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TO THE 1st

1. Welcome and introduce of the teacher (Attendance)
2. Warm up
3. Sharing game: Introduce students
4. Guidelines (schedule, attendance, percentages, finals, etc.)

1. Introduction of the English Language and learning process

My name is Cristian Zapata Arboleda, I am the teacher who is going to be

developing the course with you and my email is I am very glad to share with course with you
all. So, let’s enjoy it!

2. Warm up

3. Group game
How old are you? I am 34 Years old.

I am
30 thirty
44 forty-four. Maryori Julieth.
My favorite movie is titanic and UP. Fabian Leonardo.

What? What’s your name? (love, like, house). My name is Cristian. What is
your name?
How old? How old are you? I am 34.
How? How are you?  Fine  Bad, I am not ok.

Yellow: delete
Green: connects
Blue: changes (T-D: R)

What is your favorite food? I like Italian food. Francisco Lotero.

I love Italian food.

Are you vegetarian? No.

My favorite food is fast food. Junk food. My name is Jhon.

What is your marital status?

Single. Married. Divorced. Widow (female). Widower (Male).

What do you do in your free time? I read, I watch TV and walk.

What? (Specific) What kind of tv programs do you watch?

What color is your hair? I have black hair. Nowadays, I am bald.

Heart /a/ / Hair /ei/.

What is your nationality? I am Colombian and Dominican.

What are your pets’ names?
What pets do you have?
I don’t like pets.
Not at all. I don’t have pets.
In my house in Bucaramanga I have an imaginary penny.
I don’t have money nor time.
No, I don’t like them.

In my family’s house there are dogs and cats. How many dogs and cats do you
have? Two cats and one dog.

There were some hens.

What languages can you speak?

What languages do you like?

Maryory: Spanish

Fabian: I like French.

Francisco: I speak Italian. I like English.

Jhon: I like Spanish and English.

Cristian: I speak Spanish and English. I like French and German.

What are you favorite Singer or music or musical group?

Francisco: I really like Dominican groups. Do you dance? Yes, all the time.

Fabian: I like son by four. Romantic salsa. I like Eric Clapton. I like American

Jhon: I like ballads and Salsa. I don’t like reggaeton. I hate reggaeton.
Heat: Calor.

Maryory: I like all kind of music.

Don’t break my heart.

Where? (places or locations) Where do you walk? I walk outside

in the street.

Who? Persons.

How? Manner or way. How do you study English? How are you?

How old? Age

How many people do you live with? I live with 6 people.

Live: /i/ /ai/

Live: En vivo

Live: /i/

Life: La vida. The life is beautiful.

How much is the water?

What’s your surname? My surname is Aristizabal.

What’s your full name? My full name is Jhon Aristizabal.

Can you repeat please? Where are you from? I am from Bogotá. And you? I
am from Medellín. Guatapé.

And you? / What about you?

I live in the convent.

Who? Persons.

Who do you live with?

Who is your favorite actor or actress?

4. Course structure: First level

 Introduce and talk about yourself (hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc.).
 Talk about other countries.
 Use the numbers in different contexts.
 Identify jobs and occupations.
 Talk about your family members (physical and personality).
 Make short opinions and describe places, animals, people, things, etc.

1. Process 30%
2. Speaking task 25%
3. Writing exam 20%
4. Project 25%
Speaking Task: Students are going to be involved into a conversation to
speak about the topics of the class related to their lives.

Project’s name: Who am I in the world?

1. Personal information (Students are going to talk about information related to
themselves, like: name, birth place, when were they born, hobbies and
talents, likes and dislikes, etc.)
2. Family information: Students are going to talk about their close family. They
can describe the members and talk a little about them (physical, personality,
jobs, hobbies, etc.).
3. The places I go (pictures and descriptions of the places you usually visit).
4. My vacation: Talk about one place you like for vacation and explain to the
classmates what you like about it.
5. Students are going to talk about their professions or careers. They are going
to talk about the feelings, reasons why they choose their profession/career,
the main actions of their jobs.
6. Extra: share a song that you like and say why do you like it?

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