , particu larly
the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), thus
contributing to the cooperation between the two countries.
3. Defense Cooperation
3.1. Intensify the full and effective implementation of the 2010 MoU between the
Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia on Strengthening of Cooperation between Defense
Officials and Its Related Activities and the 2017 Joint Vision Statement between
the Ministry of National Defense of Viet Nam and the Ministry of Defense of
Indonesia on Defense Activities Cooperation towards 2017-2022.

3.2. Maintain and strengthen the bilateral defense mechanisms for consultation and
cooperation including the Defense Policy Dialogue and Navy to Navy Talk to
exchange ideas, views and experience on matters of common interest in the
defense and military fields in order to establish mutual trust and enhance mutual
understanding .

3.3. Expedite the establishment of the Indonesia National Defense Forces (TN I) and
the VietNam People's Army (VPA) Staff Meeting.

3.4. Explore the possibility of establishing cooperation in defense industry in the field
of science and technology.

3.5. Enhance cooperation at all levels through , among others, exchange of visits.
exercises, education and training programs between the armed forces of the two

3.6. Promote cooperation between the air forces of VietNam and Indonesia, including
sharing experiences and exchanges of officers and cooperation on mil itary
aircraft services and maintenance.

3.7. Explore new areas of defense cooperation such as defense technology,

humanitarian assistance, and search and rescue.

3.8. Cooperate closely to strengthen the regional defense and security architecture
through strategic dialogue in multilateral mechanisms, including the ASEAN
Defense Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM-Pius.

--...........-. . . . . ; r'. "'
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II! •' ~
Security Cooperation I !

I ,
4.1. Organize Annual Dialogues between the Vice Minister of Public Security of Viet
Nam and the Deputy Chief of Indonesian National Police on a regular basis. I •
! l
4.2. Enhance dialogue, coordination and sharing of information among Government I ?i~,.

agencies, including between related law enforcement agencies, to combat II I

transnational organized crimes and implement regional arrangements to address
transnational crimes issues, such as arms smuggling , people smuggling,
I! i~
trafficking in persons, illicit drug trafficking, illicit trafficking of wi ldlife and timbe r, I ~~
and terrorism. II '
ii ..•
4.3. Collaborate and explore further cooperation on combating international I "f
economic crimes and cyber-crimes, including through exchange of best i "
I '
practices, experiences, and capacity building. This would also include utilizing ! I

the existing bilateral legal arrangements such as mutual legal assistance and i •
! ,.
extradition. l I
i ~·

4.4. Develop mechanisms for the sharing of information , experiences and best
~ I
practices as well as capacity building measures, in particular for law enforcement
personnel , through exchange of visits, training courses, workshops, and
4.5. Enhance implementation of the 2005 MoU on Cooperation on Preventing and
Combating Crimes and the 2009 Joint Declaration on Preventing and Combating If!
Transnational Crimes. Promote multilateral efforts to combat transnational
crimes through various fora and cooperation frameworks.
Drugs Control I
4.6. Establish an MoU on cooperation in controlling narcotic drugs, psychotropic I
substances, their precursors and chemicals, and drugs abuse. I
4.7. Enhance cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies and {
other related government agencies in combating the illicit production, I
manufacturing and illicit drugs trafficking and precursor chemicals in the region.
Trafficking in Persons
!! ,.,
4.8. Strengthen cooperation among law enforcement agencies to prevent and combat !
trafficking in persons, and to protect the victims of such trafficking, including by
protecting their human rights. I
3 !
~ .! I
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4.9. Establish a cooperation framework on preventing and combating trafficking in
persons, including the protection of victims of trafficking, with a view to avoid their
re-victimization as well as to enhance cooperation and coo rdination in the return
and repatriation of victims.
Coast Guard Cooperation
4.10. Enhance cooperation between the Viet Nam Coast Guard (VCG) and the Bad an
Keamanan Laut lndonesia/BAKAMLA (Indonesian Maritime Security Agency) in
implementing the 2017 Letter of Intent (LOI) between the two agencies through
capacity building and information exchange, and explore the possibility of
establishing an MoU on cooperation between the VietNam Coast Guard (VCG)
and the Badan Keamanan Laut Indonesia (BAKAMLA) .

4.11 . Establish regular consultation to discuss issues related to maritime security and
also a hotline and single point of contact to facil itate information exchange.
5. Good Governance
5.1. Encourage the implementation of the 2017 MoU between the Audit Board of the
Republic of Indonesia and the State Audit Office of the Socialist Republ ic of Viet
Nam on Cooperation on Public Sector Auditing and the 2013 MoU on
Cooperation between the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of
Indonesia and the Government Inspectorate of VietNam .

5.2. Collaborate to enhance the promotion and implementation of good governance

through regional dialogues, seminars and workshops, education and awareness
raising activities, as well as exchanges of best practices in bureaucratic reform
and other capacity building initiatives.
6. Legal and Consular Cooperation
6.1 Advance bilateral legal cooperation such as the 2013 Treaty on Mutual L.egai
Assistance in Criminal Matters, the 2013 Extradition Treaty and the 20 17 MoU
on Cooperation in the Field of Legal Affairs.

6.2 Expedite the discussion of the Plan of Action of the MoU on Cooperation in the
Field of Legal Affairs and explore possible cooperation on relevant legal matters;
continue consideration of the Agreement on Consular Notification and Ass istance

6.3 Promote contacts and dialogues at the working levels between relevant legal
officials in both countries with the view to enhancing the implementation of the
existing legal cooperation.


Maritime Cooperation
. !
Enhance maritime cooperation, including exchanging of experience in maritime
strategy building and maritime law enforcement, exploring the possibility of
establishing a consultative mechanism on matters relating to maritime affairs,
closer coordination in addressing maritime security challenges and ensuring
safety of navigation through information and intelligence sharing , promoting the
seaport and maritime transport linkage, as well as other cooperative activities as
agreed by both sides.
Trade Cooperation
Convene the Joint Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical
Cooperation (JC-ESTC) , co-chaired by the Minister of Industry and Trade of Viet
Nam and the Minister of Trade of Indonesia on a regular basis as agreed by both

Promote the implementation of the Agreed Minutes of the 71h JC-ESTC held on
12 August 2017.

Promote steady development of bilateral trade and make efforts to realize a

strong, balanced and sustainable two-way trade volume, achieve at the soonest
the bilateral trade target of USD 10 billion .

Enhance bilateral trade through trade facilitation , promotion, providing broader

market access for commodities of the two countries respectively , removing
unnecessary barriers to trade on the basis of ensuring commitments under the
ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and the WTO, full implementation
of the ASEAN Single Window and stimulation of the dialogue between business

Increase consultation and coordination among Government agencies and

enterprises in both countries to identify each country's comparative advantages
to develop mutually beneficial bilateral trade relations. Strengthen dialogue and
information exchanges on trade statistics and import - export regulations.

;8.6. Promote greater participation from all stakeholders in further improving the
effectiveness of the existing trade-related dialogue mechanisms.

Review and amend the 1990 Agreement on Economic, Scientific and Technical

Industrial Cooperation

Encourage the enterprises of both countries to conduct exchanges and enhance

industrial cooperation. Enhance productivity by promoting cooperation in
upgrading production facilities, particularly in fields of advanced technology,
green and creative industries where applicable. Promote innovation cooperation
by encouraging research on product innovation.

Intellectual Property Rights

Explore the possibility to establish an intergovernmental agreement on

cooperation on intellectual property (IP), including copyright and related rights.

Strengthen policy dialogue and exchanges in IP field, including through relevant

IP agencies or institutions in both countries and enhance joint research , capacity
building on IP such as patent, industrial design and trade mark, technical
assistance and training of IP professionals on the creation, acquisition, utilization,
commercialization, protection, management and enforcement of IP.

Encourage coordination and cooperation in relevant international fora to

establish an international legally binding instrument on the protection of genetic
resources, traditional knowledge and folklore.

Investment Cooperation

Encourage the participation of private actors and promote contacts among actors
at the local level, such as provinces and municipalities, in promoting investment
from one another or from other foreign countries. Promote the exchange of
investment data and information between the two countries.

Provide assistance for administration procedures as well as facilitate technical

for investment projects in the field of public services. Intensify two-way vis its and
exchange of information among officials and entrepreneurs so as to enhance
their familiarization with each country's investment law and regulations. Promote
quality investment for sustainable development, including high-tech industries.

Promote the implementation of regional investment agreements such as the

ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA).

12. Sustainable Marine Economy

12.1. Establish the Joint Committee on Maritime Cooperation (JCM) at the Ministerial
level on a regular basis to discuss broad-range of maritime issues, marine
scientific research, protection of marine environment and fisheries, including
efforts to combat IUU fishing . The JCM shall report to the JCBC.

12.2. Promote maritime cooperation by prioritizing sustainable maritime economy and

marine resources, marine investment schemes, marine-tourism, marine scientific
research and development related capacity building activities and environmental

12.3. Intensify efforts and measures towards responsible and sustainable fishing
practices. Enhance fisheries cooperation through, among others, exercising the
precautionary approach in sustainable fisheries management, promoting
cooperation on aquaculture best practices to improve the quality of fishery and
seafood products, facilitating business forum in marine and fisheries sector and
exploring the possibility of investment facilitation in fisheries product processing
and aquaculture.

13. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing

13.1. Implement the Joint Communique of the Voluntary International Cooperation to

Combat IUU Fishing and to Promote Fisheries Governance.

13.2. Strengthen cooperation and coordinate activities to prevent, deter and eliminate
IUU Fishing in bilateral, regional, multilateral fora, through capacity building,
information sharing and exchange of best practices in fisheries management and
fisheries-related regulation.

13.3. Develop a mechanism between relevant authorities for close and effective
coordination for the speedy repatriation and humane treatment of apprehended
crews and fishermen of such fishing vessels in conformity with national and
international law and to prevent illegal fishing activities.

13.4. Effectively implement the provisions of international instruments, bilateral and

multilateral treaties related to fisheries, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on
the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the 2009 Agreement on Port State Measures
(PSMA) to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregu lated
fishing and the International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing .

- .... . ·-· - - ~,

j -
I !13.5. Promote public awareness of conducting responsible fishing and develop i
! mechanisms for preventing further illegal fishing practices in each country's !i ~·'
fishery community and strengthen cooperation to combat illegal trade of fish and
'! !
:~I fisheries products. I


I~ 114.
Infrastructure Cooperation
j14.1. Encourage Vietnamese and Indonesian enterprises to explore various forms of
I infrastructure cooperation in an equally and mutually beneficial manner.
!14.2. Promote investment cooperation by intensifying visits and information exchange
between officials of state-owned companies, financial institutions and other
relevant agencies, encouraging financing institutions to provide more efficient

I and effective financial service of various forms on the basis of scientific

.:. j
' assessment of market operation and encouraging mutually beneficial
I cooperation among Indonesian and Vietnamese contractors, consultants and
i suppliers in the realization of infrastructure construction projects in both
i countries.

r, :
• Ii14.3.

Strengthen cooperation to improve infrastructure development in the reg ion, by


encouraging sustainable and efficient infrastructure investment th rough public
and private partnership and other modalities to mobilize private sector
~- l investment, where appropriate.
I·· I I
;15. Energy Cooperation I
&- l
··." !15.1. Promote energy cooperation, among others, through increasing policy sharing,
! best practice sharing and expanding exchanges and cooperation on energy and
energy-related sectors, especially in oil and gas, electricity, mineral and coa l,
!i ~
; i' new and renewable energy, energy efficiency, research and development, and
! .
t I '
i human resources development.
t !
!15.2. Encourage the participation of enterprises of both countries in energy exploration
and infrastructure development. Promote the implementation of the 2017 MoU
on Cooperation on the Field of Gas Utilization in the Cross Border Area of
,i' i Continental Shelf.
.1 I
...; i
Cooperation on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development
-~ !
j16.1. Enhance cooperation on efforts to jointly develop micro, small and medium
' I enterprises (MSMEs), in particular start-ups in both countries, through financing ,
,.; ! human resource development, market development and exhibitions. Encourage

active participation of Viet Nam and Indonesia's MSMEs in International Expo,
trade shows and activities to promote MSMEs of both sides to expand their

Promote consultations and coordination among all related government agencies

and enterprises in identifying areas of excellence in each country and in explori ng
future areas of cooperation and encourage experience sharing between relevant
Ministries/Agencies of the two countries on MSMEs development, including
experience on strategy building and law enforcement to facilitate the operation
and promote the competitiveness of MSMEs as well as strengthen the linkage
and cooperation among MSMEs of Viet Nam and Indonesia.

17. Agricultural Cooperation

17.1 . Convene the meeting of the Joint Committee on Agriculture to discuss future
cooperation and address emerging issues of common concern . Encourage the
implementation of the 2013 MoU on Agricultural Commodities Cooperation.

Strengthen cooperation on sanitary and phytosanitary inspection and quarantine

to facilitate trade in agricultural products, on capacity building in agriculture to
promote sustamabie and smart agricultural development, and on the sharing of
best practice in agriculture development and technology transfer.

18. Rural Development Cooperation

18.1. Implement the 2017 MoU on Rurai Development and Cooperation, including the
appointment of the designated persons in charge from the respective ministries.
Strengthen cooperation on rural flagship products to improve rural economi c
productivity, in rural community empowerment to promote self-reliant vi llage, on
the sharing of best practices in rural development cmd appropriate technology,
and on training and assistance of rura l development.

18.2. Finalize the implementing arrangement of the MoU on Rural Development and
19. Creative Economy
Promote cooperation on the field of creative economy, among others, throug h
the World Conference on Creative Economy, joint promotional events, and open
market access for the creative industry. Encourage exchanges and dialogues to
share best practices in the creation of a conducive ecosystem for actors of the
creative industry. Utilize the creative industry to enhance national economy.
~~ ~
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• l20. Connectivity Cooperation
-~~ i
4 j20.1 . Enhance contact between transport authorities and relevant companies to make
,,. !1 mutually beneficial policies in a coordinated way aiming at providing safe,
1 i
convenient and efficient transport seNices for the development of bilateral trade

.I and tourism .

; ;20.2. Enhance air connectivity and facilitate the business community in the
i ! ''
i transportation sector to open new routes to connect the major cities, in

I: particularly the capital cities, of the two countries.
I !
!20.3. Review and amend the 2002 MoU on Recognition and Training of Seafarer.


Science and Technology
Enhance cooperation on capacity building, including closer collaboration
between research and training centers of the two countries, visits among
scientific and technical personnel and joint studies and research in areas of
common interest. Enhance mutual understanding and facil itate scientific .-:

research cooperation through workshops and exchange programs of Indonesian

and Vietnamese young scientists. Facilitate exchanges and cooperation on
science and technology innovation policy, especially relating to science and
technology park planning, incubator operation and promotion of innovation and
entrepreneurship. Increase contacts and coordination among officials from the
Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam and the Ministry for Research,
Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia in developing concrete
cooperation programs. I


Education Cooperation ! ,,

r; lBasic Education I
~ :
rs 122.1. Implement the 2017 MoU on Education Cooperation. Establish the Joint Working
! ~

~ I Group on Education as mandated in the MoU on Education Cooperation. l'r ~-

r; I Substantiate the cooperation on human resources development in the two !

· countries through exchange programs of government officials from Viet Nam and !I '.
~i Indonesia to attend technical trainings or relevant workshops.
[· I
1 !Higher Education !~
;,I I
I ~ 122.2. Promote direct links for cooperation and exchanges between universities in Viet
Nam and Indonesia. Share information on higher education system and structure !~
' !! !
to promote mutual recognition of higher education diplomas. Develop a
.·~ !
! Vietnamese government scholarship program for Indonesian university students

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to study in Vietnamese universities and utilize the existing Indonesian
government scholarship program for Vietnamese university students to study in
Indonesia's universities.
Vocational training
22.3. Promote cooperation between vocational training institutions of the two countries,
including developing direct links between vocational institutions and industries in
the two countries to ensure the readiness of human resources to support the
development in the industrial sector. Encourage closer communication between
officials of the two countries in mapping the technical skills needed by industrial
sectors. Work towards building consensus in mutual recognition of skills
certificates of workers and professional qualifications of experts.
23. Cultural Cooperation
23.1. Encourage and promote the communication and cooperation on the areas of
culture and art, both tangible and intangible, including but not limited to culture
heritage preservation, and exchange of visits by culture groups, authorities and
art troupes as well as sending of art instructors to teach in art institutions.

23.2. Promote cross-sectoral consultation , coordination and people-to-people contacts

to enhance the understanding of one another's cultu re and traditions through
various media channels, exchange programs among various groups, and other
promotional means.

23.3. Make full use of scholarship programs for Vietnamese students to study the
Indonesian language and culture in Indonesian universities by the Indonesian
side and offer scholarship programs for Indonesian students to study Vietnamese
language and culture in Vietnamese universities.

23.4. Strengthen the implementation of the MoU on Cultural Cooperation between the
two countries.
24. Tourism Cooperation
24.1. Strengthen the implementation of the 1994 MoU on Tourism to increase two-way
tourist flows between VietNam and Indonesia. Encourage more Vietnamese and
Indonesian citizens to visit each other's country to realize the target of 220.000
two-way tourists by 2023.

24.2. Enhance consultation and coordination among government agencies and

businesses in the field of tourism to overcome unfavorable factors impeding
tourist exchanges, as well as encourage the networking among travel agencies
in both countries as a means to develop attractive tour packages and convene
joint promotion activities for Indonesian tourism in VietNam, and vice versa.
24.3. Encourage Vietnamese investment in Indonesia's tourism industry, particularly in
the "1 0 New Bali". Step up data sharing and information exchange concerning
outbound and inbound tourists. Enhance cooperation on capacity building and
exchanges of human resources and students in the tourism sectors. Organize
tourism exhibitions and festivals with the involvement of business communities
in both countries as well as at regional and multilateral fora .
25. Sister City
Promote dialogue, exchange of visits and sharing of experiences among local
governments, including governors and mayors. Encourage active cooperation
between local governments to utilize comparative advantages of each side.
Support cooperation between Vietnamese and Indonesian sister cities/provinces
as a means to enhance contacts and mutual understanding among the peoples
of the two countries.
26. Health Cooperation
Review and amend the 1992 MoU on Health Cooperation. Identify new areas of
priority in the field of health cooperation in each country as a means to develop
potential mutually beneficial areas of cooperation, including disease prevention
control, pharmaceutical and medical devices, health services, public health ,
health research and development, and traditional and complementary medicine.

27. People-to-People Exchange

Recognize and encourage the role of people's organizations in both countries,
including the Viet Nam - Indonesia Friendship Association and the Indonesia -
Viet Nam Friendship Association in fostering good relations, friendship and
understanding between the Vietnamese and Indonesian people; support the ir
activities in all areas, including educational and cultural exchange, aid and charity
cooperation, etc. Promote stronger ties among the peoples of the two countries
to exchange views and experiences.
28. Information and Communications Cooperation
28.1. Encourage relevant agencies to implement bilateral cooperation in the field of
information and communication through the following activities: exchanging
information and experience in state management, developing cooperation on
human resources, facilitating Vietnamese and Indonesian companies to explore
business opportunities in trading and providing ICT products and services.

28.2. Enhance cooperation in the field of information and communication, dig ital
economy through sharing experiences, exchanging journalist delegations to
explore each country's image and people, participating in international book
exhibitions organized in each country, exchanging publication materials such as
literature books, science and technology books, in order to further understand
and strengthen friendship cooperation relations between the two countries.


29.1. Strengthen coordination and cooperation in regional and international fora such
as ASEAN, East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) as well as
other ASEAN-Ied mechanisms, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC),
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), United Nations (UN) with a view to jointly
addressing and responding effectively to regional and g!obal challenges of
common concern and implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
and working towards a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious region.

29.2. Uphold the purpose and principles of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in
South East Asia (TAC) to enhance regional peace, security and prosperity as
well as to promote mutual confidence and trust among all the High Contracting
Parties. Support the full and effective implementation of ASEAN 2025: Forging
Ahead Together. Maintain and strengthen ASEAN unity, solidarity and centrality;
expand and enhance ASEAN cooperation and solidarity in the polit:cal and
security, economic, connectivity, maritime cooperation as well as social and
cultural fields. In this connection, encourage the exchange of ideas and support
for each other's initiatives in regional and multilateral fora , especially ASEAN .

29.3. Remain committed to maintaining and promoting peace and stability and the rule
of law in the South China Sea. Support the exercise of self-restraint in the
conduct of activities and avoidance of actions that may further complicate the
situation. Support the peaceful resolution of territorial and jurisdictional disputes
by peaceful means, without resorting to tne threat or use of force , in accordance
with internaticnallaw, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea ,
with full respect for legal and diplomatic processes. Reaffirm respect fo r and
commitment to the fre3dom of navigation in and overflight above the South China
Sea in accordance with inter;,ation~l law, including the 1982 UN Convention on
the Law of the Sea . Reaffirm commitment and enhance coordination to ensure
the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties
in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety and work towards the early adoption
of an effective, comprehensive and actionable Code of Conduct in the South
China Sea (COC).

- :.. .........- ..............................
Strengthen cooperation on developing an ASEAN Indo-Pacific concept which
enables ASEAN to continue its role as a primary driving force in the wider
regional architecture. The concept includes key principles such as ASEAN
centrality, openness, transparency, inclusivity, and respect for international law
while contributing to mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Strengthen the coordination of positions of the two countries in various

international organizations and support Viet Nam's role as ASEAN Chair in 2020
and her candidacy for UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation in the negotiation for the Regional

Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), with an aim to achieve a
modern, comprehensive, high-quality and mutually beneficial agreement that
allows economies of different levels of development to actively participate in and
benefit from an open, free and inclusive regional economic integration.
Funding arrangement for any activity under this Plan of Action will be determined
and agreed upon by parties of the said activity.
The Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) will review the progress
of current cooperation programs in all fields and explore as well as to recommend
potential future cooperation programs.
Done in Ha Noi on 11 September 2018 in duplicate in English language.

For the Government of

the Soci · epublic of Viet Nam

ai Tien Dung
, Chairman of the Office of the

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