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What is Conjunction | Conjunction

Meaning, De4nition, Types and

Example of Conjunction explained in

What is Conjunction?
Conjunction Types
Coordinating Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
Conjunction Examples and Sentences

What is Conjunction?

Words which join two sentences, clauses or phrases are called conjunctions.
This article includes de0nition, list of diKerent types of conjunctions with
examples, usage of conjunctions in sentences. All this is simultaneously
explained in Hindi and English for better understanding. There are
examples and exercises at the end of the lesson.

There are three types of Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Also called Coordinators, they join two clauses or sentences of equal

Coordinating Conjunctions – Examplesfor, and, neither, nor, but, or, yet, so

Coordinating Conjunctions – Sentences

I will shop in the market.

I will eat food in the market.
I will shop and eat food in the market.

I like to travel.
I don’t like travelling by train.
I like to travel but don’t like travelling by train.

Neither of the two computers is working 0ne.

Will you take tea?

Will you take coUee?
Will you take tea or coUee?

I woke up early in the morning.

I had to board the train.
I woke up early in the morning for (because) I had to board the train.

His words were unbelievable.

His words were true.
His words were unbelievable yet they were true.

Ram has refused to come.

Ram has refused to call.
Ram will neither come nor will he call.

The house was locked.

He slept at the neighbour’s house.
The house was locked so he slept at the neighbour’s house.


Pairs of words which join sentences or clauses of equal importance are called
Correlative conjunctions.

Correlative Conjunctions – Examples

either…or, not only…but also, neither…nor, both…and, whether…or, as…as, as

much…as, no sooner…than, rather…than

Correlative Conjunctions Examples sentences

In order to learn, you must not only listen closely but also understand.

Boss wants to know whether you will go for the meeting or I.

Either compete or accept your defeat.

Boys are playing cricket.

Girls are playing cricket.
Both boys and girls are playing cricket.

No sooner had she read the letter than she burst into tears.



Also called subordinators, they join an independent clause with a dependent


Subordinating Conjunction Examples

after, although, as, as far as, as if, as long as, as soon as, as though, because,
before, even if, even though, every time, if, in order that, since, so, sothat,
than, though, unless,
until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, and while.


Indicates the movement from the outside to the inside of something.
‘into the pond’, ‘into the 0re’.

Indicates movement from one end to the other end.

‘along the river bank’, ‘along the road’.

We were walking along the river.

Indicates movement from one side to the other of something.
‘across the road’, ‘across the sea.
Used to mean ‘in the direction of’.
‘towards the north’, ‘towards Delhi’

The Himalaya mountains are towards the north.

Used to indicate the destination.
‘to America’, ‘to the shop’, ‘to your house’, ‘to school’

Children are going to school.

Expresses the means of an action.
‘by train’, ‘by coaching’, ‘by sea’

We go to school by bus.
Denotes motion within an object from one end to the other.
‘through the tunnel’, ‘through the room’

The train passes through 0ve tunnels.


Indicates to go in a circular direction due to an obstacle.

‘around the world’, ‘around the park’.

We went around the World.


Indicates the movement of ascent.

‘up the tree’, ‘up the ladder’
The monkey climbed up the tree.

Indicates the motion of descent.

‘down the stairs’, ‘down the road’

He has gone down the stairs.


Indicates the motion away from a surface.

‘oU the wall’, ‘oU the ceiling’.

The cat jumped oU the wall.

Indicates motion of ascent and the present place of anyone.
‘onto the table’, ‘onto the roof’

The thieves climbed onto the roof.

Indicates the motion to pass above something.
‘over the pool’, ‘over the fence’

We jumped over the fence.

Indicates motion to a place further than a particular point.
‘past the post o\ce’, ‘past her house’

I just walked past the post o\ce.


Translate the sentences using appropriate conjunctions

There are trees along the road.

Is this bus going towards Shimla?

They climbed up the mountain.

Get oU the tree.

We went down the hill towards the lake.

This ship is going to England.

The army crossed the barbed wires.

Water is ]owing through the pipe.

The boys jumped into the pool.


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