AC Power Short Report 115

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Power is the most important quantity in electric utilities, electronic and communication
systems, because such systems involve transmission of power from one point to another. Also,
every industrial and household electrical appliances is using electrical energy transmitted via the
transmission line. The most common form of power that is being used widely is 50 or 60Hz ac
There are two types of power during transmission and used in daily life, which is real power
and reactive power. The values of these power is depending on the combination of load elements
which is the resistor, capacitor and inductor. The actual amount of power being used, or dissipated,
in a circuit is called real power, and it is measured in watts (W). The reactive loads such as inductors
and capacitors dissipate zero power, yet the fact that they drop voltage and draw current gives the
deceptive impression that they do dissipate power and it is measured in a unit called Voltage-Amps-
Reactive (VAR). There are various combinations with these elements. Different configurations will
have different consumption of real power and reactive power. Different values of real and apparent
power will contribute to lagging or leading power factor. Power factor correction is done to increase
the power factor as most of the loads are inductive. The low power factor will contribute to higher
current flow and more losses where the formula is given by P = I2Z.

The three phase system is connected in star-star configuration. The simulation is done on few
combination of load such as purely resistive load, purely capacitive load, purely inductive load,
inductive load and capacitive load. Complex power, apparent power, real power, reactive power
and power factor are calculated. The direction of power flow in the circuit is identified as well.

Formula used:
Impedance, Z = R + jX
Complex power = *Z = P + jQ , where P is real power and Q is reactive power

Apparent power = �𝑃𝑃2 + 𝑄𝑄2

Power factor =
a) Purely Resistive Load

Figure 1 Purely resistive circuit with R = 2 kΩ, R = 3 kΩ and R = 5 kΩ

Figure 2 Waveform of VR1 and IR1 when R = 2 kΩ

Figure 3 Waveform of VR1 and IR1 when R = 3 kΩ

Figure 4 Waveform of VR1 and IR1 when R = 5 kΩ

Table 1 Results of purely resistive load

Resistance, Ω 2000 3000 5000

Voltage, V 339.95 339.95 339.95

Current, mA 169.94 113.29 67.98

Real power, W 28.89 19.26 11.55

Reactive power, var 0 0 0

Apparent power, VA 28.89 19.26 11.55

Power factor 1 1 1

Figure 5 Power flow of purely resistive load

b) Purely Capacitive Load

Figure 6 Purely capacitive circuit with C = 0.3 mF, C = 0.03 mF and C = 0.0003 mF

Figure 7 Waveform of VC1 and IC1 when C = 0.3 mF

Figure 8 Waveform of VC1 and IC1 when C = 0.03 mF

Figure 9 Waveform of VC1 and IC1 when C = 0.0003 mF

Table 2 Results of purely capacitive load

Capacitance, mF 0.3 0.03 0.0003

Voltage, V 339.96 339.96 339.96

Current, A 32.04 3.20 32.04m

Real power, W 0 0 0

Reactive power, var -5.45k -543.25 -5.45

Apparent power, VA 5.45k 543.25 5.45

Power factor 0 0 0

Figure 10 Power flow of purely capacitive load

c) Purely Inductive Load

Figure 11 Purely inductive circuit with L = 10 H, L = 15.3 H, L = 20 H

Figure 12 Waveform of VL1 and IL1 when L = 10 H

Figure 13 Waveform of VL1 and IL1 when L = 15.3 H

Figure 14 Waveform of VL1 and IL1 when L = 20 H

Table 3 Results of purely inductive load

Inductance, H 10 15.3 20

Voltage, V 339.59 339.59 339.59

Current, mA 216.44 141.47 108.22

Real power, W 0 0 0

Reactive power, var 73.59 48.10 36.79

Apparent power, VA 73.59 48.10 36.79

Power factor 0 0 0

Figure 15 Power flow of purely inductive load

d) Inductive Load

Figure 16 Inductive circuit with various combination of load values

Figure 17 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2 kΩ and L = 15.3 H

Figure 18 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2.4 kΩ and L = 15.3 H

Figure 19 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2.4 kΩ and L = 30 H

Table 4 Results of inductive load

Load 2000Ω, 15.3 H 2400Ω,15.3H 2400Ω, 30H

Voltage, V 339.99 339.99 340.00

Current, mA 66.70 63.92 38.24

Real power, W 4.45 4.90 1.75

Reactive power, var 10.69 9.81 6.89

Apparent power, VA 11.58 10.98 7.11

Power factor 0.384 0.45 0.25

Figure 20 Power flow of inductive load

e) Capacitive Load

Figure 21 Capacitive circuit with various combination of load values

Figure 22 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2 kΩ and C = 0.03 mF

Figure 23 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2 kΩ and C = 0.003 mF

Figure 24 Waveform of VVr1 and IR1 when R = 2.4 kΩ and C = 0.003 mF

Table 5 Results of capacitive load

Load 2000Ω, 0.03mF 2000Ω, 0.003mF 2400Ω, 0.003mF

Voltage, V 339.98 339.93 339.97

Current, mA 163.78 148.75 127.61

Real power, W 26.82 22.13 19.54

Reactive power, var -1.423 -11.74 -8.64

Apparent power, VA 26.86 25.05 21.37

Power factor 0.999 0.883 0.914

Figure 25 Power flow of capacitive load


Figure 26 Schematic of induction motor

Figure 27 Waveform of Vr and IRr

Voltage across Rr + Lr +C1 = 340V at 25.01ms

Peak current across Rr + Lr +C1 = 78.02mA at 28.38ms

Thus, phase difference = 3.37 *

= 60.66°
So, current, I = 78.02∠-60.66° mA

Initial power factor = cos (60.66)

= 0.49

340 × 78.02𝑚𝑚
Real power, P = cos (60.66)

= 6.4989 W

jQold = P tan (θ)

= 6.4989 tan (60.66)

= 11.56 var

Let new power factor, pf = 0.9

jQnew = P tan (cos-1 (new pf))

= 6.4989 tan (cos-1 (0.9))

= 3.15 var

jQcorrection = 3.15 -11.56

= -8.41 var

Capacitance needed to add =
𝝅𝝅𝝅𝝅 × 𝑽𝑽𝟐𝟐

𝝅𝝅 × 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 × 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟐𝟐

= 0.46 μF
Figure 28 Schematic and simulation waveform of Vr and IRr

Voltage across Rr + Lr + C1 = 340V at 24.99ms

Sum of current across (Rr + Lr + C1) and C4 = 45.99 mA at 26.43ms

New phase difference = (26.43 - 24.99) * 18°

= 25.92°

Power factor after correction = cos (25.92)

= 0.90
a) Difference in real and reactive power for different types and sizes of load.

Real power is the actual power which is dissipated in the circuit. Whereas, the reactive power is
the useless power which only flows back and forth between the source and load.

Table 6 Characteristic of load

Real power Reactive power

Purely Resistive Load Positive value No

Purely Capacitive Load No Negative value

Purely Inductive Load No Positive value

Inductive Load Positive value Positive value

Capacitive Load Positive value Negative value

Purely Resistance Load - When we used 2000Ω and then 3000Ω, the value of real power increases.
Then when we change the value of the resistor to 5000 Ω, the value of real power decreases.

Purely Inductive Load - When we used higher value of inductance, the value of reactive power

Purely Capacitive Load - When we used 0.3mF and then 0.03mF, the value of reactive power
decreases. Then we changed the value of capacitance to 0.0003mF, the value of reactive power

Inductive Load - When we used 2000Ω, 15.3 H and then 2400Ω, 15.3H, the value of real power
increases and the value of reactive power decreases. Then we changed the value to 2400Ω, 30H,
the value of real power decreases and the value of reactive power also decreases

Capacitive load - When we used 2000Ω, 0.03mF and then 2000Ω, 0.003mF, the value of real power
decreases and the value of reactive power decreases. Then we changed the value to 2400Ω,
0.003mF, the value of real power also decreases and the value of reactive power increases
b) Direction of real and reactive power flow, apparent power and power factor; for
different sizes and types of load.

Resistance - Resistor consumes only real power

- Real power flows from source to load
- No reactive power is flowing
Z = R , Q = 0 , P = I2 R

Inductance - Inductor absorbs reactive power, reactive power flows from source to
- No real power flowing
P = 0 , Q = I2XL , Z = jXL

Capacitance - Capacitor supplies reactive power, reactive power flows from load to
- No real power flowing
P = 0 , Q = I2XC , Z = jXC

Resistance-inductance - Resistance absorbs real power from source to load

- Reactive power flows from source to load and from load to source
- If the load ZL is inductive, ZL= R+jX then Ø is positive and Q is also
positive. This is called a lagging power factor since the current lags
P = I2R , Q = I2XL , Z = R + jXL , S = P + jQL

Resistance-capacitance - Resistance absorbs real power from source to load

- Reactive power flows from source to load and from load to source
- If the load ZC is capacitive, ZL= R-jX then Ø is negative and Q is also
negative. This is called a leading power factor since the current leads
P = I2R , Q = I2XC , Z = R + jXC , S = P - jQC
c) Whether the switching in and out of inductive or capacitive loads affects the real and
reactive power

Figure 29 Power triangle

Based on the power triangle, real power is not affected but the reactive power is affected.

When an inductive load is switched in, the reactive power will increase, whereas when
capacitive is switched in, the reactive power will decrease.

d) Effect of power factor correction

P.F. = Actual Power / Apparent Power or P.F. = Cosϴ

From simulation 2, inserting the 0.46μF capacitor parallel to the load has significantly
improved the power factor of the system. The power factor from 0.49 to become 0.90. Thus,
less reactive power required for this system and hence less losses in the system as complex
power needed to be produced is lesser.

In a purely resistive load, current and voltage are exactly in phase. Maximum real power is
transferred from source to load. The presence of inductor causes current to lag behind voltage,
resulting in positive reactive power being absorbed by load. In contrast, capacitor causes current to
lead voltage, hence the reactive power direction is negative.

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