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Programme Learning
Teaching SLT SLT Fixed
Outcome (PLO)
Learning PLO) and Assessment
Course Learning Outcome (CLO) % Assessment %
Learning Weightage
F2F NF2F Total F2F NF2F Total
Method (%)

1. Describe basic concepts of
Physics of motion, force and Summative
energy, waves, matter and X Lecture 18 18 36 20 Assessment 1.5 4.5 6 24 20
thermodynamics. Test
(C 2, PLO 1, MQF LOD 1)
2. Demonstrate manipulative skills
during experiments in
measurement and uncertainty,
free fall and projectile motion,
X Practical 12 0 12 7 Practical Test 1 3 4 16 15
energy, rotational motion of rigid
body, simple harmonic motion
and standing waves in laboratory.
(P3, PLO 2, MQF LOD 2)
3. Solve problems related to Physics Tutorial
49 49 98 54 Examination 2 6 8 32 40
of motion, force and energy, (Exam)
waves, matter and Tutorial
5 5 10 6 Assignment 0 3 3 12 10
thermodynamics. X (Assignment)
6) Tutorial (Lab
12 12 24 13 Lab Report 1 3 4 16 15

Overall X X X Tutorial 96 84 180 100 5.5 19.5 25 100 100
Practical Test
Lab Report


Kursus : PHYSICS 1 Kod Kursus : SP015

Marks Taxonomy Level UPS UPS UPS

Topic CLO SLT %
Allocated 1 2 3
C1 C2
1 Physical Quantities And Measurements 1 1 4% 1.7 / / /
2 Kinematics of linear motion 1 3 13 % 5.0 / / /
3 Momentum and impulse 1 1 4% 1.7 / / /
4 Forces 1 2 9% 3.3 / / /
5 Work, energy and power 1 3 13 % 5.0 / / /
6 Circular motion 1 2 9% 3.3 / / /
7 Gravitation 1 2 9% 3.3 / / /
8 Rotational of rigid body 1 2 9% 3.3 / / /
9 Simple harmonic motion 1 2 9% 3.3 / / /
10 Mechanical waves and sound 1 5 22 % 8.3 / / /
11 Deformation of solids
12 Heat Conduction and Thermal Expansion
13 Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory
14 Thermodynamics

TOTAL 23 100 % 38


Kursus : PHYSICS 1 Kod Kursus : SP015

Taxonomy Level
Allocated C3 C4

1 Physical Quantities And Measurements 3 2 2% 1.6 / /

2 Kinematics of linear motion 3 10 10 % 8.2 / /
3 Momentum and impulse 3 6 6% 4.9 / /
4 Forces 3 6 6% 4.9 / /
5 Work, energy and power 3 10 10 % 8.2 / /
6 Circular motion 3 4 4% 3.3 / /
7 Gravitation 3 8 8% 6.5 / /
8 Rotational of rigid body 3 Assignment / /
9 Simple harmonic motion 3 12 12 % 9.8 / /
10 Mechanical waves and sound 3 16 16 % 13.1 / /
11 Deformation of solids 3 4 4% 3.3 / /
12 Heat Conduction and Thermal Expansion 3 6 6% 4.9 / /
13 Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory 3 8 8% 6.5 / /
14 Thermodynamics 3 6 6% 4.9 / /

TOTAL 98 100 80


Speed of light in vacuum c = 3.00×108 m s-1

Permeability of free space μo = 4π×10-7 H m-1

Permittivity of free space ɛo = 8.85×10-12 F m-1

Electron charge magnitude e = 1.60×10-19 C

Planck constant h = 6.63×10-34 J s

Electron mass me = 9.11×10-31 kg

= 5.49×10-4 u

Neutron mass mn = 1.674×10-27 kg

= 1.008665 u

Proton mass mp = 1.672×10-27 kg

= 1.007277 u

Deuteron mass md = 3.34×10-27 kg

= 2.014102 u

Molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K-1 mol-1

Rydberg constant RH = 1.097×107 m-1

Avogadro constant NA = 6.02×1023 mol-1

Boltzmann constant k = 1.38×10-23 J K-1

Gravitational constant G = 6.67×10-11 N m2 kg-2

Free-fall acceleration g = 9.81 m s-2

Atomic mass unit 1u = 1.66×10-27 kg

= 931.5 MeV/c2

Electron volt 1 eV = 1.6×10-19 J

Constant of proportionality for Coulomb’s 1 = 9.0x109 N m2 C-2

law 4ππo

Atmospheric pressure 1 atm = 1.013×105 Pa

Density of water ρ = 1000 kg m-3

1. A • B = AB cos 21. 2GM
vesc = = 2 gR
2. A B = AB sin nˆ 22.
3. v = u + at 23. r3
T =2
4. 1
s = ut + at 2
24. s=r
5. v = u + 2as
2 2 25. v=r
6. 1 26. at = r
s= (u + v ) t
7. p = mv 27. v2
ac = = r 2

8. J =F t 28. = + at

9. J = p = mv − mu 29. 1 2
= 0t +
10. f = N 30. 2
= 02 + 2
11. W = Fs cos 31. = rF sin
12. 1 32. I = mr 2
K = mv 2
13. U = mgh 33. 2
Isolid sphere = MR 2
14. 1 2 1 34. 1
Us = kx = Fx Isolid cylinder/disc = MR2
2 2 2
15. W 35. I ring = MR 2
Pav =
16. P = Fv 36. 1
I rod = ML2
17. mv 2 37. =I
Fc = = mv = mr 2

GMm 38. L=I
19. GM
ag = 2
39. x = A sin t
20. GMm 40. dx
U =− v= = A2 − x 2
r dt

41. dv d 2 x 60. e
a= = =− 2
x =
dt dt 2 lo
42. 1 61.
K= m
(A 2
− x2 ) Y=
43. 1 62. 1
U= m 2 x2 U= Fe
2 2
44. 1 63. dQ dT
E = m 2 A2 = −kA
2 dt dx
45. 2 64. L = L0 T
= =2 f
T =2
l 65. A = A0 T
T =2
m 66. V = V0 T
48. 2 67. =2
49. v= f 68. =3
50. y ( x, t ) = A sin ( t kx ) 69. pV = nRT
51. y = A cos kx sin t 70. m N
n= =
52. P 71. 3kT 3RT
I= vrms = =
A m M
53. nv 72. 1
f = pV = Nmv 2 rms
2l 3
54. n T 73. 1 2
fn = p= pv rms
2l 3
55. nv 74. 3 R 3
f = K tr = T = kT
4l 2 NA 2
56. T 75. 1 1
v= U= fNkT = fnRT
2 2
57. m 76. Q = U +W
58. v vo 77. V2 p
fa = f W = nRT ln = nRT ln 1
v vs V1 p2

F 78. W = pdV = P (V2 − V1 )

Physics Exercises


Chapter 1 : Physical Quantities And Measurements

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
1.1 Dimensions of (a) Define dimension.
physical (b) Determine the dimensions of derived quantities.
quantities (c) Verify the homogeneity of equations using dimensional
1.2 Scalars and (a) Define scalar and vector quantities.
Vectors (b) Resolve vector into two perpendicular components (x and y

(c) Illustrate unit vectors ( iˆ, ˆj, kˆ ) in Cartesian coordinate.

(d) State the physical meaning of dot (scalar) product;

A • B = AB cos
(e) State the physical meaning of cross (vector) product;
→ →
A B = AB sin nˆ
Note: Direction of cross product is determined by
corkscrew method of right hand rule.
1.3 Significant (a) State the significant figures of a given number.
Figures And (b) Use the rules for stating the significant figures at the end of
Uncertainty a calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or
analysis division)
(c) Determine the uncertainty for average value and
derived quantities
(d) Calculate basic combination (propagation) of uncertainties.
(e) State the sources of uncertainty in the results of an
(f) Draw a linear graph and determine its gradient, y-intercept
and its respective uncertainties
(g) Measure and determine the uncertainty of physical
quantities. (Experiment 1: Measurement and
(h) Write a laboratory report.
(Experiment 1: Measurement and uncertainty)

Physics Exercises



1. The orbital radius, r of a satellite revolving around the earth is given by

r = GM

Where G = 6.67 10−11 Nm 2 kg -2 , T is the period and M is the mass of the earth.
Determine the homogeneity of this equation.

2. A triangle has side a, b and c. A circle with radius r can be drawn inside the triangle
(a) If r is given by

( s − a)( s − b)( s − c) ( a + b + c)
r= where s=
s 2
Determine the homogeneity of the expression r.

(b) If r is multiplied by , will its homogeneity change?


→ → → →
Vector P and Q are shown in FIGURE 1. Determine the component P and Q .
[ Ans: Px=-4.85 m, Qx=4.51 m ,Py=-2.80 m, Qy= 1.64 m ]

4. A girl push a box across the floor and causes it to undergo two displacements A and
B. Displacement A is 1.5 m along the positive x- axis, while displacement B is 1.4 m
along the positive y-axis. Determine the magnitude and direction of the displacement.
[ Ans: R=2.05 m, θ=43.02°]

Physics Exercises


5. Given z = xy, where z has the dimension of LM-1 and y has the dimension of LT-1.
Determine the dimension of x. [Ans: T M-1]

6. The gravitational acceleration, ag of an object on Earth is given by the equation,

ag = , where M and r is the mass and radius of Earth respectively. Determine
the dimension of the constant G.

[Ans: L3 T-2 M-1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 2: Kinematics of Linear Motion

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
2.1 Linear motion (a) Define
(i) instantaneous velocity, average velocity
and uniform velocity
(ii) instantaneous acceleration, average
acceleration and uniform acceleration
(b) Discuss the physical meaning of displacement–
time, velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs.
(c) Determine the distance travelled, displacement,
velocity and acceleration from appropriate graphs.
2.2 Uniformly accelerated (a) Apply equations of motion with uniform
motion acceleration;

v = u + at
s = u t + at 2
v 2 = u 2 + 2a • s
2.3 Projectile Motions (a) Describe projectile motion launched at an angle,
as well as special cases when = 0 and
= 90 ( free fall)
(b) Solve problems related to projectile motion.
(c) Determine the acceleration due to gravity, g using
free fall and projectile motion.
(Experiment 2: Free fall and projectile motion)


1. (a) An object starts from rest, accelerates at 1.2 m s-2 for 3.0 s and then moves
at a constant velocity for 6.0 s. Determine the final velocity and sketch the
velocity-time graph.[ f = 3.6 m s-1]

(b) An apple is thrown horizontally from the edge of a table with initial velocity of
2.5 m s-1. If the height of the table is 1.5 m, calculate
(i) the time taken for the apple to reach the floor. [t=0.55 s]

Physics Exercises


(ii) the horizontal displacement of the apple. [Sx=1.38 m]

2. A train moves from rest and stops at a station in 20 minutes. For the first 5 minutes,
the train moves with constant acceleration of 0.08 m s-2. Its speed remains constant
until a braking force is exerted to stop it. The time of braking is 2 minutes.
(a) Calculate the maximum speed of the train. [ max = 24 ms-1]
(b) Sketch a graph of velocity-time for the whole journey.

3. (a) A world-class runner can reach a top-speed of 11 ms-1 in the first 15 m of a

race. Calculate the average acceleration of the runner. [aave= 4.03 ms-2]

30 m
1.9 cm


A gun is aimed and fired horizontally at a target P which is 30 m away. The

bullet accidentally hits point Q which is 1.9 cm below the target as shown in
FIGURE 1. Calculate
(i) time for the bullet to hit point Q. [t = 0.06 s]
(ii) speed of the bullet as it emerges from the gun [vbullet = 500 m s-1]

4. The speed of a car when passing point P is 30 ms-1 and change uniformly over a
distance of 323 m to 60 ms-1. Calculate the speed of the car 3 s after passing P?
[v=42.54 ms-1]

5. A car is initially at rest at t = 0 s. It then accelerates through three gear changes with
the following velocities:11.1 m s-1 at t = 5 s, 16.7 m s-1 at t = 10 s and 25.0 m s-1 at t =
15 s. Sketch the acceleration-time graph of the car.

6. (a) A plane travels at three times the speed of sound. If the speed of sound in air
is 343 m s-1, how far it travels in 10 minutes? [S=6.17×105 m]

Physics Exercises


20 m s-1
60 m

FIGURE 2 shows a ball being thrown from the top of a building towards a wall
60 m away. The initial velocity of the ball is 20.0 m s-1 at 40 to the horizontal.
(i) How much time does it take to hit the wall? [t=3.916 s]
(ii) What is the distance between P and position the ball strike the wall?
[Sy= - 24.86 m below point P]
(iii) What is the speed of the ball when it strikes the wall?[ = 29.8 m s-1]

7. (a) A train initially at rest accelerates uniformly until its speed reaches 8 m
s-1 in 25 s. For the next 200 s, the train continues its journey with constant
speed, before it slows down uniformly and comes to a complete stop in 20 s.
(i) Sketch a labeled graph of speed versus time for the whole journey.
(ii) Calculate the accelerations of the train for the three parts of the
journey. [a1=0.32 ms-2 ; a2=0 ms-2 ; a3=-0.4 ms-2]
(iii) Determine the total distance travelled by the train. [S=1780 m]

(b) A ball is thrown horizontally at 10 m s-1 from a height of 15 m above the

ground. Calculate the horizontal range covered by the ball. [sx=17.5 m]

8. (a)
v (ms-1)


t (s)
0 8 24 45

FIGURE 3 shows a velocity-time graph of a motion along a straight line.

Physics Exercises


(i) Calculate the average velocity and average acceleration of the entire
motion. [vave=10.17 ms-1 , aave=0 ms-2]
(ii) Sketch a labeled displacement-time graph of the motion.

(b) A projectile is launched with a velocity of 45 m s-1 at angle of 60o from the
horizontal. Determine the time when the velocity makes an angle 30o with the
horizontal for first time. [t = 2.65 s]



FIGURE 5 shows a stone is thrown horizontally with initial velocity 40 m s-1 from top
of 70 m high building.
(i) Sketch the path traversed by the stone to the ground and indicate the velocity
components and resultant velocity of the stone 15 m from the ground.
(ii) Calculate the resultant velocity of the stone 15 m from the ground.
[ vresultant=51.77 ms-1]
(iii) Calculate the time of flight. [t =3.78 s]
(iv) Calculate the range. [R=Sx=151.2 m]

10. (a)


Physics Exercises


FIGURE 6 shows the velocity-time graph of a toy train moving on a straight

track in 55 s.
(i) Determine the time and acceleration at point P when the velocity is
zero. [ tp = 32.6 s ,ap = -1.11 ms-2 ]
(ii) Is the total distance travelled by the train less than, equal or greater
than its total displacement? Justify your answer using calculation.

(b) A javelin is thrown with a speed of 55 m s-1 at an angle of 42° with the
horizontal. Calculate the velocity of the javelin after 5 s. [42.7 m s-1, -16.7o]

11. (a)


FIGURE 7 shows a displacement-time graph of a particle.

(i) Determine the total distance travelled by the particle. [ dtotal = 26 m ]
(ii) Which segment of the journey does the particle move the slowest?
(iii) How many times does the particle return to its starting point?

(b) A driver travelling at 100 km h-1 on a straight road suddenly sees a cow 32 m
ahead and immediately applies the brake. His braking deceleration is 6 m s-2.
Calculate the
(i) speed when the car hits the cow. [ v = 19.7 m s-1 ]
(ii) minimum time that he should apply the brake so that he does not hit
the cow. [t = 4.63 s]

(c) An archer standing on a cliff 48 m high shoots an arrow at an angle 30o above
the horizontal with a speed of 80 m s-1.Calculate the
(i) duration the arrow is in the air [ t = 9.22 s ]
(ii) horizontal range of the arrow. [ x = 638.78 m ]

Physics Exercises


12. (a) A car is moving with constant speed of 80 km h-1 when suddenly the
driver sees a cat 50 m straight a head of the car the driver’s reaction
time is 0.5 s and the maximum deceleration of the car is 10 m s-2.
(i) Calculate the total distance travelled by the car from the moment the
driver sees the cat until it stopped. What happen to the cat ? [ Stotal =
35.8 m ]
(ii) Sketch acceleration against time graph to show the motion of the car.

(b) A man runs off a horizontal diving board with a speed of 2.5 m s-1 and falls
into the swimming pool at a horizontal distance of 5.0 m from the end of the
board. Determine the height of the diving board above the water surface. [ h =
-19.62 m @ 19.62 m ]

13. A marble rolls off the edge of a table with a speed of 0.25 m s-1. The height of the
table is 1 m. Once it strikes the floor, calculate the
(a) horizontal distance from the edge of the table. (sx = 0.113 m)
(b) final speed. (v = 4.44 m s-1)

14. (a) A boat with an initial speed of 30 m s-1, decelerates at 3.5 m s-2 for 4.5
s before reaching a buoy. Calculate the speed of the boat at the buoy. [Ans:
14.24 m s-1]



FIGURE 8 shows a stream of water hitting a wall at a height of 8 m with a

velocity of 40 m s-1 at an angle of 35o below the horizontal. Determine the
initial velocity of the water as it leaves the nozzle. [Ans: 41.92 m s-1, 38.58o]

Physics Exercises


12. (a) A car is moving with constant speed of 80 km h-1 when suddenly the
driver sees a cat 50 m straight a head of the car the driver’s reaction
time is 0.5 s and the maximum deceleration of the car is 10 m s-2.
(i) Calculate the total distance travelled by the car from the moment the
driver sees the cat until it stopped. What happen to the cat ? [ Stotal =
35.8 m ]
(ii) Sketch acceleration against time graph to show the motion of the car.

(b) A man runs off a horizontal diving board with a speed of 2.5 m s-1 and falls
into the swimming pool at a horizontal distance of 5.0 m from the end of the
board. Determine the height of the diving board above the water surface. [ h =
-19.62 m @ 19.62 m ]

13. A marble rolls off the edge of a table with a speed of 0.25 m s-1. The height of the
table is 1 m. Once it strikes the floor, calculate the
(a) horizontal distance from the edge of the table. (sx = 0.113 m)
(b) final speed. (v = 4.44 m s-1)

14. (a) A boat with an initial speed of 30 m s-1, decelerates at 3.5 m s-2 for 4.5
s before reaching a buoy. Calculate the speed of the boat at the buoy. [Ans:
14.24 m s-1]



FIGURE 8 shows a stream of water hitting a wall at a height of 8 m with a

velocity of 40 m s-1 at an angle of 35o below the horizontal. Determine the
initial velocity of the water as it leaves the nozzle. [Ans: 41.92 m s-1, 38.58o]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 3: Momentum and Impulse

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
3.1 Momentum and (a) Define momentum and impulse J = F t
Impulse (b) Solve problem related to impulse and impulse –
momentum theorem,

J = P = mv f − mvi
(c) Use F − t graph to determine impulse.
3.2 Conservation of (a) State the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
Linear Momentum (b) Apply the principle of conservation of momentum in
elastic and inelastic collisions in 1D and 2D collisions.
(c) Differentiate elastic and inelastic collisions.


1. (a) A rubber ball of mass 20 g moving at a velocity of 30 m s-1 hits a wall and
bounces back with the same velocity. Calculate the impulse. [J=±1.2 kg ms-1]

(b) Wall

3.0 m s-1



FIGURE 1 shows trolley A of mass 2.5 kg moves at constant velocity 3.0 m s-1
collides with trolley B of mass 3.0 kg which is at rest. After the collision, trolley
A moves in the opposite direction at constant velocity 2.0 m s-1 while trolley B
moves at constant velocity and hits a wall. The wall exerts an impulse of 18.0
N s on trolley B. Calculate
(i) the velocity of trolley B after the collision with trolley A.[vB =±4.17ms-1]
(ii) the velocity of trolley B after it hits the wall.[vB =1.83 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


2. An object P of mass 8 kg moving at 4 m s-1 collides with a second object Q of mass 6

kg moving at 5 m s-1 in the opposite direction. After collision, object P moves in
opposite direction at 1 m s-1.
(a) Determine the magnitude of velocity of object Q after the collision.
[vB=1.67 ms-1]
(b) Show that the collision is inelastic.

3. An object P moving with velocity 3 m s-1 collides head-on with

another object Q of mass 6 kg moving with velocity 5 m s-1 in the
opposite direction. If the collision is perfectly inelastic and the final
velocity is 2.5 m s-1, calculate the
(a) mass of object P. [mp= 90 kg OR 2.73 kg]
(b) kinetic energy of the system after collision. [K= 300J OR K=27.28J]

4. A 2 kg ball moving with an initial speed 40 m s-1 hits a wall and rebounds with the
same speed. Calculate the
(a) impulse on the ball. [J=-160 Kg ms-1]
(b) magnitude of the force between the wall and ball if the contact time is 0.8 s.

5. (a) A 2 kg ball moving at speed 5 m s-1 hits a wall. The force exerted by the wall
on the ball is 100 N. If the collision is perfectly elastic, calculate the contact
time between the ball and wall. [t=0.2s]

(b) A block P of mass 6 kg collides head-on with another block Q of mass 10 kg

moving at the same speed 5 m s-1. If the blocks stick together and 187.5 J of
energy is lost during the collision, calculate the
(i) final kinetic energy of the system. [Kf=-12.5 J]
(ii) final speed of the blocks. [v=1.3 m s-1]

6. An 8 g bullet moving at 50 m s-1 strikes a wooden block. The bullet undergoes

uniform deceleration and stopped 12 cm inside the block. Calculate the
(a) time taken for the bullet to stop. [t=4.8x10-3s]
(b) impulse on the block. [J = - 0.4 Kg ms-1]
(c) average force experienced by the block. [Fave=-83.33 N]

Physics Exercises


7. Two identical balls with speeds 4 m s-1 and 2 m s-1 collide head-on
and stick together. Calculate their speed after the collision.
[v=1 m s-1]

8. A 6.25 kg trolley with velocity 5.5 m s-1 hits a stationary 1.2 kg

trolley. After the collision the trolleys stick together and move with a
constant velocity. Calculate
(a) the velocity after the collision. [v=4.6 m s-1]
(b) the loss of kinetic energy. [Kloss=15.7 J]



FIGURE 2 shows a 12 g bullet shot vertically into a 5 kg block and lifting it upwards to
a maximum height of 4 mm. The bullet travelled for 1 ms in the block before stopping
completely. Calculate the
(i) speed of the block and bullet just after collision. [v = 0.28 m s-1]
(ii) impulse on the block. [J = 1.4 Ns @ kg m s-1]
(iii) depth of the bullet embedded in the block. [s = 0.06 m]

10. A fisherman on a stationary boat jumps off onto a jetty with a

velocity of 1.5 m s-1, causing the boat to move backwards.
(a) If the mass of the fisherman and boat are 60 kg and 450 kg ,
determine the velocity of the boat. [v2 = - 0.2 m s-1]
(b) If the fisherman’s are in contact with the jetty for 10 ms, determine the
magnitude of the average force exerted on his feet. [F = 9000 N @ -
9000 N]

Physics Exercises


11. A disc P moving at 5 m s-1 to the right collides with a stationary disc Q. Mass of disc
Q is twice mass of disc P. The collision is completely elastic.
(a) Calculate the velocity of each disc after the collision.
(vp= -1.66 m/s , vq = 3.33 m s-1)
(b) In which direction will disc Q move after the collision?

12. (a) Flour at mass rate 0.06 kg s-1 and velocity 15 m s-1 is poured vertically into a
bowl. If the flour comes to a rest upon hitting the bowl, calculate the average
force exerted by the flour on the bowl. [Ans: 0.9 N]

(b) Before collision After collision


A 0.52 kg ball P moving at 0.69 m s-1 collides with a stationary ball Q. After
the collision, the velocity of balls P and Q are 0.3 m s-1 and 0.45 m s-1
respectively as shown in FIGURE 3. Determine the mass of ball Q.

[Ans: 0.54 kg @ 0.24 kg]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 4 : Forces
At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
4.1 Basic of Forces and (a) Identify the forces acting on a body in different
Free Body Diagram situations:
(i) Weight
(ii) Tension
(iii) Normal force
(v) Friction
(iv) External force (pull or push)
(b) Sketch free body diagram.
(c) Determine the static and kinetic friction.

fs s N , fk = k N
4.2 Newton’s Laws of (a) State Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Motion (b) Apply Newton’s Laws of Motion.


1. (a)

Fpush B


FIGURE 1 shows two boxes, A and B being pushed over a rough surface.
Sketch a free diagram which shows the forces acting on box A.

(b) A car travelling at 30 m s-1 comes to rest at a distance of 60 m. If the mass of

the car is 2000 kg, calculate the constant force that causes the car to stop at
that distance. [F=15000N]

Physics Exercises


2. (a)



FIGURE 2 shows a block at rest on a rough inclined plane at an angle of 20o

with the horizontal. Sketch a free body diagram of the block.

(b) A lift of mass 1200 kg is supported by a cable. Calculate the tension in the
cable when the lift is
(i) accelerating uniformly upwards at 2.0 ms-2. [T=1.4 x104 N]
(ii) moving downwards with a uniform velocity of 3.0 ms-1. [T=1.2 x104 N]

3. (a)




Two masses m1 = 3 kg and m2 = 10 kg are connected by a light string which

passes over a smooth pulley as shown in FIGURE 3. Calculate the
(i) acceleration of the system. [a=5.28 m s-2]
(ii) tension in the string. [ T = 45.27 N ]


F m1 m2 m3


Physics Exercises


Three blocks are in contact with each other on a frictionless horizontal surface
as shown in FIGURE 4. A horizontal force F is applied to m1. Given m1 = 3.5
kg, m2 = 4.0 kg, m3 = 5.0 kg and F = 30.0 N. Calculate the
(i) acceleration of the system.[a = 2.4 m s-2]
(ii) magnitude of the contact force between blocks m1 and m2.
[ Fcontact=21.60 N ]

4. (a)


FIGURE 5 shows two blocks, P and Q on a frictionless plane connected by a

cord passing over a frictionless pulley. If the masses of P and Q are 100 kg
and 50 kg respectively,
(i) Sketch a free body diagram of block P.
(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the blocks. [ a=0.658 ms-2 ]

5. (a)


FIGURE 6 shows a 4 kg block hang by two light string. The system is in

equilibrium. What is the tension in each string? [T1=45.3 N, T2= 22.7 N ]

Physics Exercises



F= 90 N


FIGURE 7 shows a 7 kg block pulled by a force of 90 N. If the coefficient of

kinetic friction of the plane is 0.4, what is the acceleration of the block?
[ a=4.86 m s-2 ]




FIGURE 8 shows a 0.4 kg block being pushed against a rough vertical wall by a force
F at an angle 45o with respect to the horizontal. The block remains stationary.
(i) Sketch a free body diagram of all the forces acting on the block.
(ii) If the coefficient of static friction, µs = 0.20, what is the magnitude of F?
[F=4.625 N]


2.0 kg


Physics Exercises


FIGURE 9 shows a 2.0 kg block is being pushed along a rough horizontal surface by
a force F = 30 N at an angle 60o from the normal.
(i) Sketch a free body diagram for the block. Use common symbol for each force.
(ii) If the block moves at constant acceleration 0.5 m s-2, calculate the coefficient
of friction.[ µk= 0.722 ]



15 kg


FIGURE 10 shows a 15 kg load held in equilibrium by ropes, P and Q fastened to the

ceiling and the wall respectively.
(i) Sketch a free body diagram at point O.
(ii) Calculate the tension of ropes P and Q. [TP=162.4 ,TQ=68.6 N]



FIGURE 11 shows a 500 N force, F acts on a stationary 25 kg box lying on a rough

surface. After 4 s, the speed of the box is 2 m s-1. Calculate
(i) the frictional force on the box. [f = 308.9 N]
(ii) the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the rough surface.
[ µK=0.49 ]

Physics Exercises





FIGURE 12 shows a stationary block P tied to a hanging block Q. The weight of block
P is 25 N and coefficient of static friction between block P and horizontal surface is
0.4. Assume the pulley is smoth and the string is light.
(i) Sketch a free body diagram of block P.
(ii) Calculate the mass of block Q. [ mQ= 1.02 kg ]



FIGURE 13 shows a 2.5 kg block connected to a 2 kg load by a light string through a

pulley of negligible mass. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and
table is 0.18. When the system is released, calculate the
(i) acceleration of the block. [ a= 3.38 m s-2 ]
(ii) the tension in the string.[ T=12.86 N ]



Physics Exercises


FIGURE 14 shows an object of mass 2.0 kg placed on a rough plane inclined at 30o
with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the plane
surface is 0.25. A constant horizontal force F = 50 N acts on the object and pushes it
along the inclined plane with acceleration a.
(a) Sketch a free body diagram showing all the forces acting on the object.
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the object. [ a= 11.5 m s-2 ]



FIGURE 15 shows two balls M and N hung by a light string through a frictionless
pulley. The mass of ball N is twice the mass of ball M. Calculate the tension in the
string if the mass of ball M is 20 g. [ T = 0.26 N ]



A man drags a 23 kg suitcase with a 45 N force at constant speed as shown in

FIGURE 16. The frictional force on the suitcase is 18 N. With the help of a free-
body diagram, calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the suitcase and
floor. [Ans: 0.1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 5 : Work, Energy and Power

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
5.1 Work (a) Define work done by a constant force, W = F • s
(b) Apply work done by a constant force and from a force -
displacement graph.
5.2 Energy and (a) State the principle of conservation of energy.
Conservation of (b) Apply the principle of conservation of energy (mechanical
Energy energy and heat energy due to friction)
(c) State and apply the work-energy theorem, W = K
5.3 Power W
(a) Define and use average power, Pav =
And instantaneous power, P = F • v .
(b) Verify the law of conservation of energy.
(Experiment 3: Energy)


1. (a) A jet engine develops a horizontal thrust of 30 kN. If the jet is flying at a
velocity of 300 m s-1, calculate the horsepower developed. (1 hp = 746 W).
[ P=12064.34 hp]



A sphere of mass 4 kg initially at rest slides along a smooth and curvy surface
as shown in FIGURE 1. Calculate
(i) The potential energy of the sphere at point A. [U=1569.6 J]
(ii) The speed of the sphere as it passes point B. [ VB=19.81 m s-1 ]

Physics Exercises


2. The mass of a carbon atom model is 20 g.

(a) Calculate the kinetic energy of model moving with a speed of 2 m s-1.
[K = 0.04 J]

(b) Two carbon atom models are joined by a spring. The energy of the spring is
equal to the kinetic energy in part (a). If the spring is stretched 10 mm,
calculate the spring constant. [k=800 Nm-1]

3. A 2 kg stone is dropped from the top of a 10 m high building. By using the principle of
conservation of energy, calculate kinetic energy of the stone when it is a point 4 m
above the ground. [ Kf =117.72 J ]



FIGURE 2 shows a graph of resultant force F against displacement s of a 8 kg

trolley. Determine the total work done on the trolley. [ W= 93 J]



FIGURE 3 shows a particle moving down a curved track with speed u at height 3 m.
Upon leaving the track, the particle travels straight up and reaches a maximum height
4 m. Ignoring friction and air resistance, determine the speed u. [ u = 4.43 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


6. (a) A 0.8 kg ball is kicked with speed 20 m s-1 at an angle of 50° to the horizontal.
Calculate the kinetic energy of the ball at maximum height.[Kf = 66.11 J]



FIGURE 4 shows a 35 kg block connected to a spring through a smooth

pulley. The spring constant is 350 N m-1. Initially the block is stationary and
the spring is unstretched. If the block is released, calculate the speed of the
block when the spring is stretched 0.5 m. [ v= 2.7 m s-1]

7. A 0.5 kg is initially at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. It is acted upon by a

horizontal force for a distance of 3 m. If the final speed of the box is 5 ms-1, calculate
the magnitude of the force. [F=2.08 N]


18 m

12 m


FIGURE 5 shows a block held at rest at the top of an 18 m long rough slope with
coefficient of kinetic friction 0.19. The height of the box on the slope is 12 m. When
released, the block slides down. Calculate the final speed of the block at the bottom
of the slope. [ v = 13.61 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


9. (a)


An object of mass 2.0 kg travels along horizontal floor under the action of
force F. FIGURE 6 shows the graph of F against displacement s. The speed
of the object at s=0 is 10 m s-1. Determine the speed of the object at s =10 m.
[ v= 11.5 m s-1]



An object of mass 2.0 kg is placed 30 cm directly above the top end of a

vertical spring as shown in FIGURE 7. The spring constant k=2000 N m-1.
(i) Calculate the speed of the object just before striking the spring
[ v= 2.43 m s-1 ]
(ii) Determine the maximum compression x.
[ x= 8.7x10-2 m @ 8.9 x0-2 m ]

10. A 60 kg box initially at rest slides 5 m down a plane inclined at 35° with the horizontal.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the plane is 0.2. By using the
work-energy theorem, calculate the final speed of the box.[Ans : v = 6.34 m s-1]

Physics Exercises




FIGURE 8 shows a 2.5 kg block connected to a 2 kg load by a light string through a

pulley of negligible mass. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and
table is 0.18. When the system is released, calculate the
(i) total kinetic energy of the system after the block has moved 0.6 m using the
work-energy theorem. [Ans : 9.12 J]
(ii) final velocity, f of the block. [Ans:2.01 m/s-1]

12. (a)


FIGURE 9 shows a 15 kg block being pulled by a 100 N force at an initial

speed of 2 m s-1 up an inclined plane. The block travels a distance of 6.2 m
parallel to the inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.14. By
using the work-energy theorem, calculate the change in the kinetic energy of
the block. [Ans: 118.67 J]

(b) A 120 kg motorcycle accelerates uniformly from rest to 25 m s-1 in 5 s.

Calculate the instantaneous power of the motorcycle at time t = 3 s.
[Ans: 9x103 W]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 6: Circular Motion

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
6.1 Uniform Circular (a) Describe uniform circular motion
Motion (b) Convert units between degrees, radian and revolution or
6.2 Centripetal Force (a) Define centripetal acceleration
(b) Solve problems related to centripetal for uniform circular
motion cases: horizontal circular motion, vertical circular
motion and conical pendulum (exclude banked curve)


1. (a)


A theme park ‘loop the loop’ ride has a loop of radius 8 m. A 90 kg car goes
around the inside of the loop after descending from vertical height of 7 m
above the top of the loop as in FIGURE 1. Calculate
(i) the centripetal acceleration of the car, [ ac = 17.17 m s-2 ]
(ii) the force exerted on the car when it is on the top of the loop.
[R = 662.4 N]



Physics Exercises


FIGURE 2 shows a bob revolves in a horizontal circle of radius r. The string

has a length of 0.5 m and makes 30o with the vertical.
(i) Calculate the speed of the bob. [v=1.19 ms-1]
(ii) Calculate the period of revolution. [T=1.32 s]

2. A 3500 kg enters a curve of radius 10 m on a flat road at 30 m s -1. Calculate the net
horizontal force required to keep the car moving around the curve without slipping.
[F=3.15×105 N]

3. (a) A 60 cm conical pendulum bob revolves freely. The pendulum string makes
an angle of 37o with the vertical.
(i) Sketch and label a free body diagram of the pendulum bob.
(ii) Calculate the speed of the pendulum bob. [v=1.63 m s-1]
(iii) Calculate the angular velocity of the pendulum bob. [ =4.51 rad s-1]

(b) If the angle remains unchanged but a longer string used, will the angular
velocity decrease, same or increase? Justify your answer.



Sketch the change in velocity of an object due to position P and Q which will
show that the object is in uniform circular motion as shown in FIGURE 3.



Physics Exercises


FIGURE 4 shows a 250 g bob suspended by a light string rotating in a horizontal

circle of radius 30 cm with a linear speed of 2 m s-1.
(i) Calculate the angle, θ which the string makes with the vertical axis.
[ θ = 53.7°]
(ii) Calculate the tension in string.[ T = 4.1 N ]



FIGURE 5 shows the top view of a U turn at a road divider. The radius of the circular
curve is 5.3 m. A 950 kg car maintains a speed of 15.3 m s-1 along points A to C.
(a) Copy the path and indicate the direction of velocity and acceleration of the
car at point B.
(b) Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the car at point B. [ ac= 44.17 m s-2 ]
(c) Determine the magnitude and the direction of the frictional force on the car at
point B. [ FC= 4.2 x 104 N ]



FIGURE 6 shows a 0.2 kg bob attached to the end of a 20 cm light string hung from
the ceiling. The pendulum makes an angle of 30° with the vertical axis. The bob
revolves in a horizontal circle. Calculate the speed of the bob. ( v = 0.75 m s-1)

Physics Exercises


8. A 16 g ball is swung vertically using a 0.5 m string. Calculate the

(a) minimum tension in the string if the speed of the ball is 1.5 m s-1.
[Ans: -0.08 N (-ve sign is compulsory)]
(b) speed of the ball when the string breaks [Ans: 2.21 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 7: Gravitation
At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
7.1 Gravitational (a) State and use the Newton’s law of gravitation,
Force and Field Mm
F =G .
Strength r2
(b) Define gravitational field strength , a g = G
7.2 Gravitational (a) Define gravitational potential energy.
Potential Energy (b) Use gravitational potential energy U = - GMm/r
7.3 Satellite motion in (a) Derive and use escape velocity, vesc=√(2GM/r)=√(2gR)
a circular orbit (b) Derive and use equation for satellite motion:

(i) velocity, v = .

(ii) period, T = 2 .


1. (a) A 1000 kg is in an orbit 350 km above the earth surface. The radius and the
mass of the Earth are 6.4×106 m and 6×1024 kg respectively. Calculate the
(i) speed of the satellite. [v=7699.93 m s-1 ]
(ii) period of the satellite. [T=1.53 hours @ 5508.04 s]
(iii) radial acceleration of the satellite. [ r = 8.784 m s-2 ]

m2 m1

15 m

FIGURE 1 shows a mass m1 positioned between two masses, m2 = 40 kg and
m3 = 60 kg. m2 and m3 are separated by 15 m. m1 is placed at a distance x
from m2.
(i) Sketch and label the forces acting on mass m1 due to m2 and m3.

Physics Exercises


(ii) Determine x when m1 will experience zero net gravitational force.

[x=6.74 m]

2. Given the mass and radius of planet Mars are 6.42x1023 kg and 3.40x106 m,
calculate the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the planet. [a=3.70 m s-2]

3. The mass and radius of the earth are 5.974x1024 kg and 6371 km respectively.
Calculate the period of revolution of a satellite that is 100 km above the earth surface.
[T=5181.3 s]

4. (a) Calculate the acceleration of Earth’s gravity at a distance of 500 km above

the Earth’s surface. The radius and the mass of the Earth are 6.4×106 m and
5.98×1024 kg respectively. [a=8.38 m s-2]

(b) Satellite orbits the Earth in a period of 24 hours so that it is always at the
same point above the Earth’s surface. Calculate the radius of the orbit. The
radius and the mass of the Earth are 6.4×106 m and 5.98×1024 kg
respectively. [r= 4.2x107 m]

5. (a) The radius and mass of planet Mars are 3390 km and 6.42 x 1023 kg
respectively. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the
planet.[ g=3.73 m s-2]

(b) (i) Derive the period of a satellite motion.

(ii) Calculate the distance from the centre of the Earth for a satellite to
remain above the same location on the Earth equator. The mass of the
Earth is 5.97 x 1024 kg. [r = 4.22 x 107 m]

6. The period of a moon orbiting around Pluto is 4.8 days. The radius of the orbit is 4 x
107 m. Calculate the mass of the Pluto. [ m= 2.2 x 1023 kg ]

7. (a) In 2015, a triple star system HD was discovered in the constellation Cygnus.
The primary star A has a mass of 2.11 1030 kg. The other two stars BC are
close together with negligible separation distance and their combined masses
is 3.24 1030 kg. The distance between star A and stars BC is 1.43 109 m.
Suppose that the system is an isolated system, calculate the
(i) gravitational force between star A and stars BC [ F = 2.23 x 1032 N ]
(ii) gravitational field strengths at star A . .[ a =106 m s-2]

Physics Exercises


(b) An 800 kg satellite is orbiting the Earth a circular path. The weight of the
satellite while orbiting is half of its weight on Earth. Determine the
(Given : mass of the Earth M = 6.0 1024 kg and radius of the Earth R
= 6.4 106 m )
(i) altitude of the satellite. [ h= 2.63 x 106 m ]
(ii) speed of the satellite in the orbit. .[ v = 6.66x103 m s-1]

8. A 800 kg satellite is orbiting the Earth at altitude 350 km. The radius and the mass of
the Earth are 6.4 × 106 m and 5.98 × 1024 kg respectively. Calculate the
(a) gravitational potential energy of the satellite.(U = - 4.73 x 1010 J)
(b) speed and orbiting period. (v = 7.69 x 103 m s-1 ,T = 5517.24 s)

9. A 120 kg satelitte is orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 190 km. The radius and mass
of the Earth are 6.4 x 106 m and 5.98 x 1024 kg respectively. Calculate the
(a) gravitational potential energy of the satellite. [U= -7.26 x 109 J]
(b) period of the satellite.[T= 5322 s]
(c) change in the speed of the satellite for it to break-free from the orbit.
[Δv = 3223 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 8: Rotation of Rigid Body

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
8.1 Rotational (a) Define and use:
kinematics (i) angular displacement, .
(ii) average angular velocity, av .

(iii) instantaneous angular velocity, .

(iv) average angular acceleration, av .

(v) instantaneous angular acceleration, .

(b) Relate parameters in rotational motion with their
corresponding quantities in linear motion:

s=r , v=r , at = r , ac = r 2
(c) Solve problem related to rotational motion with constant
angular acceleration
1 2
= o + t, = o t+ t and 2
= o
8.2 Equilibrium of a (a) Define and use torque, =r F.
uniform rigid body (b) Solve problems related to equilibrium of a uniform rigid
8.3 Rotational dynamics (a) Define and use the moment of inertia of a uniform rigid
body (sphere, cylinder, ring, disc and rod)
(b) Determine the moment of inertia of a flywheel
(Experiment 4: Rotational Motion Of rigid Body )
(c) State and use torque, =I .
8.4 Conservation of (a) Define and use angular momentum, L = I .
angular momentum (b) State and use principle of conservation of angular

Physics Exercises



1. (a)

1.5 kg


FIGURE 1 shows a 1.5 kg block is hung by a light string which is wound

around a pulley of radius 20.0cm. The moment of inertia of the pulley is 2.0 kg
m2. When the mass is released from rest, calculate the
(i) torque exerted on the pulley.[ τ=2.875 N m]
(ii) angular velocity of the pulley at t = 4.2 s. [ = 5.9997 rad s-1 ]
(iii) number of revolutions made by the pulley in 4.2 s. [ = 2 rev ]

2. (a) A disc rotates at 25 revolutions per minute and takes 15 s to come to rest.
(i) the angular acceleration of the disc. [ = −0.175 rad s ]
(ii) the number of rotation the disc makes before it comes to rest.
[ = 3.12 rev ]


2 kg


FIGURE 2 shows a 2 kg box hung by a cord wound on a light pulley is

released from rest. The radius and the moment of inertia of the pulley are
0.25 m and 1.5 kg m2. Calculate the acceleration of the box. [ a=0.755 m s-2]

Physics Exercises


3. (a) A ceiling fan is rotating at an angular speed of 300 rpm when the switch is
turned off. It takes 45 s for the fan to stop. Calculate the
(i) average angular acceleration. [ = −0.698 rad s −2 ]
(ii) number of revolution the fan makes before it stops. [ = 112.5 rev ]

(b) At instant a ceiling fan is switched off, the angular velocity of the fan is 56
rad s-1 and stop after 9 s. Calculate the number of rotation for the fan to stop
completely. [46.5 rotation or 292.17 rad]

4. (a)

32 cm
6 cm 4000 rpm


FIGURE 3 shows a 2.76 kg solid disc of diameter 32 cm with a 2.66 kg solid

cylindrical axle of diameter 6 cm. The moment of inertia of the hollow disc is
( )
M disc R12 + R22 where R1 is radius of solid disc and R2 is radius of cylindrical

axle. The moment of inertia cylindrical is M cyclindrical R22 . Calculate the
moment of inertia of the system about the axis of cylindrical axle.
[ I = 3.78 10 −2 kgm 2 ]



FIGURE 4 shows a crane with 8 m uniform arm PQ of mass 2400 kg pivoted

at P. The arm is supported by a horizontal cable QR.
(i) Sketch and label all forces acting on the arm PQ.
(ii) Calculate the tension in cable QR. [ T= 2.04 x104 N]
(iii) If Q is raised by shortening cable QR, what is the effect to the tension
of the cable?

Physics Exercises




FIGURE 5 shows a ball attached to one end of a string which is swung in a

horizontal circle of radius 60 cm with an initial speed 3 m s-1. The other end of
the string passes through a tube. If the string is slowly pulled downwards until
the speed of the ball becomes 5 m s-1, what is the radius of the ball circular
path.[ rf = 36 cm]

5. (a)


FIGURE 6 shows a uniform beam PQ of weight 240 N leaning on a smooth

wall and resting on a rough floor with a minimum inclination angle 0min .The
coefficient of friction between the beam and floor is 0.25.
(i) Sketch all forces acting on the beam.
(ii) Determine the forces acting on the beam at P and Q.
[ FP = N P = 60 N , direction: to the left ] ,[ FQ = 247 N , = 76 ]
(iii) Determine min. [ min = 63.4 ]
(iv) What will happen to the beam if the inclination angle is changed?
Consider both case.

(b) A 15 N m torque acts on a grinding wheel after the power is switched off.
Given the angular velocity of the wheel is 1200 rpm and its moment of inertia
is 0.8 kg m2, calculate the time for the wheel to stop.[ t = 6.68 s ]

Physics Exercises


6. (a) A flywheel with moment of inertia 8 kg m2 is acted upon by a constant torque

of 50 N m. Calculate the
(i) angular acceleration. [ α = 6.3 rad s-2]
(ii) time for it to rotate from rest to 70 rad s-1. [ t = 11.1 s]



FIGURE 7 shows a top view of a 1 m rod pivoted freely at its center and
placed horizontally. A 20 g ball with velocity 5 m s-1 collides and sticks at one
end of the rod causing them to rotate. The moment of inertia of the ball-rod
system is 0.02 kg m2. Calculate the angular velocity of the rod. [ω = 2.5 rad s-

7. Two ice skaters, each of mass 60 kg hold hands and spin in a circle with a period of
4.3 s. The distance between them is 1.44 m.
(a) Calculate the angular velocity. [ω=1.46 rad s-1]
(b) Calculate the centripetal acceleration. [ac=1.54 m s-2]
(c) Calculate the pulling force that acts on each hand. [F=92.4 N]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 9: Simple Harmonic Motion

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.1 Kinematics Of (a) Explain SHM
Simple Harmonic (b) Solve problems related to SHM displacement equation,
Motion y = A sin t
(c) Derive and apply equations:
(i) velocity, v = = A2 − y 2
dv d 2 y
(ii) acceleration, a = = 2 = − 2y
dt dt
(iii) kinetic energy, K = 12 m ( A − y ) and
2 2 2

(iv) potential energy, U = 12 m 2

(d) Emphasize the relationship between total SHM energy and
(e) Apply velocity, acceleration, kinetic energy and potential energy
for SHM.
9.2 Graphs of Simple (a) Discuss the following graph:
Harmonic Motion (i) displacement – time.
(ii) velocity – time.
(iii) acceleration – time.
(iv) energy – displacement.
9.3 Period of Simple (a) Use expression for period of SHM, T for simple pendulum and
Harmonic Motion single spring.
• Simple pendulum: T =2
• Single spring: T =2
(b) Determine the acceleration, g due to gravity using simple
pendulum. (Experiment 5 : SHM)
(c) Investigate the effect of large amplitude oscillation to the
accuracy of acceleration due to gravity, g obtained from the
experiment. (Experiment 5:SHM)

Physics Exercises



1. (a) An object of mass 50 kg suspended from a spring undergoes a simple

harmonic motion with a period of 6.0 s.
(i) Calculate the angular velocity of the motion. [ rad s-1]
(ii) What additional mass should be added to the spring so that it
oscillates with a period of 8.0 s? [m = 38.9 kg]

(b) A 200 g object is connected to spring and moves along the x-axis in a simple
harmonic motion about the origin. The position of the object is given by
x = 0.5cos 0.4 t

where x is in centimeter and t in seconds. Calculate the

(i) Frequency of the motion. [f=0.2 Hz]
(ii) Velocity of the object at t = 2 s. [v=-0.369 cm s-1]
(iii) Acceleration of the object at t = 2 s. [a=0.639 cm s-2 ]
(iv) Total energy of the system. [Etotal =3.95x10-6 J]

2. (a)
x (cm)

t (s)
2 4 6


FIGURE 1 shows a displacement-time graph of simple harmonic motion.

(i) the amplitude. [A=5 cm]
(ii) the frequency. [f=0.25 Hz]
(iii) the angular velocity. [ω=1.57 rad s-1]
(iv) the equation for the simple harmonic motion.

(b) A 175 g mass on a smooth surface is attached to a horizontal spring with a

spring constant 8 N m-1. The mass is set to oscillate by pulling it 10 cm from
its equilibrium position and released. Calculate
(i) the period of the oscillation. [T=0.93 s]
(ii) the maximum speed of the mass. [ vmax=0.68 m s-1]
(iii) the total energy of the system. [Etotal=0.04 J]

Physics Exercises


3. (a)

5 cm
25 cm


FIGURE 2 shows a bead executing a simple harmonic motion with a period of

1.8 s, along a straight line between points, X and Y which are 25 cm apart.
Point O is at midpoint between X and Y.
(i) Calculate the magnitude of acceleration and velocity of the bead
point P. [a=91.4 cm s-2, v=34.91 cm s-1]
(ii) Calculate the positions along XY when the kinetic energy and the
potential energy of the bead are equal. [ x = ±8.84 cm ]

(b) A vertical spring extends by 3 cm when a 100 g mass is suspended at its end.
(i) Calculate the period of oscillation of the spring when a mass of 150 g
is added to the system. [T = 0.549 s]
(ii) The spring with the same load is allowed to oscillate horizontally on a
frictionless surface, will the period decrease, same or increase?
Justify your answer.

4. A 25 g block connected to one end of a spring is displaced 15 cm from its equilibrium

position and released. The spring constant is 180 N m-1.
(i) Sketch the graph of displacement versus time of the block. Label the
amplitude and the period of oscillation on the graph.
(ii) Calculate the instantaneous speed of the block at a distance 11 cm from the
equilibrium position. [vinst = 8.65 m s-1]
(iii) Calculate the total energy of the system. [Etotal = 2.03 J]
(iv) On the same graph sketch and label the variation of the kinetic energy K and
potential energy U versus displacement x. On the graph, indicate the
maximum value of each curve (if any) and the amplitude.

Physics Exercises


5. (a)
x (cm)

t (s)


A 0.2 kg object performs SHM with displacement, x from the equilibrium point
as in FIGURE 3.
(i) Determine the amplitude.[ A= 0.08 m@ 8 cm]
(ii) Calculate the angular velocity.[ω=7.85 rad s-1]
(iii) Calculate the total energy of the system. [ E = 3.94 x 10-2 J]

(b) The displacement x of a particle varies with time, t is given by

x = 4 cos(2 t )
where x is in cm and t in s. Calculate the
(i) frequency of the motion. [ f = 1 Hz ]
(ii) velocity of the particle at t = 2 s. [ = 0 cm s-1]
(iii) acceleration of the particle at t = 2 s.[-157.91 cm s-2 ]

6. (a) A particle in simple harmonic motion along x-axis starts from the equilibrium
position and moves towards the right with an amplitude of 2 cm and a
frequency of 1.5 Hz.
(i) Calculate the maximum speed of the particle. [ max =18.8 cm s-1]
(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the particle at t = 3.2 s.[ a=169.0 cm s-2 ]

(b) A 50 g object connected to a spring with a spring constant of 35 N m-1

oscillates with amplitude 4 cm on a horizontal frictionless surface. Calculate
(i) total energy of the system.[ Etotal = 0.028 J]
(ii) speed of the object at displacement 1.6 cm. [v=0.97 m s-1]
(iii) change in the period of oscillation if a load of 6 g is added to the
object. [ΔT = 0.0138 s]

Physics Exercises


7. (a)


A 0.75 kg mass is attached to one end of a horizontal spring while the other
end is fixed. FIGURE 4 shows a graph of displacement versus time of the
system which freely oscillates in a simple harmonic motion. Determine the
(i) equation of the displacement as a function of time.
(ii) velocity and acceleration of the oscillation at any time t.
(iii) maximum speed and acceleration of the oscillation.
[vmax=0.471 m s-1, a=14.8 m s-2]
(iv) total energy of the system. [ Etotal=0.083 J]

(b) A simple pendulum has a length of 1.5 m and mass of bob 10 g.

(i) Calculate the period the pendulum [T=2.46 s]
(ii) If you want the period of the simple pendulum to be 1.0 s, calculate the
new length of pendulum. [ Lnew= 0.248 m ]
(iii) If the bob is replaced by a new bob of mass 40 g, will the period
remains the same?

8. (a) The simple harmonic motion of a 5 × 10-3 kg particle is given by,

x(t) = 0.10 sin 4t
where x and t are displacement in m and time in s respectively. Determine the
(i) speed of the particle at t = 5 s. [v = 0.16 m s-1]
(ii) kinetic energy maximum of the particle. [Kmax = 4 x 10-4 J]
(iii) potential energy at x = 0.03 m. [U = 3.6 x 10-5 J]

Physics Exercises


(b) A vertical spring is stretched 0.02 m by a 10.0 N load. The system undergoes
simple harmonic motion. Calculate the period of oscillation. [T = 0.284 s]

9. (a)


FIGURE 5 shows the potential energy of a 0.5 kg object that undergoes a

simple harmonic motion. Determine the
(i) velocity when time t = 2 s.[v=1.37 m s-1 @ 1.34 m s-1]
(ii) kinetic energy of the object when displacement x = 1.5 m.
[K=10.13 J]

(b) An oscillating pendulum has length 0.3 m and 240 g bob. If the total energy is
0.06 J, calculate the amplitude of the oscillation. [A=0.12 m]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 10: Mechanical and Sound Waves

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
10.1 Properties of waves (a) Define wavelength and wave number.
(b) Solve problems related to equation of progressive wave

y(x, t ) = A sin ( t kx )
(c) Discuss and use particle vibrational velocity and wave
propagation velocity
(d) Discuss the graphs of:
(i) displacement – time, y – t.
(ii) displacement – distance, y – x.
10.2 Superposition of (a) State the principle of superposition of waves for
waves constructive and destructive interferences.

(b) Use the standing wave equation, y = 2 A cos kx sin t .

(c) Discuss progressive and standing wave.
10.3 Sound Intensity (a) Define and use sound intensity
(b) Discuss the dependence of intensity on amplitude and
distance from a point source by using graphical illustrations
10.4 Application of (a) Solve problems related to the fundamental and
standing waves overtone frequencies for:
i. stretched string
ii. air columns (open and closed end)

(b) Use wave speed in a stretched string, v = T

(c) Investigate standing wave formed in a stretched

string.(Experiment 6: Standing waves)
(d) Determine the mass per unit length of the string.
(Experiment 6: Standing waves)
10.5 Doppler Effect (a) State Doppler Effect for sound waves.

v v0
(b) Apply Doppler Effect equation f0 = f for relative
v vs
motion between source and observer. Limit to stationary
observer and moving source and vise versa.

Physics Exercises



1. A progressive wave is represented by the following equation:

y = 10 sin t+x
where y is in centimeter and t is in second. Determine the wavelength of this wave.
[ = 2π cm]

2. A progressive wave is represented by equation,

y(x, t ) = 1200 sin (314t − 0.42 x)
where x and y are in cm and t is in second. Determine the
(i) velocity of the wave. [v=747.6 cm s-1]
(ii) maximum velocity of the particle. [vmax=376 800 cm s-1]


16 cm


FIGURE 1 shows a progressive wave travelling at a speed of 24 m s-1 to the right.

(i) Determine the wave number.[ k = 50 m-1 or 157 m-1 or 1.57 cm-1 ]
(ii) Calculate the frequency of the wave. [ f = 600 Hz ]

4. What frequency will be heard by moving observer travelling at 25 m s-1 towards a

stationary siren that emits a sound of frequency 280 Hz? [ f =300.4 Hz ]
(Velocity of sound in air = 343 m s-1)

5. A 0.5 kg object is hung at the end of a string of mass 72 g and length 1.2 m.
Calculate the speed of the wave propagation in the string when the system is
disturbed. [v=9.04 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


6. A mechanical wave propagates at 550 m s-1 along a string stretched to a tension of

800 N. The string oscillates at fundamental frequency 440 Hz. Calculate the
(a) mass per unit length of the string. [2.64×10-3 kg m-1]
(b) length of the string. [L= 0.63 m]
(c) frequency of the second overtone and sketch the waveform of the overtone.
[f=1320 Hz]

7. (a) A progressive wave is described by y = 5sin 2 10t − where x, y are
in cm and t in s. Calculate the
(i) speed of the wave. [ = 50 cm s-1]
(ii) vibrational velocity at t = 0 s, for the particle is at x = 5.0 cm.
[ = 314 cm s-1]

8. A man stands by the roadside when an ambulance passes by him with constant
velocity 18 m s-1. The ambulance emits siren with frequency of 256 Hz. The speed of
sound is 340 m s-1. Calculate the apparent frequency of the siren heard by the man
before the ambulance passes by him. [f0 = 270.31 Hz]

9. (a) A violin string has a mass per unit length of 0.01 kg m-1 and experiences a
tension of 0.36 N. Calculate the wavelength of the string if it vibrates at a
frequency of 8 Hz. [λ = 0.75 m]

(b) The first overtone standing waves is formed in a 30 cm closed pipe. Sketch
the wave and calculate its frequency. The speed of sound is 340 m s-1.
[f = 850 Hz]

(c) A car is travelling at 25 m s-1 emits a sound frequency 1100 Hz approaches a

stationary observer. Calculate the apparent frequency of the sound heard by
the observer. The speed of sound is 340 m s-1. [ f = 1187 Hz ]

10. (a) A wire of mass 30 g is stretched between two-point 100 cm apart with
tensional force of 70 N. When the wire is plucked, standing waves are formed
in the wire.
(i) Calculate the fundamental frequency and the third overtone frequency
of the wire. [ fo= 24.15 Hz , f3 = 96.6 Hz]
(ii) If the tensional force of wire is doubled, determine the new
fundamental frequency. [ fnew= 34.15 Hz]

Physics Exercises


(b) A stationary loudspeaker radiates sound with a frequency of 1000 Hz

uniformly in all directions. At a distance of 4.0 m, the intensity of sound is 0.95
W m-2.
(i) power of the loudspeaker. [P=191.01 W]
(ii) frequency of the sound heard by a child if he approaches the sound at
the speed of 10 m s-1. (Speed of sound = 330 m s-1) [ f0= 1030.3 Hz]

11. (a) A progressive wave in a string of density 0.15 kg m-1 is given by

y(t) = 0.08 sin (9t + 2x) π
where x and y are in m and t in s. Calculate the tension in the string.
(T = 3.04 N)

(b) A 0.48 m pipe is closed at one end. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m s-1,
calculate the
(i) third harmonic frequency (f = 531.25 Hz)
(ii) new fundamental frequency if the pipe has both ends opened.
(f0 =354.17 Hz)

(c) A stationary observer hears a 1.1 kHz siren from a moving ambulance. The
actual frequency of the siren is 1 kHz and the speed of the sound wave in air
is 340 m s-1.
(i) Is the ambulance moving away or approaching the observer? Justify.
(Approach, fapparent > fsource/ambulance)
(ii) Calculate the speed of the ambulance. (v = 30.9 m s-1)

12. (a)


FIGURE 2 shows a graph of displacement y against distance x for a

progressive wave propagating to the right in a string with mass 920 g, length
3 m and tension 15 N. Determine the progressive wave equation.
( )
[Ans: y ( x, t ) = 0.12sin 1.75x102 t − 25.13 x ]

Physics Exercises


(b) A 1.53 m closed pipe makes a humming sound at frequency 282 Hz when the
wind blows across the open end. The speed of sound in air is 343 m s-1. With
the help of a diagram, determine the number of nodes in the standing wave.
[Ans: 3]

(c) The frequency of whistle by a moving train and the frequency heard by a
stationary observer are 520 Hz and 460 Hz respectively. If the speed of sound
in the air is 343 m s-1, calculate the speed of the train. [Ans: 44.74 m s-1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 11: Deformation of Solids

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
11.1 Stress and (a) Distinguish between stress and strain for tensile and
strain compression force.
(b) Discuss the graph of stress−strain σ – ε for a metal
under tension.
(c) Discuss elastic and plastic deformation.
(d) Discuss F−e graph for brittle and ductile materials.
11.2 Young’s Modulus
(a) Define Young’s modulus, Y = .

(b) Discuss strain energy from the graph from the graph
(c) Discuss strain energy per unit volume from stress-strain
(d) Solve problems related to the Young’s Modulus.


1. (a) Sketch a labeled graph of stress against strain showing the elastic
and plastic deformation regions for ductile metal under tension.

(b) A 20.0 kg mass is hung from a 2.0 m long vertical wire. If the wire is elongated
by 3.0 mm, calculate the strain energy stored in the wire.[U=0.29 J]

2. A wire fixed to a ceiling has length of 1.5 m and cross-sectional area 0.2 cm2. The
wire stretches by 0.15 cm when a 50 kg load is attached to its free end. Calculate the
Young’s modulus of the wire. [Y=2.45×1010 Pa]


material 1 material 2


Physics Exercises


FIGURE 1 shows an identical force, F acting on two identical rods but made of
different materials. Where young modulus for material 2 is higher than material 1.
Determine which rod will bend more? Justify your answer.

4. A wire of diameter 0.5 mm has Young’s modulus 2x1011 Nm-2. Calculate the strain if it
is extended by 150 N load. [3.8×10-3]

5. (a) Why is Hooke's law not applicable in the case of plastic deformation?

(b) A 50 cm wire has Young's modulus 175 GPa and diameter 0.25 mm.
Calculate the force needed to elongate the wire 1.5 mm.[ F =25.8 N ]

6. A solid cylinder 10 m high and 10 cm in diameter is compressed by a 1 x 105 kg load.

Calculate the strain energy stored in the cylinder. The Young’s modulus of cylinder is
1.9 x 1011 Pa. [ U =3224 J ]

7. An aluminum wire, initially 2.45 m long and diameter of 1.5 mm, is suspended from a
rigid support with a load of 15 kg attached to its lower end. Young‘s modulus of
aluminum is 7.0 1010 N m-2.Calculate the
(a) extension of the wire [ e = 2.91×10-3 m]
(b) strain energy stored in the wire. [ U = 0.214 J ]

8. A 1.5 m steel wire with a cross sectional area of 1 × 10-6 m2 is stretched by 2 mm by

a force F. If the Young’s modulus of the wire is 2 × 1011 Pa, calculate the
(a) force F. (F = 267 N)
(b) strain energy stored in wire. (U = 0.267 J)

9. The diameter of a circular shoe heel is 13 mm. If both heels support 70% of the
weight of a 54 kg woman, calculate the stress on both heels. [Ans: 1.39x106 Pa]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 12: Heat Conduction and Thermal Expansions

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
12.1 Heat Conduction (a) Define heat conduction.
(b) Solve the problem related to rate of heat transfer,
dQ dT
= – kA
dt dx
through a cross-sectional area (maximum two insulated
objects in series)
(c) Discuss graph temperature-distance T-x to explain heat
conduction through insulated and non-insulated rods and
combination of rods in series. (Maximum two rod in
12.2 Thermal Expansion (a) Define the coefficient of linear, area and volume thermal
(b) Solve problems related to thermal expansion of linear,
area and volume (include liquid in container),
L = L0 T , =2 , =3


1. (a) A pair of eyeglass frame is made of epoxy plastic. At 20 oC, the frame has
circular lens holes of radius 2.20 cm. If the coefficient of linear expansion of
the epoxy is 3 x 10-4 oC-1, to what temperature must the frame be heated so
that a lens of radius 2.21 cm fits the frame? [T = 35 oC]

(b) An insulated spherical glass bulb of radius 2.5 cm, thickness 0.4 mm whose
outer surface temperature is 30 oC dissipates 55 W of heat.
(i) Given the thermal conductivity of glass is 0.84 J s-1 m-1 oC-1. Calculate
the temperature of the inner surface of the bulb. [T = 33.3 oC]
(ii) Sketch a labeled temperature against distance graph of the heat
conduction through the bulb.

2. The length of metal bar is 300 cm at -300C. Given the coefficient of linear expansion
of metal bar is 11×10-6 oC-1, calculate the length of the bar at 80 oC. [L = 3.0036 m]

Physics Exercises


3. Calculate the heat transferred in 24 hours through a 2.4 m2 metal sheet of thickness
1 cm when the temperature difference between the surface is 0.5 oC. Given the
thermal conductivity coefficient of the metal is 16 Wm-1K-1. [Q = 1.66×108 J]



FIGURE 1 shows an aluminum rod with radius 5 cm and having a clearance of 0.02
mm completely around it within a hole in a brass plate at 20 oC. The coefficient of
linear thermal expansion of brass and aluminum are 1.9×10-5 oC-1 and 2.4×10-5 oC-1
respectively. Calculate the lowest temperature if both metals are heated until the
clearance is zero. [T = 100.3 oC]



A composite rod is made by joining a copper rod of diameter 4 cm with an iron rod of
similar diameter. The rod is insulated, and its ends are kept at two different
temperatures as shown in FIGURE 2. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of
copper and iron are 385 W m-1 K-1 and 80 W m-1 K-1 respectively. At a steady state,
determine the temperature at the joint. [Tci = 130.1 oC]

6. A 200 cm3 glass cylinder is filled to the brim with mercury at 27 oC. Calculate the
amount of overflow when the temperature of the system increases to 100 oC. The
coefficient of linear expansion of the glass and mercury are 4 x 10-6 K-1 and 6 x 10-5
K-1 respectively.[ΔV = 2.45 cm3]

Physics Exercises


7. The dimension of an aluminum wire at room temperature of 27 oC is 150 m long and

cross-sectional area of 3.0 x 10-6 m2. It is then melted to form a spherical ball. If the
coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the aluminum is 22.2 x 10-6 K-1. Calculate
(a) volume of the spherical ball at room temperature. [ v=4.5x10-4 m3]

(b) change in the volume of the sphere if it is heated to 200oC.

[ ∆V=5.18x10-6 m3]

(c) change in the volume of the sphere if it is cooled to -7oC. [ ∆V= -1.02x10-6 m3]

8. (a) A 0.2 m × 0.2 m glass window has a thickness of 5 mm. Calculate the rate of
heat transfer through the window if the temperature difference is 35°C. The
coefficient of thermal conductivity of glass is 0.63 W m-1 K-1. [dQ/dt=176.4 W]

(b) A copper wire and a steel wire have the same length at 25°C. Determine
which wire will be longer at 100 °C. Justify your answer by calculation. The
coefficient of linear expansion of copper and steel are 16 × 10-6 K-1 and 12 ×
10-6 K-1 respectively.
[Copper wire]

9. (a) A gold rod is in contact with a silver rod. The gold end and the silver end of
the compound rod is 90 oC and 30 oC respectively. The silver rod has thermal
conductivity 427 W m-1 K-1, length 2.5 cm and cross-sectional area 7.85 x 10-5
m2. If 341.3 J of heat flows through the gold rod in 10 s, calculate the
temperature at the contact surface. [T= 55.46 oC]

(b) The area of a metal plate changes from 120 m2 to 120.059 m2 when the
temperature increases by 30 oC. Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion
of the metal. [α= 8.19x10-6 oC-1]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 13: Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory of Gases

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
13.1 Ideal gas equations (a) Solve problems related to ideal gas equation pV = nRT .
(b) Discuss the following graphs of an ideal gas:
i. p − V graph at constant temperature
ii. V − T graph at constant pressure
iii. p − T graph at constant volume
13.2 Kinetic Theory of (a) State the assumptions of kinetic theory of gases.
Gases (b) Discuss root mean square (rms) speed of gas
(c) Solve problems related to root mean square (rms) speed
of gas molecules.
(d) Solve problems related to the equations,
1 1
pV = Nm v 2 and pressure, p = v2 .
3 3
13.3 Molecular kinetic (a) Discuss translational kinetic energy of a molecule,
energy and 3 R 3
K tr = T = kT .
internal energy 2 NA 2
(b) Discuss degree of freedom ,f for monoatomic, diatomic
and polyatomic gas molecules.
(c) State the principle of equipartition of energy.
(d) Discuss internal energy of gas.
(e) Solve problems related to internal energy,U=1/2 fNkT


1. The pressure of a 50 cm3 ideal gas at 25 oC is 75 Pa. Determine the number of

molecules of the gas. [9.114×1017 molecules]

2. The mass of an empty 50 litres gas cylinder is 4.8 kg. The cylinder is filled with
nitrogen gas up to pressure of 60 atm. Given the room temperature 29 oC and the
molecular weight of nitrogen 28, calculate the new mass of the cylinder. [mnew =
8.19 kg]
Physics Exercises


3. A balloon is filled with helium at 25 oC. The mass of a helium atom is 6.65×10-27 kg.
(a) root mean square speed of the helium atoms. [vrms=1.36×103 m s-1]

(b) kinetic energy of 0.5 mole helium atom. [K=1857 J]

4. Calculate the rms speed of helium atoms at temperature 1x10-4 K. Molar mass of
helium is 4 g mol-1. [0.79 m s-1]

5. Two moles of polyatomic ideal gas has volume of 0.05 m3 at pressure 250 kPa.
Calculate the internal energy and temperature of the gas. [37500 J, 752 K]

6. The pressure of a 0.02 m3 monoatomic gas in a container is 2 atm. The mass of each
atom is 3.351 10−23 g. Calculate the
(a) internal energy of the gas. [U=6078 J]

(b) vrms value at 27oC. [ Vrms=609 m s-1]

7. A 2 × 10-3 m3 cylinder containing 2 mol of monoatomic ideal gas is heated from 320 K
to 350 K at constant volume. Calculate the
(a) increase in gas pressure. [2.5 x 105 Pa]

(b) average translational kinetic energy of the gas at 350 K. [Ktr = 7.245 x 10-21 J]

8. A sealed cylinder contains 1.2 x 1024 helium atoms at initial pressure 1.04 x 105 Pa.
The cylinder is heated until the final temperature and the change in the internal
energy of the helium gas are 315 K and 1.6 x 103 J respectively. The molar mass of
helium is 4 g mol-1. Calculate the
(a) density of the helium gas. [0.2 kg m-3]

(b) final pressure of the helium gas. [1.31 x105 Pa]

Physics Exercises


Chapter 14: Thermodynamics

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
14.1 First Law of (a) State the first law of thermodynamics, Q = U + W .
Thermodynamics (b) Solve problem related to first law of thermodynamics.
14.2 Thermodynamics (a) Define the following thermodynamics processes:
processes (i) Isothermal
(ii) Isochoric
(iii) Isobaric
(iv) Adiabatic
(b) Discuss p − V graph for all the thermodynamic
14.3 Thermodynamics (a) Discuss the work done in isothermal, isochoric and
Work isobaric processes.
(b) Solve problem related to work done in:
(i) Isothermal process
V2 p
W = nRT ln = nRT ln 1
V1 p2
(ii) Isobaric process

W = pdV = p( V2 − V1 )

(iii) Isochoric process

W = pdV = 0


1. (a) If the system loses 1200 J of heat when 800 J of work done on it, what is the
change in its internal energy? [ U = -400 J]

(b) Three moles of an ideal gas expand from 50 cm3 to 120 cm3 at a constant
temperature of 30 oC. Calculate the heat transferred to the surroundings by
this process. [Q = 6616.38 J]

Physics Exercises


2. (a) In an isochoric process, a system is supplied with 250 J of heat. What is the
change in its internal energy? [ U = 250 J]
(b) What is the work done by 1.56×10-4 moles of ideal gas expand from 65 cm3 to
135 cm3 at a constant temperature of 40 oC? [W=0.297 J]

p (Nm-2)


V (m3)
2×10-3 6×10-3


FIGURE 1 a p-V graph for a series of thermodynamics processes, ABC. In process

AB and BC, 160 J and 600 J are added to the system respectively. Calculate the
change of the internal energy during the process ABC. [ΔU = 440 J]

4. A 15 liter gas cylinder contains helium gas with pressure 1.01×105 Pa at 25 oC. When
heated, the gas undergoes isochoric process.
(a) Calculate the mass of helium gas. The atomic molar mass of helium gas
is 4 g. [m = 2.44×10-3 kg]
(b) If 500 J of heat is added, calculate the change in the internal energy of the
gas and sketch the graph of pressure versus volume for the isochoric
process. [ΔU = 500 J]
(c) If the gas cylinder can withstand a pressure up to 4.55×105 Pa, calculate the
maximum quantity of gas at 45 oC . [nmax=2.58 mol]

5. On the same p-V graph, sketch individual curve for isothermal, isobaric and adiabatic

Physics Exercises




FIGURE 2 shows a p-V graph of an isothermal process at 600 K for 2 moles ideal
gas in a cylinder with a frictionless piston. If the internal energy at point A is 2.5 x 104
J, does the heat being absorbed or released during the process from A to B? Justify
your answer.

7. One mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally from 4V to V .The work done
on the gas is 4.5 103 J.
(a) Sketch a p-V graph for this process
(b) Calculate the heat transferred during the compression. Is heat absorbed or
released by the system? [ Q = -4.5x103 J]
(c) Calculate the isothermal process temperature. [T = 390.6 K ]

8. A 0.2 m3 ideal gas is heated from -80 °C to 30 °C at constant pressure of 1 atm, then
25 kJ of heat is supplied without any change in volume. Calculate the
(a) work done by the gas. [W = 11.55 kJ ]
(b) change in internal energy of the gas. [ΔU = 3.48 kJ]

9. A 0.8 m3 container at 60oC is filled with 0.6 mol ideal gas. The gas is isothermally
compressed to a volume of 0.2 m3. Then the gas expands isobarically to its initial
volume. Calculate the total work done in the processes. [Wnet= 2.68 kJ]


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