(Aim High L5) Participle Clauses

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Participle Clauses

Participle clauses can be used to express reasons and time relations. Participle clauses can only be
used if the subject is the same as that of the main clause.

Participle clauses are used the -ing form of a verb and often called present participle, however these
can be used in such a way that they refer to the past, present or future. Participles are used with other
words to make participle clauses,

“Participle clauses adalah sebuah kalimat ungkapan yang digunakan untuk pengganti ungkapan yang
menyatakan sebuah alasan (Reason) dan hubungan waktu (time relation), participle clauses dapat
digunakan jika memiliki subject yang sama dengan kalimat utamanya (main clause). Participle clauses
selalu menggunakan betuk kata kerja -ing (Verb 1 + Ing)”


Participle clauses for Reason:

- Having written to her twice, I didn’t want to write again

(Kalimat aslinya: Because I had written to her twice, I didn’t want to write again)
- Enjoying his Russian studies at university, Ahmad decided to visit Russia
(Kalimat aslinya: Since He had enjoyed his Russian studies, Ahmad decided to visit Russia)

Note: kalimat asli participle clauses for reason biasanya di awali conjunctions (Because,
Since, as, etc.)

Participle clauses for Time Relation:

- Listening to the sound of the sea, I started to drift off to sleep

(Kalimat aslinya: while I was listening to sound of the sea, I started to drift off to sleep)
- Switching off the light, he went up to bed
(Kalimat aslinya: After he was switching off the lights, he went up to bed)

Note: kalimat asli participle clauses for time relations biasanya di awali conjunctions (while,
after, before, etc.)

I. Say whether the sentences express reason(R) or time relation(T).
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Number 1 is done for you

1 Turning round quickly, he bumped into me. _R__

2 Having finished his project, he turned the computer off. ____

3 Switching off the lights, he went up to bed. ____

4 Apologizing for his action, he opened the door and left. ____
5 Being a shy person, she wasn't looking forward to giving the speech. __

6 Practicing Arabic every day, she grew very confident in the language. __

7 Having appeared on TV, he found that he was recognized everywhere. ____

8 Having fed the cat, she got up and went for a walk. ____

II. Replace the phrases in bold with a participle clause. Number 1 is done
for you

1. Because we are interested in ancient history, we visit a lot of

(Being interested in ancient history, we visit a lot of museums)

2. After I bought my bike, I immediately went out for a ride in the


3. As we've lived here all our lives, we feel we know the area very

4. As he wrote the letter, he started to feel sad.

5. If you exercise and eat well, that should keep your blood pressure

6. As a result of walking so far, her feet were aching.

7. While she was talking to us, she texted Nancy.

8. Because we weren't used to the heat, we suffered quite badly.

III. Rewrite the participle clauses in bold, using because, after or while.
Number 1 is done for you

1. Not knowing the answer to the question, I simply guessed it.

(because I didn’t know the answer to the question, I simply guessed

2. Having walked away from the man, I realized I'd given him the wrong

3. Having spent so long working in a mine, he had coal dust in his


4. Studying all night, he eventually fell ill.

5. Studying ancient Egypt, she came across a document that had never
been seen before.

6. Not wanting to interrupt, I waited until he had finished speaking.

7. Holding the phone, she felt it ring.

8. Not having had my make-up done before, I soon felt uncomfortable

sitting in the same position.

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