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Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Isabel, Leyte Chapter

Constitution and By-Laws (Proposed)

WE, THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERS residing within the legal boundaries of ISABEL,

SO AWARE of our distinctive BELIEF that our profession emanates solely from the
ALMIGHTY GOD as a personal gift,

AND, that we have to STRIVE in fulfilling our prime responsibility to all people and our
countrymen as catalyst for their betterment.

Likewise, AFFIRMING our constant adherence to remain professional in all our actions
based on the set CODE of CONDUCT,

Further, REALIZING that we direly need each other to enable to promote the welfare and
advancement of Chemical Engineering Profession in the field of science and technology,

Moreover, DETERMINED with persistence, to make Isabel, Leyte, Philippines an

environment-friendly, peaceful and much better place to live, and
With our affiliation with the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers,

Have RESOLVED to be one and united in our hearts, minds and will to accomplish these
general aims by constituting the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers in Isabel,
Leyte, Philippines, and by virtue thereof, proclaim and promulgate this fundamental
Constitution and By-Laws.

Nature, Name, Seal and Office

Section 1.NATURE - This organization shall be the local Chapter of the Philippine Institute
of Chemical Engineers in Isabel, Leyte. As such, it shall be a non-profit and non-
political organization that shall embody similar objectives and principles consistent
with its national organization. It shall be a Professional organization accredited by
the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Section 2.NAME – This organization shall be known as the PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF

to as PIChE –Isabel.

Section 3.SEAL – The seal of PIChE shall consist of two concentric circles with the name
chapter inscribed in between them and the symbol of a manufacturing plant inside
the smaller circle.

Section 4.OFFICE – The principal office of PIChE-Isabel shall be located in the Leyte
Industrial Development Estate (LIDE), Isabel, Leyte.

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Declaration of Principles and Objectives

Section 1.PRINCIPLES – The principles of the members of PIChE-Isabel, consistent with the
principles of PICHE, shall be based upon a firm commitment to equality, sincerity,
trustworthiness, service and good moral conduct.

Section 2.OBJECTIVES – PICHE-Isabel aims for the improvement, development, and

advancement of its members by:
a. Promoting and developing the chemical engineering profession
through the active participation and involvement of its members;
b. Conducting continuing professional education fora, seminars and
workshops for its members;
c. Uplifting, safeguarding and protecting by lawful means the welfare
of its members;
d. Conscientiously upholding and maintaining high professional, ethical
and moral standards and sustaining a profound sense of responsibility and
dedication among its members;
e. Fostering a closer fellowship among members;
f.Providing a venue to discuss and resolve issues pertinent to the chemical
engineering profession;
g. Encouraging association and cooperation with local and international
professional organizations related to the fields of science and technology, in
both public and private sectors; and
h. Serving as a major element in achieving and sustaining local and
national development.


Section 1.TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP – The membership of PIChE-Isabel shall be composed

a. Regular Member - A person who is a registered chemical engineer in accordance with
the laws of the Republic of the Philippines;

b. Associate Member - A person holding a degree in Bachelor of Science in Chemical

Engineering (BSChE) from a duly recognized college or university,
either local or foreign; and

c. Honorary Member - A person, not necessarily a registered chemical engineer, who has
distinguished himself/herself in the field of chemical engineering or
contributed greatly to the advancement of the chemical engineering
profession and whom the Board of Directors by unanimous vote,
conferred honorary membership in this chapter.
Section 2.ADMISSION OF MEMBERS – A person, natural or judicial, shall be admitted by
the Board of Directors to membership to PIChE-Isabel upon written application
and recommendation by the Committee on Membership. Admitted members shall
be classified as per Section 1 of this Article.

Section 3.PROHIBITION ON DUAL MEMBERSHIP – No member, irrespective of type,

shall, at any time, be a member of more than one Chapter.

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Section 4.ChE Fellow – A regular member who has shown exemplary performance as a
chemical engineer shall be given the title of ‘ChE Fellow’ upon the
recommendation of the chapter to the National membership committee and
approval of the board.


member may be suspended or expelled for reasons inimical to PIChE-Isabel or to
the profession after a fair hearing or under such rules and regulations as may be
prescribed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may reinstate any
member who has been expelled for non-payment of dues upon recommendation of
the Committee on Membership, provided that he/she shall make full settlement of
all dues and accounts outstanding at the time of reinstatement.

Privileges, Fees and Dues

Section 1.ANNUAL DUES – Each member shall remit annually to the Chapter Board and
National Board an amount to be determined by the Chapter Board.

Section 2.MISCELLANEOUS FEE – Fees shall be charged for sales of publication and other
services under such rules and regulations, as may be prescribed by the Board of

Section 3.PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING –A regular member shall be

entitled to all services and privileges including the right to vote and be voted upon
as an officer of the association. An associate member shall be entitled to all
services and privileges and can vote but cannot be voted upon. An honorary
member shall be entitled to all services and privileges which the Chapter provides.
He can vote but cannot be voted upon.

Board of Directors

Section 1.COMPOSITION – The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers-Isabel, Leyte

Chapter shall be governed and administered by a Board of Directors composed of
fifteen (15) regular members. The members of the Board of Directors shall be
elected for a term of one (1) year.

Section 2.POWERS – The Board of Directors shall have the management of the Chapter and
such powers and authorities as are herein provided by this By-Laws. Without
prejudice to the general powers herein above conferred, the Board of Directors shall
have the following express powers:

a. From time to time to make and change rules and regulations not inconsistent with the
PIChE Constitution and By-Laws and for the management of the Chapter’s business
and affair.

b. To delegate, from time to time, any of the powers of the Board of Directors in the
course of the activities of the Chapter to any created committee or to any officer, as
may be deemed fit.

Section 3.ELECTION OF DIRECTORS – The election of the members of the Board of

Directors shall be held on the 2nd week of March of each year at an annual meeting

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of the members or at a special meeting called for the purpose. Voting shall be by
secret ballot.

Section 4.ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR – The administrative year of the Chapter shall be from
the first day of April to the last day of March of the following year. Directors
elected will assume office on the first day of the fiscal year to which they are duly
elected until their successors are elected and qualified.

Section 5.FORFEITURE OF OFFICE – The failure of any member of the Board to attend
three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board shall, ipso-facto, result in the forfeiture
of his/her office unless the said member submits within a week after being notified
to respond to the inquiry, a written justification for such absences and found
acceptable to the Board. The number of meetings of the Board shall include both
regular and special meetings even if no business was transacted due to lack of

Section 6.VACANCIES – Any vacancy in the Board of Directors, through death, resignation,
forfeiture, disability or other cause may be filled by appointment of the Board of
Directors for the unexpired term only.


Section 1.ELECTION – Immediately after the annual election every year as provided for in
Article V Section 2 above, the elected members of the Board of Directors shall
elect the following officers: External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, PIO,
Auditor and such other officers as the Directors, from time to time, may consider to
be required and needed in attaining the objectives of the Chapter.


delegates to any local or international professional association, technical or
scientific organization, of which the PIChE-Isabel is a chartered member, shall be
appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of one year or until their successors
have been appointed and qualified.

In case the delegate has been elected as an officer of the association of which
there is a fixed term, the delegate may continue to be a delegate of the Chapter to
said organization until the end of his/her term of office.

Section 3.OTHER OFFICERS – Other officers shall be appointed by the President with the
approval of the board of directors.

Section 4.COMPENSATION OF THE OFFICERS – The President, Internal Vice President,

External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, PIO, Directors, appointed
delegates and other officers shall receive no compensation.

Section 5.BOARD OF ADVISERS – The board of advisers shall be composed of past

Presidents of the chapter.

Section 6.RULES OF SUCCESSION – The presidency of the organization is rotated based on

the business affiliation of the members. Thus, the president and internal vice
president must not be employees from the same company. The internal vice
president will automatically assume the presidency on the following year. The

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external vice president will automatically assume the position of internal vice
president on the following year. The internal vice president and external vice
president must not be employees from the same company.

Duties of Officers

Section 1.THE PRESIDENT – The President shall be the executive officer of the chapter; he
shall preside all meetings of the board of the directors and of the members; he shall
implement all the resolutions of the members and of the Board of Directors and
carry out the aims and objectives of the chapter; he shall sign all checks with the
treasurer and approve all disbursements of the funds of the chapter; and shall
exercise such other functions and responsibilities as are in accordance with this By-

Section 2.INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT – He shall discharge the powers and duties of the
President, in case of incapacity, absence, illness, inability or resignation of the
President; he shall perform such other duties, as the board may deem wise.

Section 3.EXTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT – He shall act as the internal vice president
during his absences. He shall act as the head of external affairs committee.

Section 4.SECRETARY – The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all meetings,
and shall perform all the other duties which are incidental to his/ her office by rule
and practice as the board may determine.

Section 5.TREASURER – The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the Chapter and
custodian of all its funds and properties; he shall countersign all cheques and
disbursement of funds; shall keep on accurate account of all monies received and
disbursed by him in accordance with the budget or special appropriation approved
by the board of directors; shall deposit all collection of funds of the Chapter with a
reputable bank designated by the Board of Directors; jointly with anyone of the
following: the President , the Internal Vice President or the secretary as the case
may be; he shall make a written monthly report, duly audited by the chapter
auditor, of the finances of the chapter to the board of directors and to the members
of the chapter and such other reports as the board of directors may require.

Section 6.AUDITOR – The Auditor shall examine and credit the receipts of all monies and
disbursements of funds of the Institute and shall see to it that disbursements are
carried out in accordance with the provisions of this By-Laws, the resolutions of the
members and of the Board of Directors. He shall pass in audit and certify the
annual financial report of the Treasurer, and such other financial reports as may be
required by the Board of Directors.

Section 7.PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER – The PIO shall act as the liaison officer of
the Chapter. He shall ensure that PIChE-Isabel maintains its good reputation with
the public or media. He shall be in charge of the dissemination of information to the
members of the chapter.

Section 8.OTHER OFFICERS – The duties of other officers whose services may be engaged
by the Chapter shall be as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

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Section 9.DELEGATES – Appointed delegates shall represent the PIChE-Isabel in
accordance with the aims of the chapter and policies embodied in this constitution
and by-laws.

Section 10.IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – The Immediate Past President shall have the
following duties:

a. Be a member of the Executive Committee;

b. Be automatically a member of the Nominations Committee;

c. Be automatically a member of the Board of Advisers; and


Section 1.The President shall, from time to time, create committees necessary to administer
business activity(ies) of the Chapter as the need arises. These committees shall
submit reports at the end of their work or mission.

Section 2.Committee Chairperson shall be appointed to each committee created and

recommended by the president and approved by the board.

Section 3.Disbursement of committee funds and properties received by any committee shall
be deposited in the name of PIChE-Isabel. No withdrawals from such funds shall be
made without the approval of the treasurer and shall be in accordance with the
budget appertaining thereto.

Section 4.The Awards Committee shall be formed to recognize and honor outstanding
achievements of members in the chapter individually or as a committee.

Section 5.There shall be a Nomination Committee which shall oversee the regular election of
the Chapter’s Board Members to be composed of three (3) members. The Chairman
of the Membership Committee shall automatically be the Chairman of the
Nomination Committee who will serve for a period of one (1) year. The other two
(2) members shall be the Immediate Past President and a member appointed by the

Executive Committee

Section 1.COMPOSITION – There shall be am Executive Committee composed of the

President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and the immediate Past President.


a. Administer and manage the affairs of PIChE-Isabel during the intervals between
meetings of the board and subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by
the general assembly or by the board.
b. Same as the finance committee to review and reuse the annual budget as may be
necessary for submission to the board for approval; and

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c. Undertake and carry out such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities as
may be obligated to it by the board and shall have the power to act as and for
the board subject to ratification.


Section 1.ANNUAL MEETINGS OF MEMBERS – The annual meetings of the members of

the Chapter for election of Directors and other purposes shall take place on the
second week of March in the principal office of the Chapter.

Section 2.QUORUM – Quorum in annual meetings as described in Section 1 of this Article

shall consist of 50% + 1 of all members in good standing.

Section 3.MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS – The Board of Directors shall fix
and designate the day or days for holding the regular meetings. It shall adopt its
own rules or procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this By-Laws.


the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business. In case there is no quorum but there at least three (3) officers of the
Board of Directors present during the meeting of the Board of Directors, the
meeting shall be designated as Executive Board meeting.


a. A special meeting of the members of the Chapter may be called at the instance
of the President, three (3) Directors or any ten (10) members who shall inform
the Secretary and who in turn shall notify the members at least ten (10) days
before the date of the meeting.
b. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called at the instance of the
President or any three (3) Directors, the notice of place and time for which shall
be communicated to the Directors by the Secretary at least two (2) days before
the date of the meeting.


Section 1.This By-Laws maybe amended by a majority vote of all the members assembled at
annual meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose.

Section 2 No proposed amendment or repeal will be acted upon unless the same is submitted
in writing to the Board of Directors of the Chapter by the proponent. The Secretary
shall give due notice of such proposed amendments or repeal at least fifteen (15)
days prior to the date of the special or general meeting called for the purpose.

(The space below is intentionally left blank)

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Ratification of Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers, Isabel Chapter’s Constitution
and By-Laws:

We, the organizers of the PIChE-Isabel, whose Names and Signatures appear below,
do hereby ratify and adapt the above (pages 1-7) Constitution and By-Laws. Signed this ___
day of _____ in the year of our Lord 2010.


Board of Directors (First set):

1. Rowena Cortez ____________________________________

2. Emerson Lemuel Go ____________________________________

3. Felix Timtim, Jr. ____________________________________

4. Joven Chiong ____________________________________

5. Charisse Ledesma ____________________________________

6. Hanzel Orlanda ____________________________________

7. Erwin Mahinay ____________________________________

8. Janssen Gabo ____________________________________

9. Emma Tribujenia ____________________________________

10. Arthur Gotardo ____________________________________

11. Joseph Batilong ____________________________________

12. Razoland Roullo, Jr. ____________________________________

13. Phillip Arthur Rejuso ____________________________________

14. Yvan Carloh Dinoy ____________________________________

15. Norjanah Natangcop ____________________________________

Regular and Associate Members:

16. Silvestre Abayan ____________________________________

17. Celvin Acedo ____________________________________

18. Maria Salie Acedo ____________________________________

19. Rene Alonso ____________________________________

20. Hercules Amson ____________________________________

21. Reniero Apiag ____________________________________

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22. Rey Bacea ____________________________________

23. Arnulfo Bacolod ____________________________________

24. Benjamin Batayola ____________________________________

25. Virginia Merlyn Beley ____________________________________

26. Mae Beverly Benigay ____________________________________

27. Jovy Bentoy ____________________________________

28. Melanchton Bernil ____________________________________

29. Maria Ellen Boco ____________________________________

30. Rebecca Bonjoc ____________________________________

31. Charito Boñul ____________________________________

32. Jenelyn Borja ____________________________________

33. Viola Brilata ____________________________________

34. Julito Bulac, Jr. ____________________________________

35. Perdo Cabahug, Jr. ____________________________________

36. Juvie Caugiran ____________________________________

37. Clodualdo Conde, Jr. ____________________________________

38. Georgia Conde ____________________________________

39. Jobert Comia ____________________________________

40. Rufino Damayo ____________________________________

41. Frances Diabordo ____________________________________

42. Carlos Diongzon, Jr. ____________________________________

43. Baby Dueñas ____________________________________

44. Ernesto Edellon, Jr. ____________________________________

45. Ricardo Ensomo ____________________________________

46. Edwin Erum ____________________________________

47. Hyacinth Ezema ____________________________________

48. Mario Festejo ____________________________________

49. Jocelyn Fiel ____________________________________

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50. Bonifacio Fornis ____________________________________

51. Alma Garlet ____________________________________

52. Debbie Gonzaga ____________________________________

53. Perfecto Gotgotao, Jr. ____________________________________

54. Joffrey Hapitan ____________________________________

55. Francisco Herrera ____________________________________

56. Wenifred Jayme ____________________________________

57. Elizabeth Jurolan ____________________________________

58. Ireneo Jurolan ____________________________________

59. Lorenzo Laplana ____________________________________

60. Maricel Laru-an ____________________________________

61. Leo Macapobre ____________________________________

62. Emilio Medina ____________________________________

63. Dexter Mendoza ____________________________________

64. Maria Imelda Montejo ____________________________________

65. Blessyl Marie Navaltan ____________________________________

66. Donato Notario, Sr. ____________________________________

67. Milagros Notario ____________________________________

68. Timothy Notario ____________________________________

69. Nap Napomuceno ____________________________________

70. Josefino Obeso ____________________________________

71. Napoleon Omega, Jr. ____________________________________

72. Godofredo Padilla, Jr. ____________________________________

73. Antonio Padriquez ____________________________________

74. Jeanny Padriquez ____________________________________

75. Chuana Pagador ____________________________________

76. Gigi Pantiono ____________________________________

77. Roland Perez ____________________________________

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78. Dedicacion Diviagracia Ramirez_____________________________

79. Edmar Par ____________________________________

80. Prudencio Redulla, Jr. ____________________________________

81. Cleofe Rivera ____________________________________

82. Randolph Rivera ____________________________________

83. Mark Khristian John Roche_________________________________

84. Penny Roche ____________________________________

85. Teodorico Roche III ____________________________________

86. Liliven Rosal ____________________________________

87. Mildred Ruta ____________________________________

88. Rachelle Mae Saceda ____________________________________

89. Tranquilino Sanchez, Jr. ____________________________________

90. Maria Judy Sevilla ____________________________________

91. Maria Linda Signo ____________________________________

92. Lorenzo Sinas ____________________________________

93. Pricila Solis ____________________________________

94. Corazon Soria ____________________________________

95. Jesabel Tampos ____________________________________

96. John Paul Tan ____________________________________

97. Jovita Annabelle Tandang___________________________________

98. Eduardo Ticzon, Jr. ____________________________________

99. Nestor Tribujenia ____________________________________

100.Tristan Tumalad ____________________________________

101. Antonino Varela, Jr. ____________________________________

102. Manuel Varacion ____________________________________

103. Daisy Villar ____________________________________

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