Use of A.I in Aerospace & Defence Sector

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Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

Keywords :

 Artificial intelligence
 Future expectation from A.I
 Technology innovator
 Capabilities of A.I
 Applications of A.I

What is an A.I?

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially

computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing,
speech recognition and machine vision.

What is expected from AI in the future?

Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human being.
Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics
and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.

Objectives of A.I :

The basic objective of AI (also called heuristic programming, machine intelligence, or the simulation
of cognitive behavior) is to enable computers to perform such intellectual tasks as decision
making, problem solving, perception, understanding human communication

Limitations of A.I

 Low crisis stability due to acceleration of the decisions

 prejudice can be inherit in the algorithm
 overestimation of AI-generated results
 Reduction of strategic stability
Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

The aerospace market is highly fragmented and serves various military, commercial aviation, and
space exploration sectors. Rapid growth in the global aviation industry has compelled industry
players to ensure safety, dependability, and customer loyalty. Artificial intelligence (AI) in the
aerospace industry can help companies streamline manufacturing while also addressing safety

The aerospace industry spans various levels of development, manufacturing, maintenance, and

support of aircraft, spacecraft, and rotorcraft. It is a mission-critical industry, and its success depends
on components that need to be highly reliable and accurate. Due to this, the industry needs to
constantly improve its manufacturing processes, reduce labor costs and human errors, monitor the
health of devices inside the aircraft, and effectively address safety issues.

Aerospace has always struggled to keep up with the latest technology trends due to its long
regulatory cycles. All the bottlenecks mentioned above can be addressed by implementing Artificial
Intelligence. The caveat here is that the algorithms need to be highly intelligent and reliable.

Artificial intelligence and its computational capabilities for data interpretation can streamline and
simplify analytics, system management, customer service, and various other processes and activities.
Artificial intelligence has already demonstrated promise in several other industries, such as banking,
advertisement, retail, and health. Artificial intelligence (AI) in the aerospace industry can help
companies streamline manufacturing while also addressing safety concerns. Further, AI systems can
analyze inputs from various assets and process vast amounts of data faster than manually.

In this way, aerospace companies can carry out effective and faster inspections of various properties.
The use of AI in aerospace can also help create a range of applications that can save/monitor fuel,
boost operational performance, and assist in controlling air traffic. It has become crucial for business
leaders to explore and leverage the benefits of Artificial Intelligence. Raytheon, General Dynamics,
and Northrop Grumman have also announced AI-based development projects and product releases in
recent years. Similarly, companies such as Lockheed Martin, Airbus, and Boeing have invested in AI
startups through their venture arms.
Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence Systems in the Aerospace Industry

1. Smart Maintenance

Maintenance is essential to ensure the efficient functioning of the aircraft. Since servicing is typically
conducted on a scheduled basis, the process can be time-consuming and incommodious. Unexpected
glitches or malfunctions can result in a significant loss of resources and time. Since 45 percent of
industry professionals see fixing unforeseen maintenance problems as a critical way to drive
performance, it is no surprise that aviation businesses are increasingly looking into predictive
maintenance facilitated by AI. Cloud-based applications have been used by Airbus for data
processing, retrieval, and analysis to increase aircraft maintenance efficiency.

Predictive analytics sifts through data from sensors and reports, interpreting and sorting it. As a
result, algorithms can detect and track possible faults in real-time and forecast the most appropriate
repair times, resulting in more intelligent maintenance schedules.

2. Better fuel efficiency

Aerospace companies place a high emphasis on fuel quality, and even a tiny decrease in aircraft fuel
consumption can have a massive impact on a company’s bottom line and emissions. The standard
commercial flight consumes approximately 4 liters per second, 240 liters per minute, and 14,400
liters per hour. We can cut fuel consumption by 5 to 7 percent with the aid of AI systems.

AI-powered systems assist in the reduction of fuel consumption. For instance, Safety Line, a French
firm, has created a machine learning tool that can optimize climb profiles for pilots before each
flight. Since the climbing process uses the most fuel, optimizing this stage results in significant fuel
Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

3. Better Customer Experience

Customer satisfaction and quality of service are especially critical for commercial aviation. AI is one
of the ways that airlines can improve their customer engagement and deliver exemplary customer
support. Chatbots are an example: AI-based automated platforms that can respond to consumer
inquiries in real-time and human-like ways. By automating customer service, online chatbots can
save customers time and effort. Some of the ways in which this can be achieved are:

 Accurate and Personalized Suggestion on Customer’s purchase decisions

 AI-assisted Chatbots offer efficient and friendly support.

 24×7 Automated Assistance

 Streamline customer interactions

According to a SITA poll, 14 percent of airlines and 9% of airports currently use chatbots, with 68
percent of airlines planning to deploy AI-driven chatbots shortly.

4. Training

Artificial intelligence can be used to improve pilot training facilities by providing a suitable
simulation environment to pilots. This is achieved using AI-enabled simulators in combination with
virtual reality systems. These simulators may also capture and analyze practice data to create
personalized training data using biometrics to monitor and predict individual performance.
Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

Use of A.I in interpretation of data

Using AI-guided systems in your data analysis allows you to automatically clean, analyze,
explain, and ultimately visualize your data. Traditional software requires constant human
input. ... Effectively they use human-tagged information to spot patterns and learn how to analyze
data themselves.

Findings & suggestions :

 The race for A.I continues

 Responsible A.I has never been more important
 Though A.I can do much more than the capabilities of Human
 New theories and problems could be solved and evolved with use of A.I
 Prediction are even made about certain theories by A.I


AI and machine learning can provide the best customer experience possible through automation and
self-service applications. It also enables aerospace companies to make better decisions about pricing
and market positioning through the use of data. Machine learning incorporation in the aerospace
industry ensures cost-effectiveness and safety. Employee workflow is being streamlined, and
advanced aviation maintenance is ensuring greater air safety. AI also played a significant role in
advancing the aerospace industry by offering helpful information that would otherwise be impossible
to access by traditional approaches.


AI cannot find by itself ways to proceed from general rules to concrete actions, if there are no
human-defined rules for this. Thus, AI basically lacks the capability to plan and perform actions.
This is a major point.
Use of A.I in Aerospace & defence sector.

References & source:

Wikipedia,, , some articles from NASA


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