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Angela Gampayon Ms.

Frela Inabure ( Subject Instructor)

BSSW-3D SW 105- Social Work Practice with Individuals and families

1. Enumerate and explain the 7 principles of social work and give example.

The first principle is acceptance that it is a fundamental for social work principle that implies a
sincere understanding of clients. This principle holds that the professional social worker accepts the
client as it is. Social workers who accept clients treat them humanely and considerately and afford them
dignity and worth. Social Workers convey acceptance by taking genuine concern, listening receptively,
acknowledging others’ points of view, and creating a climate of mutual respect. For instance a social
worker encounter a client who are having HIV in her his young age. She gets this disease through her
work in the club where she or he currently working. Even she come this situation a social worker must
understand her his position and accept this client as whole hearted because even she involved to this
kind of job she still need to be respect and accept. By showing acceptance this client can feel that she is
worthy and the social worker will able to build therapeutic relationship with their client.

Second principle is the principle of individualization which is means that every client is unique
for the social worker. As we know that the client is a person, with a problem in his / her life. He / she is a
person with a particular religious beliefs, economic position, social status, and a particular cast. The
worker has to accept the client with all his/her strengths and weaknesses. When social workers affirm
clients’ individuality, they recognize and appreciate their unique qualities and individual differences. For
example in handling client problem and situation a social worker can't not avoid to encounter a situation
where in the presented problem or situation of the client are similar from one another. As a good social
worker they should cater the client individually and personally they should consider individual
differences and backgrounds. We all known that every individual has their own weakness and strength
and this must be specify and recognize so that the social worker will able to identify where to change or
improve to the qualities of the client to improve their own one self.

All human beings have dignity and worth. It is by nature. The principle of nonjudgmental
attitude means that Social workers do not judge others as good or bad, worthy or unworthy, dignified or
undignified. However, it does not imply that social workers do not make decisions; rather it implies a
non-blaming attitude and behavior. For example a clients who have been drug addict and he has several
conflict that he already commit before like stealing, trespassing and others. As a social worker must
assess him with full of understanding with all they can and stablish empathy in order to make the client
that you truly hear what they are saying and feeling. They must accept that person exactly as they are
and genuinely make no moral judgement about his situation by this way the client will able to talk freely
and comfortably about his problems or situation without feeling that he is being judge cause I believe
that all people has chance to change to improve her or his own self.

The controlled emotional involvement principle guides social work professional not to indulge
too much personally in the client's difficult situation or being too objective. Therefore the social worker
should maintain a reasonable emotional distance even while sympathizing with the client social worker
should indicate the understanding of the difficult situations of the client without showing pity. For
instance the emotional involvement of social worker while working with vulnerable people. This field of
work will see interacting with both children and adult who may facing physical disabilities or mental
health issues. It can be difficult to remain unaffected by distressing cases. As a social worker you must
practicing emotional resilience that will make you to handle the crisis and return to good condition state
of emotion.

The principle of self-determination is based on the recognition of the “right and need of clients
to freedom in making their own choices and decisions.” Social workers have a responsibility to create a
working relationship in which choice can be exercised. In more simple words, this principle means that
the worker will not impose his decisions on the client. The social worker only provides a range of
alternative while it is the client who has to make the final choice of choosing an appropriate alternative.
It is the way social work works providing alternatives. For example in handling the client situation the
social worker will just guide and assess his or her clients in order to solve his or her own problem. The
client must exert effort and decide what she wanted to do to solve his or her problem or situation so
by this way the social worker will able to build a collaborative helping process. The social worker will
assist the client to define goals and consider the clients wants, how the client would like things to be in
short the social worker involve the client in decision making and the social worker will generate
strategies to stablish the clients wants resolution.

The purposeful expression of felling principle where in the case worker must give the client
express her/his feelings freely, specially her or his negative feelings. The social worker listen
purposefully clients feeling nether praising or condemning. For instance within assessing the client
problems the social worker must listen carefully and attentively to gain an understanding to the client
situation and its important to stablish rapport in order to make the client feel that she been heard and
you as a social worker is willing to listen to all his problems and concern.

Lastly, confidentiality, or the right to privacy, social worker must not disclose the clients
information, such as their identity, their discussion with professionals, professional opinions about
clients, or records. Since clients often share sensitive, personal material with social workers, preserving
confidentiality or privacy is essential for developing trust, a key ingredient of any effective working
relationship. For example in helping process what ever the controversy and problems of the clients that
presented to the social worker will remain only between them. Your client's privacy should be remain
protected and respected. The social worker should gain the trust to his client in order to build resilience
towards worker-client relationship in helping process .

2. Explain briefly the concept of social functioning and give at least 2 example that describe '' people
coping with situation / environment demand.

Social Functioning means living up to the expectations that are made of an individual by the
individual's own self, the immediate social environment, and by society at large. "Social functioning"
includes meeting basic needs of the individual and the individual's dependents, including physical
aspects, personal fulfillment, emotional needs, and an adequate self-concept.

First example a students' ability to cope with the demands generated by interaction with their
environment, including school, work, family, and personal relationships. As we all know the life of
student has many responsibilities and their are many aspects that she or he needs to focus in order for
him to play his role in his environment or surrounding. Like instance he needs to take his responsibilities
and his role within his family and that is to be good daughter and son. At the same time, he must also
fulfill his responsibility as a student to fulfill her role and the demand of society and his environment.

Second example is a teacher coping with the demands of her/his profession. People have high
expectations on teachers' social functions. They are perceived to be knowledgeable, decent and
properly mannered. He or she should be a role model to the youth, an inspiration to the community and
act according to what is expected of them. I hope this two situation that I been presented will able to
show the concept of social functioning because they are both having specific role and responsibilities to
adapt the demand of their environment.
3. What is importance of professional use of self in social work practice?

The professional use of self in social work practice is the combining of knowledge, values, and skills
gained in social work education with aspects of one’s personal self, including personality traits, belief ,
life experiences, and cultural heritage. It is the use of self that enables social workers to strive for
authenticity and genuineness with the clients we serve, while at the same time honoring the values and
ethics we so highly value in social work practice. In an effort to explain the use of self it often uses the
micro skills coursework as an example of how use of self looks in professional practice.

Use of self is an essential under-pinning to best practice in the profession of Social work . The use of
self has relevance to all social workers in the setting within which they practice. It is also critical to the
survival and growth of the profession. Many social workers enter the profession because they have a
desire to help others in need and contribute to the betterment of society.

They are drawn to a line of work wherein they can assist individuals, groups, families, and
communities to surmount the hardships and challenges that life brings. New to their craft, these
budding professionals are fully prepared to use their hard-earned knowledge and to hone their skills to
attain the rewards that are promised by a people-oriented practice.

4. Explain the context " I am a BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL BEING".

Is happiness or subjective well-being just an occurrence, or does this observable circumstance

have accountabilities beyond what is experienced by the person who perceives feeling happy? We all
desire to be happy, but how is this achieved and sustained? This essay will explore subjective well-being
in general, as this is considered to be synonymous with happiness. An explanation will be given of both
the model of architecture of sustainable happiness, and a clear definition of the biopsychosocial model.

For the time we spent is made up individual circumstantial contributions such as relationships,
financial status, employment etc. Life experiences contribute to our well-being levels. Human beings
adapt to circumstances and to life events. Subjective report on well being is not only about how one
feels as regards to life satisfaction, but also self perception. During our lifetime we have both positive
and negative life experiences that effect our happiness and the hedonic adaptation theory of life
satisfaction suggests that we will return to our baseline very shortly after one of these events. The good
health and over all subjective well-being is associated with positive emotions, by limiting and restraining
negative emotions.
In conclusion to be a biopsychosocial being, the biological, psychological and social factors are
interdependent and a change in one self that can have a massive effect on our well-being and
happiness. In the architecture of sustainable happiness, you have your baseline genetic levels, life
events but then also your intentional activity which can increase your well-being and happiness

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