Activity 4

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1. What name would you give in your own Wayang Kulit puppet?
The name that I would give in my own Wayang Kulit puppet is “The
Warrior Woman”.
2. What mood is derived while making this artwork?
The moods that are derived while making this artwork are
fierceness, womanhood, and power.
3. Does your work remind you of something? Explain your answer.
This puppet reminds me of how women out there are warriors of
life. They are warriors because they’re the symbol of strength and
endurance. It didn’t emerged at birth but because they’re forged to through
the challenges of life. With each challenge, women grow mentally and
emotionally. They move forward with their head held high and a strength
that can’t be denied. A woman who’s been through the storm and
survived. They are warriors.

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