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Human Resource Management Report:

Human Resource Management System

Framework for Generation Z

Cassiel Mari Ygrubay

Kuehne Logistics University
Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Prisca Brosi
May 22, 2020

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, is comprised of people born from 1995 to 2010 (Francis

and Hoefel, 2018). Gen Z, considered as the largest generation ever, encompasses almost

30% of the world’s population (McCrindle Research, 2020). According to Concordia

University (2020), currently, 40% of our global workforce are of Gen Z. This is expected to

grow more and outnumber the Millennials in a few years. With this, Human Resource

Departments should re-examine and redesign the frameworks of their Human Resource

Systems to hire the Gen Z members effectively and help the companies cater to their needs.

This paper evaluates the values and needs of Gen Z workforce which is transformed into a

Human Resource Management System Framework suitable for the said generation.

Information about these traits and needs were gathered and identified through an online

survey form (Google Form) created by the author and through looking at reliable secondary

research data that are available online. The participants of the survey were members of the

Gen Z who have work experience – currently or in the past, living in the different parts of the

world. With the identified values and needs, different strategic goals were formulated with

the respective HR Practices and Procedures.

Keywords: Gen Z workforce, Human Resource Management System Framework, Strategic

goals, HR Practices and Procedures


Human Resource Management System plays an important role in every company’s success.

Creating a competent system helps organizations develop competitive and engaging

employees, create strong employer brand, and generate a positive and healthy work

environment. These attributes greatly help companies in achieving their goals, leading to

success. Human Resource Management System is a program composed of multiple human

resource policies that are internally consistent which is directed towards the achievement of

strategic goals. These HR Policies are formed by Human Resource Practices adapted by the

companies in order to attain these objectives.

To create an effective HRM System, target objectives are needed to be set. Company and

employee needs, values and competencies should also be identified and considered.

According to Concordia University (2020), by 2020, Gen Z will be comprising 40% of the

workforce. Gen Z or Generation Z includes people who were born in between 1995 and 2010

(Francis and Hoefel, 2018). With the growing number of Gen Z members entering the

workforce, companies should be able to design an HRM System that would attract, hire and

retain them. Through identifying and evaluating their values, skills and needs, HR Teams will

be able to transform these into an HRM System Framework suitable for them.

Critically designing an HRM system is very relevant for the companies. With the changing

work environment and having different generations entering the workforce, this would help

the company create an effective system while achieving their goals.

Methodology, Survey Findings and Analysis

In order to gather the data needed for this paper, the author conducted an online survey via

Google Forms and collected information from researches that are available online. The

participants of this survey were members of Generation Z from the different countries who

have work experience, either in the past or in the present. The author was able to collect

information from 36 participants. These participants have ages in between 21 and 25 years

old. The said participants are from the United States, Philippines, Germany, and Japan. The

survey findings are shown below:

When looking for a job opportunity, which factors do you consider? Level of Importance
Opportunity to grow, learn new things and improve skills 4.8611
Health and Welfare Programs 4.8333
Training Programs 4.7778
Company Culture, Work Environment and Values 4.6667
Compensation and Benefits 4.6389
Perception/Reviews/Feedback about the Company (Company Image) 4.5278
Company Goals, Mission, Vision 4.4444
Company History and Stability 4.4167
Application Process 3.9167
Being a Global Company 3.7222
Size of the Company 3.4167
Knowing someone working in the Company 3.0833
Work from Home 3.0556
Table 1. Factors Considered When Looking for a Job Opportunity

The table above shows the summary of importance of the given factors that Gen Z members

who participated in the survey consider when looking for a job opportunity, with 1 having no

importance at all and 5 as very important. According to the survey conducted, participants

consider opportunity to grow, learn new things and improve skills as a very important factor,

while being able to work from home as a moderately important factor.

How important are the following aspects of your organization? Level of Importance
Employee Treatment 4.8889
Leadership Style 4.8056
Peers (Attitude and Behavior) 4.6944
Teamwork 4.6667
Transparency 4.5556
HR Policies 4.5556
HR Practices 4.5278
Relationship with Manager/Supervisor 4.4167
Freedom of Expression 4.4167
Relationship with Peers 4.3333
Celebration of Accomplishments 4.2778
Participation in Decision-making 4.2222
Modern Workplace 4.0833
Team Building Activities 3.9167
Age Range of Peers 2.8611
Nationality of Peers 2.1389
Religion of Peers 1.8889
Table 2. Importance of the Given Aspects of an Organization

When it comes to the aspects of an organization, for them, the most important one is the

employee treatment, while the religion of peers is found to be the least important.

How important are the following aspects of your job? Level of Importance
Career Advancement Opportunities 4.8611
Duties and Responsibilities 4.8333
Personal Growth 4.8056
Job Performance 4.8056
Learnings and Skills development 4.7222
Feedback from Manager/Supervisor 4.6944
Work-life Balance 4.6389
Work Recognition 4.6389
Ability to Generate New Ideas 4.5833
Experience 4.5833
Work Flexibility 4.5556
Contribution to Company's Goals 4.5278
Freedom on how you do your work/Autonomy 4.4167
Challenges 4.3333
Flexible Working Hours 4.2500
Table 3. Importance of the Given Aspects of their Jobs
For the Gen Z members who participated in the survey, having career advancement

opportunities is the most important aspect of their job, while having flexible working hours,

even though having high level of importance (4.25 out of 5), comes last.

How effective are the following HR Practices to you? Effectivity

Confidentiality of Personal Data 4.7222
Safe, healthy and happy Workplace 4.6667
Knowledge Sharing 4.6667
Fair Evaluation system 4.6389
Transparent Management 4.5556
360 Degree Performance Management Feedback System (Gathering feedback
from seniors, peers, subordinates) 4.5000
Performance linked incentives/bonuses 4.4167
Rewards 4.3889
Highlight Performers 4.3056
Open house discussion, use of suggestion boxes 4.1667
Table 4. Effectivity of HR Practices

According to the survey, when it comes to the effectivity the given HR Practices,

confidentiality of personal data comes first, while having open house discussions is found to

be the least effective.

In contrast to the assumption that compensation and benefits come first into the job-seekers’


the survey showed a different result. The survey shows that Gen Zers look at their personal

growth and welfare first. Due to globalization, Gen Zers tend to be more open when it comes

to the nationality and belief of their peers, even though it is not that important for them

whether they would be working on a global company or not.

In addition, aside from the values of Gen Z members derived from the survey, there are also

other traits that are worth considering. According to McLaren (2019) and Betterteam (2019),
Gen Zers are naturally competitive. They are willing to work hard, not just to fuel their drive

to receive promotion and praises but also to get what they want. They are also independent.

They desire to work individually with freedom and flexibility, to showcase their skills and

abilities to prove themselves to their employers. They are also focused on authenticity. Gen

Zers desire having an honest and authentic workplace. They tend to be purpose-driven and

prefer to have real, face-to-face communications with peers and supervisors or managers.

Furthermore, they are significantly more risk-averse then previous generations. They value

stability and opportunities for growth. With the world bearing towards digitalization, wherein

technological advancements and online presence is a trend, Gen Zers are now more tech-

savvy. They heavily rely on mobile productivity apps, smart technologies, and internet that

would help them in dealing with the challenges faced in the workplace. Because of

globalization, diversity plays a large part in everyone’s lives nowadays. This major change

affected Gen Zers’ disposition during their formative years. They are now known for being

open-minded and deeply invested in diversity and inclusivity.


With the traits, competencies and needs of Gen Zers identified from the online survey and

research, HR Practices and Procedures towards the following strategic goals were formulated:

Strategic Goals:

1. Enhance Online Presence

- Use web-based tools, applications and online platforms for making tasks more

efficient and easily accessible and accessing information instantly

- Use of social media for promotions regarding the company

2. Emphasize Job Security and Growth Opportunities

- Providing Training Programs and Support

- Providing Health and Welfare Programs

- Offering benefits that would motivate them

- Providing a safe and happy work environment

- Giving job opportunities with duties and responsibilities that would help them

learn and develop their skills

3. Improve Openness for Diversity

- Providing fair pay and opportunities

- Establishing a diverse company culture and work environment

- Having Team Building Activities and Open Discussions

4. Enhance Work Flexibility and Autonomy

- Giving more chances to participate in decision-making activities

- Giving freedom of expression

- Allowing employees to work with the way that they are comfortable with

5. Enhance Communication

- Encourage face-to-face communication

- Listen to their opinions

- Provide transparency

- Also use of online tools and applications for real-time feedback and cross-

functional teamwork

- Recognize hard work

- Implement 360-degree Performance Management System

Enhance Online

Emphasize Job
Security and

Strategic Goals Openness for

Enhance Work
Flexibility and


Figure 1. Human Resource Management System Framework


5 Traits of Gen Z in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2020, from

6 Gen Z Traits You Need to Know to Attract, Hire, and Retain Them. (n.d.). Retrieved May
22, 2020, from

Gen Z and Gen Alpha Infographic Update. (2020, February 15). Retrieved May 18, 2020,

Gen Z Brings a Whole New Dynamic to the ... - Entrepreneur. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20,
2020, from

Generation Z in the Workforce [Infographic]: CSP Online. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2020,

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