Gr9 Phy Revision P4

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1. a. A large stone, initially at rest, falls from the top of a building. The stone takes
3.2s to fall to the ground. For this stone, air resistance can be ignored.

i. Stating the formula that you use, show that the speed of the stone when it
hits the ground is 32 m / s.


ii. On Fig. 1.1, draw the speed-time graph for the fall of the stone. Label with
an X the line on the graph.

iii Use the graph in (ii) to determine the height of the building.

height = ........................................................ [2]

b. A smaller stone than the stone in (a) falls from the same building. This stone is
affected by air resistance.

i. What happens to the air resistance as the stone falls?

Tick the correct answer.

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Air resistance decreases.

Air resistance is constant.
Air resistance increases. [1]

ii. On Fig. 1.1, draw a possible speed-time graph for the fall of this stone.
Label with a Y this line on the graph. [3]

[Total: 8]

2. The rocket shown in Fig. 2.1 is about to be launched.

The total mass of the rocket and its full load of fuel is 2.8 × 10 6 kg. The constant
force provided by the rocket’s motors is 3.2 × 107 N.

a. Calculate

i. the total weight of the rocket and the fuel,

weight = ........................................................ [1]

ii. the resultant force acting on the rocket,

resultant force = ........................................................ [2]

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iii the vertical acceleration of the rocket immediately after lift-off.

acceleration = ........................................................ [2]

b. Suggest why the acceleration of the rocket increases as it rises above the
Earth’s surface.



[Total: 6]

3. a. Complete the following statement.

An object is in equilibrium when both the ..........................................................

and the ....................................................... on the object are zero. [2]

b. Fig. 3.1 shows a ladder AB. End A of the ladder rests against a vertical wall. End B
rests on rough ground.

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Fig. 3.1 shows two of the forces acting on the ladder. The only force on the ladder
at A is F, which acts at right-angles to the wall. The weight of the ladder is 240 N
acting at the centre of mass of the ladder.

i. 1. Calculate the moment of the weight of the ladder about point B.

moment = ........................................................ [1]

2. Write an expression, in terms of F, for the moment of F about point B.

moment = ........................................................ [1]

ii. Use your answers from (i) to calculate F.

F = ........................................................ [2]

iii Explain why there must be an upwards force acting on the ladder at B.


[Total: 7]

4. a. Fig. 4.1 represents the electromagnetic spectrum.

Fig. 4.1
State the radiation in each of the regions represented by A, B, C and D in Fig. 4.1

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A ……………………………………………….

B ……………………………………………….

C ……………………………………………….

D ………………………………………………. [2]

b. A source emits visible light. Fig. 4.2 shows a ray of red light from the source
incident on the face XY of a glass prism at point S.

Fig. 4.2
The angle of incidence i of the ray is 35°. The refractive index of the glass for red
light is 1.5.

i. Calculate the angle of refraction in the glass at S.

angle of refraction = ......................................................... [2]

ii. On Fig. 4.2, draw the refracted ray at face XY and the ray emerging from face
XZ of the prism. Label this ray R. [2]

iii A ray of blue light follows the same path as the ray of red light incident on
. the face XY. On Fig. 4.2, draw the path of this ray in the prism and emerging
from the prism. Label this ray B. [2]

[Total: 8]

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5. a. i. On Fig. 5.1, draw a graph of extension against load for a spring which obeys
Hooke’s law. [1]

Fig. 5.1
ii. State the word used to describe the energy stored in a spring that has been
stretched or compressed.


b. Fig. 5.2 shows a model train, travelling at speed v, approaching a buffer.

Fig. 5.2

The train, of mass 2.5 kg, is stopped by compressing a spring in the buffer. After
the train has stopped, the energy stored in the spring is 0.48 J. Calculate the initial
speed v of the train.

v = ...........................................................[4]

[Total: 6]

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6. Fig. 6.1 shows an object and its image formed by a converging lens. One ray from
the tip of the object to the tip of the image is shown.
Fig. 6.1 is drawn full size.

Fig. 6.1
a. Place a tick in all boxes that correctly describe the image.






virtual [2]

b. On Fig. 6.1, draw a ray, passing through a principal focus of the lens, from the tip
of the object to the tip of the image. Label the principal focus F.

c. Use the ray you have drawn in (b) to determine the focal length of the lens.

focal length = ...........................................................[1]

d. Draw another ray, not passing through a principal focus of the lens, that passes
from the tip of the object to the tip of the image. [1]

[Total: 5]

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7. a. The speed of a light wave in air is 3.00 × 10 8m/ s. The refractive index of water
is 1.33.
Calculate the speed of the light wave in water.

speed = ......................................................... [2]

b. Fig. 7.1 shows parallel wavefronts of a light wave in air incident on a boundary
with a transparent plastic.

On Fig. 7.1,

i. draw the positions of the four refracted wavefronts in the plastic, [3]

ii. draw an arrow to show the direction of travel of the refracted wave, [1]

iii label the angle of refraction r of the light wave. [1]

[Total: 7]

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8. Fig. 8.1 shows the distance-time graph for the journey of a cyclist.

Fig. 8.1

a. Describe the motion of the cyclist in the time between:

1. time = 0 and time = 15s


2. time = 15s and time = 30s


3. time = 30s and time = 40s.


b. Calculate, for the 40s journey:

1. the average speed

average speed = ......................................................... [2]

2. the maximum speed.

maximum speed = ......................................................... [2]

[Total: 7]

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9. a. An object is moving in a straight line at constant speed.

State two ways in which a force may change the motion of the object.




b. Fig. 9.1 shows an object suspended from two ropes. The weight of the object is
360N. The magnitude of the tension in each rope is T.

In the space below, determine the tension T by drawing a vector diagram of the
forces acting on the object.

T = ............................................................... [4]

[Total: 6]

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