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List of formulae

Mass 𝑀
1. Density = Volume ; ρ = 𝑉

2. For a Vernier caliper,

Value of one main scale division

Least count = Total no.of divisions on the vernier scale = 0.1mm

Total reading = main scale reading + Vernier scale reading

3. For a screw gauge,

Pitch of the screw

L.C. = Total no.of divisions on the circular scale = 0.01 mm

4. Total reading = Main scale reading + circular scale reading

5. Zero error for Vernier calipers and screw gauge
Positive zero error Z = r x L.C.
Negative zero error Z = - (n-r) x L.C.
Where, n is the total number of divisions on the Vernier scale or circular scale and r is
the Vernier scale division which coincides with any of the main scale division, when the
jaws are closed.
Corrected reading = total reading - Z

Total Distance 𝑠
1. Average Speed = ,v=𝑡
Total Time

Displacement s
2. Velocity = ,v=t

Change in velocity v−u

3. Acceleration = ,a=
Time taken t
4. Gradient of a graph (slope) = 𝑥2−𝑥1

5. Speed = gradient of distance – time graph

6. Acceleration = gradient of speed – time graph

7. Distance = area under speed – time graph


1. Force = mass x acceleration, F= ma

2. W = mg
3. Momentum p = mv, where m is the mass and v is the velocity
4. Impulse J = Ft, where F is the force and t is time for which it acts.

5. Impulse J = change in momentum = mv-mu , m is the mass, v is the final velocity, u is the
initial velocity

Forces and matter

1. Pressure exerted by liquid column, P = hρg

h- height of the liquid column

ρ – density of the liquid

g – acceleration due to gravity

F1 F2
2. Pascal’s law : P1 = P2 or =
A1 A2

3. Hook’s law F= kx

F – force, k – Force constant, x – extension.

Turning effect of force

1. Moment of a force = Force x perpendicular distance from the pivot = f x d

2. Principle of moments,
If an object is in equilibrium, the clockwise moments = anticlockwise moments.

1. Kinetic energy = 2 m v2 ; m – mass and v- velocity

2. Gravitational potential energy = mgh ; m – mass, g- acceleration due to gravity,

h – object’s height above the ground level.
3. Work = force x displacement in the direction of force ; W = F x d
4. Power = Time
useful energy output
5. Efficiency = x 100 %
Total energy input


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