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o What are examples of cultural blunders?

Cultural Blunders are commonly seen on advertisements and promotions
that may possibly mislead the public either internationally or locally. One of the
example of cultural blunders is from the article “Cultural Blunders: Brands Gone
Wrong”, the Proctor and Gamble widely known as “P&G”, is a multinational goods
corporation which is a big and smart organization also experienced cultural
blunders due to cultural differences that is not precisely researched ahead of time.
The advertisement of P&G shows a woman bathing her husband and entering the
bathroom and touching the husband, the commercial was shown in Japan which is
popular in Europe. In the point of view of the Japanese, it is considered as an
invasion in privacy, inappropriate behavior, and very poor in taste. Every
nationality has differences in terms of culture and it will reflect on the viewer’s

o What do you think are the causes of these blunders?

The causes of these blunders may really affect the performance or ratings
of the brands through these advertisements or commercial blunders that is why it
is necessary for the producers to take in considerations accurate researches in
terms of the culture and ethnicity of a nation. Cultural blunders may cause misleading
and misunderstandings of both producers and viewers, it may also lead to business
failures because of low ratings and negative feedbacks of the viewers of the
advertisements of brands especially when it is internationally known brand. It may also be
offending to some viewers especially if the translation of a brand’s tagline or phrase is
incorrect and may be translated into harmful or malicious meaning in their language. Due
to lack of research, it may have a negative impact towards the viewers because it could
be a barrier to a brand’s continuous production, the issues may wholistically reflect to
false advertising also because of the misleading information, consumers may perceive
the brand as unworthy. Both consumers and potential consumers may feel that the brand
is betraying them, and it may end into market failure or basically ruining of business.

o How do you think blunders affect communication?

From my own perspective, blunders affect communication by means of the
wrong translations and lack of researches regarding the different diversities of
languages in terms of international launching of brands. In addition, Failing to
Account for Cultural Differences in Communication is also a barrier, it is possible
to create blunders if producers or creators does not account for cultural
differences, it could affect the entire production of the brands wherein it may lead
to miscommunication. For instance, words that are proper for your country may be
improper to others that is why consideration of translation must also be prioritized
especially when it is launched worldwide.
o What are the ways to avoid these blunders?
The ways to avoid blunders is to consider the diversities in communication
including the nationality and culture of the receivers or viewers of the information
being delivered. We should also be mindful of the details being shared because it
might cause issues that may affect an individual or a whole nation especially when
it is shared in public. The researches about word translations to be shared should
also have accuracy in its form either on the universal language or a specific
language because if it acquired blunders, it could be the root cause of
misunderstandings and miscommunications towards the sender and the receiver.
Also, before doing advertisements, campaigns, and promotions, the sender must
know the culture of the audiences to avoid misleading thoughts for them.
Producers must value the diversities in communication considering the fact that
they are going to produce it worldwide, we should think of the possible
consequences of the outcomes on the blunders.

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