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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Macabebe East District


(April 7, 2020)

The meeting for the School Faculty started at 9:15 AM to give way for the others to log in the Zoom application link but
Ma’am Almira G. Yamat wasn’t able to join due to poor connectivity.

The following were in attendance:

Edna P. Pamandanan- Grade 2 Teacher
Airalene R. Tolentino- Grade 3 Teacher
Marlene M. Aguirre- Grade 4 Teacher
Camelita M. Miranda- Grade 5 Teacher
Renato O. Silvestre- Kinder Teacher
Marilyn P. Yumul- Grade 6 Teacher
Jovy O. Ilagan- RT
Janine C. Bacani- School Head

The meeting was presided by the school head.

The following were discussed:

1. CID Tactical Plans/Short Term Plans in Lieu of the COVID- 19

⮚ ROs & SDOs were required to prepare tactical plans/short-term plans based on 5 Scenarios from Usec.
Alain Pascua: (There is a consolidated SDO Tactical Plans of the 3 functional divisions and Strategic
Framework and Directions

Scenario PPAs
Scenario 1- if ECQ is lifted on April 15 1. Wellness Program
⮚ Check physical and physiological status of members
⮚ Ensure the cleanliness/safety of workplace
⮚ Reorient members on DepEd Task Force COVID-19 Memo
25, s.2020

2. Schools Checking of Forms

( Double check Data entry/PSA)
⮚ After online, may conduct school-based checking by grade
Number of school days level ; for now it is online checking(as scheduled)
SF2 3. Division Checking of School Forms
SF 5 ⮚ Maybe conducted based on DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2018
SF10 and can be scheduled during remaining 2 weeks of April
Consistency of data entry but with the approval of the SDS (for now the stand of the
SDS is no division checking of forms)

4. Conduct of Summer Classes

⮚ SHs need to submit request letter to Ma’am Cherry,
Class program, list of learners, subjects to offer and list
of teachers to handle the subjects
⮚ Ma’am Weng expressed that learners need to pay which
become salaries of teachers, or if not, teachers would
receive service credits.
⮚ Summer may start on April 18 until May 31
⮚ Ma’am Weng commented that there are plenty of failing
students (JHS-900, SHS-349= 1,249, Elem. 5,255 ) and
it is not only in secondary that summer classes should be
conducted based on DepEd Order No.8, s.2015
⮚ Ma’am Lolet Molano commented that in the previous
years, there were no summer classes for elem. but
Ma’am Weng stressed that summer classes cover K to
⮚ Basis for retention of students is not only because he is a
non-reader but because of 3 failing marks or more.
⮚ Remedies suggested: 1) learners will have overload
subjects; 2) learners with failing marks in reading will
have one month intervention, and a recomputed grade
( Should be assess in Grade 1) will be issued after the learner was tested 3 times(?) , 3)
teachers to decide whether to promote or retain learner;
if they decide to fail a learner- he must have 3 failing
marks or more ; 4) KCEP was mentioned by Ma’am Beth
Manio, a 6 week curriculum
⮚ For learners with failing marks, overloading of subjects is
seen as remedy but it has to appear in the individual
class program of learner

5. Continuing Capability Development Program

⮚ Some trainings scheduled in April and May can be
implemented but others should be rescheduled in

6. Creation of EIE Modules/SIMS

⮚ The Regional LR teams are dong inventory on all
possible IMS for 1st grading that can be shared to all
⮚ Ma’am Ruby & LR staff will also check the other
DepEd Commons- Screen Shot- Posted platforms like DepEd commons, MISOSA modules,
(RPMS-MOVs) Div. portal and assess IMs’ alignment to the
competencies for the 1st quarter.
⮚ If there are no suitable IMS, the next step is for the
EPSs to facilitate the creation of IMs among their

7. Monitoring Alternative Work Arrangement (DepEd 43, s.

School Heads Report ⮚ SDO leaders are preparing WWP, & WWAR
⮚ School Heads to prepare Monthly Operational Plan
and Weekly Accomplishment Report
⮚ A common template will be used based on the
external quality form issued by the DO
⮚ Although, there were queries to simplify the format
same with the SDO leaders, a parallel meeting was
conducted by Districts 3 & 4 and upon consultation,
Doc Nards reaffirmed that the template shared will
be the one to be utilized. Area of Concern in the
template will be the KRAs of SHs, the needs of the
clients will be activities aligned to the KRAs. The
same template will be utilized for the
Accomplishment Report- SHs will add only Level of
TA- 1- Limited TA, thru teleconferencing, video
chat, dialogue etc. and the findings/remarks.
(Examples were provided at the next page)
⮚ SHs can’t use the template in DepEd Memo 43,
because they are not covered with it.
⮚ The MOP & WAR, will be part of MOVs for OPCRF
validation (not only salary which was mentioned by
the region, Ma’am Imelda Vallejo, Chief
Administrative Officer of the Finance Division)

Check on the teaching loads 8. TA on Class Program

Additional loads in Grade 1 for Reading ⮚ General Class Program/Teacher’s Individual Class
Remediation Program should be submitted beginning April 15
6 hours actual teaching and 2 hours for checking and approval
school related activities like home visits/ ⮚ PSDSs to check elem. and EPSs, the assigned
remedial/ mentoring etc. cluster.
MTs- technical assistance ⮚ Teleconferencing will be scheduled to discuss the
common flaws, issues on class programs
submitted before
⮚ Ma’am Anne Samson will be requested to write
down all the findings before and TA will be
April 30 final checking school conducted with sectorial managers, Sir Nats and
level/printing Ma’am Lolet
⮚ Class programs must be checked and approved
until May 30 prior to opening of classes

9. Preparation of Research and Innovation

⮚ To request EPSs to share results of analysis on
posttest in Phil-IRI English, Filipino, MTB, Project
AN for creation of innovation/appropriate action of
PSDSs and SHs
⮚ Doc Jane submitted already her innovation

10. Literacy/Numeracy Assessment

Implement School Based Literacy and ⮚ Results need to be shared to PSDSs for analysis
Numeracy Program. and action with SHs
⮚ For EPSs to prepare the next round of
assessment tools for pre-test

11. Monitoring of Different Programs

⮚ Online monitoring like ALS Aral App
⮚ Preparation of advocacy materials
⮚ Reports to be submitted like SPED etc.

12. Opening of Classes

⮚ If ECQ is lifted on April 15, then Brigada Eskwela
and Oplan Balik Eskwela can continue on May 18-
22, 25-29 respectively to ensure readiness of
schools for school opening
⮚ Enrolment can also be conducted
Scenario 2: if ECQ is extended until May ● All works will be online
15 with more area coverage ● No summer classes
● Students with failing grades will be permitted to have
● Students with failing marks will have separate schedule
● To request HEIs to accept learners with back subjects
(esp. Grade 12) & offer overload subjects
● Students with failing marks and wish to transfer will be given
overloading subject by receiving schools
Scenario 3: ECQ is extended for another ● A one week Brigada Eskwela will be conducted to ensure
month with more area coverage, and the readiness and safety of the schools
medical facilities and health frontliners are ● Learning package will be prepared by EPSs for alternative
overwhelmed (until June 15) mode of instruction
● 3 weeks for make-up classes
Scenario 4: A number of DepEd officials ● Succession Planning will be implemented
from Execom to Division Offices can no ● If the SDS is indispose, the ASDS will do the work, then the
longer function and have become chief/s
immovable (either PUIs, PUMs, infected ● If the CID Chief is immovable- Ma’am Faye Muli, Ma’am
or critical) until July 15 Cherry G. Vinluan, Ma’am Jane Valencia are next in
command based on ISO Guidelines
● CID COVID Sub-Division Task Force members: 4 sectorial
managers, Sir Nats, Ma’am Lolet, Ma’am Cherry (EPS
representative, Sir Ruel & Ma’am Ruby
Scenario 5: School Year 2020-2021 can’t ● We may follow university calendar in opening of classes
open in June 2020 ● Other universities abroad and private schools offer online
● Are we ready for this? (not all students have laptops and
internet connectivity at home)
● We await decision from CO

2. Division Skeletal Workforce

⮚ If ECQ will continue, SDS to identify skeletal workforce which will be given hazard pay
⮚ Others: work from home (DepEd Memo 43, s. 2020)

3. Initiatives of Division of Pampanga for frontliners- to facilitate these to SHs , teachers, learners like salute to
fronliners, letters, artwork etc. to be uploaded at the FB account

4. Reminders from Sec .Leonor M. Briones, DepEd Secretary & CO

7.1 DepEd not to post negative criticisms to other government agencies
7.2 Create communication task force to correct criticisms and share positive feedbacks to people
7.3 Documentary stamps- not to be reimbursed from MOOE according to Usec Annalyn M. Sevilla but this
will be discussed further by Sir Erwin to Ma’am SDS today

5. SALN Submission- CID complete

6. Issue on Graduation
⮚ Definitely no graduation for public schools; only issuance of certificates and diploma (requested dates
for graduation have already ended)
⮚ Private schools’ request for graduation may be possible, date is being agreed by parents but if
conducted, the school must abide strictly with existing directives of the government

7. Others
7.1 Are SDO Leaders/ School Heads required to do teleconferencing-? “when the need arises; they can also
use other means like Group chat, SMS, and other platforms (Ma’am Weng stressed the value of
technology- “mebiasa tamu king technology because the situation warrants it.”
7.2 Chief to prepare minutes of the meeting, to be shared to the group esp. to those who were not able to
attend the teleconferencing, because of poor connection and other valid reasons.
7.3 RPMS- MOVs

The meeting ended at 11 am, photo opportunity captured by Ma’am Jovy O. Ilagan. Posted these pictures at the
School FB account.

Prepared by:
School Head

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