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NF2F Exercise

Check out the diagram below on how to make a paper snowflake. There
are 6 steps involved before a paper snowflake is created (step 7). Using
the notes that you have gone through in the previous slides, describe the
process of making a paper snowflake clearly.
1. How to make a paper snowflake is shown in the diagram below. The procedure is
divided into eight major steps.
2. It all began with a square piece of paper in the early phases of the procedure.
3. Then, form a triangle by folding the paper in half diagonally.
4. Fold the paper triangle in half so that the pointy corners are facing each other.
5. The next step is to overlap the paper's right-hand pointed corner over the triangle.
6. Trim the pointy ends of the paper triangle after that.
7. The folded paper was then cut with a variety of cut outs in the final stage.
8. Finally, gently unfold the paper.

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