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Ch. 836 reasonable opportunity to_present evidence as to its setting, purpose ‘and effect fo aid the court in making the determination, § 2. This sot shall take effect immediately and shall be applicable toll leases, regardless of when executed Utica, City of Excuse of Tax Payment to Oneida County On Property Subject to Restrictions CHAPTER 829 ‘An Act to excuse payment of taxes ny the treasurer of the eity of Utica ‘2 the finance. officer of Oneida ‘county on, property aubet ie Approved and ettective July 3, 1976 The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows. Section 1. Notwithstanding tho provisions of any other law, the treasurer of the city of Utiea is hereby exeused from making pay. ments to the finanee officer of the county of Oneida in the amount of connty taxes levied on taxable property #rom and after January first, nineteen hundred seventy-one where: the enforcement of payment of such taxes was or is restrained or prohibited by court onder wnlil pay ment of said taxes or payment in liew of said taxes is reimbursed from any other souree. §2. This act shall take effect immediately. Syracuse, City of-—City and City Court Jurisdiction CHAPTER 830 ‘Am Act in rolstion to extending the eriminal surasetion of the ety court of Syracuso and to extend the googrephical ares of employment of Bolice officers of the elty of Syracuse to real property owned by ‘uch elty and ssed for munteipal airport purzeses ani to oatehd ‘ho application of all local laws and opdinasies of the city of aor ce to lands sed for airport purboses Approved and eftactive July 261916 The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows Section 1. Syracuse city court jarisdiclion, Notwithstanding any ‘efussen govione in ha cin psn a nor ay oat ach oF any other laws regulating jurisdiction of « eity court, the jar Aickion of the city court of Syracuse shall Tecude the Sollowing (2) Concurrent” jurisdiction” with the sppropriate. town court of criminal matters, ab is preseribed by the eruminal procadure low come silted within or upon any real property owned by’ such ety end ined Or manicipal sirport purposes, (b) Brehisive juedioton t0 hea, ty and detain all complaints and changes of violations of the city charter, loel law ordinances eo rules and regulations of tho city of Syracuse within oF upon any sal Property owned hy sach eity and ‘sed for municipel aixport purposes § 2. Residence requirements for certain employment. Notwith- Standing any inconsistent provision of any general, special or local law, Aolotions by otetkeouts 1659 Ch. 838 Laws oF N the geographical area of employment of police officers of the city of Syracuse shall extend to xeal property owned by such city and used for munieipal sixport purposes § 3. AU! local laws and ordinances of the eity of Syracuse and other ews, rules and regulations of the state of New York now in full force snd ‘effect or hereafter adopted or amended shall, insofar az applicable fo lands used for airport purposes, be applicable to all persons on or ing. real property owned by the eity of Syracuse for municipal air port purposes, § 4, This ect shall take effeot immediately. Liability Insurance for Municipal Officers and Employees CHAPTER 831 The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows Section 1. The general municipal law is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section, to bo section fifty-two, to read as follows §. 52. Liability insurance for officers and employees iach city, county, fire district, school distriet, town and village may ‘purchase lability insurance with such limits as it may deem reasonable ‘for the purpose of protecting ils officers and eruployees against liabili for claims arising from their acts while exereising oF performing oF in good faith purporting to exercise or perform their powers and duties, § 2 This eot shall take effeot immediately New York City—Civil Actions Against Police Department Members CHAPTER 832 Mproteht against momoare oft poli ceparinent i ay ety hewing Approved ana etfectve duly 3,18 The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and ‘Assembly, do enact as follows. Section 1. ‘The genersl municipal Inw is hereby amended by adding thereto ® new section, to be tection fifly-k, to reed as follows § 50-K. Civil actions against members of a pol having a popolation in excass of one milion person “1. As used in this sestion ‘a. “City” means eny city having » population in excess of ion persons: 1660 Changes or additions In text are Indicated by underting department incites si

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