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Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-4)

Wind Calculation
Theoretical Background
Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-4) Wind Calculation Theoretical Background

vb – Basic Wind Velocity

vb = cdir • cSeason • vb,0 (4.1)
kr – Terrain Factor
kr = 0.19 • z0 / z0,II 0.07 (4.5)
cr (z) – Roughness Factor
cr (z) = kr • ln(z/z0 ) , zmin < z < zmax
cr (z) = cr (zmin ) , z < zmin (4.4)
z0 - Roughness length, from Table 4.1
zmin - the minimum height, from Table 4.1
vm (z) - Wind velocity at height
vm (z) = cr (z) • co (z) • vb (4.3)
Iv (z) - Wind turbulence
Iv (z) = v / vm (z) = kl / [co (z) • ln(z/z0 ], zmin < z < zmax
Iv (z) = Iv (zmin ), z < zmin (4.7)
ce (z) - Exposure factor
ce (z) = qp (z) / qb (4.9)
qb - Basic velocity pressure
qb = 0.5 •  • vb 2 (4.10)
is the air pressure.
qp (z) - Peak velocity pressure at a height
qp (z) = [1 + 7 • Iv (z)] • 0.5 •  • vb 2 (4.8)

Note: For various national annexes the obtaining of q p (z) may vary.

CsCd - Structural factor equal to multiplication of the size factor cs and the dynamic factor cd.
If building height h ≤15m then cscd = 1 6.2(1) a)
If building height h < 100m and h < 4 • d then cscd = 1 6.2(1) c)
natural frequency n = n1,x = [Hz] F.2 (2) (F.2)
If natural frequency n > 5Hz then cscd = 1 6.2(1) b)

Reference length scale Lt = 300m and reference height zt = 200m B1 (1)

 = 0.67 + 0.05 • ln(z0 ) B1 (1)
turbulent length scale L(z) = Lt • for z ≥zmin
L(z) = L(zmin ) for z < zmin B.1 (1) (B.1)

background factor B2 = B.2 (2) (B.3)
1 + 0.9 • 
b+h 0.63
L (zs )
n • L (z)
non-dimensional frequency fL (z, n) = B.1 (2)
vm (z)
power spectral density function SL (z, n)
n • Sv (z, n) 6.8 • fL(z, n)
SL (z, n) = = B.1 (2)(B.2)
v 2 (1 + 10.2 • fL(z, n)) 5/3

aerodynamic admittance functions Rh and Rb

1 1 -2 
Rh= - 2 (1 - e h ) ; Rh = 1for h = 0 B.2 (6)(B.7)
h 2 • h
1 1
Rb= - (1 - e -2 b ) ; Rb = 1for b = 0 B.2 (6)(B.8)
b 2 • b2

With h = ∙ fL (z, n) and b = ∙ fL (z, n)

resonance response factor R2 = • S (z , n ) • Rh(h) • Rb(b) B.2 (6)(B.6)
2 •  L s 1, x

up-crossing frequency = n1, x • ; ≥0.08 Hz B.2 (4)(B.5)

peak factor kp = + B.2 (3)(B.4)

1 + 2 • kp • lv(zs) • B2 + R2
cscd = 1 + 7 • lv(zs)
6.3.1(1) (6.1)

cf - The force coefficient

- For outdoor panels (signboards) separated from the ground by a height zg greater than
h/4 (see Figure 7.21), the force coefficients are given by Expression (7.7):
cf = 1.8 7.4.3 (7.7)
The geometry and position of the force are also described in Figure 7.21.

Note: The user will get a warning at the automatic generation of the loads if the height
conditions above are not fulfilled.

- For canopies, the values of cf and the positions and geometries of the forces are found in
the Table 7.6 and in the Table 7.7.
- For lattice structure or scaffolding :
cf = cf,0 ∙ ψλ 7.11(7.25)
The geometry of the force is given by the geometry of the linear element on
which the load is automatically generated.
ψλ is the end-effect factor (see 7.13).

Note: Advance Design uses the maximum value from Figure 7.36, so ψλ = 1.
cf,0 is the force coefficient of lattice structures and scaffoldings without end-
effects. It is given by Figures 7.33 to 7.35 as a function of solidity ratio φ and
Reynolds number Re.


A is the sum of the projected area of the members and gusset plates of the
face projected normal to the face.
Ac is the area enclosed by the boundaries of the face projected normal to
the face = d ∙ l (d is the width of the lattice and l is the length of the lattice).

Re = 7.9.1(7.15)
b is the diameter and is the kinematic viscosity of the air, = 15·10-6

v(ze) is the peak wind velocity, v(ze) = ( see defined

at (4.8) ).
we – Wind internal pressure

we = qp (ze) • cpe (5.1)

ze is the reference height for the external pressure given in Section 7
cpe is the external pressure coefficient. The coefficient, the position and the geometry of
the external pressure are defined at Section 7, in :
- 7.2.1 General
- 7.2.2 Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings
- 7.2.3 Flat roofs
- 7.2.4 Monopitch roofs
- 7.2.5 Duopitch roofs
- 7.2.6 Hipped roofs
- 7.2.7 Multispan roofs
- 7.2.8 Vaulted roofs and domes
wi – Wind external pressure
wi = qp (zi) • cpi (5.2)
zi is the reference height for the internal pressure given in Section 7
cpi the internal pressure coefficient is defined at Section 7 in 7.2.9 Internal pressure.
w – Wind net pressure:
1. For an element of the type ‘Building’, ‘Protruding roof’ or ‘Vertical roof slope (shed)’:
w = cscd ∙ we - wi = cscd ∙ qp (ze) ∙ cpe - qp (zi) ∙ cpi
Knowing that for a specific structural part: ‘5.2 (3) The net pressure on a wall, roof or
element is the difference between the pressures on the opposite surfaces taking due
account of their signs’ and
Wind external force Fw,e = cscd ∙ (5.5)
Wind internal force Fw,i = (5.6)

For the standard EC1 and the EC1 French annex, the formula includes also the
correlation coefficient Kdc for the windward or sheltered windward walls, resulting:

w = cscd ∙ Kdc ∙ we - wi = cscd ∙ Kdc ∙ qp (ze) ∙ cpe - qp (zi) ∙ cpi .

For parapet walls, canopies or awnings

w = cp,net ∙ qp (ze) ∙ cscd

Where cp,net is the net pressure coefficient. The coefficient, the position and the geometry
of the net pressure are given in Section 7.

Note: For canopies the automatic generated loads are based on both the force coefficient
cf and the net pressure coefficient cp,net. There are no mixed types of loads in the same
load case.

Fw - The resultant wind force used for outdoor panels (signboards), canopies or individual
elements of lattices :
Fw = cscd • cf • qp (ze) • Aref (5.3)
cf is the force coefficient for the structure or structural element, given in Section 7 or
Section 8 (detailed above).
Aref is the reference area of the structure or structural element, given in Section 7 or
Section 8.

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