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Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 192 (2019) 162906

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Original research article

Optical solitons and their shaping in a monomode optical fiber with

some inhomogeneous dispersion profiles

N. Prathapa, S. Arunprakasha, M.S. Mani Rajanb, , M. Tantawyc
Department of EEE, Anna University, Ramanathapuram 623513, India
Department of Physics, Anna University, Ramanathapuram 623513, India
Department of Basic Science, October 6 University, 6th of October City, Egypt


Keywords: In the real fiber optic communication system, the soliton transmission can be signified by non-
Optical soliton linear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with inhomogeneous coefficients. Here, the two-soliton pro-
Exponential profiles pagation have been investigated by solving the inhomogeneous NLS equation with the process of
Dispersion management Darboux transformation. According to obtained soliton solutions, variable coefficients are con-
Soliton control
sidered with different forms to study the features of solitons. Since soliton structures are mainly
vc NLS
Darboux transformation
influenced by the controlling parameters, various soliton structures are obtained for specific
choices of variable coefficients. Specifically, we adopt various exponential profiles for dispersion
coefficient. Through properly manipulating exponential profiles, non-oscillating soliton ampli-
fication, dromion-like structure, bounded soliton and parallel soliton transmissions are explored.
Results indicate that the characteristics of optical solitons are influenced by variable coefficients.
In this work, we report the analytical study on transmission features of optical solitons in in-
homogeneous optical fiber under various dispersion profiles. Obtained results are have some
theoretical guidance for experimental research on optical amplifier, soliton based optical
switches and achievement of parallel transmission of solitons.

1. Introduction

In the context of rising traffic in the optical fiber communication links, researches on the production of ultra-short optical soliton
have been attracted due to numerous applications [1–4]. Generally, soliton hold some potential values in various areas such as long-
distance fiber optic communication systems, fiber lasers and optical switching devices [5–10]. Recently, studies of soliton shaping
and management paid attention among researchers owing to potential applications in various nonlinear fiber systems [11–15]. In a
real case, GVD, SPM and the gain or loss of fiber medium can be affected by the inhomogeneous nature of the fiber. Thus, non-
linearity, dispersion and gain/loss parameters of transmission line are varying along the propagation distance z.
In recent years, the control and management of solitons in inhomogeneous fiber has been acknowledged wide attention due to
their potential values in optical technologies [16–21]. Using various cosine and sine profiles, soliton shaping has been studied in
inhomogeneous fiber system [22,23]. However, only few articles are reported on soliton structures for various exponential profiles in
the inhomogeneous fiber. In this paper, to study the properties of soliton behavior in a real inhomogeneous fiber medium, analytic
two soliton solutions are attained by employing Darboux transformation technique. Control parameters for the obtained soliton
solutions will be tailoring to shaping the soliton. Here, we study the generalized inhomogeneous NLS equation with inhomogeneous

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Mani Rajan).
Received 2 June 2019; Accepted 3 June 2019
0030-4026/ © 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
N. Prathap, et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 192 (2019) 162906

coefficients which governing the soliton transmission in an inhomogeneous fiber medium [24–27],
1 i
iqz + β (z ) qtt + γ (z )|q|2 q − G (z ) q = 0
2 2 (1)
W [γ (z ), β (z )]
G (z ) = ,
β (z ) γ (z )
W [γ (z ), β (z )] = γβz − βγz

where q (z, t) is the temporal envelope of optical pulse and z is the propagation axis along the fiber. Inhomogeneous functions β(z)
and γ(z) are related to dispersion and nonlinearity management profiles respectively and G(z) is implies the attenuation or ampli-
fication of the fiber medium. Moreover, Eq. (1) well describing the soliton propagation and shaping the soliton in inhomogeneous
fiber medium. The inhomogeneous effects can be properly tuning which has the major impact on soliton’s shape. Thus, it is necessary
to discuss the various soliton structures through soliton shaping in the inhomogeneous optical fiber. By setting control parameters, we
examine the controllability of the optical solitons with inhomogeneous dispersion for Eq. (1). To our knowledge, soliton shaping
through exponential dispersion profiles for Eq. (1) have not been constructed, which are the main tasks of our paper.

2. Lax pair for Eq. (1)

With the aid of Ablowitz–Kaup–Newell–Segur technology [28], the Lax pair associated with Eq. (1) is derived. Through Lax pair,
two soliton solutions are generated by employing Darboux transformation scheme. Hence, it is worthful to design the Lax pair for Eq.
(1) to analyze the soliton management and shaping. The linear eigenvalue representation of Eq. (1) can be written as given below:
ψt = U ψ ψz = V ψ (2)
Where ψ = (φ1, φ2 is an eigenfunction for Lax pair (3), φ1 and φ2 are both complex functions. The superscript T represents the
transpose and 2 × 2 matrices U and V takes the forms as below.
U = λJ + M
V = i β (z ) λ2 J + i β (z ) λ P +

β (z ) ⎛ 0 q ⎞
J= (10 −01), M = ⎜

γ (z ) ⎝ q* 0 ⎠

⎛ γ (z ) q q* β (z ) γ (z ) qt ⎞
⎜ β (z ) γ (z ) q * − γ (z ) q q* ⎟
⎝ t ⎠
The compatibility condition Uz − Vt + [U , V ] = 0 gives rise to Eq. (1) and λ is known as isospectral parameter which is
constant here. In the compatibility condition, brackets imply that the usual matrix commutator.

3. Darboux transformation

Once Lax pair is known, via symbolic computation, Darboux Transformation can be applied for Eq. (1) to find soliton solutions.
Consequently, Darboux transformation [29] has been employed to many nonlinear systems for obtaining multi-soliton solutions
which can be used to understand the physical significance of considered nonlinear system. Also, the Darboux transformation
formalism has been showed as an effective method to generate n-soliton solutions for many non-integrable and nonautonomous
systems. In order to discuss the soliton shaping and management, we will determine multi soliton solutions for considered Eq. (1)
with Darboux Transformation.
Here we introduce the linear eigenfunction transformation as given
ψ [1] = (λI − S ) ψ (3)
We can define S matrix as
S = HΛH−1 (4)
Where I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix and S is a nonsingular matrix.
Λ = diag (Λ1 , Λ2 ) (5)
here H is the non-singular matrix, requiring

⎛ ϕ1 − ϕ2* ⎞ λ1 0 ⎞
H=⎜ , Λ = ⎜⎛
ϕ2 ϕ1* ⎟

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 0 − λ1* ⎠

N. Prathap, et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 192 (2019) 162906

Ψt [1] = U1 Ψ [1] where U1 = λ J + P1 with

0 q1⎞
P1 = ⎜⎛ ∗ ⎟
q1 0
⎝ ⎠
We get the Darboux Transformation for Eq. (1) with following form,
P1 = P + JS − SJ (6)
It is easy to verify that if (φ1, φ2)T and (−φ2*, φ1*)T are solutions of Eq. (2) which are corresponds to the eigenvalue λ1 and − λ1*
Hence the generalized form of Darboux transformation is presented for n-soliton solution through Eq. (6) as given below,

β (z ) (λm + λm* ) ϕ1, m (λm) ϕ2,*m (λm)

qn = q + 2
γ (z )
∑ Am (7)
ϕk, m + 1 (λm + 1) = (λm + 1 + λm* ) ϕk, m (λm + 1) − (λm + λm* ) ϕk, m (λm)

Am = |ϕ1, m (λm)|2 + |ϕ2, m (λm)|2

Bm = ϕ1, m (λm + 1) ϕ1,*m (λm) + ϕ2, m (λm + 1) ϕ2,*m (λm)

where k = 1, 2…n, m = 1, 2…n and (ϕ1,1 (λ1), ϕ2,1 (λ1))T is the eigenfunction of Eq. (2) corresponding to λ1. By setting q = 0 in Eq. (7),
we can generate one-soliton solution for Eq. (1) by iterating DT once. Using the one-soliton solution as a seed solution in Eq. (7), we
can derive the two-soliton solutions to study the interaction characteristics. Thus, one can generate up to n-soliton solution for Eq. (1).

4. Analytical multi-soliton solutions

In ideal fiber, soliton cannot involve in the interaction with adjacent one in optical communication system. In real fiber, solitons
will undergo interaction due to inhomogeneous nature of the fiber medium. Therefore, this is essential to study the propagation and
interaction characteristics of two solitons for considered system (1). Through substituting the value of λ2 = α2+ i β2 and n = 2 in Eq.
(7), we can generate the two-soliton solutions for Eq. (1) by repeating the Darboux transformation two times as follows

β (z ) A
Q2 =
γ (z ) B (8)
A = a1 Cosh(θ2) Exp (i φ1) + a2 Cosh(θ2) Exp (i φ2) + i a3 (Sinh(θ2) Exp (i φ1)
− Sinh(θ1) Exp (i φ2))

B = b1 Cosh (θ1 + θ2) + b2Cosh (θ2 − θ1) + b3Cosh (φ2 − φ1)

θ1 = α1 t − α1 β1 ∫ β (z ) dz − θ10

θ2 = α2 t − α2 β2 ∫ β (z ) dz − θ20

φ1 = α1 t +
( ∫ (α12 − β12) β (z ) dz − φ10)

φ2 = α2 t +
( ∫ (α22 − β22) β (z ) dz − φ20)

a1 = 1 (α12 − α 22 + (β1 − β2)2)
α2 2
a2 = (α 2 − α12 + (β1 − β2)2)

a3 = α1 α2 (β1 − β2)

N. Prathap, et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 192 (2019) 162906

b1 = ((α1 − α2)2 + (β1 − β2)2)
b2 = ((α1 + α2)2 + (β1 − β2)2)

b3 = −α1 α2

αn and βn are respectively indicates the amplitude and velocity parameters which are directly related to real and imaginary part of
spectral parameter λn (n = 1, 2). Additionally, parameters such as phase and initial position of the solitons are determined by the
parameters φ10 and θ10 respectively.

5. Exponentially varying dispersion profiles

If the radius of core medium in a fiber can be made to vary while the refractive index profile is invariant, the dispersion coefficient
also varies along the propagation axis. If the radius of core is gradually decreasing, the contribution to waveguide dispersion increases
while total dispersion decreases and such fibers are popularly known as dispersion decreasing fibers. It can be shown that the
dispersion profiles are having significant impact on the soliton shape. Hence, the present work provides much motivational in-
formation on soliton shaping in comparison to the existing results in the available literature to investigate the soliton shaping in an
inhomogeneous fiber with nonuniform dispersion.

(i) Soliton propagation in amplifying medium

Soliton amplification [30] where the amplitude is exponentially increasing during propagation in a fiber due to gain medium. To
discuss the soliton amplification technique, dispersion coefficient is adopted as exponential profile while nonlinearity as a constant.
β (z ) = Exp (0.05z )
γ (z ) = 1 (9)

As portrayed in Fig. 1(a) & (b), non-oscillating soliton amplification without interaction have been observed along the trans-
mission line which is essential for optical fiber communication link. Besides, the amplified soliton is utterly pedestal free which makes
the amplified soliton as extraordinary stable pulse during the propagation. One soliton amplification has been investigated in in-
homogeneous waveguides through nonlinear and dispersion management [31]. Additionally, soliton structure is not destroyed while
transmitted in the fiber medium which is a key factor for loss less fiber optic-based communication line. From the Fig. 1 (a), we
conclude that the amplification takes place without noise, and optical soliton pulses can be amplified without aid of any relay device.

(ii) Dromion structure soliton

To analyzing soliton property, it may be required to assign the values for variable coefficients with controlling parameters. Here,
we assign GVD and nonlinearity coefficients as given below [32].

β (z ) = Exp (−a z 2)
γ (z ) = 1 (10)

Recently, dromion structure has been observed for attosecond soliton which can be denoted by sixth order variable coefficient
NLS equation [33]. For a = 0.07, multiple dromions have been obtained as depicted in the Fig. 2(a). Distance between dromions can

Fig. 1. (a) Transmission characteristics of solitons with control parameters are α1 = −0.47, α2 = 0.45, β1 = 0.08, β2=−0.06. (b) contour plot.

N. Prathap, et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 192 (2019) 162906

Fig. 2. (a) Transmission characteristics of solitons with control parameters are α1 = 0.27, α2 = −0.35, β1 = 0.03, β2=−0.07. (b) contour plot.

be controlled by varying the value of “a”. It implies that the controlling parameter “a” has strong influences on interaction between
dromions. Therefore, we can conclude that the dromion interaction can be managed by properly tuning the parameter a in dispersion
profile β(z). This study may useful to control dromions in an inhomogeneous fiber through dispersion management scheme.

(iii) Bounded soliton

If we adopt β(z) with the special form, two solitons are propagated in bounded state [34]. In this case, inhomogeneous profiles are
adopted as present below.

β (z ) = 1 + Exp (−0.07z 2) (11)

The two-soliton with periodic interaction has been portrayed in Fig. 3. Furthermore, from the above figures, we infer that the two
solitons are attracted and repelled each other alternately, and their central positions oscillate periodically. Meanwhile, it is inter-
estingly to noted that the amplitude of the solitons also oscillates periodical manner. Additionally, through adjusting the angle
between two solitons, particle-like behaviors of soliton interaction can be obtained with keeping their basic properties (Fig. 4).

(iv) Parallel transmission of breathing soliton

Since, parallel soliton transmission is needed for optical communication system, it is essential to discuss here. Through soliton
control, one can attained parallel transmission of solitons by considering the inhomogeneous profiles as given in [35].

β (z ) = Exp (−0.07z ) + Sin(z )

γ (z ) = 1 (12)

Fig. 3. (a) Transmission characteristics of solitons with control parameters are α1 = −0.47, α2 = 0.45, β1 = 0.08, β2=−0.06. (b) contour plot.

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Fig. 4. (a) Transmission characteristics of solitons with control parameters are α1 = −0.55, α2 = 0.45, β1 = 0.07, β2= −0.09. (b) contour plot.

On the negative z axis, we observed phase shifted breather solitons with more intense. Also, parallel transmission of breathing
solitons has been perceived along the positive z direction which is desirable for optical communication. It must be noticed that
repulsive and attraction between breathers are balanced along the positive z axis which leads to unbounded breathing behaviors.
Recently, breathing solitons and its characteristics has been studied in detail [36,37].

6. Conclusions

Nonlinear Schrödinger system with inhomogeneous functions have been considered which is used to describe the soliton pulse
propagation in an inhomogeneous monomode fiber have been discussed in this work. By employing Darboux transformation, two
soliton solutions have been obtained through constructed Lax pair. Using obtained soliton solutions, few exponential distributed fiber
control systems have been considered and the propagation characteristics of two solitons have been investigated. Specifically, the
dynamical properties of the solitons through carefully tailoring dispersion coefficient with specific values of control parameters in the
exponential profile which varying along the propagation distance have been studied. Furthermore, we wisely observe the soliton
interaction with neighboring soliton through varying control parameters in the variable coefficients. In a dispersion management
transmission system of optical fiber, the variable coefficient NLS equation with inhomogeneous functions opens the opportunity for
controlling nonlinear properties and suppress specific nonlinear effect in inhomogeneous fiber.
The study found that the soliton can be controlled through manipulating dispersion profiles in various nonuniform management
systems. While properly tailoring the dispersion profile, the transmission characteristics of solitons are different such as amplification,
compression, parallel transmission etc. These results have some significant guidance for soliton control and provide some theoretical
analysis for experimental verification.


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