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GEC 108: Ethics




Case: Edgar was diagnosed with colon cancer and the doctor said he has six months to live. Suffering
from depression, he was not yet informed of his illness. He might all the more become depressed
when told that he has cancer. If you are the doctor, will you disclose to Edgar that he has cancer and
has six months to live? What principle in bioethics will you use as guide in making a decision on this
matter. Answer in not more than 300 words.

Answer: If I were a doctor I will tell Edgar that he has a colon cancer so that he will know the status or
his condition of his health. I f I were his doctor I will explain to him what is the real condition of his
health so that he will know what is happening to him. The moral principle i used in making decision on
this matter are the moral principles in bioethics. It is trying to solve bioethical problems using the
potent resources and methods of moral philosophy which include at a minimun criti reasoning logical
argument and conceptual analysis.

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