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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Quarter 2 – Module 1
Mary Juliet S. Raz XII-STEM E

- I learned the difference between material culture and non-material culture in the last class.
Immaterial refers to the ideals, beliefs and traditions of a group of people. The objects
representing the community are called material culture. In my opinion, intangible culture is
different from material culture, and the existence of intangible culture shocks me.

- It feels good and fulfilling knowing that I was able to extend a hand for someone or other
people. For me, helping others is a responsibility more than as a choice because as God’s
creation and children, it’s our responsibility to help others out, to serve a purpose and as a
blessing for others, to be God’s instrument for someone’s prayer. That’s the impact of
helping others even in small gestures.

Primary Group Family, Love relationships
Secondary Groups University class, Athletic team
In-group Sports team, Sorority
Out-group Unions, Sororities
Reference group Parents, Siblings
Special interest groups Advocacy group, NGO
Task group Program committees, Task forces
Influence or pressure groups Trade unions, Business and farming associations
Gemeinschaft Hunter-gatherer societies, Agrarian societies
Gesellschafts Corporations, Universities
Formal groups Sections of Departments, Special project task forces
Informal groups Clubs, Social Networks


Determined Hardworking

Mary Juliet

Goal-oriented Competitive

Mary Juliet S. Raz

Father Mother
Henry M. Raz Julieta S. Raz

Grandma Grandpa Grandma Grandpa

Pasita M. Jose F. Raz Ladina C. Jesus C.
Raz Sambria Sambria

1. Blood kinship is the most prevalent kind of kinship in the Philippines. Filipinos are known
for their strong familial bonds. We conduct family reunions/gatherings in order to really get to
know all of the family or clan members.
2. It can be done by observing and evaluating the following seven factors that collectively
contribute to team success: cohesion, communication, groupthink, homogeny, role identity,
stability, team size delegation, efficiency, ideas, support and teamwork.
3. The qualities of an effective and successful leader attain intelligence, dominance,
charisma, enthusiasm, courage and determination, self-confidence, high sense of integrity,
tact and diplomacy and involvement.
1. Social group – a group of people who have similar features and engage with one another
2. Social organization – the pattern of interpersonal relationships
3. Primary group – the most fundamental unit of human society
4. Secondary group – the group where an individual comes in contact later in life
5. Gemienschaft - community
6. Gesselschaft - society
7. Formal group – social organization
8. Informal group – an unplanned relationship
9. Reference group – a group of people whom we look up to that can help us in everything
we do
10. Peer group - friends
11. Bureaucracy - government
12. Aggregate – a group of people who are in the same place at the same time but are not
paying attention to each other
13. Social category – collection of people that is classified to their status
14. Collectivity – individuals who are considered as a whole group
15. Qualities of a leader – what shapes an effective leader
16. Kinship – blood relationship
17. Political Organization – any organization that involves politics
18. Authority – power
19. Legitimacy – rightfully or legally

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