Language Module (Activities 3-5)

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Given in the last scenario of the story, Daedalus and Icarus separated from each
other Icarus fell with a heavy splash into the sea while Daedalus flew onwards and
leaving his son behind. If you will be given a chance to talk to Daedalus, what are you
going to say to him? Share your answers in front of the class.

IV. Grammar Points 

A. Identify what form of verb is being underlined in the following

sentences. write your answer on the space provided.
1. The trees and bushes surrounding the beach would provide an ideal
sanctuary for the time being.
2. The people of the island of Crete were terrified of the Minotaur.
3. The King threw Daedalus into the labyrinth along with his son Icarus.
4. Daedalus stared up at the sky and the seagulls that circled overhead.
5. Daedalus build a pair of wings for him and for his son.
B. Put the events in the story in the correct order by numbering them 1–6

Daedalus made a labyrinth.

Daedalus and Icarus flew away

King Minos threw Daedalus and his son into the labyrinth.

Daedalus and Icarus escaped from the labyrinth.

Icarus flew too close to the Sun.

Daedalus made some wings.

V. Writing or Valuing 

Using the information from the text in the story, draw a picture of either the
Labyrinth or the hiding place of Daedalus and Icarus. Give at least 3 sentences of the
details in your settings.

Rubric for Grading: 

Content: 50% 
Creativity: 25% 
Originality: 25%

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