Its Famous For Soccer

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Wawat Srinawati M.Pd.

Group 7
Muhamad Robi Hermawan (0142S1C021012)

Arfah Rahmawati(0142S1C021031)



1.1 Background

Football is a team game played by each team consisting of of eleven players including a goalkeeper.
Football is a game which is very popular, because the game of football is often played by children,
people adults and parents. Currently the development of the game of football is very rapid, this is
marked by the many football schools (SSB) were established. Goal of the game In football, each team
or team is trying to control the ball, put the ball into the opponent's goal as much as possible, and
try to break the opponent's attack to protect or keep the goal from conceding the ball.

Football is a team game that requires basic cooperation between players fellow team
members, as one of the characteristics of the game of football. To be able to playing football
properly and correctly the players master the basic techniques football.

To play the ball well, players are equipped with good basic techniques,Players who have
good basic technique tend to be able to play good football too. There are several basic techniques in
the game of football kinds, such as stop ball (stopping the ball), shooting (kicking the ball into the
goal), passing (passing), heading (heading the ball), and dribbling (dribbling).


Can know about football

Can find out the best team

Can find out why football is famous

Get to know famous football players

1.3 Problem Formulation

• What is the Technical of the Football Game

• How are the rules of tennis Football Game

• What is needed in the game Football Games

1.4 Problem Limitation

• This paper only discusses the game of Football Game


A. Conclusion

Players are divided into Two teams of 11 people each fighting for puts a round ball into the
opponent's goal ("scoring a goal"). Team that scored more goals is the winner (usually within 90
minutes, but there are another way to determine the winner if the result is a draw). The most
important rule in achieve this goal is that the players (except the goalkeeper) must not touch the ball
with their hands while still in play.

B. Suggestion

Playing soccer also requires excellent brain ability, to be able to play football we have to practice a
lot and cultivate a tenacious cooperation because in This game is very necessary togetherness and
tenacity in playing for the sake of creation dynamics of togetherness to achieve victory.

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