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S$ iSAVvy Savings Account Application Form

(For Maybank Malaysia Customers only)

S$ iSAVvy Savings Account is available as a personal account. To open an account, you need to:
 Be at least 18 years of age
 Be an existing Maybank Malaysia customer


To open a S$ iSAVvy Savings Account with Maybank Singapore, please visit any of the Maybank Malaysia
Branches or Premier Wealth Centres listed at the end of this Application Form, bringing with you, your NRIC for
verification purposes. The following documents are required to complete your application:
1. Original S$ iSAVvy Savings Account Application Form duly completed and signed
2. Photocopy of your NRIC (front and back)

For opening of a joint account, both you and your joint applicant are required to be present at the Branch at the
same time. Your joint applicant will also need to provide a photocopy of his/her NRIC (front and back).

Important notes:
Please allow up to 14 working days for account opening. Applications NOT accompanied with the required
documents or with incomplete information will cause a delay in processing.

Deposit Insurance Scheme

Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for
up to S$50,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Monies and deposits denominated in
Singapore dollars under the CPF Investment Scheme and CPF Minimum Sum Scheme are aggregated and
separately insured up to S$50,000 for each depositor per Scheme member. Foreign currency deposits, dual
currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.

I/We wish to open an S$ iSAVvy Savings Account with Maybank in Singapore

Purpose of Account _________________________________________________

Account Type  Individual  Joint (any one to sign)

Important Note:
Please place a deposit within 30 days from the date of account opening. You may also wish to note that a monthly
minimum balance fee of S$2 will be charged if average daily balance falls below S$500 in that month.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Name as in NRIC (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mdm / Ms / ) NRIC No.
(please underline surname)

Please tick (√) Yes or No for each of the following questions:

The term U.S. person or United States person means a person described in Section 7701(a)(30) of the Internal
Revenue Code:
The term “United States person” means a citizen or resident of United States.

Yes No
1. Are you a United States (U.S.) Citizen?

2. Do you hold a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)?

3. Are you a U.S. Resident?

4. If you have responded “No” to the questions above, then please tick (√) the box below.

Non U.S. person

DECLARATION: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”)

1. I represent and declare that the information provided above is true, accurate and complete. I understand the
term "U.S. person" means any citizen or resident of the United States.

2. I hereby consent to Malayan Banking Berhad or any of its affiliates, including branches (collectively “the Bank”)
disclosing any information relating to me including details of my account, investments or transactions to any
government, tax and regulatory agency or authority or any party (located in or outside Singapore) for the
purpose of enabling the Bank to comply with any legal, tax or regulatory obligation under any applicable laws
(including the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) or any similar law in any jurisdiction).

3. I hereby authorise the Bank to deduct or withhold from my account(s) maintained with the Bank such amounts
or otherwise make any payment on account of any tax or levy in any jurisdiction where the Bank is required to
do so by any government agency, revenue authority or any party in any jurisdiction and/or under any applicable
law (including FATCA).

4. I hereby consent that the Bank may classify me as a recalcitrant account holder and/or suspend, recall or
terminate my account(s) and/or facilities granted to me, in the event I fail to provide accurate and complete
information and/or documentation as the Bank may require.

5. I undertake to notify the Bank in writing within 30 calendar days if there is a change in any information which I
have provided to the Bank.

6. I agree to indemnify the Bank, to the extent permitted by law, for any loss or liability that may be incurred by the
Bank in connection with any breach by me of any obligations herein and/or the Bank’s compliance with FATCA
or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable law.

7. I acknowledge and agree that I may incur liabilities arising from or in connection with the Bank’s compliance
with FATCA or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable laws and I agree that the Bank shall not
be liable for that loss.

8. I agree to provide the Bank with any information that the Bank may require from time to time to comply with
FATCA or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable law.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Name as in NRIC (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mdm / Ms / )** (please underline surname)

Alias (if applicable)

Name to appear on Maybank Platinum Debit Card Card (Maximum of 19 characters)

Country of Birth

NRIC No. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Nationality Singapore Permanent Resident (if applicable)

 Yes  No
Race Gender
 Chinese  Malay  Indian  Others ________  Male  Female
Highest Education
 Primary  SPM/”O” Levels  STPM/”A” Levels  Diploma  Degree  Postgraduate
Marital Status
 Single  Married  Divorced  Others ________________ (please specify)
Residential Address as in NRIC

Postal Code:
Mailing Address (if different from Residential Address)

Postal Code:
Contact Details
Home ____________________ Office ____________________ Mobile Number*** ____________________

Email*** _________________________________________________________________________
Employment Details
Company Name

Nature of Business


Annual Income (S$  Below S$30,000  S$30,000 – S$49,999

 S$50,000 – 99,999  Above S$100,000
** Delete whichever is not applicable
***The mobile no. and email provided will be used for all your banking services, and updating of all your existing records. Only
SG-registered mobile no. will receive SMS, alerts and notifications on all banking services.
All Cards need to be activated before using it. Transactions will be declined if Card is not activated. Please visit for more details on Card activation steps.
Note: All fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Name as in NRIC (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mdm / Ms / ) NRIC No.
(please underline surname)

Please tick (√) Yes or No for each of the following questions:

The term U.S. person or United States person means a person described in Section 7701(a)(30) of the Internal
Revenue Code:
The term “United States person” means a citizen or resident of United States.

Yes No
1. Are you a United States (U.S.) Citizen?

2. Do you hold a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)?

3. Are you a U.S. Resident?

4. If you have responded “No” to the questions above, then please tick (√) the box below.

Non U.S. person

DECLARATION: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”)

1. I represent and declare that the information provided above is true, accurate and complete. I understand the
term "U.S. person" means any citizen or resident of the United States.

2. I hereby consent to Malayan Banking Berhad or any of its affiliates, including branches (collectively “the Bank”)
disclosing any information relating to me including details of my account, investments or transactions to any
government, tax and regulatory agency or authority or any party (located in or outside Singapore) for the
purpose of enabling the Bank to comply with any legal, tax or regulatory obligation under any applicable laws
(including the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) or any similar law in any jurisdiction).

3. I hereby authorise the Bank to deduct or withhold from my account(s) maintained with the Bank such amounts
or otherwise make any payment on account of any tax or levy in any jurisdiction where the Bank is required to
do so by any government agency, revenue authority or any party in any jurisdiction and/or under any applicable
law (including FATCA).

4. I hereby consent that the Bank may classify me as a recalcitrant account holder and/or suspend, recall or
terminate my account(s) and/or facilities granted to me, in the event I fail to provide accurate and complete
information and/or documentation as the Bank may require.

5. I undertake to notify the Bank in writing within 30 calendar days if there is a change in any information which I
have provided to the Bank.

6. I agree to indemnify the Bank, to the extent permitted by law, for any loss or liability that may be incurred by the
Bank in connection with any breach by me of any obligations herein and/or the Bank’s compliance with FATCA
or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable law.

7. I acknowledge and agree that I may incur liabilities arising from or in connection with the Bank’s compliance
with FATCA or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable laws and I agree that the Bank shall not
be liable for that loss.

8. I agree to provide the Bank with any information that the Bank may require from time to time to comply with
FATCA or any tax or regulatory obligations under any applicable law.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Name as in NRIC (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mdm / Ms / )** (please underline surname)

Alias (if applicable)

Name to appear on Maybank Platinum Debit Card (Maximum of 19 characters)

Country of Birth

NRIC No. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Nationality Singapore Permanent Resident (if applicable)

 Yes  No
Race Gender
 Chinese  Malay  Indian  Others ________  Male  Female
Highest Education
 Primary  SPM/”O” Levels  STPM/”A” Levels  Diploma  Degree  Postgraduate
Marital Status
 Single  Married  Divorced  Others ________________ (please specify)
Residential Address as in NRIC

Postal Code:
Mailing Address (if different from Residential Address)

Postal Code:
Contact Details

Home ____________________ Office ____________________ Mobile Number *** ____________________

Email*** _________________________________________________________________________

Employment Details

Company Name

Nature of Business


Annual Income (S$  Below S$30,000  S$30,000 – S$49,999

 S$50,000 – 99,999  Above S$100,000
** Delete whichever is not applicable
***The mobile no. and email provided will be used for all your banking services, and updating of all your existing records. Only
SG-registered mobile no. will receive SMS, alerts and notifications on all banking services.
All Cards need to be activated before using it. Transactions will be declined if Card is not activated. Please visit for more details on Card activation steps.
Note: All fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Together with my/our S$ iSAVvy Savings Account, I/we will be issued with
 Maybank Platinum Debit Card

 (Online Banking)



Kindly select your DAILY SPENDING LIMIT for online purchases and signature-based retail transactions:

for above services

Kindly select your MONTHLY SPENDING LIMIT:

Note: Your monthly spending limit should be greater than your daily spending limit
Kindly select your DAILY SPENDING LIMIT for online purchases and signature-based retail transactions:

for above services

Kindly select your MONTHLY SPENDING LIMIT:

Note: Your monthly spending limit should be greater than your daily spending limit
2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
(What is 2FA?) Find out more at
Note: If you are already an existing Maybank Online Banking ( user with 2FA,
please do not complete this section.

Please tick (√) one:

Main Applicant Joint Applicant

 SMS + New Security Token  SMS + New Security Token

New Security Token New Security Token

I/We understand that the application for the above services is applicable to all accounts with “Single” or “Joint-any one to sign”
mandate, now or hereafter maintained by me/us.
The Maybank Platinum Debit Card will be issued with every new iSAVvy account opened.
If you are an existing user, you can use your current Access ID/Username and PIN/Password to access
your S$ iSAVvy Savings Account. You will not be issued with a new Access ID/Username and PIN/Password.

Note: All fields are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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In addition to emails and direct mailers, please send me such marketing and promotional material(s) via
the following registration with the Do Not Call Registry: (please tick)

Main Applicant Joint Applicant

 SMS/ MMS/ Other phone number based messaging  SMS/ MMS/ Other phone number based messaging

 Phone Call  Phone Call

A. I further request for and consent to Malayan Banking Berhad and its related corporations (collectively, the
“Bank”), their agents, and their authorised service providers collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing my
personal data (including my Singapore telephone numbers which I may provide to Maybank from time to time), and
sharing such personal data with Bank’s business partners, marketing partners, the co-brand partner (as may be
applicable, depending on the product or service which I have applied for) and their authorised service providers in
order to send me marketing and promotional material about products and services as well as advertisements,
promotions and events, conduct consumer or market research and identify products and services which may be
relevant to me (‘Promotional Purposes’).
B. I acknowledge that:
(a) leaving any of the boxes above blank is not a withdrawal of any consents which I may have previously provided
to the Bank in relation to my personal data,
(b) my consent for Promotional Purposes (i) does not supersede or replace any other consent previously provided
to the Bank and is in addition to any other rights which Bank may have at law to collect, use or disclose my
personal data and (ii) shall survive the termination or expiry of any agreement or other relationship between us.

Important Notes:
1. The information provided above is solely for the purpose of providing the consent for marketing and does not
serve as a notification for update of personal particulars.
2. I understand that if I do not wish for the Bank to collect, use or disclose my personal data for such Promotional
Purposes, I may withdraw my consent at any time via forms available through the Internet Banking (IB) portal or
from the Bank’s branches. I further understand that if I do not wish for third parties (such as the Bank’s business
partners or marketing partners) to collect, use or disclose my personal data for such Promotional Purposes, I
should contact these third parties directly with my request.

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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(1) I/We confirm that I am/we are applying for the above-mentioned savings account (“Account”), the Maybank Platinum
Debit Card (“Card”) and Internet Banking services (“Services”) and are the sole beneficial owner(s) of the Account;
(2) I/We agree that Maybank may send the Card and New Security Token to me/us by ordinary mail or such other means
at my/our sole risk to my/our mailing address specified herein;
(3) I/We agree to abide by the applicable charges relating to and the terms and conditions governing the Account, the
Card and the Services and all other terms and conditions governing the respective services linked to the Account, the
Card and the Services, including any amendments and revisions that Maybank may impose in relation to any
applicable charges and to any of the above terms and conditions from time to time, a copy of which is available at all
Maybank Branches in Singapore and Maybank’s internet website;
(4) I/We agree that my/our application herein is subject to Maybank’s approval and Maybank has the absolute right and
discretion to decline my/our application without giving any reason and to retain documents submitted as property of
(5) If this application is not accepted by Maybank, I/we confirm and agree that Maybank may send the cheque(s) (free of
interest) and correspondence by ordinary mail or such other means at my/our sole risk to my mailing address (in the
case of single applicant) or to the mailing address of the main applicant (in the case of joint applicants) indicated in this
application form;
(6) I/We represent and warrant that all information provided by me/us in this application is true and complete and
undertake to notify Maybank immediately of any change in such information and acknowledge that Maybank reserves
the right, at any time (whether before or after the Account is opened) and for any reason whatsoever, to require me/us
to attend personally at any Maybank Branch in connection with the opening of the Account and/or verification of my/our
(7) I/We confirm that at the time of this application, I am not/none of us is an undischarged bankrupt and no statutory
demand has been served on me/any one of us nor any legal proceedings commenced against me/any one of us;
(8) I/We agree to the purposes set out in the Bank’s Data Protection Policy (the link to which is provided below) for the
collection, use and disclosure of my/our personal data, including authorising the Bank to disclose or release, any
information whatsoever relating to me/any one of us to:
(a) any credit bureau or any other organisation or corporation set up for the purpose of collecting and providing
information relating to the credit standing of persons;
(b) any other person(s) for the purpose of processing this application; or
(c) for such other purposes as Maybank may from time to time deem necessary or expedient
(9) I/We acknowledge and agree that the Card comes with a NETS FlashPay stored value facility of which Network for
Electronic Transfers (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("NETS") is the holder and operator and in this regard, I/we authorise
Maybank to disclose any information relating to me/us to NETS as may be necessary for usage of the NETS FlashPay
stored value facility on the Card. I/We acknowledge and agree that the terms for the use of the NETS FlashPay stored
value facility (if any) shall be governed by NETS' Terms and Conditions Governing the Use of NETS FlashPay which is
available for viewing at or such website as NETS may designate from time to time; and
(10) By providing the information in this application form (and any other information that I/we may provide to the
Bank from time to time in connection with the Bank’s products and services):
(i) I/We agree and consent to Malayan Banking Berhad and its related corporations (collectively, "Maybank")
collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves my/our personal data, and disclosing such personal
data to Maybank's authorised service providers and relevant third parties for purposes reasonably required by
Maybank to process my/our application(s), provide me/us with the products or services which I am /we are
applying for, as well as the purposes set out in Maybank, Singapore branch’s Data Protection Policy, which is
accessible at or which may be provided to me/us upon request. I/We confirm I/we have
read and understood the Data Protection Policy; and
(ii) If I/we should withdraw my/our consent to the processing or handling of my/our personal data in respect of any
purpose which Maybank may reasonably consider to be essential in order for Maybank to provide me/us with the
products and/or services applied for, Maybank shall be entitled to treat my/our account and/or card as having been
terminated by me/us without prejudice to any rights and remedies which it may have at law against me/us.

By signing below, I/we acknowledge and agree to all the declarations as stated in this application form:

Signature of Main Applicant Signature of Joint Applicant

Date: Date:

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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For Bank’s Use only
Checklist (Main Applicant) Approval and Signature verified by / Date /Branch
 S$ iSAVvy SA application completed and signed stamp
 Photocopy of NRIC (front and back)
CIF No. (of Maybank Malaysia account)

Checklist (Joint Applicant)

 S$ iSAVvy SA application completed and signed
 Photocopy of NRIC (front and back)
CIF No. (of Maybank Malaysia account)

Main Applicant Joint Applicant


Platinum Debit Card No. Platinum Debit Card No.
Access ID Access ID

Card/Access ID Activated Date Approval and Signature verified by / Date

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Maybank Malaysia Branches for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
1st Floor, Menara Maybank, 66, 68 & 70, Jalan Maarof,
100, Jalan Tun Perak, Bangsar Baru,
50050 Kuala Lumpur 59100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2074 8042 / 03-2074 7071 Tel: 03-2284 6379


Lot 1.01, Ampang Park Shopping, 50-52, Jalan Sultan (52/4),
Jalan Ampang, 46200 Petaling Jaya, P.O. Box 270, Jalan Sultan,
50450 Kuala Lumpur 46730 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-2164 6308 Tel: 03-7958 1348 / 03-7958 1349 / 03-7958 7114


10, Persiaran Perbandaran, C8, C9 & C10, Jalan SS15/4D,
Section 14, 40000 Shah Alam, Subang Jaya,
P.O. Box 7109, 40702 Shah Alam 47500 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-5519 1155 Tel: 03-5633 8766 / 03-5633 9015


Lot 1-22, Level 3, Johor Bahru City Centre, 32-4, Jalan Rahmat,
106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 83000 Batu Pahat
80000 Johor Bahru Tel: 07-432 2526 / 07-431 7119
Tel: 07-228 2400 / 07-228 2435


114 & 114A, Graha Peladang, 166-169, Jalan Dato' Bandar Tunggal,
Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka, 70000 Seremban, P.O. Box 163,
P.O. Box 173, 75730 Melaka 70720 Seremban
Tel: 06-282 2690 Tel: 06-764 4102


1535, Jalan Sultan Badlishah, 9, Lebuh Union,
05000 Alor Star, 10200 Penang,
P.O. Box 82, P.O. Box 297,
05710 Alor Star 10730 Penang
Tel: 04-731 3855 Tel: 04-261 2461


4277, Bagan Luar Road, Bangunan Mayban Trust,
12000 Butterworth 28, Jalan Tun Sambanthan,
Tel: 04-323 3085 / 04-323 3087 30000 Ipoh,
Tel: 05-241 4580


3880-E, Jalan Mahmood, No 92, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
15200 Kota Bharu, P.O. Box 108, 20200 Kuala Terengganu
15710 Kota Bharu Tel: 09-622 1421 / 09-623 2244
Tel: 09-741 8792


UMNO Building, Bangunan Maybank, No. 1, Lorong Kemajuan,
1, Jalan Hj Abdul Aziz, Karamunsing, 88000 Kota Kinabalu,
25000 Kuantan P.O. Box 12599,
Tel: 09-512 1171 / 09-512 1173 88829 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 088-253 644 / 088-258 340


Lot E005, Ground Floor Podium, No 15 & 16,
Financial Park, Labuan Complex, Ground Floor Batu 2 1/2,
Jalan Merdeka, Jln Rock,
87000 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan 83250 Kuching

Tel: 087-443 390 Tel: 082-421 975

Note: Please check for branch opening hours

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Maybank Malaysia Branches for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
G-Floor Bangunan Yayasan Selangor, 21 & 23, Jalan 23/70A,
Jalan Bukit Bintang, Desa Sri Hartamas,
55100 Kuala Lumpur 50680 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2142 9271 Tel: 03-6203 5600


No. 30 & 32, Jalan PJS, Lot C.01, Concourse,
11/28A Bandar Sunway, Level 8 First Avenue, Bandar Utama,
46150 Petaling Jaya 47800 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-5637 0870 Tel: 03-7728 6723


8-10, Jalan 53, Lot G96 Ground Level,
Desa Jaya, Kepong, The Curve Mutiara Damansara,
52100 Kuala Lumpur 47800 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-6276 0003 Tel: 03-7728 9379


No.7, Jalan Kenari 1, Grd. Floor, Wisma IJM,
Bandar Puchong Jaya, Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
47100 Puchong Jaya 46200 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-5882 0273 Tel: 03-7956 9523


Ground Floor, 234-237 Jalan Chung,
194-206 Jalan Sultan Idris, Thye Phin,
30000 Ipoh 34000 Taiping
Tel: 05-241 5552 Tel: 05-805 3388


1, Arked Ria Satu, 113-5 Jalan Glasiar,
Komtar, Taman Tasek,
10000 Penang 80200 Johor Bahru
Tel: 04-262 0721 Tel: 07-236 1500


49-A, Jalan Segget, 69-75 Jalan Meranti Merah,
80000 Johor Bahru Kebun Teh,
Tel: 07-224 4930 80250 Johor Bahru
Tel: 07-333 2989


14 Pusat Perdagangan, 254, Jalan Putra,
Jalan Bandar, 09000, Kulim
81700 Pasir Gudang Tel: 04-490 6494
Tel: 07-251 4778


48 Jalan Tiga, 9 Beach Street,
Jalan Hj Abdul Aziz, 88000 Kota Kinabalu,
P.O. Box 374, P.O. Box 10862,
T90704 Sandakan 88809 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 089-212560 Tel: 088-215030


Lot 112, Jalan Bendahara, 1-2-25, 1-2-26, 1-1-28 & 1-2-28
98008 Miri iAvenue Medan Kampung Relau 1,
Tel: 085-417766 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang
Tel: 04-641 0052

Note: Please check for branch opening hours

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Maybank Malaysia Premier Wealth Centres for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
PWC Dataran Maybank PWC Intan Millennium
Dataran Maybank, Ground Floor, Suite 1.01 & 2.01, Intan Millennium Square,
Mayban Assurance Tower, 68, Jalan Batai Laut 4, Taman Intan,
No. 1, Jalan Maarof Bangsar, 41300 Klang,
59000 Kuala Lumpur Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-22841252 Tel: 03-3341 7228

PWC K.L Main PWC PJ New Town

27th Floor, Menara Maybank, No. 6 & 8, Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
100 Jalan Tun Perak, 46200 Petaling Jaya,
50050 Kuala Lumpur Selangor
Tel: 03-20747242 Tel: 03-7957 9032

PWC Marc Residence PWC SS2

A-01-01, Tower A, Marc Service Residence, 1st Floor, 8 & 10 Jalan SS2/63,
No 3, Jln Pinang, 47300 Petaling Jaya,
50450 Kuala Lumpur Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-2164 5776 Tel: 03-7874 1672

PWC Plaza Damansara PWC Shah Alam

Plaza Level, Block B, 45 Medan Setia 1, Level 4, Bangunan Maybank,
Bukit Damansara, No. 10, Persiaran Perbandaran,
50490 Kuala Lumpur Section 14, 40000 Shah Alam
Tel: 03-2094 2488 Tel: 03-5512 4589

PWC Wisma Genting PWC UEP Subang Jaya

Level 2, Wisma Genting, 66, Jalan USJ 10/1B,
Jalan Sultan Ismail, UEP Subang Jaya,
50250 Kuala Lumpur 47620 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-2164 5254 Tel: 03-5634 8883

PWC Mont Kiara PWC Bandar Utama

11, 13 & 15, Ground & First Floor, Lot C.01, Concourse Level, 8
Jalan Solaris 1, Mont Kiara, First Avenue, Bandar Utama,
50480, Kuala Lumpur 47800 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-6203 6435 Tel: 03-77281834

PWC Kepong Prima PWC Bandar Puteri Puchong

1st Floor, No 10 & 12, Pusat Niaga Metro Prima, 1st, Floor, No 29 & 31,
Jalan Prima 5, Metro Prima, Jalan Puteri 1/4, Bandar Puteri,
52100 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur 47100 Puchong, Selangor
Tel: 03-6250 3425 Tel: 03-8063 5135

PWC Seremban PWC Giza Kota Damansara

First Floor, 166-169, Level 2, B01 & B02 Sunway Giza Mall,
Jalan Dato' Bandar Tunggal, 2 Jalan PJU 5/14, Kota Damansara,
70000 Seremban 47810 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 06-7633971 Tel:03-6148 1251

PWC Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, Ipoh PWC Cheras Selatan

Level 2, No. 194-206, No 1 (G-3) & 2 (G-3), 2nd Floor,
Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, Jalan C180/1, Dataran C180,
30000 Ipoh, Perak 43200 Batu 11 Cheras,
Tel: 05-245 3812 Selangor
Tel : 03-90743016

PWC Johore Bahru PWC Kajang

Level 3, Lot M1-22, JB City Square, 1st Floor, 28-30, Jalan Tukang,
106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 43000 Kajang,
80000 Johor Bahru Selangor
Tel: 07-226 2801 Tel: 03-8733 0680

PWC Setia Tropika, JB PWC Kuantan

No. 8, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/21, 1st. Floor, Kuantan Chinese Commercial,
Taman Setia Tropika, Kempas, Chamber Industry (KCCCI),
81000 Johor Bahru Lot 46 & 47, Section 18,
Tel: 07-236 4748 Jalan Bukit Ubi,
25000 Kuantan
Tel: 09-517 9744

Note: Please check for branch opening hours

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Maybank Malaysia Premier Wealth Centres for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
PWC Batu Pahat PWC Melaka
1st Floor, Maybank 114 & 114A Graha Peladang,
Jalan Zabedah Branch, Jalan Hang Tuah,
84, Jalan Rahmat, 75300 Melaka
83000 Batu Pahat, Johor Tel: 06-2841255
Tel: 07-438 8303

PWC Karamunsing PWC Crown Towers

Level 1, Bangunan Maybank, Ground Floor Crown Towers,
No. 1, Lorong Kemajuan, 88 Jalan Pending,
88000 Kota Kinabalu 93450 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel: 088-241 779 Tel: 082-341 199

PWC Sandakan PWC Miri

Lot No. 218, 219, 1st Floor,Wisma Yong Lung,
First Floor, Block 24, Prima Square, Lot 698, Block 7, MCLD, Jalan Pujut,
Mile 4, Jalan Utara, C.D.T No 28,
90000 Sandakan, Sabah 98000 Miri, Sarawak
Tel: 089-222 612 Tel: 085-435 710

PWC Tawau PWC Sibu

1st Floor, 262-264, Fajar Complex, 35, 37 & 39 1st Floor,
Jalan Mahkamah, Jalan Kampung Nyabor,
91000 Tawau, Sabah 96000 Sibu, Sarawak
Tel: 089-753190 Tel: 084-338491

PWC Burmah House PWC Penang Main

405-G-1, Burmah House, Level 1, Penang Main Office,
Burmah Road, 9, Lebuh Union,
10350 Penang 10200 Penang
Tel: 04-228 2992 Tel: 04-261 7070

PWC Taman Desa Damai

First Floor, No 4177 & 4178,
Jalan Padang Lalang, Taman Desa Damai,
14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang
Tel: 04-5308554

Note: Please check for centres opening hours

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
Page 13 of 15
Maybank Malaysia Premier Wealth Lounges for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
PWL Desa Parkcity PWL Putrajaya
Lot GF-32 Ground Floor, Dewan Persiaran,
The Waterfront @ Parkcity KL, Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya,Percint 3,
5 Persiaran Residen, Desa Parkcity, 62675 Putrajaya
52200 Kuala Lumpur Tel:03-8888 0366
Tel:03-6280 7601

PWL Pavilion PWL Damansara Utama

Lot 6.21.00, Level 6, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, 62-66, Jalan SS21/35,
168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Damansara Utama,
55100 Kuala Lumpur 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel :03 - 2142 3395 Tel:03-7728 3844

PWL Taman Setiawangsa PWL Port Klang

Wisma Prima Peninsular, 60-64 , Persiaran Raja Muda Musa,
No 12 Jalan Setiawangsa 11, Taman Setiawangsa, 42000 Port Klang, Selangor
54200 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-3168 0212
Tel:03-4251 6722

PWL Sentul Raya PWL Sea Park

12 & 14 Jalan 14/48A, 1 Jalan 21/11A, SEA Park, 4
The Boulevard Shop Office, 6300 Petaling Jaya,
Off Jalan Sentul, Selangor
50100 Kuala Lumpur Tel :03-7876 3823
Tel :03-4041 3120

PWL Jalan Kuchai Lama PWL Wisma Consplant

No 1 & 3 , Jalan Kuchai Maju 1, G01 West Tower, Ground Floor Wisma Consplant,
Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 1, 2 Jalan SS16/4,
58200 Kuala Lumpur 47500 Subang Jaya
Tel :03-7987 6451 Tel : 03-5632 4706

PWL Taman Tun Dr Ismail PWL Subang Perdana

2 Lorong Rahim Kajai 14, No 1 Jalan Dinar G U3/6,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Taman Subang Perdana, Seksyen U3,
60000 Kuala Lumpur 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel :03-7727 4140 Tel : 03-7847 5817

PWL Rivercity Jalan Ipoh PWL The Reef Rawang

468-7 & 7A Block D, Rivercity, Lot A1,A2 & A3, Jalan Reef 1/1,
3rd. Mile Jalan Ipoh, Pusat Perniagaan Reef,
51200 Kuala Lumpur 48000 Rawang, Selangor
Tel :03-4041 0776 Tel : 03-6091 6691

PWL Jalan Gombak PWL Bandar Baru Bangi

Wisma K S, No 5, Jalan Meranti, No 2, Jalan 6C/16 , Section 16,
Taman Setapak, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
53000 Setapak, Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-8925 5140
Tel :03-4022 2130

PWL Kompleks Bandar PWL Shaftsbury, Cyberjaya

103-107, Jalan Mega Mendung, Lot P1-36, Shaftsbury Square,
Bandar Park, Jalan Kelang Lama, 2350 Persiaran Multimedia, Cyber 6,
58000 Kuala Lumpur 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor
Tel :03-7982 3211 Tel : 03-8318 2334

PWL Jalan Kelang Lama PWL Kepong

No. 1 & 3, Jalan Desa, 8-10, Jalan 53,
Taman Desa, Desa Jaya, Kepong,
58100 Kuala Lumpur 52100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel :03-7983 0636 Tel : 03-6276 3415

PWL Taman Midah PWL Kota Kemuning

102-6 Jalan Midah Satu, No 9 & 11,
Taman Midah, Cheras, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla N3 1/N,
56000 Kuala Lumpur Kota Kemuning,
Tel :03-9130 9668 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel : 03-5121 0024

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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Maybank Malaysia Premier Wealth Lounges for opening of S$ iSAVvy Savings Account
PWL Jalan Pudu PWL TTDI Jaya
418-24, Jalan Pudu, No 3 & 5, Jalan Opera F U2/F,
55100 Kuala Lumpur Taman TTDI Jaya, Seksyen U2,
Tel :03-2142 3555 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel : 03-7847 2237

PWL Setapak PWL Menara Klang Jalan Raja Hassan

Wisma Lee Kay Huan, 26, 28 & 30 Jalan Raja Hassan
Lot 14408 Jalan Genting Kelang, Menara Klang
Setapak, 53200 Kuala Lumpur 41400 Klang
Tel :03-4021 5311 Selangor
Tel: 03-3344 3644
PWL KL Sentral PWL Port Dickson
Lot No. 7,8 & 9, Departure Hall 2-G-09 & 2-1-09, Persiaran Waterfront,
Level 1 KL City Air Terminal (KLCAT) PD Waterfront,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral 71000 Port Dickson,
50470 Kuala Lumpur N.Sembilan
Tel: 03-2272 3703 Tel:06-647 1263

PWL Sri Petaling PWL Alor Setar

No.15 & 17, Jalan Radin Anum 1535, Jalan Sultan Badlishah,
Bandar Baru Seri Petaling 05000 Alor Star,
57000 Kuala Lumpur Kedah
Tel: 03-9057 2386 Tel: 04-731 1227

PWL Alam Damai PWL Jalan Pantai, Kota Kinabalu

No 15 Jalan DP5/1B 9 Beach Street
Bandar Damai Perdana 88000 Kota Kinabalu
56000 Cheras Sabah
Kuala Lumpur Tel: 088-250 557
Tel: 03-9100 1802
PWL Muar PWL Jalan Perpaduan, Kota Kinabalu
104 Jalan Abdullah, Lot 6 & 7 Jalan Perpaduan,
80400 Muar, Kampong Air,
Johor 88000 Kota Kinabalu,
Tel: 06-951 2922 Sabah
Tel: 088-243827
PWL Kluang PWL Inanam
30-34 Jalan Dato Haji Hassan, CL 015300713, Ground Floor
86000 Kluang, Mile 5.5 Jalan Tuaran
Johor 88450 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 07-7723744/3745 Sabah
Tel: 088-422 615
PWL Jln Genuang, Segamat PWL Tabuan Jaya
No 62J & 62K, Jalan Genuang, Lots 71-74, Tabuan Tranquility,
85000 Segamat, Jalan Canna, Tabuan Jaya,
Johor 93350 Kuching,
Tel: 07-9321654 Sarawak
Tel: 082-366323
PWL Taman Melaka Raya PWL Taiping
No 225, 226 & 227, 234-237, Jalan Chung Thye Phin,
Taman Melaka Raya, 34000 Taiping,
75000 Jln Bandar Hilir, Melaka Perak
Tel: 06-2812266 /7766 Tel: 05-805 3388
PWL Taman Malim Jaya PWL Sitiawan
No 138-142 Jalan Suria 2, Ground & 1st Floor, 5 Persiaran PM2/2,
Taman Malim Jaya, Pusat Bandar Sri Manjung, Seksyen 2,
75250 Melaka 32040 Sri Manjung, Perak
Tel: 06-3341604 Tel: 05-688 6510

PWL Wakaf Siku PWL Teluk Intan

5493D & E Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 43-45, Medan Mahkota,
15200 Kota Bharu Jalan Ah Cheong,
Tel: 09-748 5626 36000 Telok Intan, Perak
Tel: 05-625 1127
PWL Sungai Petani PWL Bercham
Central Square Complex, 166, 168 & 170 Jalan Tasek Timur,
23 Jalan Kampung Baru, Pusat Perdagangan Tasek Indra,
8000 Sungai Petani, Kedah 31400 Ipoh, Perak
Tel: 04-425 2128 Tel: 05-545 4188

Note: Please check for lounges opening hours

iSAVvy Savings Account Application form

To be used for selected Maybank Malaysia branches only (May 2015)
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