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Alyssa Mae T.

Major in Political Science- 4th year
Social Psychology

1.Judgmental Heuristics
Mental shortcuts people use to make judgments quickly and Efficiently. Judgmental
heuristics are rules or procedures for making probability evaluations or judgments
easier. These heuristics are frequently helpful, but they can also lead to systematic

2.Availability Heuristic
A mental rule of thumb whereby people base a judgment on the ease with which
they can bring something to mind.The availability heuristic is a strategy for
determining the likelihood of an event based on how quickly an example or situation
comes to mind. In other words, we make decisions about the future based on the
information that comes easily to our brains.

3.Representativeness Heuristic
A mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is
to a typical case.The representativeness heuristic entails assessing the probability of
an event by comparing it to an existing prototype in our heads. This prototype is the
most significant or typical example of a specific event or object, in our opinion.

4. Base Rate Information

Information about the frequency of members of different categories in the
population.The naturally occuring rate of a phenomenon in a population. This is
typically compared with the rate of a phenomenon when influenced by a variable to
determine by what degree the change influences the phenomenon.

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