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Whey and Whey Products

22.1 INTRODUCTION curred prior to whey separation (hence the con-

centration of some salts varies somewhat). Most
The liquid remaining after removal of the fat cheeses are made from full-fat or partially
and casein from milk by isoelectric or rennet co- skimmed milk, and typically about 10% of the
agulation of the casein is called whey. The term fat in such milk is lost in the whey as a result of
milk serum is used for the supernatant liquid ob- the formation of free (nonglobular) fat during
tained by ultracentrifuging skimmed (fat-free) pasteurization and pumping of the milk and the
milk; 95% of the casein micelles are sedimented loss of fat globules from the curd pieces during
by ultracentrifugation at 100,000 g for 1 hr. Milk cutting and cooking. Rennet casein is produced
serum represents the aqueous phase of milk, un- from skimmed milk, and therefore the resulting
changed by the process of separation, although it whey is essentially fat-free. As discussed in
does contain small casein micelles. Chapter 6, rennet coagulation involves cleavage
The wheys prepared by isoelectric precipita- of K-casein, and the resulting macropeptides
tion or rennet coagulation are called acid whey formed are present in rennet whey. Other casein-
and sweet (rennet) whey, respectively. They dif- derived peptides may be present in whey if an
fer in composition from each other (Table 22-1) excessively proteolytic rennet substitute is used.
and from milk serum because of changes that If the rennet coagulation process is incomplete
occur during their preparation. For example, when the gel is cut, the whey may contain some
acid whey contains a much higher concentration uncoagulated casein as well as small particles of
of calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and citrate curd. The compositional data for acid and rennet
than sweet whey or milk serum owing to the so- wheys shown in Table 22-1 are typical values,
lution of the colloidal milk salts upon acidifica- although the values vary considerably.
tion. If properly prepared, acid whey should be It is apparent from Table 22-1 that whey con-
free of casein. Commercially, acid whey is usu- tains about 50% of the total solids of milk, in-
ally prepared from efficiently skimmed milk in cluding essentially all of the lactose and whey
the manufacture of acid-coagulated cheeses (see proteins (provided that the whey proteins were
Chapter 16) or acid casein and is therefore es- not denatured by heat treatment prior to coagula-
sentially free of fat, although it does contain tion), 50-100% of the milk salts (depending on
some phospholipids. Sweet whey is a byproduct whether it was produced by acid or rennet co-
of the manufacture of rennet-coagulated cheese agulation), and some fat (depending on whether
or rennet casein and its composition varies de- skimmed or whole milk was used). Thus, whey
pending on its source (e.g., pH 6.2-6.6), depend- is a valuable source of food constituents from
ing on the extent of acidification that had oc- which numerous food products are now pro-
Table 22-1 Typical Composition and pH of Whole Milk, Sweet (Rennet Casein and Cheddar Cheese)
Wheys, and Acid (Lactic and Mineral Acid) Wheys

Sweet Wheys Acid Wheys

Rennet Cheddar3 Lactic Acid Mineral Acid

Component Casein (g/L) Cheese Casein (g/L) Casein (g/L) Whole Milk (g/L)

Total solids 66.0 67.0 64.0 63.0 122.5

Total protein (N x 6.38) 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.1 33.0
Nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) 0.37 0.27 0.40 0.30
Lactose 52.0 52.0 44.0 47.0 47.0
Milk fat 0.20 3.0 0.30 0.30 35.0
Minerals (ash) 5.0 5.2 7.5 7.9 7.5
Calcium 0.50 0.40 1.6 1.4 1.2
Phosphate 1.0 0.50 2.0 2.0 2.0
Sodium 0.53 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.5
Lactate - 2.0 6.4
pH 6.4 5.9 4.6 4.7 6.7
Unseparated whey.

duced. In this chapter, the principal products often using a centrifugal separator (clarifier).
produced from whey are described briefly. The The fines are recovered as a concentrate (e.g.,
reader should refer to Sienkiewiez and Riedel 50% dry matter), which is pressed and may be
(1990) for a detailed discussion on whey and used in processed cheese or similar products.
whey utilization. Certain aspects of whey pro- Removal of fines facilitates further processing
teins are covered in Fox (1992) and certain as- of whey (e.g., by ultrafiltration).
pects of lactose and its derivatives in Fox (1997) Fat, which is typically present at a level of
and International Dairy Federation (1993). about 0.3% (w/w) in bulk cheese whey, is recov-
Traditionally, whey was regarded as a waste ered from the clarified whey using centrifugal
product and was disposed of by the cheapest separators, typically to levels of 0.07%, w/w.
possible method—fed to animals (especially The resultant whey cream (~ 50% fat) is nor-
pigs), spray irrigated onto land, dumped in wa- mally used for the manufacture of whey butter,
terways, or treated as effluent. Some whey is which is used as a food ingredient in, for ex-
still disposed of by such methods, but dumping ample, processed cheese products.
of whey is unacceptable today for environmental The phospholipids in whey exist as lipoprotein
reasons, and improved technology makes it pos- particles, which block ultrafiltration membranes,
sible to recover whey constituents in a cost-ef- reducing the flux rate of the plant. A number of
fective manner. World production of whey is methods have been developed to aggregate the
about 160 million tonnes per annum, represent- lipoprotein particles, such as by adding CaCl2 and
ing about 7 million tonnes of lactose and 1 mil- raising the pH to around 7.5. The flocculated cal-
lion tonnes of whey protein. cium phosphate-lipoprotein particles may be re-
moved by sedimentation, by centrifugation, or
22.2 CLARIFICATION OF WHEY preferably by microfiltration. The lipoproteins
have good emulsification properties and may be
The curd fines may be removed using a vi- used in a number of food applications. The clari-
brating screen separator but are removed more fied whey is subjected to further processing.
22.3 CONCENTRATED AND DRIED protein content. This may be achieved by the
WHEY PRODUCTS processes described below for the production of
whey protein products or alternatively by crys-
Whey powders have been produced for many tallizing out some of the lactose. The latter
years and have several applications in the food method involves concentrating the whey, seed-
industry, including as ingredients for bakery and ing it with lactose to induce crystallization, and
meat products and ice cream. The value of whey removing the lactose crystals by centrifugation
powders can be increased and their range of ap- or filtration. The mother liquor may or may not
plications extended by one of several process be demineralized (see Section 22.3.2) and spray-
modifications. dried to yield a protein-rich whey powder.

22.3.1 Nonhygroscopic Whey Powder 22.4 LACTOSE

Lactose, which represents about 70% of the Lactose is a sugar unique to milk (see Chapter
total solids in whey, is difficult to crystallize, and 3). Among commercially available sugars, lac-
if the lactose is not properly crystallized, the whey tose has many unusual properties:
powder is hygroscopic, making it unstable during • low solubility
storage. Nonhygroscopic whey powder is pro- • difficult to crystalize
duced by concentrating the whey to 50-60% total • a tendency to form supersaturated solutions
solids, seeding the concentrate with lactose crys-
• low sweetness
tals to induce crystallization, and, when crystalli- • low hygroscopicity when properly crystal-
zation is complete, drying the concentrate. ized
• a tendency to adsorb flavors and pigments
22.3.2 Demineralized Whey Powder
These characteristics create problems for the
One of the important applications of whey dairy industry, but methods have been devel-
solids is in the manufacture of infant formulae. oped for managing and controlling the problems.
Human milk contains more lactose (~ 7%) and In fact, some of these characteristics are ex-
less casein (~ 1% total protein and a whey ploited in the production of improved dairy
protein:casein ratio of 60:40, compared with products, such as instant milk powders and Io w-
20:80 for bovine milk) than cow milk. Many hydroscopicity icing sugar mixtures (see Fox,
modern baby formulae based on cow milk are 1997). Consequently, a substantial market has
humanized; that is, their lactose content and developed for lactose, although very small in
casein:whey protein ratio are adjusted to ap- comparison with that for sucrose (~ 250,000
proximate those in human milk. This adjustment tonnes per annum of pure lactose in comparison
is usually made by blending bovine whey and with 95 million tonnes per annum of sucrose).
skimmed milk. However, the concentration of As noted above, lactose is produced by con-
salts in bovine milk is 3-4 times higher than that centrating whey to 50-60% total solids, seeding
in human milk and places an undesirably high it with lactose crystals, and recovering of the
renal load on the baby. The problem may be re- crystals by centrifugation or filtration. If extra
solved by reducing the concentration of ions in high purity lactose is required, the first crop of
whey by electrodialysis and/or ion exchangers. crystals may be dissolved and recrystallized.
The market for lactose appears to be relatively
22.3.3 Delactosed and Delactosed- limited, but lactose can be converted, enzymati-
Demineralized Whey Powder cally, chemically, or physically, to a range of
useful derivatives:
For many food applications, it is desirable to • Lactulose (Figure 22-1). Lactulose is
use a whey product with a higher than normal formed when the glucose moiety of lactose
is isomerized to fructose by a mild alkaline globulins (mainly IgGi) and trace amounts of
treatment. Lactulose is not hydrolyzed by several proteins, especially lactotransferrin, and
(3-galactosidase in the human intestine and several enzymes (see Chapter 3). Many of these
passes to the lower intestine, where it may proteins have desirable nutritional, functional,
act as a laxative or promote the growth of and, in some cases, pharmaceutical properties.
bifidobacteria, which can have beneficial Numerous methods are available for the recov-
effects on the microbial ecology of the ery of whey proteins in toto and, more recently,
lower intestine (Figure 22-2). for the isolation of individual proteins.
• Lactitol (Figure 22-3). The carbonyl group The first and simplest of these is heat denatur-
of lactose may be reduced to an alcohol, ation and recovery of the aggregated protein,
lactitol, by chemical or electrolytic meth- known as lactalbumin. The product is insoluble,
ods. Lactitol is not hydrolyzed in the human has very poor functional properties and is used
intestine and hence may be used as a mainly in nutritional fortification of foods.
nonnutritive sweetener. It is claimed to Whey protein concentrates (WPC, 30-80%
have anticholesterolemic and anticario- protein), prepared by ultrafiltration, are widely
genic properties. Lactitol may be esterified used as functional ingredients, such as for the
with one or more fatty acids to produce a preparation of gels, foams, and emulsions (see
range of food-grade emulsiflers. Fox, 1992).
• Lactobionic acid. Lactose may be oxidized Products with a higher protein content (up to
to lactobionic acid, which may be dehy- 95%; known as whey protein isolates) have bet-
drated to lactobionic acid lactone (Figure ter functionalities and are produced by ion ex-
22—4). Both derivatives have a number of change chromatography. Alternatively, sepa-
food and industrial applications, but the rated whey is ultrafiltrated to 15% dry matter
volumes used are small. and microfiltered to remove fat. The defatted
• Glucose-galactose syrups. Lactose may be permeate is further concentrated by ultrafiltra-
hydrolyzed by (3-galactosidase (lactase) or tion and diafiltration to about 20% dry matter
by free acid or cation exchangers to pro- and spray dried. The product typically contains
duce glucose-galactose syrups, which are 92% protein, less than 0.5% fat, and 96% dry
sweeter and more soluble than lactose. matter. Since production costs are high, whey
Such syrups have several applications in protein isolates are produced on a small scale.
food products but in most cases are not cost The properties of some whey proteins make
competitive with glucose, glucose-fructose, them more suitable for certain applications than
or sucrose. others. For example, the gelation properties of (3-
• Galacto-oligosaccharides. p-galactosidase lactoglobulin are superior to those of a-lactalbu-
normally functions as a hydrolase, but un- min, but (3-lactoglobulin is less suitable for the
der certain conditions it may function as a fortification of infant formulae, since it does not
transferase, with the production of galacto- occur in human milk and many human infants
oligosaccharides (Figure 22-5) involving are allergic to it. Several methods have been de-
various bond types not digested in the hu- veloped for the fractionation of whey proteins,
man intestine. These oligosaccharides pass but most are not amenable to industrial-scale
into the large intestine, where they serve to production and none is used on a truly commer-
promote the growth of Bifidobacterium spp. cial scale. Presumably, the efficacy of these
methods will be improved, costs will probably
22.5 WHEY PROTEINS decrease, and demand will increase, and conse-
quently the fractionation of whey proteins on a
Bovine whey contains two main proteins, (3- commercial scale may become a reality.
lactoglobulin and a-lactalbumin, with lesser Some of the minor whey proteins are poten-
amounts of blood serum albumin and immuno- tially very valuable as nutraceuticals. Much in-
Pyranose form Furanose form

Figure 22-1 Chemical structure of lactulose.


Oral intake

Non-absorption and migration Not cariogenic

to large intestine

Utilization DV Bifidobacteriwn Favourable change of

intestinal microflora
Suppression of intestinal
putrefactive bacteria

Production of organic acids Suppression of production

and lowering of intestinal pH of harmful substances

Vitamin synthesis

Moderate faecal Suppression of

excretion NH3 production

Ensuring intestinal Lessening burdens

function to hepatic function

Figure 22-2 Significance of lactulose in health.

terest has focused on lactoferrin (lactotrans- The (glyco)macropeptide (GMP) produced

ferrin), which is present at a very much higher from K-casein upon the renneting of milk con-
concentration in human milk than in bovine tains no aromatic amino acids and therefore is
milk. Lactoferrin is a nonheme iron-binding suitable for patients suffering from phenylketon-
protein that has bacteriostatic and other physi- urea. It is also claimed to have several interest-
ological properties and serves as a source of bio- ing physiological effects. Methods have been
logically available iron. Because lactoferrin is developed for the preparation of GMP on a pilot
cationic at the pH of milk (at which most other scale.
milk proteins are anionic), it can be easily iso-
lated from milk or whey and has been used to
supplement infant formulae and other special di- 22.6 WHEY CHEESE
etary products.
Lactoperoxidase is also cationic at the pH of The whey proteins are recovered as soft
milk and may be readily isolated. In the presence cheese by heating a mixture of whey and skim or
of H2O2 and the thiocyanate anion, lactoperoxi- whole milk, adjusted to pH 6.0, at 9O0C. Ricotta
dase is a very effective bactericidal agent and and variants thereof, Anari and Manouri, are ex-
has been used as an additive in milk replacers for amples of this type of cheese; they are discussed
calves and piglets. in Chapters 16 and 17.
Lactitol, 4-O-p-D-galactopyranosyl-D-sorbitol

Lactitol monoester (Lactyl palmitate)

Figure 22-3 Structure of lactitol and its conversion to lactyl palmitate.
Gal ({51-*-4) GIu
I Hydrolysis

Gal + GIu
I Internal rearrangement
Gal (1—^-2) GIu
Lactose Gal (1-^-6) GIu


Gal (1-^-6) Gal

Gal (1—^6) Gal (1 —^4) GIu (6'galactosyl lactose)

Gal (1—^-3) Gal (1 —^4) GIu (3'galactosyl lactose)

Gal (l-*-6) Gal (1 -*-6) GIu

Gal (1-^-6) Gal (1 -*^6) Gal




Lactobionic acid-5-lactone

Figure 22-4 Structure of lactobionic acid and its 8- Figure 22-5 Possible reaction products from the ac-
lactone. tion of p-galactosidase on lactose.
The whey proteins are also incorporated into Maillard reaction between lactose and proteins),
some forms of Queso bianco produced from and a fudgelike consistency.
whole milk and acidified to pH 5.4 by heating at
9O0C. They may be incorporated into Quarg by 22.7 FERMENTATION PRODUCTS
using ultrafiltration technology or the Centri-
Whey process (whey is heated at 9O0C to dena- Lactose in whey or, more usually, in ultrafil-
ture the whey proteins, which are then recovered tration permeate may be used in various fermen-
by centrifugation, added to milk for the next tation processes. The most widespread of the
batch of cheese, and become incorporated into fermentation products is ethanol, which is being
the Quarg). produced on a commercial scale in several facto-
Heating milk damages or destroys its rennet ries. Other fermentation products include acetic
coagulation properties (see Chapter 6), but these acid (from ethanol), lactic acid, and propionic
properties can be restored by acidifying the acid (produced from lactic acid by Propionibac-
cheese milk or supplementing it with CaCl2. terium spp.). Lactose may also be used as a more
This approach has been proposed as a means for general fermentation substrate but is not cost-
increasing the yield of rennet-coagulated cheese competitive with sucrose in the form of molas-
but is used to a very limited extent. ses. The production of yeast biomass from whey
The whey proteins can be incorporated into fermentation has been considered but it is not
rennet-coagulated cheese by preconcentrating economical.
the milk to the total solids content of the particu-
lar variety by ultrafiltration and coagulating the 22.8 CONCLUSION
pre-cheese by rennet. This technology has been
quite successful for soft cheeses but not, to date, Whey, which contains about 50% of the total
for semi-hard or hard cheeses (see Chapter 17). solids of milk and was regarded as a waste
Finally, whey, usually mixed with whole stream until recently, can serve as the raw mate-
milk, may be concentrated by thermal evapora- rial for the production of a wide range of food
tion to about 87% solids to produce a unique products and food ingredients. Some of these are
family of cheeses, examples of which are being produced profitably on a commercial
Mysost and Gjetost (see Chapters 16 and 17). scale. It is likely that as new technologies are
These cheeses are quite different from all other developed, new and improved food ingredients
cheeses—they have a sweet taste (owing to the derived from or based on whey will be devel-
high level of lactose), a brown color (due to the oped.


Fox, P.P. (1992). Advanced dairy chemistry: Vol. 1. Proteins International Dairy Federation. (1993). Proceedings of the
(2d ed.). London: Elsevier Applied Science. IDF Workshop on Lactose Hydrolysis [Bulletin No. 289].
Fox, P.F. (1997). Advanced dairy chemistry: Vol. 3. Lactose, Brussels: Author.
water, salts and vitamins (2d ed.). London: Chapman & Sienkiewicz, T., & Riedel, C.-L. (1990). Whey and whey uti-
Hall. lization (2d ed.). Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany: Verlag
Thomas Mann.

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