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Name: Aminah Hanna B.

Maningcara BA Islamic studies Major in Shariah

GEC 102-41B

2. a. interaction between a doctor and a child in pain

a. the use of jargon. -jargon is terminology only understood by people

in a certain group. Most words in the English language are a part of
common, everyday speech, understood by almost anyone who speaks
the language. And because of this maybe the doctor will not
understand what the patient is saying.
b. Emotional barriers and taboos.- An emotional barrier is a mental
limitation that prevents you from openly communicating your
thoughts and feelings.

3. List various channels through which personnel of your school connect with you. Which channel(s) do
you find most effective? Why?

1. District and school website

2. Mobile app
3. Notifications and alerts
4. Email
5. Social Media
6. Video

- District and School website like VLE it is easy to use and shows all updates of
communication that is being shared. it helps a lot and it makes our work faster and
easier like Accessing to a subject to another without asking our teacher personally.
And also, the Videos that our professors gives us it helps a lot to understand the
lesson especially when our subject is asynchronous.



2. For me, its a face to face because other than it is highly effective, this method widens and it
helps us to understand our lessons more. for instances, when you no longer understand something on
the topic you can immediately ask it to the teacher and she can explain it to you. but now because of
pandemic the way of learning is hard and it is greatly affecting me because my way of learning is
listening and when the teacher demonstrates.

3. done

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