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Midterm Report

Alpha Inc.

Title Page :

Team Name - Alpha Inc.

Advisor’s Name - James Shaw

Advisor’s Email -

Team Leader’s Name - Tanishka Saluja

Team Leader’s Email -

Team Member Names - Daria Parshina, Jamil Mammedzada, Chloe Pellman, Niccolo Iglesias

Team Code - 6431445

Alpha Inc. recognizes Nichole’s short-term and long-term financial objectives to cover her nieces’ and

nephews’ educational expenses and offer scholarships (for $5000) to women of color studying engineering for

at least 10 years. As understood from the case study, Nichole doesn’t want to include a retirement plan,

however, we hope to create a portfolio that will likely help her with social security.

Since it is still quite early on in Nichole’s investment journey, we are still in the process of developing a

strategy that will best help in accomplishing her financial goals. Nevertheless, Alpha Inc. plans to use

fundamental analysis as its main investment strategy, determine undervalued and overvalued stocks, and invest

accordingly. By this, we hope to find well-priced stocks with favorable prospects, securing our long-term goals.

Being aware of Nichole’s approach towards the environment and helping people, and how she successfully

created a Via - a company that aims to reduce greenhouse gas production by providing better public

transportation which is also suitable for people of determination. Our team consciously aims to make

investments that have a positive social impact and add social value. Given that Nichole wants to withdraw

money at least $5000 every year, pay for her niblings, we can also invest in blue-chip companies that provide

high liquidity allowing quick and easy transactions. Throughout the whole process of building her financial

portfolio, we want Nichole to be part of it as well, and hence we would try to invest in companies that relate to

her interests. It’s also important that we invest in stocks with dividends as it would provide Nichole with a

constant income, despite the ups and downs of the market, and our team intends to have a dividend yield of 2-3

%. We would also recommend Nichole to invest in ETFs, as it would make it possible to build a diversified

portfolio using relatively low investment amounts, giving ample liquidity.

Our team, to start off with, includes people from very diverse communities, backgrounds, and values, which

had an obvious impact on the investment strategy as it’s something we all worked to agree on. The first step of

developing the strategy was to understand the client by looking at her financial situation, therefore determining

the risks she is able to take, as well as her values and interests which reveal the types of investments Nichole

might want to consider. What makes Alpha Inc’s strategy unique and reliable is its transparency - collectively

we have agreed that the simpler and easier to manage the transactions are, the more secure and profitable the

investment process would be; we are trying to minimize the complexity and avoid using unnecessary
components to safely meet our client’s expectations and earn the needed trust. The companies whose stocks

Alpha Inc. is investing in have been carefully researched by our team members - we filtered the list down by

analyzing the companies’ latest and predicting the future performances using background research and our own

knowledge. The individuality of our investment strategy is based on its dependability and its possibilities of

further stable development.

Bibliography :

8 Common Investment Strategies

Why Dividends Matter to Investors

Benefits of ETFs - Fidelity

Women in TransitTech: Nichole Jordan.

The 7 attributes of a good investment portfolio

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