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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

General Santos City

Name: SALVAN, Jan Jan D. Year & Course : 1st Year IS major in Shari’ah
Teacher: Prof. Juliet Bogador Date: October 25, 2021
Subject: GEC102 The Purposive Communication Sched.: MTh 10:30-12:00

Answer the following:

1. Illustrate the communication process through a diagram.





2. Identify possible communication blocks in the following situations:

a. interaction between a doctor and a child in pain
• Lack of privacy and background noise are potential barriers to successful communication between
doctor and child. Child ability to communicate effectively can also be affected by his/her pain, and anxiety.

3. List various channels through which personnel of your school connect with you. Which channel(s) do you
find most effective? Why?

• Smartphone
• Mobile App
• Link.
• Email
• Social Media
• Text
• Video
• Notifications and alerts

Among the list of various channels above, for me, the most effectively channel is smartphone. Because,
Smartphones or mobile phones with Internet access and other advanced features like apps, allow people to
connect with one another through email, social media and texting. This all features of smartphone can make
me easily to connect my teachers for their class discussion without having face to face communication.
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1. Slogan-Making. Based on this image, create a slogan how the knowledge of communication aids
people in communicating effectively.


2. Choose one among the communication modes and express your thoughts and feelings about the challenges
in the new normal learning environment.

• I choose the “Video” a communication modes. People are communicating through this mode of
communication in the new normal especially the students and teachers. Teachers, teach their students via
video meeting using apps like Google Meet, Zoom, Messenger Video Call, etc. For me, this mode of
communication can really helped a lot as a student, I will able to communicate and at the same time getting
new knowledge what our professor discuss even we are in the new normal learning environment. Also I see
my classmates, through video I see theirs smile, and I enjoy bonding with them. However, there is also a
problems that students and teachers experiencing through this mode of communication. Video communication
is dependent on technology, which might fail in the middle of a discussion. So, as a student I need to have a
great internet connection so I can cope up and understand in our teacher discussed.

2. Read Barriers to Communication by Shilpa Mittal at



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