Ecommerce Industryin Pakistan

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E-Commerce Industry in Pakistan

Article · June 2016

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1 author:

Farhan Zafar
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (Pakistan)


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Sector in Focus
E-Commerce Industry in Pakistan
Farhan Zafar* now overtly recognize the gargantuan potential it holds.
E-commerce has emerged as a revolutionary contributor The economic and financial indicators augur a
to the Information Technology Sector. The term E- tremendous surge in investment and business potential in
commerce conjures up in mind a litany of axiomatic the said sector in Pakistan. There is an array of factors
words and colloquial terminologies one can recall from that vividly illustrate how this untapped industry is bound
the basic jargon etched in our brains. Keeping the general to propel and further galvanize support for entrepreneurs
lexicon aside, the term E-Commerce has substantially and small and medium enterprises to usher forth in the
expanded world over and has been expounded to include viable economic market arena.
a host of ventures and businesses like online shopping
websites, Technological Startups, IT companies, etc. There is a direct link between the internet users and E-
commerce industry. As the internet subscribers increase
Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world in Pakistan, the chance of more E-commerce activity
(approximately 200 million people) and the nascent E- increases. Figure 1 shows the number of people utilizing
commerce industry in Pakistan has exponential room for internet services in Pakistan and that only 14% of the
growth. There have been a bevy of entrants in the industry population is linked to the internet.
as more and more people are making robust forays in the Actual
E-commerce industry. Figure 1: Internet Users in Pakistan Future
Internet Users (per 100 people)

Not only have the online shopping businesses flourished
but a plethora of E-commerce companies pertaining to 25

real estate, the culinary world, transportation and 20

commuting, sale and purchase of vehicles, hotel 15

booking, etc. have sprung up given the auspicious 10
economic environment. Infect, the number of startups 5
and businesses in the sector are predicted to increase
significantly in the near future. E-commerce in the west


and globally is ubiquitous as it is an ever expanding Year

industry worth billions. Innovation and advancement in Source: World Bank (Actual) and Author’s Calculation (Future)
technology has enabled the world to enter the epoch of Around 28 million people were using the internet till 2014,
smar t homes and cities which currently is an however, growth rate of internet users has been
unfathomable phenomenon for Pakistan but it is exponential. The number of users utilizing internet
happening nonetheless. services increased by 26% from 2013 to 2014. Based on
the average of the last four years (according to Figure 1) it
The interminable utility of E-commerce has finally caught can be predicted that by the year 2020 the internet users
up with the Pakistani entrepreneurs and investors who will increase to 32% of the whole population.
* Mr. Farhan Zafar is currently working as Assistant Manager in the Policy and Planning Division, SMEDA

SME Observer
The figures mentioned above show that given the The awarding of 3G/4G licenses to telecom companies in
population of Pakistan only a miniscule portion has direct mid-2014 has also fueled growth of the internet. According
access to the internet, from which we can extrapolate and to a report by GSMA1, there has been exponential growth of
further narrow down the number of people who are 3G and 4G connections since their introduction in Pakistan.
amenable to using online applications, who visit online The growth has been 33% in the third quarter of 2015, due to
websites, those people who apply through online job this great response by the public, 3G coverage is expected
searching websites, etc. Perhaps a small proportion to to reach 90% of Pakistan by 2020. It was also noted in the
study that there are approximately 60 million people who
begin with, however, this is an extremely encouraging
have access to mobile phones in Pakistan.
precursor since there is massive room for growth as the
market is virtually untapped. Widespread access of the
According to the Social Networking Website, Facebook,
internet will mean a greater propensity of the masses to there are 20 to 25 million active Facebook users in Pakistan.
use it. Moreover, Internet Penetration is a vital factor Figure 2 shows that 70% of users access Facebook through
which can augment the number of potential users of a mobile device.
online businesses' and can ultimately increase customer
traffic on such websites. A 2015 study by the German Scientific Institute of Market
Research GfK2 found that around 40% of consumers
Mobile Commerce: A Market Driver surveyed in 23 countries use their mobile phones to
In the future a significant chunk of the E-commerce activity compare prices of products when visiting a store. A recent
in Pakistan will be supplemented through mobile phone survey by Google revealed that 76% of the visitors used a
usage. The reason is that there is insufficient fixed line mobile device. Similarly, 63% of the visitors accessed
infrastructure in Pakistan and wireless technology is more (Pakistani E-commerce website) via mobile, this
affordable and accessible. Availability of inexpensive smart number was at 30% just about a year ago and has increased
phones in the market has given a chance to the common significantly. Shayaan Tahir (Founder and CEO) of
man to gain access to the internet. Smartphones have the told The Express Tribune recently that
ability to provide an option of interacting with people all over 50% of their traffic is now coming from mobile phones. All
the world and give access to unlimited information. This these reasons indicate that mobile commerce will be the
opens a window of opportunity for the retail industry, and market driver in a dynamic market like Pakistan.
consequently, countless ecommerce companies have
sprung up in hope of making a mark in this sector. Social Media: A Tremendous Potential for E-
With the emergence of ultra-fast Mobile Internet Social media and its variants intensify internet usage as it
subscriptions, internet access in the urban metropolitan cajoles people to explore areas and venues which as a
centers has become omnipresent, while in far flung places customer one is not acquainted with or is introduced to for
internet access has been introduced only recently and is the first time.
gradually gaining traction.
Figure 2: Facebook Users in Pakistan The rapid expansion of E-commerce hinges on certain
external elements. In today's globalized world of social
70% media information and its access is intertwined and woven
with all subsequent social media outlets. Facebook, a
popular Social Networking Website in turn plays a crucial
role not only in connecting the multitudes but is also a direct
and indirect source of marketing. Most organizations,
companies and businesses have their respective pages on
Facebook and the number of likes a company garners
discerns the popularity and following of the particular brand,
22% business or organization. A lot of online businesses and
domestic businesses market their ventures via their
8% Facebook pages and the indirect paid marketing platform
which increases visibility of the particular brand. What this
accomplishes is that scores of users can also order directly
Desktop Mobile and Mobile from Facebook and can furthermore interact with particular
Users Desktop Users online businesses with personal feedback in the form of
Users written testimonials, pictures, personal experiences with the
GSMA – GroupeSpeciale Mobile Association, Building digital societies in Asia: Making COMMERCE smarter (2015). GSMA represents the interests of
mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies globally.
Gfk–German Scientific Institute for Market Research. Gfk is a source of relevant market and consumer information.

January - June 2016

product(s), emoticons, Facebook shares, etc. Since the Figure 3: Strategic Framework

number of Facebook users in Pakistan is exceedingly low Phases for Developing a National Eight Policy Areas for
there is tremendous potential and room for the industry to Strategy E-commerce Growth

grow as the masses indeed show the penchant for adopting E Procurement

and accepting the online system. Assessment

(or Reassessment)
Infrastructure Facilitation

Review for Policy

Spillover Benefits linked to E-commerce Results based
areas for

There are many other industries which are bound to flourish Raising
E Payments
as a result of E-commerce growth in Pakistan. In a Study by Monitoring Implementation E-commerece

MGI3 on China, it was illustrated that E-commerce boom has


stimulated growth in the supporting industries such as

Source: UNCTAD Report: Unlocking the potential of E-commerce for Developing
warehousing, express delivery, online payment systems, Countries (2015)
and online marketing and advertising.

The government should create an atmosphere which

Payment Method
incentivizes the E-commerce industry and includes all
A key component of E-commerce is the payment method
stakeholders so the industry can contribute to the
used by customers for online shopping. Approximately 95%
development of the economy. A report by UNCTAD4 has
of the customers like to pay Cash on Delivery (CoD), the
identified that the internet retail sales as a share of store-
logical reason behind this payment method is that people
based retail sales are less than 0.2% as shown in Figure 4.
are not willing to pay before the product arrives at their door
An enabling environment is necessary for new companies
step. Reliability is an extremely important factor as most of
willing to invest in the E-commerce industry. The UNCTAD
the E-commerce websites operating in Pakistan are not
report has ranked 130 countries using a B2C E-commerce
registered companies. Other payment methods used in
index value which has been calculated using the internet
Pakistan for online shopping are online bank transfer, credit
users as a percentage of population, credit card holders
card, Easy Paisa, Timepey, Mobicash, etc. Branchless
percentage, share of population having mail delivered at
banking is enabling the masses to venture into E-
home and secure servers (per 1 million people). Pakistan
commerce, though the ways to make it more convenient for
ranks 86 out of 130 countries on this index which
customers are surely evolving and expanding but this surely
summarizes Pakistan's underlying capability of carrying out
will lure in an influx of consumers who will slowly become
B2C E-commerce. The index is strongly positively
ardent online shoppers and users of technological
correlated to the variation in the share of individuals who
applications and the advantages the E-commerce industry
shop online.
has to offer.
The government has incorporated E-commerce (with
Paying cash on delivery is not a problem in itself but it
introduction of efficient payment methods) in its vision 2025
perpetuates a shadow economy and hampers the process
which shows that government is completely aware of the
of financial inclusion. The solution is branchless banking
potential of E-commerce in Pakistan.
which has already started in Pakistan and a high growth rate
is expected in the future. However, it is important to note that
So far the E-commerce industry has been doing rather well
Cash on Delivery has enabled people to repose trust in the
in Pakistan and holds great opportunity for startups and
delivery system which acknowledges a fool proof logistic
investors. A report by PBIT 5 highlights that the retail sales in
arrangement which people trust. Online modes of payment
2015 were $133 billion and according to UNCTAD,
have given massive impetus to the masses and have
Pakistan's E-commerce market is currently a mere $30
encouraged them to resort to online buying because now
million in size but it is estimated to surpass several hundred
they are not perturbed by the idea of paying through
million dollars by 2020.
intangible methods of payment
To better gauge and delineate the scope of E-Commerce
Government Incentives and Ease of Doing industry it is pertinent that we take into account parameters
Business in Pakistan which directly have a bearing on the development and
The government has to play a crucial role in developing the penetration of E- commerce. Given the young population of
E-commerce industry in Pakistan. As the concept of E- the country, the vast majority are acquiescent to trying
commerce is relatively new, consequently it has a weak online shopping and do have an affinity for exploring
legal and regulatory framework. Figure 3 shows a strategic technological outlets. Therefore, with the vast majority of
framework for promoting E-commerce. our population being under 30, we should scrupulously

MGI – McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) is a subsidiary of McKinsey& Company which is a global management consulting firm that serves leading
businesses, governments, non governmental organizations. The Future of Japan: Reigniting Productivity and Growth (2015).
UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unlocking the potential of E-commerce for Developing Countries (2015)
PBIT – Punjab Board of Investment and Trade, Retail Sector Report (2015)

SME Observer
Figure 4: Internet Retail Sales as a share of store based Retail Sales in Selected Countries








Republic Of Korea
United Kiongdom.


Costa Rica






South Africa



Source: UNCTAD Report: Unlocking the potential of E-commerece for Developing Countries (2015)

study the demographic profile of the country and see how organization 'Plan 9' which funds, aids and gives free
one can take advantage of the massive potential we have in working space to emerging technology startups and also
terms of a younger population not averse to assimilating the provides training and helps in developing them as robust
new mediums of shopping and the E-commerce industry. startups through their startup accelerating and incubating
programs. Similarly, 'Plan X' which is also a government
The tacit utility of E-commerce is unanimously accepted by organization helps mid-stage technology startups by giving
all, so to better comprehend it; it is prudent that we should access to numerous funding networks, dedicated advisors
ascertain the thought process and mindset of the customer and international exposure to launch and establish
population with regards to their buying behavior, their affinity businesses.
with technology, their openness to shop online, their ability
to use cash less banking, etc. Studies and research on the viability and longevity of a
bourgeoning E-commerce Industry are unanimous and
The scale, scope and speed of the rise of E-commerce endorsed across the board. The population still needs to get
industry in India is astounding. It has brought forth properly acquainted with the virtual internet interface. Once
investment worth billions and India as an example does the masses comprehend the utility of the internet and once
show the vast scale of progress and advantages we can its application and usage gets conspicuous, the positive
reap by focusing more on how to expand and develop the E- externalities and utility of greater dissemination and use of
commerce industry in Pakistan. the internet will spill over into various avenues of E-
commerce and technological enterprises.
According to a joint study by ASSOCHAM & Forrester 6,
“being driven by a young demographic profile, increasing There is tremendous potential and room for growth since the
internet penetration and relatively better economic figures do show the infancy of an emerging industry but with
performance, India's E-commerce revenue is expected to the vast majority of the potential customers showing
jump from $30 billion in 2016 to $120 billion in 2020, growing willingness by realizing how convenient it is to shop online
at an annual rate of 51%, the highest in the world. While in and how the shipment system suits their particular
terms of base, India may be lower than China and other demands, this indeed is a positive prelude to a very
giants like Japan but it is way ahead of others. Against rewarding prospect.
India's annual expansion of 51%, China's E-commerce is
growing at 18%, Japan 11% and South Korea 10%.” We are on the trajectory of success but with great zeal,
alacrity and systematic dedication can we tread on the road
The confluence of all the opportunities shows that time and to becoming a force to be reckoned with in the E-commerce
energy should be devoted to establish and regulate the sector and can be commensurate to India in terms of
industry. Since it is in its infancy there should be widespread growth.
government support to ameliorate and aid how E-
commerce can develop and expand in Pakistan. There are
platforms existing in the country like government

ASSOCHAM – The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry India, Forrester –A research and advisory firm.

January - June 2016


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