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Problems encountered in the existing Senior High School Registration System with Strand

The developed Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender was made because
the researchers have able to identify the problem of the registration and choosing strand of upcoming
Senior High School students and it is the manual process of registering where the teachers using a sheet
of paper and a pen to gather the information of the students, specially the number of students
registering to SHS have a huge number and it can slow the process and sometimes inaccurate.

Design and Development of the developed Senior High School Registration System with Strand

The researchers accomplished the development of the proposed project, developed Senior High School
Registration System with Strand Recommender. This contains the following modules:


1. Log-in Form
Figure 4-1

This section is the Log-in form of the developed Senior High School Registration System with
Strand Recommender that is used to enter authentication credentials to access a restricted page or
form of Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender. This log-in form
contains a field for the username and another for the password. In this form, the user will input or
register their account to monitor the daily transaction in the Senior High School Registration

2. Add user

Figure 4-2

This is the add user form section of the developed developed Senior High School Registration
System with Strand Recommender. The administrator can add multiple user accounts who can
access the said system. This Add user form contains a field for the last name, first name, middle
name, username, and a password for identification. The administrator may also choose the
account type for the additional users.

3. The main form of administrator

Figure 4-1.

This form of the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender

where users can view the total daily registered student. In this section of the system, the user can

view the total count of registered student and the users of the system.

4. Registered student

Figure 4-4. This form of the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender

where to view the information of registered student.

5. Registration
Figure 4.5 This form where the teachers will gather the data from student, the student will fill up
all this form

6. Metrics
Figure 4.6 This form of the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender
where the system will recommend the strand based on the average of the student.

7. Student List

Figure 4.7 This form of the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender
where the teachers can update and remove the student in the list.

Software Quality Evaluation of the Developed System using ISO 25010

The developed the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender
was implemented in the Isabela State University Ilagan Campus. Similarly, it was also presented
to IT experts. The quality of the system was evaluated and the result was presented in table 4-1
to 4-7 below.

Figure 4-7. System Evaluation

Figure 4.12 shows how the respondent evaluated the Senior High School Registration
System with Strand Recommender and it also shows the graphs of the results of the evaluation.

Table 4-1. Functionality

Criteria Mean Description

Completeness 4.75 Strongly Agree

Correctness 4.92 Strongly Agree

Appropriateness 4.5 Agree

Weighted Mean 4.72 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-1 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable and
is compliant in terms of functional suitability tallying a weighted mean of 4.72. The evaluation indicates
the level of fulfillment of the system functionality. The evaluation ensured that the system is suitable for
the functions for the Senior High School Registration System with Strand Recommender.

Registration System centralized data management – collect participants’ data; view number of
remaining participant places; analyze participants reporting; assign participants with bib numbers; e-
mail the participants’ database and more.(Rahimin, 2015)

Table 4-2. Performance Efficiency

Criteria Mean Description

Time Behavior 4.75 Strongly Agree

Resource Utilization 4.67 Strongly Agree

Capacity 4.75 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.72 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-2 above, the respondents found the developed system to be acceptable and is
compliant in terms of performance efficiency tallying a weighted mean of 4.72. The respondents
strongly agreed that the system can respond in a timely manner in terms of rest time. The
respondents also agreed that the system was able to save information in a given period of time.

Online Registration System can Save time, participants can sign up online when and where is most
convenient for them in just a few minutes without having to print, manually fill out and send paper
forms. (Rahimin, 2015)

Table 4-3. Compatibility

Criteria Mean Description

Co-existence 4.33 Agree

Interoperability 4.83 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.58 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-3 above, the respondents found the developed system to be acceptable and
was compliant in terms of compatibility tallying a weighted mean of 4.58. The respondents strongly
agreed that the system is compatible and can perform its task in a Windows 10 and android KitKat and
on higher version.

The simplest client must have a PC, preferably running Windows XP with Internet Explorer (IE) installed
to enable the client to browse the website over the Internet. (Bemile et al., 2014)

Table 4-4. Usability

Usability Mean Description

Appropriateness Recognizable 4.5 Agree

Learn-ability 4.83 Strongly Agree

Operability 4.83 Strongly Agree

User Error Protection 4.67 Strongly Agree

User Interaction Aesthetics 4.58 Strongly Agree

Accessibility 4.83 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.71 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-4 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable
and was compliant in terms of Usability tallying a weighted mean of 4.71. The respondents strongly
agreed on providing a system that is user-friendly and they also strongly agreed that the system is
understandable and easy to learn and it is consistent in terms of the positioning of the action button
just like the “Save” button.

This software design specification is made with the purpose of outlining the software architecture and
design of the Student Registration System in detail. The document will provide developers an insight in
meeting client’s needs efficiently and effectively. Moreover the document facilitates communication and
understanding of the system by providing several views of the system design. (W.D.R.Y. Jayasundara,

Table 4-5. Reliability

Criteria Mean Description

Maturity 4.75 Strongly Agree

4.83 Strongly Agree


Fault Tolerance 4.41 Agree

Recoverability 4.08 Agree

Weighted Mean 4.52 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-5 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable
and is compliant in terms of reliability tallying a weighted mean of 4.52. The respondents strongly
agreed that the system provides a correct way of saving the reports.

The system balances the goal of ensuring the users always have enough of what they want. Thus, the
ability to recommend the strand that fitted for the student average.(Khoja & Shetty, 2018)

Table 4-6. Security

Criteria Mean Description

Confidentiality 4.75 Strongly Agree

 Integrity 4.92 Strongly Agree

Non-repudiation 4.67 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.78 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-6 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable
and is compliant in terms of security tallying a weighted mean of 4.78. The respondent strongly
agreed on the security of the system which ensures that the data are accessible only for the admin
and teachers of Isabela State University, which also ensures that the data information are only
accessible for those who are connected to the router.

The computerized database system to manage information that will handle data consistency and ensure
maximum data security. ( )

Table 4-7. Maintainability

Criteria Mean Description

Modularity 4.5 Agree

Modifiability 4.92 Strongly Agree

Testability 4.67 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.7 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-7 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable
and is compliant in terms of maintainability tallying a weighted mean of 4.7. The respondents strongly
agreed that the system can manually back up the system and the backup will take place according to
the discretion of the user.

Detailed reporting – The system should provide an insightful reporting into multi-event analysis and all
other reporting tools essential to efficiently manage a successful event(Rahimin, 2015)

Table 4-8. Portability

Criteria Mean Description

Adaptability 4.75 Strongly Agree

Install-ability 4.67 Strongly Agree

Replaceability 4.67 Strongly Agree

Weighted Mean 4.7 Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 4-8 above, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable
and are compliant in terms of portability tallying a weighted mean of 4.7. The respondents strongly
agreed that the Item Viewer is easily accessed in any platform like android and IOS.

 Online registration aims to provide convenience process for students as perpetrators of registration.
The online registration process can be conducted anywhere. (Prayughi et al., 2015)
Table 4-9. Summary of Mean using ISO 25010

Criteria Mean Description

Functionality 4.72 Strongly Agree

Performance Efficiency 4.72 Strongly Agree

Compatibility 4.58 Strongly Agree

Usability 4.71 Strongly Agree

Reliability 4.52 Strongly Agree

Security 4.78 Strongly Agree

Maintainability 4.7 Strongly Agree

Portability 4.7 Strongly Agree

Weighted Grand Mean 4.68 Strongly Agree

Overall, the respondents found the developed system to be very acceptable and is compliant in ISO
25010 in terms of software quality tallying a weighted grand mean of 4.68 as depicted in Table 4-9
above. The systems security will only permit the admin to access the user informationand manage the
Data entry teachers can only access the records and manage the information and the guest can only
fill the information need to recommend the strand the are fitted to their total average.

This proposed system if implemented will allow students to register remotely without having to be
physically present on campus. This would be a huge improvement in service to students as well as
cutting off cost for the University.(Bemile et al., 2014)

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