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TEMS™ CellPlanner 8.

Release Note

© Ascom (2009) Date: Document:

25 June 2009 LZT 108 9841 R2C

© Ascom (2009)
All rights reserved. TEMS is a trademark of Ascom. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

1 About the 8.1 Release ............................................... 7

1.1 TEMS Technical Support web pages...........................................7
1.2 Major changes in the 8.1 release.................................................7

2 TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.2 upgrade matrix .................. 8

3 Hardware and Software Requirements.................... 9

3.1 Minimum requirements ................................................................9
3.2 Recommended configuration .....................................................10

4 New Features in TEMS CellPlanner Release 8.1... 11

4.1 LTE – New module in TEMS CellPlanner ..................................11
4.2 Evolved HSDPA.........................................................................11
4.3 EUL, 5.76 Mbps .........................................................................11
4.4 TEMS Investigation 9.1 Interface...............................................12
4.5 Demographic Maps and Demographic Reports.........................12
4.6 Partial Publish and Refresh .......................................................12
4.7 TEMS CellPlanner Server JBoss Integration .............................13
4.8 Automatic Queue Evaluator .......................................................13
4.9 Enhanced GSM Best Server Coverage Report .........................13
4.10 Support Button ...........................................................................14
4.11 Repeaters Import and Export.....................................................14
4.12 Filter improvements ...................................................................14

5 Improvements and changes in release 8.1.0......... 15

5.1 New import wizard for map data ................................................15
5.2 Display performance of internal vector format (MRV)
improved ....................................................................................15
5.3 Vector data rasterization improvements ....................................15
5.4 Performance improvement for creating project in TEMS
CellPlanner server database .....................................................15
5.5 Prune DB and Update Statistics functions removed from
admin tool ..................................................................................15
5.6 Changed default value for WiMAX carrier distance ...................16
5.7 Donor cell is no longer assigned automatically when
adding radio repeater in project .................................................16
5.8 Changed terminology.................................................................16
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5.9 TEMSlog.xml file removed .........................................................16
5.10 New WCDMA demo project .......................................................16
5.11 Concurrency Protection .............................................................16

6 Improvements and changes in release 8.1.1......... 18

6.1 Support for LTE and TI 9.1 measurements................................18
6.2 Support for LTE repeaters .........................................................18
6.3 The property panel for height or obstacle maps with
threshold renderer has been improved ......................................18

7 Improvements and changes in release 8.1.2......... 19

7.1 Text export of LSA Polygons .....................................................19
7.2 Possibility to change the format of the polygon positions
when exporting LSA polygons ...................................................19
7.3 Area limit function for LTE DL traffic analysis ............................19
7.4 Increased number of decimals in screen statistics report ..........19
7.5 Possibility to allocate licenses, on a license server, to a
limited group of users ................................................................19

8 Corrections in release 8.1.0 .................................... 20

8.1 Area calculation in GSM Coverage Report was sometimes
incorrect .....................................................................................20
8.2 GSM Interference Report was incorrect.....................................20
8.3 The AFP sometimes crashed on Vista.......................................20
8.4 The AFP assigned also TCH frequencies even if only
BCCH should have been planned..............................................20
8.5 The AFP report wrongly reported fixed channel groups for
HSN ...........................................................................................20
8.6 Global editing of HCS band was not possible............................21
8.7 Handover Cursor was missing in GSM ......................................21
8.8 Error message when opening OSS-RC GSM Export ................21
8.9 Calculation of noise figure for WCDMA cells with radio
repeaters was incorrect .............................................................21
8.10 Simulation results not updated when re-running WCDMA
analysis ......................................................................................21
8.11 UL load from best server plot was always 0 after non-
iterative WCDMA analysis .........................................................21
8.12 "Hanging" progress bar during OSS-RC WCDMA Import..........21
8.13 OSS-RC WCDMA import sometimes imported more data
than the user had selected ........................................................22
8.14 Co-sited WCDMA and GSM RBSs displayed under both
networks in OSS-RC WCDMA Import comparison window .......22

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8.15 Cells text file import dialog had contradictory behavior..............22
8.16 Cell text import failed to update antenna attributes....................22
8.17 Model tuning changed land use correction factors despite
no matching samples .................................................................23
8.18 AMI failed for partially configured cells ......................................23
8.19 XML measurement file did not support non-USASCII
characters ..................................................................................23
8.20 User interface in Model tuning dialog was misleading ...............23
8.21 Pathloss calculation difference for GeoBox data .......................23
8.22 Screen statistics for lookup plots sometimes gave incorrect
result ..........................................................................................23
8.23 Undefined value and 0 mixed up in Screen statistics ................24
8.24 Problem with legend in survey files plot in Model tuning
when selecting Multi-color..........................................................24
8.25 6.25. User specific result calculation directory was lost.............24
8.26 Drag and drop in explorers could cause inconsistencies...........24
8.27 Site symbols in the network layer became too large..................24
8.28 Attribute filter error .....................................................................24
8.29 Bin query was affected by filter ..................................................24
8.30 User was allowed to create Custom Attributes with empty
and/or duplicate names .............................................................25
8.31 Flag values in Custom attributes editor were unsorted..............25
8.32 Custom attribute map layer could not be exported to vector
8.33 Problem when exporting certain type of plots to vector
8.34 Zooming was very slow on Vista................................................25
8.35 Vector map objects were occasionally invisible in some
zoom levels ................................................................................25
8.36 Brightness for image exchanged with saturation .......................26
8.37 Occasional TEMS CellPlanner crashed when corrupt TAB-
files were present.......................................................................26
8.38 Conversion of Swiss coordinate system incorrect with the
pre-process raster tool if changing coordinate system ..............26
8.39 TEMS CellPlanner froze, when checking details on PlaNet
map data ....................................................................................26
8.40 Google Earth export was not fully functional for all options .......26
8.41 Conversion of building data from MapInfo (MIF/MID) did
not always work .........................................................................26
8.42 Warning messages were missing when importing project
XML containing existing coordinate system...............................26
8.43 Import of data base project failed when user permissions
were included.............................................................................27

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8.44 Information on supported XML file versions was missing in
TEMS CellPlanner server import ...............................................27
8.45 Consistency check missing for TEMS CellPlanner Server
import .........................................................................................27
8.46 Server export and import disregarded “Sites modifiable”...........27
8.47 Unable to export project to xml from the Server Admin Tool .....27
8.48 Slow performance when comparing workspaces in TEMS
CellPlanner server .....................................................................27
8.49 Error when trying to store an offline project that had been
deleted in the database .............................................................28
8.50 Default settings for user permissions updated...........................28
8.51 Errors in client log when going off-line using project area .........28
8.52 Sporadic error messages after closing a project........................28
8.53 Server logout caused exception.................................................28
8.54 Incorrectly displayed warning messages when exiting
TEMS CellPlanner .....................................................................28
8.55 Unnecessary information was shown in the Component
version info window in 64-bit environment .................................29

9 Corrections in release 8.1.1 .................................... 30

9.1 The calculation of UL loss for radio repeater in WCDMA
analysis was incorrect................................................................30
9.2 Antenna branches in GSM OL cell template were ignored ........30
9.3 LTE manual was not visible .......................................................30
9.4 Performance problem when loading large project from the
database ....................................................................................30
9.5 LTE UL total bitrate plot not always selectable in the Result
plots window ..............................................................................30

10 Corrections in release 8.1.2 .................................... 31

10.1 800 MB limit removed from W2003 server installation...............31
10.2 The UL noise rise from EUL/HSUPA did not correspond to
the UL loading from best server plot ..........................................31
10.3 Error in LTE DL interference analysis ........................................31
10.4 Not possible to run LSA without running iterative analysis ........31
10.5 User documentation updated.....................................................31

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11 Known bugs and limitations in release 8.1.2 ........ 33

12 TEMS CellPlanner product packages .................... 38

13 Contact information................................................. 39

Appendix I............................................................................... 40

Addendum Additions to the TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 User

documentation ......................................................... 40

1 Correction to the Common Features User's

Guide......................................................................... 41

2 Additions and clarifications to different parts

of the TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 User
documentation ......................................................... 43
2.1 How to allocate licenses, on a license server, to a limited
group of users ............................................................................43
2.2 TEMS CellPlanner supports single-byte character sets.............43
2.3 What could happen if a user takes long time to resolve
conflicts in the TEMS CellPlanner Server environment? ...........44
2.4 Interpretation of ground height...................................................44
2.5 The permissions system is enforced when you make
changes that affect other people i.e. you publish your
changes to the main project.......................................................45
2.6 Rules for OSS-RC WCDMA Import into an existing TEMS
CellPlanner project ....................................................................45
2.7 Bulk CM bug in OSS-RC R4 affecting import of Feeder
cables ........................................................................................47

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1 About the 8.1 Release
TEMS CellPlanner is an advanced tool for designing, planning, and
optimizing 2G, 2.5G, 3G and LTE networks. Developed by Ascom, TEMS
CellPlanner provides superior planning and optimization capabilities to save
time and money during network deployment.
TEMS CellPlanner provides full support for voice and data services in LTE,
WCDMA, GSM, and WiMAX and meets the needs of today’s complex radio
networks. It features open interfaces and a flexible architecture. TEMS
CellPlanner can be used in all phases of a radio network’s life cycle, from
early planning to the most complex optimization.
A key concern for the experienced RF network planner is the accuracy of
the network design, since accuracy reduces the number of sites and
increases capacity in the network. Ascom understands this concern and
has focused on developing algorithms that generate accurate and proven
For more information about TEMS CellPlanner, please see TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1 Technical Product Description. For information about
previous releases, please refer to the corresponding Release Notes.

1.1 TEMS Technical Support web pages

Please visit our Support web site,, Tech Support, for
the latest technical information, FAQs and downloads of patch releases.

1.2 Major changes in the 8.1 release

• LTE – new module in TEMS CellPlanner
• Evolved HSDPA support
• True HSUPA/EUL support
• TEMS Investigation 8.1 interface
• Demographic maps and reports
• Partial publish and refresh
• TEMS CellPlanner server JBoss® integration
• Automatic queue evaluator
• Enhanced GSM best server coverage report
• Support button
• Enhanced performance display for vector data
• Repeaters export/import
• Filter improvements

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2 TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.2 upgrade
The table below indicates if new licenses are needed and if planning data must be
migrated when upgrading to TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.2.


TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.x Existing license file can be No actions needed.
TEMS CellPlanner 8.0.x Existing license file can be Projects must be exported with
used. the TEMS CellPlanner XML
export and imported in TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1.

Projects stored in a TEMS

CellPlanner database can also
be migrated by using the
“Server Export”. In this case,
please contact TEMS Support
for further information.
TEMS CellPlanner 7.x New license file needed. Projects must be exported
Please contact TEMS with the TEMS CellPlanner
Support. XML export and imported in
TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.

Note: Simplified information

model in 7.0 and later
releases, some attributes
from earlier releases are not
migrated by the XML export
and import.
TEMS CellPlanner Universal New license file needed. Projects must be exported
6.2.0 and 6.3.0i Please contact TEMS with the TEMS CellPlanner
Support. Universal XML export and
imported in TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1.
TEMS CellPlanner Universal New license file needed. Projects must be exported
6.1.x and 6.0.x Please contact TEMS with the TEMS CellPlanner
Support Universal XML export and
imported in TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1.
Note: Scenarios are not
supported in releases after
Earlier releases of TEMS Please contact TEMS Please contact TEMS Sales.
CellPlanner Sales.
Other cell-planning tools Please contact TEMS Please contact TEMS Sales.

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LZT 108 9841 R2C 8(47)
3 Hardware and Software Requirements
The following are minimum and recommended configurations for TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1.

3.1 Minimum requirements

Client or standalone PC: Small projects, up to 500 sites
OS: Windows® XP Professional
Processor: Pentium III 1.4 GHz
Memory: 512 MB of RAM

Server PC: Small projects, up to 500 sites

O/S: Windows® XP Professional
or Windows® 2003 Server x86 (32bit)
Processor: Pentium III 1.4 GHz
Memory: 512 MB of RAM
Database: Oracle 11g

Client or standalone PC: Medium projects, 500 - 3000 sites

OS: Windows® XP Professional
Processor: Pentium IV 2.5GHz or higher processor
Memory: 1 GB of RAM or higher

Server PC: Medium projects, 500 - 3000 sites

OS: Windows® XP Professional
or Windows® 2003 Server x86 (32bit)
Processor: Pentium IV 2.5 GHz
Memory: 2 GB of RAM
Database: Oracle 11g

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3.2 Recommended configuration
Client or standalone PC: Large projects, more than 3,000 sites
OS: Windows® XP Professional x86/x64 (32 or 64 bit)
or Windows® Vista Enterprise/Ultimate/Business
x86/x64 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or similar processor
Memory: 2 GB of RAM

Server PC: Small projects, less than 1,000 sites or less than 5 users
OS: Windows® 2003 Server x86/x64 (32 or 64bit)
Processor: Intel XEON or similar processor
Memory: 2 GB of RAM
Database: Oracle 11g

Server PC: Medium projects, 1,000 – 3,000 sites or 5 - 10 users

OS: Windows® 2003 Server x64 (64bit)
Processor: Intel XEON or similar processor
Memory: 4 GB of RAM
Database: Oracle 11g

Server PC: Large projects, more than 5,000 sites or more than 10
OS: Windows® 2003 Server x64 (64bit)
Processor: Intel XEON or similar processor
Memory: 8 GB of RAM

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4 New Features in TEMS CellPlanner
Release 8.1
4.1 LTE – New module in TEMS CellPlanner
The newest module in TEMS CellPlanner supports LTE, the new worldwide
standard for mobile broadband. TEMS CellPlanner offers the possibility to
model LTE networks containing eNodeBs (LTE RBSs) with sectors, cells,
antenna branches, antennas, feeder cables, and TMAs. The tool also
provides a flexible LTE frequency band editor which allows the user to
define any LTE frequency band and carrier desired.
Support for MIMO, Tx Diversity and SIMO is offered. For every LTE
terminal type, the user can select an uplink and a downlink mapping curve
from C/(I+N) to data rate. TEMS CellPlanner contains a default set of
mapping curves that support different channel models and user velocities,
as well as different antenna configurations and transmission modes for the
TEMS CellPlanner also supports LTE neighbors display and intra-
technology LTE neighbor relations.
The LTE analysis functions in TEMS CellPlanner comprise downlink Best
Server, Interference and Traffic analysis, as well as uplink analysis. The
uplink analysis contains a Monte Carlo engine that performs several
random trials, using a pseudo-random distribution to spread the terminals
over the map for each trial. The outputs of the analysis are quality and data
rate plots and reports.
Support for LTE repeaters will be available in release 8.1.1.

4.2 Evolved HSDPA

Evolved HSDPA, including the features 64QAM and MIMO, has been
introduced. The implementation covers the functionality in WCDMA RAN
P7. The 64QAM modulation technique leads to higher data rates, reaching
up to 21 Mbps in P7. MIMO is a technique where two transmitter antennas
and two receiver antennas are used to transfer different bit streams on the
same frequency. This feature will double the data rate in P7, and the
throughput can be up to 28 Mbps. TEMS CellPlanner also brings new
coverage probability plots for data rates up to 28 Mbps.

4.3 EUL, 5.76 Mbps

TEMS CellPlanner supports EUL. The maximum throughput for EUL is now
5.76 Mbps following the WCDMA RAN P6 and P7 system properties.
TEMS CellPlanner also brings support for 10 and 2ms TTI; the maximum
number of codes are now 4.

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4.4 TEMS Investigation 9.1 Interface
TEMS CellPlanner has a natural interface with TEMS investigation,
allowing the user to import log files from TEMS Investigation 9.1.

4.5 Demographic Maps and Demographic Reports

Demographic maps are introduced in TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.
Demographics maps (or demographic data) refer to a selected population
characteristic as used for governmental purposes, marketing, or opinion
In TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 demographic data can be:
• Displayed as a map layer thus allowing visual analyses
• Used to create coverage reports
TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 also has support for importing demographic data
from various sources to the TEMS CellPlanner internal format.
It is possible to create a report for GSM best server using a demographic
map defined in the project. The new choice of the map (land use or
demographic) is added to the existing coverage report. Each demographic
category has its own report sheet for best server cells.
The existing WCDMA Pilot report is extended with a map choice, where the
demographic map can be chosen instead of the land use format. When the
demographic map is chosen the new demographic report for the Pilot is
created. Each demographic category has its own report sheet.

4.6 Partial Publish and Refresh

The TEMS CellPlanner server now supports the ability to select which
changes to publish when publishing changes from the private workspace to
the main workspace.
At the same time, the possibility to select which changes to refresh from the
main workspace to the private workspace is now included.
These selections are made at the site level. Sites with relationship to the
selected sites will automatically be selected as well.

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4.7 TEMS CellPlanner Server JBoss Integration
The TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 server has been integrated with the JBoss
application server. This means that the TEMS CellPlanner server can be
deployed, run and managed in the same way as many other modern
enterprise services are managed today.
The server can be remotely managed and monitored using the JMX (Java
Management Extensions), which enables the system administrator to set
system parameters and check the health of the server using off-the-shelf
management tools or the integrated JMX console. This enables integration
of the TEMS CellPlanner server into a data center solution.
The server’s logging system allows detailed customization of what and how
logging information is handled and stored.

4.8 Automatic Queue Evaluator

TEMS CellPlanner 8.1 introduces a new version of queue handling for user
operations (load, save, publish, refresh etc.), called the Automatic Queue
When enabled, this version of queue handling adapts to changes in
resource allocation and projects size. The evaluator optimizes the number
of concurrent operations with current load on the TEMS CellPlanner server,
within the configured safety limits.
The manual Queue evaluator (also called FIFO Queue evaluator) is the
other available version where the users can manually set the maximum
number of concurrent operations in the TEMS CellPlanner server.
No queue evaluator is enabled by default because most installations don't
need any queue management. For some installations, where resources are
limited, the queue system can be used to avoid overloading the TEMS
CellPlanner server. In this case please contact the TEMS support for
guidelines on how to enable and configure the queue systems.

4.9 Enhanced GSM Best Server Coverage Report

The report for GSM best server coverage has a new layout and the cell
information is presented on its own sheet.

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4.10 Support Button
The new support button provides the customer with a flexible and
convenient way to provide information to the support team about many
aspects and settings of TEMS CellPlanner. Clicking on the support button
produces a number of readable text files, at a location specified by the
user, with settings and environment information. The customer will also be
able to add a detailed problem description and any other information that
may be helpful for the support team. These files are then sent to a
designated support mail address given by the support member.
If desired, this new function can also collect and compress project files and
log files automatically.

4.11 Repeaters Import and Export

The Cell Text Import and Export functions have been extended to include
Radio repeaters.

4.12 Filter improvements

Area and group filter
The area and group filters have been extended. New options make it
possible to select several areas or other filters to be included in a group
filter. The areas or other filters can then be further grouped into several
hierarchical levels where "AND" and "OR" operators can be applied
between the groups (several areas can be combined into union areas
and/or intercept areas).
Usability improvements such as drag and drop functionality, popup menus,
buttons, and control keys are now available for dealing with filters.
Attribute filter
It is now possible to select case-sensitive or non-case sensitive searches
when searching text attributes.
Latitude and Longitude Position attributes are now supported and can be
included in the filter. The user can manually fill in a position and radius to
be searched, or get the position directly from the map by clicking on the
map window, thus defining the desirable range where the sites within that
range will be inside the filter.
Import/export filters from Excel
The Excel file format is now supported for import and export of site and cell
filters. Several of these filters can be included in an Excel document with a
sheet for each filter.

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5 Improvements and changes in
release 8.1.0
5.1 New import wizard for map data
The old map import tool (File->Map data->Import/Transformations) has
been replaced by an import wizard (File->Map data->Import wizard).
The Import wizard guides the user to convert different map data formats to
internal formats used by TEMS CellPlanner. The wizard is straight-forward
and easy-to-use.

5.2 Display performance of internal vector format

(MRV) improved
Display performance of internal vector format, MRV, has been substantially

5.3 Vector data rasterization improvements

The algorithm for rasterizing vector data when importing has been
improved for better precision. This avoids some minor anomalies for
example when importing building data in vector formats.

5.4 Performance improvement for creating project in

TEMS CellPlanner server database
The creation of a project in TEMS CellPlanner server data base now takes
considerably shorter time than in previous releases.

5.5 Prune DB and Update Statistics functions

removed from admin tool
The utility functions 'Prune DB' and 'Update statistics' have been removed
from the admin tool.
The ‘Prune DB’ function was intended to remove all unused objects from
the database. Unused data is cleaned up automatically during a migration
to a new version of TEMS CellPlanner and therefore the 'Prune DB' is not
The 'Update Statistics' function is available in Oracle and can be executed
by the Oracle administrator.

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5.6 Changed default value for WiMAX carrier
The carrier separation for the default WiMAX frequency band has been
increased from 0.25 MHz to 3.5 MHz, which matches the default

5.7 Donor cell is no longer assigned automatically

when adding radio repeater in project
The donor cell is no longer assigned automatically when adding a radio
repeater in the project. Now the donor cell has to be assigned manually by
the user.

5.8 Changed terminology

The term "reference system" has been changed to "coordinate system" in
the TEMS CellPlanner user interface.
"Carrier number" has been renamed to "ARFCN" in GSM windows and to
"UARFCN" in WCDMA windows, in order to confirm to 3GPP standard
In earlier releases different names (Server, Server name, Description) were
used for the same parameter in the different windows displayed at login to
TEMS CellPlanner Server. All of these names are now renamed to "Server

5.9 TEMSlog.xml file removed

The XML variant of the log file was considered superfluous and is no longer
generated. The plain text variant fulfills the purpose.

5.10 New WCDMA demo project

The WCDMA demo project has been updated.

5.11 Concurrency Protection

Project File Concurrency Protection
The project file (.n81) is now locked by the TEMS CellPlanner client when
opened in order to prevent other TEMS CellPlanner clients from updating it
simultaneously, and potentially corrupting it. If a client is trying to open a
project file currently in use by another client, the second client will be

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AMI Database Concurrency Protection
The Automatic Measurement Integration database file is now locked by the
TEMS CellPlanner client using it in order to prevent other TEMS
CellPlanner clients from reading or updating it simultaneously, and
potentially corrupting it.
If a client is trying to open an AMI database currently in use by another
client, the second client will be notified.

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6 Improvements and changes in
release 8.1.1
6.1 Support for LTE and TI 9.1 measurements
TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.1 supports TEMS Investigation versions up to 9.1.
Log files from TEMS Pocket 6.4 and TEMS Automatic 7.1 are supported as
well. The following types of measurements can be imported:
• GSM: UE mode, CW scan (UE or dedicated scanner)
• WCDMA: UE mode, CPICH scan (UE or dedicated scanner)
• LTE: scanner mode (dedicated scanner only)
Log files from TEMS Pocket and TEMS Automatic are imported through the
same procedure as log files from TEMS Investigation.

6.2 Support for LTE repeaters

LTE radio repeaters are now supported.

6.3 The property panel for height or obstacle maps

with threshold renderer has been improved
In the property panel for threshold renderer there is now the following
additional input fields:
• Checkbox for transparency below
• Text field for input of the value below which values are displayed
• Checkbox for whether this value should be fetched automatically from
the threshold table or manually input.
• Checkbox for transparency above
• Text field for input of the value above which values are displayed
• Checkbox for whether this value should be fetched automatically from
the threshold table or manually input.
If the desired legend behaviour should appear all four checkboxes should
be selected.

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7 Improvements and changes in
release 8.1.2
7.1 Text export of LSA Polygons
The possibility to export LSA Polygons in tab separated text format has
been added.
Max 15 vertices per polygon are exported.
There is an option of selecting coordinate system, coordinate format and
the order of the coordinates within a point; latitude, longitude or longitude,

7.2 Possibility to change the format of the polygon

positions when exporting LSA polygons
It is now possible to select output coordinate format for LSA polygons in the
cell text and generic text exports.

7.3 Area limit function for LTE DL traffic analysis

The LTE downlink traffic analysis has been extended with a possibility to
limit the traffic to a user-specified polygon. This can be used to avoid
overestimated traffic load on border cells, due to their coverage area
extending beyond the cluster being analyzed.

7.4 Increased number of decimals in screen

statistics report
The number of decimals in the screen statistics report has been increased
from two to five.

7.5 Possibility to allocate licenses, on a license

server, to a limited group of users
It is possible to allocate licenses, on a license server, to a limited group of
users. A description of how to do this is found in this document Appendix 1,
chapter 2 Additions and clarifications to different parts of the TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1 User documentation.

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8 Corrections in release 8.1.0
This chapter includes corrections made in the 8.1.0 release.

8.1 Area calculation in GSM Coverage Report was

sometimes incorrect
An error has been found in the GSM coverage report. In some cases, the
calculated area for cells was incorrect. The area calculation has been

8.2 GSM Interference Report was incorrect

In previous TEMS CellPlanner versions, the areas specified for the
interference categories in the GSM Interference Report were half the
correct value. For example, if four square kilometers were below twelve dB
C/I, the report would indicate two square kilometers below twelve dB C/I.
The total area, however, was correct. In TEMS CellPlanner 8.1, the report
gives correct area figures.
The report was always created for the first area in the list of available areas
regardless of selection. This error was introduced in release 8.0 and is now

8.3 The AFP sometimes crashed on Vista

In some rare cases, the AFP crashed on Windows Vista systems. This has
been corrected.

8.4 The AFP assigned also TCH frequencies even if

only BCCH should have been planned
In the AFP, one of the available planning policies is "Keep". For TRXs with
this policy, the AFP should not change existing frequency allocations.
However, in the special case where a TRX does not have a current carrier
assignment, the AFP in release 8.0 used to assign a frequency even under
the "Keep" policy.
Therefore, the policy "Keep" had the same effects as the policy "Plan
unallocated", and it was superfluous to have both policies available. In
TEMS CellPlanner 8.1, this has been fixed: under the policy "Keep",
carrierless TRXs stay carrierless.

8.5 The AFP report wrongly reported fixed channel

groups for HSN
In the AFP report, the HSN number is replaced by a '-' when the channel
group is non-hopping.

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8.6 Global editing of HCS band was not possible
Now it is possible to select HCS band for global editing.

8.7 Handover Cursor was missing in GSM

The handover cursor button in left toolbar was missing in installations with
only GSM license. This is now corrected.

8.8 Error message when opening OSS-RC GSM

If the coordinate reference system used during the last OSS-RC GSM
Export had been modified (removed or its name changed), an error
message appeared in the log when opening the OSS-RC GSM Export
window. The error was harmless, and the export worked anyway. The
unnecessary error message has now been removed from the log.

8.9 Calculation of noise figure for WCDMA cells with

radio repeaters was incorrect
The noise figure calculation for UL in Utran cells with radio repeater(s) has
been corrected. For most configurations the donor cell's noise figure was
underestimated in earlier releases.

8.10 Simulation results not updated when re-running

WCDMA analysis
When re-running the WCDMA analysis, the plots displayed in the map
window were sometimes not updated correctly. This problem has been

8.11 UL load from best server plot was always 0 after

non-iterative WCDMA analysis
In non-iterative mode in WCDMA analysis, the old cell statistics was deleted
(output from previously run MonteCarlo analysis). Now the cell statistics is
maintained, making it possible to use plots such as number of connected/blocked
users and UL / DL load plots.

8.12 "Hanging" progress bar during OSS-RC WCDMA

When using a large import file and/or a large project during OSS-RC
WCDMA Import, the progress bar reached 100% much too early, long
before the import was actually finished. This problem is now fixed, so the
progress bar reaches 100% when the import is actually finished.

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8.13 OSS-RC WCDMA import sometimes imported
more data than the user had selected
The OSS-RC WCDMA Import comparison window allows the user to select
which new or modified objects to import from OSS-RC into the TEMS
CellPlanner project. Because of neighbor relations, it is sometimes
necessary to import even cells that the user has not selected, in case a
selected cell has neighbors among the unselected cells.
In the previous release, this rule was taken too far and even neighbors of
neighbors, and their neighbors, etc, were included, which meant that
sometimes a lot more objects were imported than the user had originally
This problem is now fixed, so that only the immediate neighbors of the
selected cells are imported, but not any second- or higher-degree

8.14 Co-sited WCDMA and GSM RBSs displayed

under both networks in OSS-RC WCDMA Import
comparison window
If a WCDMA and a GSM RBS were placed on the same site, then the OSS-
RC WCDMA Import comparison window displayed both RBSs and antenna
equipment under both the GSM and the WCDMA networks. This has been
corrected, so the WCDMA RBS and its antenna equipment is now only
displayed under the WCDMA network and the GSM RBS and its antenna
equipment is only displayed under the GSM network.

8.15 Cells text file import dialog had contradictory

When the "Do not create cells, update existing cells only" and "Prompt
before overwriting" boxes are selected in the "Cell text file import" dialog,
the “Overwrite cells” prompt was still displayed for the cells that were not
going to be created. This is corrected; the “Overwrite cells” prompt is now
only displayed for the cells that are to be modified.

8.16 Cell text import failed to update antenna

Cell text import failed to update antenna attributes (antenna type, position,
ground height, height AGL, beam direction, mechanical tilt, electrical tilt) in
case the antenna already existed. This problem has been solved.

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8.17 Model tuning changed land use correction
factors despite no matching samples
Propagation model auto tuning sometimes modified clutter codes for which
there were no measurements. This has been corrected. Correction factors
for clutter codes with no matching measurements now remains untouched
after auto tuning.

8.18 AMI failed for partially configured cells

If a cell without propagation model existed on a position/height/frequency
where measurements existed, AMI crashed and could not be used until the
cell had been assigned a propagation model. This problem has been

8.19 XML measurement file did not support non-

USASCII characters
The XML measurement file, created when pressing Save for a
measurement file in the Model tuning dialog, did not support international
characters. This has been corrected and the file is now supporting UTF-8
as indicated in the XML header.

8.20 User interface in Model tuning dialog was

In the Model tuning dialog, it looked like the Coordinate system was
selectable for XML measurement survey files. The Coordinate reference
system panel is now grayed out and fixed to WGS84 for XML survey files.
This reflects the actual behavior.

8.21 Pathloss calculation difference for GeoBox data

When calculating pathloss using a lower resolution than the original
resolution, a clearly visible but non-significant difference could be observed
in the pathloss results when using GeoBox raster data compared to when
using MRR raster data.
The pathloss calculation based on GeoBox data is now aligned with the
pathloss result from the standard format MRR. It is recommended to use
MRR format for performance reasons.

8.22 Screen statistics for lookup plots sometimes

gave incorrect result
If an element name in the legend for a lookup plot contained a number,
statistics was calculated incorrectly. This has been corrected.

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8.23 Undefined value and 0 mixed up in Screen
The function Screen statistics gave strange results for some plots since undefined
value and value 0 were added together. This has now been corrected.

8.24 Problem with legend in survey files plot in Model

tuning when selecting Multi-color
The appearance and behavior of the legend has been corrected for this

8.25 6.25. User specific result calculation directory

was lost
When changing the project name the calculation result directory setting was
lost and had to be defined again. This has been corrected.

8.26 Drag and drop in explorers could cause

Due to a bug in the drag and drop functionality in explorers, some drag and
drop operations could cause that inconsistent data was stored in the
When opening the stored project, the inconsistency errors were reported.
This bug has been corrected.

8.27 Site symbols in the network layer became too

Site symbols in the network layer became too large on standing screens
(larger height than width). This problem has been corrected.

8.28 Attribute filter error

TEMS CellPlanner displayed an error message when an attribute filter was
defined using the Position attribute, but without selecting any area. This is
now corrected. A position filter with no area will block everything when
"inside" option is selected and pass everything when "outside" option is

8.29 Bin query was affected by filter

The map window filter is now not applied to Bin Query anymore, enabling
cell names outside filter to be displayed in bin query.

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8.30 User was allowed to create Custom Attributes
with empty and/or duplicate names
It is no longer allowed to create a Custom Attribute without a name, nor is it
allowed to have two Custom Attributes with the same name. A unique
name must always be specified when creating a new Custom Attribute in
the System Explorer.

8.31 Flag values in Custom attributes editor were

Flags are now sorted in lexical order when applying changes in custom
attribute editor (System explorer).

8.32 Custom attribute map layer could not be

exported to vector format
Enabled possibility to export the Custom attribute map layer also to vector
file formats. Previously only image file formats were supported.

8.33 Problem when exporting certain type of plots to

vector format
Exporting certain type of plots (e.g. composite coverage) to a vector format
(e.g. MapInfo), sometimes produced a result that looked different from the
original plot. The reason for this was that the “Transparent above” and
“Transparent below” limits were not taken into account by the export, which
made the resulting plot appear larger (cover more area) than the original
plot. This problem has now been fixed.
A limitation exists in this feature and is described in the chapter Known
bugs and limitations.

8.34 Zooming was very slow on Vista

In previous TEMS CellPlanner releases, the graphics performance feature
DirectDraw was enabled or disabled depending on the installed graphics
hardware. It is now disabled by default. The reason is that it has relatively
minor performance effects, while causing rather serious problems on some
systems, such as very slow zooming under Windows Vista. It is possible,
but generally not recommended, to activate DirectDraw manually using the
Application Preferences tool.

8.35 Vector map objects were occasionally invisible

in some zoom levels
The problem could be observed while panning in the overview map window
using the supplied world map. This problem has been fixed.

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8.36 Brightness for image exchanged with saturation
Brightness and saturation is now working properly with image maps.

8.37 Occasional TEMS CellPlanner crashed when

corrupt TAB-files were present
If the user selected a map and there were corrupt or incomplete TAB files
(MapInfo) in the directories where TEMS CellPlanner was searching for
map data, TEMS CellPlanner could crash without notice. This problem has
been fixed.

8.38 Conversion of Swiss coordinate system

incorrect with the pre-process raster tool if
changing coordinate system
A problem with incorrect map data conversion (boundary and re-projection
problem) which occurred when importing map data from Swiss coordinate
system to another coordinate system has been solved.

8.39 TEMS CellPlanner froze, when checking details

on PlaNet map data
A problem has been fixed causing TEMS CellPlanner to freeze when trying
to check detailed information regarding PlaNet elevation and clutter map

8.40 Google Earth export was not fully functional for

all options
When exporting areas to Google Earth using the Entire layer area or Visible
map area option, the area polygons were shifted. This is now corrected.

8.41 Conversion of building data from MapInfo

(MIF/MID) did not always work
All buildings from the MapInfo (MIF/MID) source data will now be converted
into the internal MRR format.

8.42 Warning messages were missing when

importing project XML containing existing
coordinate system
When you import a project with a coordinate system that already exists in
EriMap but with a different name, a message is displayed saying that the
existing coordinate system will be used.

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8.43 Import of data base project failed when user
permissions were included
After importing a project xml file in the client generated by the server export
function in the admin tool, the consistency check reported 'core
consistency' problems. This problem is now fixed so the TEMS CellPlanner
client now imports xml projects exported by the server correctly.

8.44 Information on supported XML file versions was

missing in TEMS CellPlanner server import
There is now a Supported version panel that is used in both the client and
server import, informing about the currently supported XML versions.

8.45 Consistency check missing for TEMS

CellPlanner Server import
The same consistency check that is used when creating projects in the
client is now performed for the server import.

8.46 Server export and import disregarded “Sites

The global permission flag “Sites modifiable” was not included in the Server
XML export and import. This is now corrected.

8.47 Unable to export project to xml from the Server

Admin Tool
A problem with exporting XML project files, using the Server Admin Tool
has been solved. This problem was only present in TEMS CellPlanner 8.0.1
and 8.0.2.

8.48 Slow performance when comparing workspaces

in TEMS CellPlanner server
Comparing two workspaces could in some cases result in very bad
performance. This happened if a lot of data was deleted or added in the
private workspace compared to the main workspace. This performance
problem has been solved.

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8.49 Error when trying to store an offline project that
had been deleted in the database
If the user tried to store an offline project back to the database and the
project had been deleted in the database, an internal error message was
This has now been fixed, so the user is presented with a proper information
message that the database project has been deleted.

8.50 Default settings for user permissions updated

The default setting has been changed so that only groups with
administrator permission get the 'delete projects' as default.

8.51 Errors in client log when going off-line using

project area
When saving a workspace offline and a project area is defined that does
not contain all sites in a project, there may have been error messages
generated in the TEMS CellPlanner client log, sometimes quite many of
them. They were, however, unnecessary and there was no problem with
the project. These unnecessary error messages have been removed now.

8.52 Sporadic error messages after closing a project

Unexpected error messages were sometimes shown when closing a project
or loading a project when another project had previously been loaded. This
happened more often with large projects. This problem has now been

8.53 Server logout caused exception

In previous releases, TEMS CellPlanner asked if user wanted to save or
store the project even if it was not modified when logging out from TEMS
CellPlanner server. This has now been corrected so that TEMS CellPlanner
only ask if the project is actually modified.

8.54 Incorrectly displayed warning messages when

exiting TEMS CellPlanner
In some cases when a user tried to exit from TEMS CellPlanner, after
logging out from the server, a warning message appeared incorrectly. The
message asked if the user wanted to save the project named 'NULL', even
if the project was already closed. This has now been fixed, so no message
appears if the logout and exit has been performed correctly.

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8.55 Unnecessary information was shown in the
Component version info window in 64-bit
When running in a 64-bit environment, one file (FileInfoJni.dll) was
erroneously included in the Component version info window. This file is not
used by TEMS CellPlanner when running in 64-bit environment and has
now been removed from the Component version info in the 64-bit version.

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9 Corrections in release 8.1.1
This chapter includes corrections made in the 8.1.1 release.

9.1 The calculation of UL loss for radio repeater in

WCDMA analysis was incorrect
The calculation of RX attenuation for a radio repeater's service antenna
was incorrect in the WCDMA analysis. The attenuation of the pickup
antenna was used instead of the attenuation of the service antenna. This
has now been corrected.

9.2 Antenna branches in GSM OL cell template were

When a multiband OL/UL GSM cell was created from a cell template, the
antenna branches of the OL cell were not created. This has been corrected
in TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.1.

9.3 LTE manual was not visible

The LTE manual was not available from the Help menu in TEMS
CellPlanner or from the Start button. This has now been corrected.

9.4 Performance problem when loading large

project from the database
In some cases it could take a long time to load large projects from the
database. This occurred when the project contained large site or cell filters.
This problem has now been solved.

9.5 LTE UL total bitrate plot not always selectable in

the Result plots window
When using LTE UL analysis with two or more traffic cases, the
corresponding LTE UL total bitrate plots was only available for one of the
traffic cases. This has been corrected; the plot is now available for every
traffic case.

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10 Corrections in release 8.1.2
This chapter includes corrections made in the 8.1.2 release.

10.1 800 MB limit removed from W2003 server

In earlier releases an 800 MB primary memory allocation limit had to be
enforced on the 32 bit Windows 2003 server operative system. This limit is
now raised to 1200 MB.

10.2 The UL noise rise from EUL/HSUPA did not

correspond to the UL loading from best server
In WCDMA analysis, the EUL noise rise plot sometimes showed a different
value from the noise rise value used in UL load plot found within WCDMA
analysis best server plots. The reason for this was an incorrect value of
total received power in the EUL noise rise calculation. The value was only
from the last trial and not a mean of all run trials. This has now been
corrected. This change also affects the EUL SIR plot and EUL data rate
plot since same power value of was used in those calculations.

10.3 Error in LTE DL interference analysis

There was an error in the interference analysis which gave more impact to
terminal Rx loss values than intended. This has now been corrected.

10.4 Not possible to run LSA without running

iterative analysis
Previously the LSA algorithm could only be used if Monte Carlo and plots
were selected in WCDMA analysis. It is now possible to run the LSA
algorithm without running iterative analysis.

10.5 User documentation updated

The manuals have been updated, with among others the following:
• LTE data rate mappings incorrect
The LTE User's Guide did not correctly show the supported antenna
configurations and UE speed for all channel models. This has been
corrected by adjusting the data rate mapping tables.
• The Installation Guide showed wrong folder for Citrix users
In TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.0 the default target folder for Citrix users was
changed, but the Installation Guide was not updated accordingly. The
Installation Guide, section "Environment Variables in Citrix
Environment", has now been corrected to show the correct target folder.

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• How to model Multi-RABs was not explained
The modeling of multi-RABs, or combined bearers, was not described in
the WCDMA manuals. A brief explanation has now been added to the
WCDMA User's Guide, in a new section named "Modeling Multi-RABs".
• Scale factor unit description corrected
The scale factor units were incorrectly described in chapter "Traffic
Modeling" in the Common Features Technical Reference Manual. The
chapter has been corrected from 3.3 and onwards, and an example of
calculating subscriber density has been added.
• Eb/Io and ASE parameter dependencies have been clarified in manuals
The WCDMA User's Guide and the WCDMA Technical Reference
Manual now explain that appropriate values for Eb/Io and ASE depend
on the system release version, and that the Eb/Io value also depends
on the frequency band and the service type.

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11 Known bugs and limitations in
release 8.1.2
• Database migration
Database users must read the Database migration chapter in the
Installation guide before starting the new installation to avoid loosing data.
The database server export from the, User Administration tool does not
work properly when exporting from TEMS CellPlanner 8.0.1 or 8.0.2. If you
are going to migrate from any of those versions please contact TEMS
support for further instructions.
• Drag and drop of radio repeaters for GSM and WCDMA
Drag and drop of sites containing radio repeaters for GSM and WCDMA will
cause errors in Project consistency check.
Workaround: Avoid using drag and drop of sites with repeaters.
• AMI plots showing measurements not aligned with actual
AMI plots displaying locations for measurements are deliberately displaced
by half a bin. This is needed in order for the AMI plots to align with pathloss
• Screen statistics for threshold plots disabled
Screen statistics has been disabled for threshold plots due to vastly
erroneous result. This limitation leads to that it is not possible to create
screen statistics for Custom attribute plots, since they are all threshold
• Out of memory during WCDMA analysis
When running WCDMA analysis on a very large network (more than 10 000
cells), the WCDMA analysis could crash with an “Out of memory” error
even when a filter is applied, which limits the number of cells included in the
WCDMA analysis. The memory problem occurs only if the CPLM was
created for the whole network without the filter.
Workaround: Re-run CPLM analysis with a smaller number of cells using
the same filter as for the WCDMA analysis.
• Coverage holes close to sites in multi-carrier WCDMA networks
In multi-carrier WCDMA networks, the coverage plot for a particular
frequency has holes around sites not using that frequency. The reason is
that CPLM discards cells with high pathloss relative to the cell with the least
Workaround: The CPLM parameters "Max delta pathloss" and "Max
number of cells" should be increased.

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• Out of memory during OSS-RC WCDMA Import
In 32-bit version of TEMS CellPlanner, the OSS-RC WCDMA import may
run out of memory, if both the import file and the target project are relatively
large (a couple of thousand sites each).
Workaround: Before running OSS-RC WCDMA import, start the Application
Preferences utility and make sure that “Max Memory Allocation” for the
Client Application is set to the maximum possible (1200 MB for 32-bit
TEMS CellPlanner). Note that TEMS CellPlanner must be restarted for the
change to take effect!
If the OSS-RC WCDMA import still runs out of memory, the solution is to
run TEMS CellPlanner on a 64-bit operating system with sufficient amount
of memory.
Importing a large OSS-RC file into a new (empty) project does not require
as much memory as if both the import file and the target project are
relatively large and it can be sufficient with the 32-bit version of TEMS
• WiMAX utilization % values are not correct
Using a traffic demand mix with extremely high traffic density and/or scale
factor values can result in overflow in the utilization for a cell, which is seen
as a high negative value.
• Error in log after using Import to neighbor list
In some cases, after using If Analysis->Neighbor list->Import to neighbor
list, an error appears in the Log saying “Error when saving metadata”. This
error is harmless and does not affect any TEMS CellPlanner functionality.
Possible workarounds:
• Run Import to neighbor list one more time, OR
• Run Analysis->Neighbor list->Generate neighbor list before running
Import to neighbor list.
• Erroneous pixels in preprocessed Planet backdrop images
When importing PlaNet backdrop data to internal TEMS CellPlanner format
(MRR) through the Preprocess raster data function, pixels with code 255 in
the PlaNet backdrop are incorrectly converted to transparent in TEMS
Workaround: Import PlaNet backdrop data as file through the Import wizard
• Preprocess vector data window cannot be opened a second time
After preprocessing PLANET vector data to MRV, the Preprocess vector
data window cannot be opened again.
Workaround: Restart TEMS CellPlanner.

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• Occasional error when exporting Network layer as vector file
When exporting the network layer as a vector file (e.g. MapInfo) the error
message “Export Error….Cannot create exporter” may appear occasionally.
Workaround: Retry the export. In some systems it always works the first
time, in some systems always the second time and on some system you
must retry a number of times before it finally succeeds.
• Problem exporting certain type of plots to vector format
Exporting certain type of plots (e.g. composite coverage) to a vector format
(e.g. MapInfo), sometimes produce a result that looks different from the
original plot. This happens when there is coverage holes present in the plot
in TEMS CellPlanner. Export of coverage holes in the plots to vector format
is currently not supported and the holes will not be present in the exported
This will be fixed in a future release of TEMS CellPlanner.
• TEMS CellPlanner occasionally hangs while printing map
TEMS CellPlanner may stop responding if printing a map while at the same
time zooming or panning in the map window.
Workaround: Do not zoom or pan in the map window while a print operation
is in progress.
• Print preview window occasionally distorted
The print preview window can be drawn incorrectly when drawing in the
normal map window interferes.
Workaround: Wait for the print preview to draw completely before doing
operations on the map windows (clicking in it, zoom, pan, display plot etc).
• Newly created sites marked as non-modifiable in site explorer
If you create a new site and store the project on the CellPlanner server with
permissions activated, you may get a red cross symbol in the site explorer,
indicating that the user is not allowed to modify a site. In this case the
indication is incorrect for the newly created site. The system is working
correctly and after publish; the correct symbol will be displayed for the site.
• Partial publish fails when interfered by another user
If one user has modified an object, another user has deleted the same
object and both of them are doing a partial publish at the same time, the
partial publish for the first user will fail with a "NullPointerException".
Workaround: The first user has to restart the partial publish.

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• Script antenna_type_util does not work
The J-Python script does not work in TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1. This script is normally used to merge several antenna
types with one electrical tilt lobe each into one antenna type with multiple
electrical tilt lobes. The script will be corrected in a drop release.
• Change of project filter may cause problem
A consistency check is now performed behind the scenes when saving to
the database. However, this check only applies to objects, which are visible
through the current project filter. If the project filter is changed without first
saving done changes to the database, inconsistency might go undetected
and possibly causing problems in the server later.
Workaround: Avoid changing the project filter while having unsaved
• WCDMA Statistics is only counted for best-serving cell
Statistics only counts admitted users and blocking reason on a cell for
those users having cell as best cell, while congestion control, in some
cases, apply blocking for users in handover also. This can give
inconsistency between connected and blocked users in statistics.
• WCDMA Analysis: The number of blocked multi-rate users can be
too high in some cases
The number of blocked multi-rate users can be too high if the number of
multirate users is higher than the admission SF threshold for lowest bit rate.
Workaround: Set a higher SF threshold for SF used in lowest bit rate for
multirate bearers.
• HS-DSCH power in the statistics report is not correct in spite of
low/high traffic demand mix
The HS-DSCH power shown in the HSPA statistics report is the power
transmitted while the HSDPA channel is switched on. The channel is
switched on only when there is data to transmit, and the fraction of the time
while this is the case is reported as the Activity factor. Hence, to calculate
the average power (in W) used by the HS-DSCH, you must multiply the
reported HS-DSCH power (converted to W) by the Activity factor.
• OSS-RC import sometimes finds too many differences when
comparing import file and the TEMS CellPlanner project
The comparison between objects in the Compare Workspaces and OSS-
RC import can sometimes report differences between objects because of
precision differences in floating point attributes like power setting for
channels. This means that too many decimal digits are considered when
comparing these kinds of values this will be addressed in a future release.

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• Option "Sites modifiable" not reliable
In the TEMS CellPlanner administration window, there is a project option
named "Sites modifiable". Selecting this option should automatically enable
the modify/delete sites permissions on all sites for that project. This works
properly the first time the option is selected for a project, but if clearing it
and selecting it again, the modify/delete site permissions are not correctly
• Missing initial correlation between Number of resource blocks and
Carrier bandwidth
When adding an LTE frequency band, the initial value for the Carrier
bandwidth is 5 MHz, regardless of the chosen Carrier mapping. There is a
correlation between the number of resource blocks (in Carrier mapping)
and the Carrier bandwidth. E.g. 6 resource blocks corresponds to a Carrier
bandwidth of 1,25 MHz.
Workaround: To get the correct Carrier bandwidth, based on the chosen
Carrier mapping, change to another Carrier mapping and then switch back
to the preferred Carrier mapping. In this case the Carrier bandwidth will be
updated automatically.

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12 TEMS CellPlanner product packages
The TEMS CellPlanner product consists of different modules to meet
different customers’ needs. Combine the Base module with Technology,
Optional modules and Optimization modules.
Base module:
• Single user license
• Floating network license

Technology modules:

Optional modules:

Optimization modules:
• AFP - Automatic Frequency Planning
• ACP – Automatic Cell Planning
• AMI & ASMT – Automatic Measurement Integrator & Automatic Sector
Model Tuning

A standard TEMS CellPlanner product package consists of the

• TEMS CellPlanner installation CD
• Installation Note and Installation Guide
• Demonstration Project and demonstration Map data
• Release Note

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13 Contact information
Please visit our web site at
You will also find the latest technical information, FAQs and downloads of
patch release on the Technical Support web pages at our web site.
To receive product updates and patch release information, sign up for the
TEMS Subscription Service at TEMS web site.

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LZT 108 9841 R2C 39(47)
Appendix I

Additions to the TEMS CellPlanner 8.1
User documentation

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1 Correction to the Common Features
User's Guide
Chapter Using Filters to Manage Network Planning in the Common
Features User's Guide is updated for functionality delivered in a later
release, 9.0. The main discrepancies between the 8.1.2 documentation and
implementation is described below.
Layout in explorers and analysis windows
In 8.1.2 as well as 9.0, there are options to filter on a Selection or a Filter in
explorers and analysis windows. (The Selection is a selection of sites or
cells from the map display). The layout is though somewhat different, and
9.0 will include possibilities to edit, create and delete filters from this panel.
Figures 1-3 show the different layouts.

Figure 1. Selection panel in TEMS CellPlanner 8.1.2

Figure 2a. Selection option in Selection & filters panel in TEMS CellPlanner

Figure 2b. Filter option in Selection & filters panel in TEMS CellPlanner 9.0

Filter functionality
In 9.0, filters can be created and edited from the Selection option, and
created, edited and deleted from the Filter option. In 8.1.2 this is not
possible. The following procedures in the manual are not yet usable in
• Create Filter from Explorers or Analysis Windows
• Remove Selection from Explorer or Analysis Window
• Delete Filter from Explorer or Analysis Window
In 8.1.2, use instead the procedure Apply Filters in Explorers, enclosed
below. (This procedure has been removed from the manual delivered with

Apply Filters in Explorers

Use the Network, Site, and RBS explorers to apply filters to limit the scope
of operations. Limiting the view to a specific set of network elements makes
it easier to locate, view, and change them.

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Follow these steps to apply a filter to an explorer. This example uses the
Network explorer:
1. Select Utilities Network explorer.
2. To the right of the Filter field, click to display the Apply filter
window, as shown in the following example:

3. Select a filter from the list and click Add. The filter is moved to the
Applied list. Select additional filters as desired.
4. The filters are processed sequentially, using an AND operation
between each filter. An object must pass all selected filters to be
included in a selection. Click Up or Down to move the filter in the
Applied list.
5. When the list of applied filters is complete and sorted, click OK to
apply the filters to the view in the Network explorer.

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LZT 108 9841 R2C 42(47)
2 Additions and clarifications to
different parts of the TEMS
CellPlanner 8.1 User documentation
2.1 How to allocate licenses, on a license server, to
a limited group of users
Suppose you have:
• 3 licenses of INTERNAL, version TCP_LI_2
• 4 users called user1, user2, user3, user4
These 4 users, and no other, should be able to use the 3 licenses
1. At the license server, activate the Services panel,
in W2000 via Programs-Administrative Tools-Services
in Vista via Control Panel-Administrative Tools-Services
2. In the Services panel, open the SentinelLM service, (rightClick-
properties). Check where the service was installed, "Path to
3. Go to this directory
4. Create a file, called lsreserv, with following content:
# Created By SentinelLM Group Manager ::: 7.2.0 ::: 1.0
INTERNAL,TCP_LI_2:OUR_GROUP:3:user1 user2 user3 user4
5. Restart the service SentinelLM (right-click and order this)
6. Start the WlmAdmin.exe program, i.e. from the bin folder in TCP
7. Choose the license server machine
8. In WlmAdmin, check the license INTERNAL version TCP_LI_2. 3
licenses should be reserved

2.2 TEMS CellPlanner supports single-byte

character sets.
TEMS CellPlanner does not fully support multi-byte character sets.

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2.3 What could happen if a user takes long time to
resolve conflicts in the TEMS CellPlanner Server
First a short description of this situation, with a scenario of two users
updating the same parameter in the database:
1. Users A and B both change the same object in their private
2. User A publishes his/her change. The database is updated with the new
value (for example X).
3. User B now publishes his/her change. The conflict is displayed in the
Resolve Conflicts window. Here user B shall take a decision to publish
his/her value or accept the one published by user A, but for some
reason he/she waits with the decision.
4. In the meanwhile, user A has set a new value of the object in his/her
private workspace and now publishes the change. The database is
updated with the new value (Y).
5. User A is now ready to take a decision about the conflict in the still open
Resolve Conflicts window. As TEMS CellPlanner does not support
updating the window with changes done after the first conflict was
presented, user A does not see that the object in the database has
changed to value Y. User A can only select to publish his/her private
workspace value, or accept the value in the database (which he/she
thinks is X, but in reality it is Y).
To minimize the risk for lost updates minimize the time spent deciding on
It is always safe to cancel the publish i.e. restart the conflict resolution with
the latest changes. Since Publish is performed on the stored data in your
private workspace and the stored data in the main projects nothing will be
lost if you cancel Publish.

2.4 Interpretation of ground height

The ground height of an antenna branch is typically set to zero, which
implies that the pathloss algorithm uses the height specified by the
elevation map at the geographical position of the antenna.
However, the elevation map is re-sampled to the same resolution used in
the pathloss calculation, which means that the effective antenna height may
be different in different resolutions.
When a coarse pathloss resolution is used in hilly terrain, this may give
a large difference in effective antenna height. In such cases, it is
recommended to either use the full map resolution when running
pathloss, or explicitly set the antenna height to the correct value in the
Antenna branch editor.

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2.5 The permissions system is enforced when you
make changes that affect other people i.e. you
publish your changes to the main project
You are allowed to change your private workspace regardless of
This is allowed in order to be able to make changes that you never intend
to publish. When you publish changes the permissions are checked to
make sure that you only change things that you are allowed to change.
When a user tries to publish a change in conflict with the user’s
permissions in the project, the publishing fails.
As all permission violations must be resolved before a change in the project
can be published, a change requiring special permissions blocks the entire
publishing if the user does not have these permissions.
You can use the partial publish to publish a part of the project and partial
refresh to refresh a part of the project.

2.6 Rules for OSS-RC WCDMA Import into an

existing TEMS CellPlanner project
The easiest way to use OSS-RC WCDMA Import is to start a new project
from scratch and import the entire network from OSS-RC. In that way all
objects in the projects (Subnetwork, RNCs, RBSs, Sectors, cells, etc.) are
guaranteed to have the correct OSS-RC ids from the beginning and
subsequent OSS-RC exports and imports will work smoothly.
The situation is a bit more complicated if you are using OSS-RC WCDMA
Import to update an existing TEMS CellPlanner project that has not been
created with OSS-RC Import. In this case the objects in the project don't
have any OSS-RC ids, yet, which makes it more difficult for the OSS-RC
Import function to figure out which TEMS CellPlanner object corresponds to
a certain OSS-RC object. In order for the import to succeed, your project
must comply with the rules listed below. Not following the rules below may
result in creation of duplicate objects in the project, or the OSS-RC objects
being mapped to the wrong TEMS CellPlanner objects.
Rules to follow when performing first time OSS-RC WCDMA Import into an
existing WCDMA project:
Subnetwork (Optional)
- If present in the project, it must have the same name as the root
Subnetwork in OSS-RC. Optionally the name may be prefixed with the
Subnetwork name
prefix from Project settings->Object names.
- If not present, the Subnetwork will be created by the Import.
Rnc (Optional)
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- If present in the project, it must have the same name as the
corresponding RNC in OSS-RC. Optionally the name may be prefixed with
the Rnc name prefix from Project settings->Object names.
- If not present, the Rnc will be created by the Import.
The RBS objects must have the same name as the corresponding RBS in
OSS-RC. Optionally the name may be prefixed with the Rbs name prefix
from Project settings->Object names.
There are three alternative ways to match Sectors. The alternatives are
tested in the order below, i.e. try (1) first, if that fails, try (2), if that fails try
(1) Using azimuth: For this to work, Sector->AntennaBranch->Antenna-
>beamDirection must be the same as the beamDirection of the
corresponding Sector in OSS-RC. Furthermore, the beamDirection of each
Sector must be unique within the Rbs.
(2) Using RBS name+letter suffix: For this to work, the Sectors in OSS-RC
must be named "1","2","3",.... and the corresponding Sectors in TEMS
CellPlanner must be called RBS_nameA, RBS_nameB, RBS_nameC, ...
(3) Using any name: Each Sector in TEMS CellPlanner must have the
same name as the corresponding Sector in OSS-RC.
There are two alternative ways to match UtranCells. The alternatives are
tested in the order below, i.e. we try (1) first, if that fails, we try (2).
(1) Using Sector name+carrier number: For this to work, the UtranCell on
carrier 1 must be called Sector_name1, and the UtranCell on carrier 2 must
be called Sector_name2 in the TEMS CellPlanner project.
NOTE: The UtranCell names and RbsLocalCell names from OSS-RC are
not used for matching, they are only stored as Custom Attributes.
(2) Using localCellId: For this to work, the localCellId in TEMS CellPlanner
must be set to the same value as the localCellId of the corresponding
UtranCell and RbsLocalCell in OSS-RC.
Only one AntennaBranch per Sector is imported from OSS-RC: the "A"
branch, since TEMS CellPlanner does not model antenna diversity.
Therefore, it is recommended to have only one AntennaBranch per Sector
alsoin the TEMS CellPlanner project. If a Sector has more than one
AntennaBranch nevertheless, then the relevant one should be given the
default name, which consists of AntennaBranch prefix (from Project
settings) + Sector name.

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2.7 Bulk CM bug in OSS-RC R4 affecting import of
Feeder cables
There is a known bug in OSS-RC R4 regarding the Bulk CM interface: the
AntennaBranch reference attribute of Feeder cable is missing from the Bulk
CM file. This means that when importing a Bulk CM file from OSS-RC R4,
we cannot know for certain which AntennaBranch each FeederCable
belongs to, since the FeederCables are listed on RBS level.
As a work-around, the OSS-RC WCDMA Import makes an assumption that
the feeder cables are listed in the same order as the AntennaBranches in
the Bulk CM file. This usually works; however, there is no guarantee.
Getting the wrong Feeder cable for an AntennaBranch may result in getting
incorrect "Override attenuation" values for the AntennaBranch.
To avoid this problem, you can unselect the "Feeder cable attenuations"
parameter when importing from OSS-RC. (See File->Import->OSS-RC
WCDMA->Antenna equipment tab).
NOTE that this problem only exists in OSS-RC R4. The bug is fixed in
OSSRC R5.2 and higher versions.

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