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The Ukraine Invasion and Public Opinion

Article · January 2015

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Harley Balzer
Georgetown University


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The Ukraine Invasion and Public Opinion

Harley Balzer

Russia has engaged in a “war without war and occupation Harley Balzer is Asso-
ciate Professor of Gov-
without occupation” in Ukraine, replicating its tactics in ernment and Interna-
Georgia in 2008 and Moldova for more than a decade.1 tional Affairs and an
Associate Faculty Mem-
Media coverage worldwide emphasizes the tremendous surge ber of the Department
of History at George-
in Vladimir Putin’s popularity while Russian government- town University.
controlled media trumpet support for pro-Russian insur-
gents. The conflict in eastern Ukraine has made tacit
acceptance of Russia’s annexing Crimea almost a given, with
few questioning the popularity of this development inside
Crimea itself or within Russia.
Ukraine is far more important to Russia’s rulers than it
is to the United States or the European Union. A Eurasian
Union is the cornerstone of Putin’s foreign policy, and that
union is a far less meaningful entity without Ukraine. Rus-
sian leaders refuse to admit that closer Ukrainian ties with
the EU might produce economic benefits for the entire
region.2 Russia’s military leadership perceives Ukraine’s
closer economic relationship with the EU as a step toward
joining NATO. These concerns, voiced publicly, pale beside
a greater threat not to Russia but to Putin’s regime: a pros-
perous and democratic Ukraine economically integrated
with Europe would exist in stark contrast to Putin’s resource-

Wi nt e r/Sp ri ng 2015 [7 9]

based non-democracy. Ukraine’s turn Russian speakers, prefer independence.

to Europe is not a threat to Russia and In the Russian-speaking regions joined
would almost certainly benefit the Rus- to Ukraine in 1954, over half of those
sian economy over time, but it is an voting favored independence (54 per-
existential challenge to Putin and Rus- cent in Crimea and 57 percent in
sia’s ruling elite.3 Sevastopol). In the heavily Russian-
Given that the stakes are far higher speaking Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts,
for Putin than for Europe or America, major centers of violent separatist activ-
and that Russia enjoys clear military ity in 2014, 84 percent voted for inde-
superiority over Ukraine, what might pendence in 1991.5

Ukraine’s turn to Europe is an existential chal-

lenge to Putin and Russia’s ruling elite.
curb Russia’s aggression? This article Surveys in 2014 produced results
finds some basis for optimism in public similar to those in 1991. In March
opinion: Ukrainians, including Rus- 2014, just before Russia’s invasion of
sian speakers in eastern Ukraine, have Crimea, a clear majority of Ukrainian
consistently expressed a preference for citizens stated that they prefer to live in
living in Ukraine, not Russia, and many a sovereign Ukraine, with 85 percent of
are willing to fight for it. Russians have respondents opposing Russian military
expressed opposition to direct Russian intervention.6 When asked whether the
military involvement in Ukraine, and Russian army should be sent to protect
in September 2014 tens of thousands ethnic Russians if they were threatened,
staged protests against Putin’s poli- ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were
cy.4 Putin’s ratings boost from seizing evenly divided in their response, with
Crimea, while real, is not unusual in 43 percent on each side of the issue.
comparative perspective and may well The number of ethnic Russians strong-
be temporary. ly opposed to seeing Russian troops in
Ukraine (32 percent) was greater than
Opinion in Ukraine. Surveys in the number strongly in favor of such
Ukraine have consistently indicated a action (23 percent).
desire for independence and territo- A poll by the Democratic Initiative
rial integrity. Opinion has fluctuated of Ukraine conducted in March 2014
over time, but even in Russian-speak- found that 8 percent of the residents of
ing regions a majority has never favored the country as a whole favored separat-
separation or Russian military inter- ing from Ukraine and joining another
vention. state, with the figures ranging from
The referendum on Ukrainian inde- under 1 percent in western Ukraine to
pendence in December 1991 indicat- a high of 18 percent in the Donbass.7
ed that an overwhelming majority of Fewer than 10 percent expressed sup-
Ukrainians, including a majority of port for southeastern Ukraine becom-

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ing part of Russia. Donbass respon- intervention.11

dents expressed the strongest support A major pretense for Russian annex-
for separatism, at 27 percent. ation of Crimea and support for sepa-
The referendum Russia organized in ratists in eastern Ukraine has been
March 2014 to ratify annexing Crimea ostensible threats to native Russians
officially claimed that 97 percent of and Russian speakers living in these
Crimean residents supported separat- areas. Yet despite a barrage of propa-
ism. This data is of questionable valid- ganda from Russian media, surveys in
ity, as the atmosphere was fraught due Ukraine have provided no evidence
to Russian provocations. The UN High that large numbers of Russian-speakers
Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi feel threatened or suffer discrimina-
Pillay, noted “misinformation and hate tion. In the March 2014 IRI survey,
speech used as propaganda,” and urged there was no region of Ukraine where
the authorities in Crimea to account for a majority of respondents agreed with
killings, torture, and arbitrary arrests the statement, “the rights of Russian-
in the buildup to the referendum.8 speakers are being encroached upon.”
The Russian president’s Coun- The strongest support for this view was
cil for Development of Civil Society in Donetsk, where 40 percent agreed
and Human Rights reported turnout and 57 percent disagreed. In the entire
of just 30 to 50 percent, well below eastern region, 72 percent disagreed.
the official 83 percent. Putin’s own In eastern Ukraine, only 17 percent
Council found that just 22.5 percent supported Russia sending military forc-
of registered voters in Crimea voted es into Ukraine; in the south, Russian
for Russian annexation.9 CNN polled intervention was favored by 27 per-
one thousand Ukrainians one day after cent.12
the Russian-organized referendum and Longitudinal data from Ukraine over
reported that just 19 percent expressed the past twenty-three years indicate a
loyalty to Russia, while 67 percent sup- consistent preference for continued
ported sanctions against Russia and 56 sovereignty and a growing desire for
percent felt loyalty to Europe.10 closer ties with Europe. This trend has
Surveys by the Kiev International grown stronger during the months of
Institute of Sociology in April 2014 conflict following Russia’s annexation
produced results confirming the March of Crimea. The two high points in
International Republican Institute support for an independent Ukraine
(IRI) data. Although majorities in both were December 1991 and September
Luhansk (60 percent) and Donetsk (71 2014. After 1991, hyperinflation and
percent) accepted the Russian media the economic crisis caused support for
claim that the events on Maidan were an independence to decline, reaching lows
armed coup sponsored by the West, this of 56 to 60 percent. Russia’s armed
did not create a demand for separation. incursion into Chechnya in 1994
Just 16 percent of Luhansk residents caused support for independent state-
supported unification with Russia, hood to increase, reaching 71 percent.
while 73 percent supported Ukrainian Pro-independence sentiment declined
independence. Few supported armed again during the 1997-98 economic

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crisis. The second Chechen war pro- and providing aid to separatists in
duced another bump, accentuated by Ukraine. While Russians are proud of
Russia’s war with Georgia in 2008, regaining great power status, a grow-
resulting in 83 percent favoring inde- ing number are not willing to pay the
pendence. Support for independence economic cost of rebuilding Crimea,
declined again, but in 2014 it reached much less sacrifice their sons for east-
90 percent, its highest level since 1991.13 ern Ukraine.
As a result of Putin’s aggressive poli- Most Russian citizens accepted their
cy, an overwhelming majority of Ukrai- government’s media message that Rus-
nians now view Russia as their enemy sian speakers in Ukraine were threat-
and perceive affiliation with Europe as ened (88 percent) and agreed that Rus-
necessary. In 2009, just one-quarter sia’s president should seek to further the
of Ukrainians thought Russia exerted interests of those Russian speakers (84
a negative influence on their country; percent).18 But this does not translate
now the figure is two-thirds.14 Accord- into support for armed intervention.
ing to a Pew Research poll in 2009, a While Russians believe that Ukraine
majority of Ukrainians—51 percent— would be better off with an economy
opposed NATO membership, while oriented to Russia and its Customs
only 28 percent favored it.15 Union, they do not agree that this is
Two polls by the Ukrainian sociolog- something warranting military action.19
ical group Rating illustrate the impact A poll in June 2014 found that more
of Putin’s policies.16 than 90 percent of Russia’s citizens
July 2012: 17 percent for NATO approved of the annexation of Crimea,
membership, 70 percent opposed but they did not agree with the offi-
July 2014: 44 percent for NATO cial Russian view that Russian speak-
membership, 34 percent opposed ers in Ukraine were threatened, or
Continuing Russian pressure in fall that Ukraine’s relationship with Europe
2014 induced more Ukrainians to sup- would damage Russia’s economy. Polls

The costs of the Ukraine conflict will be a sig-

nificant factor in a myriad of ways.
port NATO membership. In Kyiv, a at about the same time found that only
growing number of people now prefer 5 to 10 percent supported military
to speak Ukrainian rather than Rus- intervention in Ukraine.20
sian. 17 At no point has a significant share of
Russia’s population expressed support
Opinion in Russia. Analyzing opin- for military intervention in Ukraine. In
ion data from Russia requires interpre- mid-July 2014, two-thirds of respon-
tive nuance. The regime has portrayed dents in a VTsIOM (All-Russian Cen-
Russia’s people as nearly unanimous in ter for the Study of Public Opinion)
supporting the annexation of Crimea poll said the conflict should be resolved

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by diplomatic means. Another 22 per- Ukraine). President Putin in March

cent favored “surgical strikes,” and 2014 denied that Russians were involved
just 11 percent wanted to send Russian in the occupation of Crimea, but in
troops. In a later survey, only 13 per- May acknowledged that the “little green
cent thought Russia should send troops men” were from Russia. Despite this
to Ukraine even if NATO intervened. moment of frankness, Russian offi-
A much larger number perceived the cials have consistently maintained that
threat of war stemming from the activ- contingents in eastern Ukraine wearing
ity of the separatists–groups armed and identical unmarked uniforms and car-
aided, if not organized and led, by Rus- rying identical equipment are not from
sian “volunteers.”21 Russia. The rationale for the invasion
In August 2014, 60 percent of Rus- of Ukraine was what Russian sources
sian citizens viewed the situation in describe as an illegal coup against the
Ukraine as an internal conflict. VTsI- elected president Viktor Yanukovich,
OM General Director Valery Fyodor- but planning for a possible invasion was
ov suggested this “explains why very done well ahead. One Russian acquain-
few Russians want their army to help tance described the experience of a
the federalist forces in the Donetsk family member who served in the mili-
and Luhansk regions.”22 An absolute tary in 2013. The contract soldiers in
majority of Russians said the Russian his elite unit were asked if they would
leadership should not privilege foreign- be willing to fight in Ukraine, either
policy goals, including “interference” officially or unofficially. Those who
in Ukraine, over attention to “Russia’s declined did not have their contracts
social and economic problems.”23 renewed. This suggests that contingency
Just as many Europeans do not want preparations were underway well before
to pay the price for sanctions imposed President Yanukovich was forced from
on Russia, most Russians oppose paying office.25
to rebuild Crimea. Support for paying Russian authorities clearly are con-
the cost of annexation has eroded sig- cerned about a potential backlash. They
nificantly over time. A Levada Center have been careful to conceal evidence of
poll conducted in August 2014 showed Russian casualties in Ukraine. Returned
continuing support for annexation, but corpses are labeled “Cargo 200,” a des-
the number willing to pay for Crimea ignation used in the Afghan War. Dmi-
dropped from 26 percent in March tri Gudkov, the lone opposition deputy
to 17 percent in September. The share remaining in the Russian parliament
opposed to paying increased from 19 (Duma), inquired about thirty-nine
percent to 30 percent.24 Russian paratroopers from the 76th
Domestic public opinion explains Airborne Division based in Pskov who
Russian officials’ persistent denial that likely perished in Ukraine. The Minis-
Russian military personnel are par- try of Defense responded that the Rus-
ticipating in the conflict in eastern sian Federation is not involved in the
Ukraine (except “volunteers” and sol- conflict and that releasing information
diers who have chosen to spend their about specific individuals would violate
vacation aiding Russian speakers in their right to privacy.26 The local Sol-

Wi nt e r/Sp ri ng 2015 [83 ]


dier’s Mothers group also raised ques- tell reporters and sociologists.32 A bet-
tions. When the St. Petersburg branch ter-informed Russian public is likely to
of this homegrown NGO joined in have a less positive view of the Ukraine
asking about the situation, they were invasion.
denounced as foreign agents.27 In
August 2014, President Putin awarded Putin’s Rating. Russian media have
the 76th Airborne Division the Order trumpeted the enormous popularity of
of Suvorov for its work in “local con- Putin’s Ukraine gambit. Western media
flicts” in previous decades.28 The tim- speak of his “skyrocketing” rating.
ing caused many to believe the honor Putin’s favorable rating increased from
reflected recent service in Ukraine. The about 60 percent to above 80 percent
decree (ukaz) is not available on the following the annexation of Crimea
Kremlin website. Journalists were told and remained high until the end of
that it is not in the public domain. August 2014, when it dipped slightly.
One of the ways information about But is Putin’s “bump” in popularity
dead and injured Russian “volunteers” unusual for a leader when a conflict
is reaching the public domain is from begins? And is it sustainable?
reports about individuals punished for Putin’s approval rating increased
divulging this information. In mid- about half as much as that of George W.
October 2014, Liudmila Bogaten- Bush following the attacks organized by
kova, a seventy-three-year-old human Osama Bin Laden. A Gallup poll taken
rights activist, was detained for report- 7 to 10 September 2001 gave Bush a 51
ing information about Russian casu- percent approval rating, with 39 per-
alties.29 The web site most active in cent expressing disapproval. In a Gallup
publicizing “Cargo 200” casualties was poll taken after the attacks, Bush’s rat-
blocked at the end of September for ing jumped to 90 percent approval.33
“nationalism.”30 On September 26, The rise in Putin’s approval rating
the site posted an item by Konstantin pales in comparison to the growth in
Zel’fianov stating that the number of his popularity during the first Chech-
dead and wounded Russian soldiers and en War. In July 1999, when he was
mercenaries was more than four thou- appointed Prime Minister, Putin regis-
sand. Zel’fianov added that while some tered about 30 percent approval and 30
bodies were returned to Russia, many, percent disapproval. By the end of the
if not most, were simply thrown into year, after vowing to “rub out” Chechen
mine shafts.31 fighters “in the outhouse,” his approval
Intimidation of critics has been both reached 80 percent.34
direct and indirect. Levada Center The annexation of Crimea remains
Director Lev Gudkov suggested that popular in Russia, and Putin’s ratings
the views expressed by Russians in many reflect this, though Putin’s approval
opinion polls reflect economic coer- may have peaked in August 2014. A
cion: two-thirds of Russians live pay- Levada Center poll at the end of the
check-to-paycheck, many on the gov- month indicated a drop from 87 per-
ernment payroll, so fear of being fired cent to 84 percent approval, with a
has a strong influence on what they will slight increase in disapproval.35

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Job approval does not mean voters regions more quickly. Negative reac-
would support someone’s re-election. tions to these economic consequences
George H. W. Bush reached a 90 per- will take a further toll on Putin’s popu-
cent approval rating during the first larity.
Gulf War in 1991, but lost the 1992
presidential election. In July 2014, Policy Implications. Despite the
the number of Russians who said they dangerous precedent of using armed
would vote for Putin again was just 52 aggression to revise borders in Europe,
percent.36 By September it fell below neither Europe nor the United States
50 percent. Putin’s officials still count has evinced willingness to pay a signifi-
the votes, but extensive falsification of cant price to reverse Putin’s annexa-
vote counts was a major reason for the tion of Crimea or prevent the eastern
protests in 2011-12, and there is a risk regions of Ukraine becoming another
this could be repeated. frozen conflict.38 European business
The costs of the Ukraine conflict and interests and politicians receiving sub-
rebuilding efforts will be a significant stantial financial benefits from Russian
factor in a myriad of ways. Russia’s state-owned companies are leading the
economy was close to a no-growth situ- effort to rationalize Putin’s behavior,
ation before the annexation of Crimea arguing that Russia has legitimate inter-
resulted in economic sanctions. The ests in the region and emphasizing the
ruble fell, stock market values dropped, economic costs to Europe from sanc-
and capital flight increased. Now tions.
many domestic constituencies will get Targeted sanctions and efforts to

Public information is crucial to helping Russians

understand the impact of Putin’s policies on their
own country.
less funding as a result of the war in reduce European dependence on Rus-
Ukraine. Economic development proj- sian hydrocarbons are important pol-
ects in Chechnya and the rest of the icies that should be maintained for
North Caucasus are being cut to pay for an extended period. Sanctions rarely
Crimean development. Pensioners have achieve results in the short term.
been warned to prepare for increases in The most important area for Western
“communal services” costs (heat, water, action is the information space. Most
electricity, etc.), and the pension fund Russian citizens appear to have for-
has been confiscated to help pay the gotten the lessons of state-run media
costs of Crimean annexation.37 from the Soviet era. They are less cyni-
While the macroeconomic problems cal in part because Putin’s regime has
are manageable in the short- to medi- effectively chosen themes with popular
um-term, negative effects are likely to appeal, but also because the regime
be felt by individuals, enterprises, and continues to aggressively attack inde-

W i nt er /Sp ri ng 20 15 [ 85]

pendent information sources.39 Pro- armed wings of nationalist organiza-

viding alternative Russian-language tions helped protect protestors on the
media could help balance Putin’s pro- Maidan and battled “volunteers” from
paganda. The European Union should Russia in eastern Ukraine. However,
finance this effort, with technical help their presence and potential influence

Fear of conflict should not deter the United States

and Europe from doing everything possible to stop
Putin’s aggression.
from the United States. Early 2015, has allowed Putin to portray post-Yan-
when Polish Prime Minister Donald ukovich governments as neo-Nazis, so-
Tusk becomes EU President and Latvia called Banderovtsy. Russian television
assumes the presidency of the Council has persistently conveyed this message.45
of the European Union, would be a Ukrainian leaders must clean up their
good opportunity to establish a new economic system as well as their govern-
“Radio Free Europe.”40 ment. Fixing the damage bequeathed by
Public information is crucial to Yanukovich and his cronies requires
helping Russian elites and ordinary cit- difficult measures that will be unpopu-
izens understand the impact of Putin’s lar. The temptation to use ongoing
policies on their own country. The conflict as an excuse to defer economic
economic consequences of the Ukraine reform will be strong. Without stead-
invasion will take time to develop, but fast efforts to fix the economy, Putin’s
they will be significant.41 Non-Russians effort to promote instability in the
inside Russia and some Russian regions region will continue to be successful.
are already asking why they too should The United States and NATO need
not have real federalism.42 Putin’s fix- to develop greater capacity to respond
ation on the potential consequences to “war without war” and “new wars,”
of Ukraine orienting its economy to where stealth and deniability obscure
Europe distracts Russia’s policy focus the nature of the conflict and insur-
from more serious threats.43 When gents perpetuate instability over an
some of the North Caucasus fight- extended period as extortion, expro-
ers currently in Syria return to open priation, and kidnaping become their
an Islamic State front in Dagestan or income stream.46
Ingushetia, the need for a common The new NATO “rapid reaction”
effort will be more apparent but less force should be accompanied by estab-
achievable.44 lishing “rapid response” peacekeeping
Putin is winning the information war groups that threatened governments
in part because the Ukrainian govern- could invite to areas when the sort of
ment genuinely does need to address “invasion without invasion” practiced
concerns about Ukrainian national- in Crimea and eastern Ukraine is ini-
ist groups and future policies. The tiated. The new units would be able

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to provide information about events Conclusion. Putin’s creeping annexa-

and could interpose themselves between tion of former Soviet territory should
unidentified paramilitary fighters and not be allowed to escalate into a broader
local civilians and military units to armed conflict, but fear of conflict
deter violence. Halting the informal should not deter the United States and
incursions at the outset will be far Europe from doing everything possible
less costly than dealing with long-term to stop Putin’s aggression. Numerous
occupations and frozen conflicts. analysts have noted the broad range
The appetites of nationalist revan- of issues on which U.S. and Russian
chists rarely are assuaged by victories. cooperation is essential: terrorism,
They grow. High-level nationalist Iran’s nuclear program, North Korea,
politicians in Putin’s administration Afghanistan, piracy, and others.50
have produced monographs not only If Putin extends the conflict to more
defending the Crimean annexation but of Ukraine or to the Baltics, coopera-
also advocating Russia’s right to recover tion on these areas of mutual interest
Alaska.47 Putin has said (even if taken could become impossible. The results
out of context) that his forces could be of the 2014 U.S. elections will make
in Kiev in two weeks. They could prob- it even more difficult for the Obama
ably be in Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius in administration to work with Putin’s
a few hours. An attack on new NATO government. If Putin’s spokesper-
members may be precisely what Putin sons continue to present cooperation
views as the way to undermine the alli- on mutual interests like terrorism as
ance. “favors,” there may be no hope of over-
NATO should do what it can to raise coming U.S. domestic political con-
the costs, both economic and military, cerns.
of continued Russian aggression in Encouraging Russians who oppose
Ukraine. Steven Pifer and Strobe Tal- the military conflict with brother Slavs
bott have suggested providing defen- is not only plausible but is also possible.
sive weapons to the Ukrainian govern- They do not need a regime change but
ment.48 This is a good start. Enhancing merely need to convince their lead-
current information sharing and mak- er that the current policy is unpopu-
ing it clear that other options are under lar as well as irrational for Russia’s
consideration could also help deter future. Opinion data indicate that an
aggression. overwhelming majority of Ukrainians,
Finally, it is time to separate Putin including Russian speakers, favor inde-
and Russia in our discourse. In the pendence, an overwhelming majority of
current situation, being anti-Putin, far Russians oppose military intervention
from being anti-Russian, is to be in in Ukraine, and Putin’s approval rating
favor of a healthier and wealthier Russia has far outpaced his electoral rating as
that is less dangerous to Russians, non- a result of his Ukraine policies. Both
Russians within Russia, and democratic ratings have fallen since June. These
governments now faced with a threaten- data offer hope that the policies could
ing alternative worldview.49 be changed. Growing conflicts within
Putin’s elite as economic sanctions cre-

W i nt er/S pr ing 20 15 [87]


ate competition and tensions could and thwart civic activism suggest that
accelerate the process. Russia’s rulers do not share this view:
Levada Center surveys indicate that Putin and his cronies remain seri-
85 percent of Russian citizens believe ously concerned about public opinion.
they have no influence on policy deci- Doing more to open the information
sions.51 The regime’s extensive efforts space will help.
to contain protest, control the media,

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1 Elizabeth Cullen Dunn and Michael S. Bobick, dum asking people in the Soviet Union whether they
“The Empire Strikes Back: War without war and favored some type of union of the Soviet republics.
occupation without occupation in the Russian sphere About two-thirds of the residents of Ukraine who vot-
of influence,” American Ethnologist 41, no. 3 (2014): ed were in favor of the statement: “Do you agree that
405-413. Ukraine should be part of a Union of Soviet sovereign
2 Veronika Movchan and Mykola Tyzhenkov, “Eco- states on the basis on the Declaration of State Sover-
nomic impact of Ukraine-EU Association Agreement: eignty of Ukraine?” The difference in the outcomes
quantitative estimates CGE model” (Kyiv: Institute for in March and December 1991 is best explained by the
Economic Research and Policy Consulting), Inter- failed putsch in August of 1991. When offered a choice
net, between remaining in a Soviet Union where another
(date accessed: 24 November 2014). Also Anders coup might be staged or becoming independent,
Åslund, “Ukraine’s Choice: European Association Ukrainian residents, including a majority of Russian
agreement of Eurasia Union?” (Washington, DC: speakers, voted decisively to go their own way.
Peterson Institute for International Economics, Sep- 6 “Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Ukraine”
tember 2013). Also Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber, “EU (Washington, DC: International Republican Insti-
Association Agreements Not Seen as Threat to Russian tute, March 14-26 2014). The survey was conducted
Economy,” The Moscow Times, 26 June 2014, Inter- by Baltic Surveys and The Gallup Organization for
net, the International Republican Institute, and involved
eu-association-agreements-not-seen-as-threat-to- fieldwork by Rating Group Ukraine.
russian-economy-/502590.html (date accessed: 24 7 “
November 2014). ?” Democratic Institute of Ukraine, 24
3 For an excellent discussion of the ways Russia’s March 2014, Internet [English translation unavail-
elite pursues policies that fail to address the nation’s able],
economic and social needs, see Karen Dawisha, Putin’s (date accessed: 24 November 2014). Also see the anal-
Keptocracy: Who Owns Russia? (New York: Simon and ysis in Paul Goble, “Window on Eurasia: Few in Ukraine –
Schuster, 2014). Including in the East – Support separatism or joining
4 For video of these protests, see: “Thou- Russia, poll shows,” 12 April 2014, Internet, http://
sands protest Russia’s Ukraine policy,” CNN, Inter-
net, on-eurasia-few-in-ukraine.html (date accessed: 24
gw4 (date accessed: 24 November 2014). Also November 2014).
“Russians rally against Moscow role in Ukraine,” 8 Nick Cumming-Bruce, “U.N. cites abuses in
Aljazeera, Internet, Crimea before Russia annexation vote,” The New York
europe/2014/09/russians-stage-anti-ukraine-war- Times, 15 April 2014. For the full text of the report, see
moscow-201492114729171223.html (date accessed: United Nations, “Report on the human rights situ-
24 November 2014). Also “Russian Anti-War Rally,” ation in Ukraine” (New York: Office of the United
Ukraine Today, Internet, Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 15
uatodaytv/posts/297626593759526 (date accessed: 24 April 2014).
November 2014). Also “Russia Anti-War March: Tens 9 Data from the Presidential Council cited in
of thousands in Moscow protest Kremlin’s secret Dawisha, Putin’s Kleptocracy, 319.
war in Ukraine,” UkrStream.TV, Internet, http:// 10 Richard Allen Greene, “Ukraine favors Europe over Russia, new CNN poll finds,” CNN, 12 May
of_thousands_in_moscow_protest_kremlin_s_secret_ 2014. 37 percent of Ukrainians in the eastern regions
war_in_ukraine#.VCDXUxbwo1I (date accessed: 24 Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv favored an alliance
November 2014). with Russia, 14 percent wanted an alliance with the
5 Andrew Wilson, Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s: A European Union, and half (49 percent) responded
Minority Faith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, that Ukraine would be better off if it did not ally with
1996), 128. 93 percent of those voting expressed either. Nationwide, a slight majority (54 percent) said
support for Ukraine’s independence, including 55 it would be good for Ukraine to join the EU. More
percent of Russian speakers in Ukraine. In Kharkiv than eight out of ten (82 percent) said it would be bad
Oblast, 86 percent favored independence, in Odessa for the country to have Russian troops in Ukraine.
85 percent voted for independence, and in Mikolayiv Two-thirds (67 percent) described Putin as “danger-
89 percent. In the nineteen regions of central and ous.”
western Ukraine, more than 90 percent voted for 11 “The views and opinions of residents of South-
an independent Ukrainian state. Of the total eligible Eastern Ukraine: April 2014,” Zerkalo Nedeli Dzerkalo Tyzh-
electorate in Ukraine in 1991, 76 percent voted for nia, Internet [English translation unavailable], 18 April
independence. This was a sharp change from March 2014,
1991, when Mikhail Gorbachev insisted on a referen- zhiteley-yugo-vostoka-ukrainy-aprel-2014-143598_.

W i nt er /Sp ri ng 20 15 [ 89]


html#comment (date accessed: 24 November 2014). be better off aligned with Russia than with Europe. 36
A helpful summary is available in Steven Pifer percent thought Ukrainian ties to Europe would harm
and Hannah Thoburn, “Nuanced views in East- Russia, just 11 percent thought it would be beneficial,
ern Ukraine,” 28 April 2014, Internet, http://www. and 34 percent thought it would have no impact on Russia. This corresponds with the Levada Center
nuanced-views-eastern-ukraine-pifer-thoburn (date August data: Russians would prefer that Ukraine be in
accessed: 24 November 2014). Only Donetsk and the Eurasian Union, but are not willing to sacrifice a
Luhansk produced majorities supporting Yanukovich. significant amount to make this happen.
The only region in Ukraine where a majority sup- 20 Thomas Sherlock, “With low popular support
ported federalization was Luhansk. Strong support for escalation, Putin faces a sharpening dilemma,”
for armed seizures of administrative buildings was The National Interest, 21 August 2014, Internet, http://
expressed by 12 percent of respondents in Luhansk.
Nowhere else was the number favoring violence above challenge-11113 (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
10 percent. 77 percent opposed the armed occupa- 21 ITAR-Tass, “Two thirds of Russians against
tion of buildings. Intervention by Russian troops was sending troops to Ukraine - poll,” VTsIOM, 29
supported by 19 percent of respondents in Luhansk July 2014, Internet,
and Donetsk. Russia military intervention was strongly sia/742703 (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
opposed by 48 percent in Donetsk. Elsewhere in 22 “Most Russians see Ukrainian turmoil as civil
southeast Ukraine, at least 70 percent opposed the war - poll,” Russia Today, 26 August 2014, Internet,
introduction of Russian troops.
12 International Republican Institute, 4-8. poll/ (date accessed: 3 November 2014).
13 Paul Goble, “Window on Eurasia: Ukrainians 23 Thomas Shurlock, “Putin’s Public Opinion
now almost unanimous in supporting independent Challenge,” Center for Geopolitical Analyses, 8 August 2014.
Ukraine,” 24 August 2014, Internet, http://win- Shurlock states that “with low popular support for escalation, Putin faces a sharpening dilemma.”
eurasia-ukrainians-now-almost.html (date accessed: 24 Levada Center, “Prisoedinenie Kryma k Rossii
24 November 2014). (Uniting Crimea with Russia),” 2 September 2014,
14 Marjorie Connelly, “Ukrainians favor unity, Internet [English translation unavailable], http://www.
not Russia, polls find,” The New York Times, 8 May 2014.
15 Sprehe, Kathleen Holzwart, “Ukraine Says ‘No’ k-rossii (date accessed: 24 November 2014). Respon-
to NATO,” Pew Global, 29 March 2010. Internet, dents happy about regaining Crimea decreased from 23 percent in March to 16 percent in September. The
no-to-nato/ (date accessed: 24 November 2014). number saying it gives them pride in their country
16 “Maizhe polovina ukarintsiv khoche vstupu do dropped from 37 percent to 30 percent. In March,
NATO, sotsopituvannia (Less than half of Ukraininans just 19 percent were against paying to develop Crimea;
want to join NATO),” Internet [English translation in August the number was 28 percent. The share will-
unavailable], ing to suffer for Crimea declined from 28 percent to
polovyna_ukrayinciv_khoche_vtupu_do_nato___socopy- 17 percent.
tuvannya (date accessed: 8 October 2014). 25 Interview by Balzer, St. Petersburg, June 2014.
17 George Mirsky, “Kiev govorit po-Ukrainski Reports in the Russian media have supported this
(Kiev Speaks Ukrainian),” 2 November 2014, Inter- account. Liudmila Bogatenkova was detained in Octo-
net [English translation unavailable], ber 2014 in part because she was advising families
blog/georgy_mirsky/1429814-echo/ (date accessed: 24 about their options when contract soldiers were forced
November 2014). One good indicator of the validity to sign agreements to go to Ukraine. “A 73-year-old
of Echo Moskvy reporting is the government’s recent Russian woman investigating the deaths of Russian
moves against the broadcaster. soldiers in Ukraine was thrown into an investigative
18 “Oprosy: Bol’shinstvo rossiian uvereny chto isolation ward,” Noyvi region, Internet [English trans-
v Ukraine sushchestvyet ugroza dlia Russkogovori- lation unavailable],
ashchikh zhitelei (Surveys: A majority of Russians and_russia/73-letnyuyu-rossiyanku-zanimavshuyusya-
are certain that there are threats to Russian-speaking rassledovaniem-gibeli-voennyh-RF-v-Ukraine-bro-
residents of Ukraine),” Nezavisimaia gazeta 152, (24 July sili-v-SIZO (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
2014): 3. 26 After the thirty-nine paratroopers were buried
19 Sergei Goriashko, “Rossiianam ne nravitsia in Pskov in August, attempts to ascertain what hap-
evropei’skii’ vybor Ukrainy (Russians do not like pened to them produced unpleasant consequences for
Ukraine’s choice of Europe),” Kommersant Daily 227, those asking the questions. Lev Shlosberg, a member
(10 December 2013): 8. A poll by the Public Opinion of the Pskov regional legislature, sought an inquiry
Foundation found 59 percent thought Ukraine would about the deaths and was subsequently attacked by three

[ 90] Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

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men who left him with injuries requiring hospitaliza- Adomanis described Putin’s approval numbers as a
tion. More than twenty journalists in Pskov reported “sugar high.” His approval rating was 88 percent in
being attacked after they posed questions about the September 2008, down to 80 percent a year later,
deaths. Members of a BBC news group in Astrakhan and at 68 percent in September 2010. Mark Ado-
investigating reports of Russian soldiers’ deaths were manis, “Putin’s poll numbers are skyrocketing, but
attacked and their cameras smashed. A human rights they aren’t going to last,” Center on Global Interests,
advocate reported that at least a dozen bodies arrived 10 April 2014, Internet, http://www.globalinterests.
in Orenburg from Ukraine early in the second half of org/2014/04/10/putins-poll-numbers-are-skyrock-
September. Local military authorities were outraged eting-but-they-arent-going-to-last/ (date accessed:
when they learned the men had been officially dis- 24 November 2014).
charged from the army following their deaths. 35 Alexander Zemlianichenko, “Putin’s approval
27 Catherine Fitzpatrick. “Russia This Week: rating falls for first time this year,” The Moscow Times, 28
Kremlin advisor Speaks at Yalta Conference Amid August 2014. Putin’s rating has spiked several times
Separatists, European Far Right (25-31 August),” over his career. Putin’s lowest approval rating since, August 30, 2014, Inter- he became President in June 2000 was either 50
net, percent or 61 percent in November 2013, depending
week/#4035 (date accessed: 24 November 2014). on which polls are consulted. In early August 2014,
28 Anna Dolgov, “Defense Ministry dismisses Putin’s approval reached 87 percent, comparable to
reports of Russian paratroopers killed in Ukraine,” his ratings in 2008 during the war with Georgia, and
The Moscow Times, 30 September 2014, Internet, http:// in 2000 when battling Chechnya. “Putin’s approval rating soars to 87 percent, poll says,” The Moscow Times,
ministry-dismisses-reports-of-russian-paratroopers- 6 August 2014, Internet, http://www.themoscowtimes.
killed-in-ukraine-as-rumors/508089.html (date com/article/504691.html (date accessed: 24 Novem-
accessed: 24 November 2014). ber 2014).
29 “Russian woman investigating deaths,” Noy- 36 Ivan Nechepurenko, “Crimea factor finite
vi Region, Internet [English translation unavailable], in Putin’s rating,” The Moscow Times, 13 August 2014, Internet,
letnyuyu-rossiyanku-zanimavshuyusya-rassledo- cle/505076.html (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
vaniem-gibeli-voennyh-RF-v-Ukraine-brosili- 37 Information about communal services price
v-SIZO-82527.html (date accessed: 24 November hikes derived from interviews in Moscow and St.
2014). Petersburg, June 2014. On the pension fund see Anas-
30 “The group ‘Cargo 200 from Ukraine to Russia’ tasiia Bashkatova, “Pensionnye nakopleniia grazhdan
has been blocked on the Classmates site,” Noyvi Region, potracheny na Krym i bor’bu s krizisom (The Citi-
Internet [English translation unavailable], http://nr2. zens’ Pension Fund has been spent on Crimea and the struggle with the crisis), Internet [English translation
kah-zablokirovali-gruppu-Gruz- 200-iz-Ukrainy-v- unavailable],
Rossiyu-81061.html (date accessed: 24 November html (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
2014). 38 Frozen conflicts refer to areas of the former
31 “The number of dead and missing Russian sol- Soviet Union where ongoing low-level violence has
diers in the Donbass has reached 4,000,” Noyvi Region, become the norm, with no political settlement in
Internet [English translation unavailable], http://nr2. view. Russia has played a major role in preserving these regions as unstable pseudo-states, using them
kah-zablokirovali-gruppu-Gruz- 200-iz-Ukrainy-v- as leverage against former Soviet republics. Nagorno-
Rossiyu-81061.html (date accessed: 24 November Karabakh (leverage against Azerbaijan and influence
2014). with Armenia), South Ossetia and Abkhazia (stripped
32 Echo Moskvy, “Rossiia, kotoruiu vybiraet from Georgia), and Trans-Dniester (part of Moldova)
bol’shinstvo–kakaia ona? (What kind of Russia would have been the four most-cited cases. Eastern Ukraine
the majority choose?),” Interview with Lev Gudkov, 20 might become the fifth. For a recent discussion of
June 2014, Internet [English translation unavailable], Ukraine in this context see Roman Olearchyk, “Frozen conflict emerges from heat of war,” The Financial Times, 2
echo/ (date accessed: 24 November 2014). October 2014.
33 “Presidential Approval Ratings—George W. 39 The Internet was supposed to be the great
Bush,” Gallup, Internet, exception to state control of information. In 1999,
poll/116500/presidential-approval-ratings-george- Putin endorsed the views of economic and social
bush.aspx (date accessed: 24 November 2014). groups opposed to building a “Great Firewall” in
34 Putin’s 2014 jump in approval may resemble Russia. Since returning to the presidency, Putin has
the effects from the war with Georgia in 2008. Mark increasingly sought to emulate China’s effort to con-

W i nt er /Sp ri ng 20 15 [91]


trol cyberspace. leaders as “fascists.” The most extreme political group

40 The announced plan to resume broadcasts for garnered just 1.6 percent of the vote in the Novem-
thirty minutes each day is hardly a significant alterna- ber Ukrainian election. Zhirinovskii’s Liberal Demo-
tive. cratic Party of Russia, Zyuganov’s Communists, and
41 President Putin has consistently put a brave face Rogozin’s Rodina Party all have polled much higher
on the economic impact of the Ukraine invasion. His numbers, and all three hold leadership positions in
economic advisers have been less sanguine. Andrew Putin’s government.
Kramer, “Putin Trumpets Economic Strength, 46 Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Bobik, “The
but Advisers Seem Less Certain,” The New York Times, Empire Strikes Back: War without war and occupa-
3 October 2014. For recent scholarly analysis see tion without occupation in the Russian sphere of
Natal’ia Zubarevich, “Prostranstvo Rossii posle Kryma Influence,” American Ethnologist 41.3(2014): 405-413.
i na fone krizisa (The Russian Space after Crimea and Also Mary Kaldor, New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a
against the background of the crisis),” Pro et Contra 18, Global Era (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012).
(May-August 2014): 118-128. Also Sergei Aleksash- The frozen conflict in South Ossetia obliterated the
enko, “Ekonomika Rossii k nachalu epokhi ‘posle tax base. The regime financed operations by print-
Putina’ (The Russian Economy at the Beginning of ing some $20 billion in counterfeit $100 bills. On
the Post-Putin Epoch),” Pro et Contra 18, (May-August Donetsk and Luhansk, see Aleksey Matsuka, “Writ-
2014): 104-117. Also Nikolai Petrov, “Rossiia v 2014- ing the truth in the People’s Republic of Donetsk,”
m: skatyvanie v voronku (Russia in 2014: Sliding Down OpenDemocracy, 18 July 2014, Internet,
the Funnel),” Pro et Contra 18, (May-August 2014):
57-86. truth-in-people%E2%80%99s-republic-of-donetsk
42 Paul Goble, “Crimea’s Consequences for Rus- (date accessed: 24 November 2014). Also Tetyana
sia’s Non-Russians—A Net Assessment of Long-Term Zarovnaya, “Terrorists are already kidnapping people
Nationalities Trends Within the Russian Federation just for the sake of ransom, but militia is inactive,”
Since the Start of 2014,” Eurasia Daily Monitor 11, no. 182, 28 May 2014, Internet,
(15 October 2014). Also Paul Goble, “Crimea’s Con- of-donetsk-euromaidan/ (date accessed: 24 Novem-
sequences for Russia’s Non-Russians—A Net Assess- ber 2014). Also Pavel Knyagin, “Kidnapped Russian
ment of Long-Term Nationalities Trends Within Journalist Pavel Kanygin on his own abduction: ‘This
the Russian Federation Since the Start of 2014, Eur- is not a ransom, this is your contribution to our war,’”
asia Daily Monitor 11.182 (15 October 2014), Internet, 26 May 2014, Internet, http://maidantranslations. com/2014/05/26/kidnapped-russian-journalist-
ttnews[tt_news]=42958&cHash=86f5ac7b58a3b23c3a pavel-kanygin-on-his-own-abduction-this-is-not-a-
65f4832357bde6#.VFwoABbwo1I (date accessed: 24 ransom-this-is-your-contribution-to-our-war/ (date
November 2014). For excellent coverage of the eco- accessed: 24 November 2014).
nomic and political impact of the Ukraine invasion 47 Sergei Baburin, Krym naveki s Rossiei: istoriko-pra-
on Russian regions, see Paul Goble’s blog Window on vovoe obosnovanie vossoedineniia respubliki Krym i goroda Sevas-
Eurasia, Internet, http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot. topol’ s Rossiiskoi Federatsei (Crimea With Russia Forever:
com (date accessed: 24 November 2014). The Historical-Legal Basis for Uniting the Crimean
43 For a typical Putin comment, see “Russia could Republic and City of Sevastopol with the Russian
lose over 100 bln rubles from EU-Ukraine associa- Federation), (Moscow: knizhnyi mir, 2014). Also Ivan
tion - Putin,” INTERFAX, 26 August 2014. For other Mironov, Aliaska predannaia i prodannaia: istoriia dvortsovogo
calculations indicating that the results for the Russian zagovora (Alaska betrayed and sold: The History of a
economy would be neutral or positive, see the sources Palace Conspiracy), (Moscow: Knizhnyi mir, 2014).
in note 2. 48 Steven Pifer and Strobe Talbott, “Time to give
44 Outside of the Middle East, Russia has the larg- Ukraine defensive weapons,” Kyiv Post, 18 Septem-
est number of Muslim citizens fighting in ISIS groups ber 2014, Internet,
in Syria and Iraq. Ceylan Yeginsu, “ISIS Draws Steady ion/op-ed/steven-pifer-and-strobe-talbott-time-to-
Stream of Recruits from Turkey,” The New York Times, give-ukraine-defensive-weapons-365119.html (date
15 September, 2014: 1. Also Vladislav Mal’tsev, “Neza- accessed: 24 November 2014).
metnaia islamskaia revoliutsiia (The Unnoticed Islamic 49 Commentary, “Odin-za vse: Chem
Revolution),” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 6 November 2014, opasna personifikatsiia vlasti (One-for Everything:
Internet, [English translation unavailable], http:// The Danger in the Personification of Power),” Inter- net [English translation unavailable], http://www.
html (date accessed: 24 November 2014).
45 During a three-week trip to Russia in June, (date accessed: 24 November 2014). On the damage
many acquaintances repeated this view. There is a inflicted by Putin and his cronies see Dawisha, Putin’s
high degree of irony in the incessant labeling of Kiev’s Kleptocracy, Chapter 7. Also Jo Becker and Steven Lee

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Myers, “Putin’s Friend Profits in Purge of School- Pact,” The New York Times, 7 November 2014.
books,” The New York Times, 2 November 2014. Also 50 For a good recent survey of these issues and
Harley Balzer, “Authoritarianism and Modernization the difficulties involved, see Angela Stent, The Limits
in Russia: Is Russia Ka-Putin?” Politics and Economics in of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-first Century
Putin’s Russia (Carlisle: U.S. Army War College, Decem- (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press,
ber 2013): 125-174. Putin has revised his view of the 2014.) The forthcoming paperback edition is being
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the agreement to give the revised to include a discussion of Ukraine.
USSR the Baltics and divide Poland with Hitler. Neil 51 Echo Moskvy, Interview with Lev Gudkov, note
MacFarquhar, “Russia: Putin Defends Soivet-Nazi 26.

W int e r/S pr ing 20 15 [93]

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