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A Novel Approach: Recognition of Devanagari

Handwritten Numerals
Mahesh Jangid, Renu Dhir and Rajneesh Rani

Abstract— Recognition of Indian languages scripts is challenging problems. In Optical Character Recognition [OCR], a
character or symbol to be recognized can be machine printed or handwritten characters/numerals. There are several
approaches that deal with problem of recognition of numerals/character depending on the type of feature extracted and different
way of extracting them. In this paper an automatic recognition system for isolated Handwritten Devanagari Numerals has been
proposed. The proposed system relies on a feature extraction technique based on recursive subdivision of the character image
so that the resulting sub- images at each iteration have balanced numbers of foreground pixels as possible. Support Vector
Machine (SVM) is used for classification. Accuracy of 98.98% has been obtained by using standard dataset provided by ISI
(Indian Statistical Institute) Kolkata

Index Terms— Devanagari Numeral, Pattern Recognition, foreground sub-sampling, SVM.


O PTICAL character recognition is a field of

automatic recognition of different charac-
ters from a document image. This field is
depends on training set and number of free
parameters, etc.
In the literature survey we have found
divided into two parts one is recognition of that numbers of authors have attempted to rec-
machine printed characters and second is ognize the Handwritten Devanagari Numerals
recognition of handwritten characters. Now a with different-2 techniques. G S Lehal and
day‟s, recognition of handwritten characters is Nivedan Bhatt [5] have proposed a contour
very challenging task because different people extraction technique and obtained 89% accu-
have different handwriting styles. So, hand- racy. Reena Bajaj et al. [6] have employed three
written OCR is still a subject of active research. different kinds of feature namely, density fea-
Devanagari script is the most widely tures, moment features and descriptive features
used Indian script and round 500 million peo- for classification of Devanagari Numerals and
ple use it. Recognizing Handwritten Numerals obtained 89.68% accuracy. R J Ramteke et al [7]
have numerous applications including those in have proposed a method based on invariant
postal sorting, bank cheque processing, job moments and the divisions of image for the
application form sorting and automatic scoring recognition of numerals and achieved 92% ac-
of tests containing multiple choice questions. curacy. U. Bhattacharya et al. [8] have used a
combination of ANN (Artificial Neural Net-
Techniques used in OCR system fol- work) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model)
low mainly two steps (a) a feature vector which classifier on 16273 samples of Handwritten
formed from character image (b) classify the Devanagari Numerals and obtained 95.64%
feature vector into classes. The feature extrac- accuracy. N Sharma et al. [9] have proposed a
tion method plays very important role to quadratic qualifier based technique and used
achieve high accuracy. So the feature extraction 22546 samples for his experiment and achieved
algorithm must be capable to generate similar 98.86% accuracy.
feature sets for a variety of instances of the The technique proposed in
same symbol. Ivind and Jain [1] present a sur- this paper is first time applied on the Devana-
vey of various feature extraction methods used gari Numerals. Feature extraction method
in character recognition. On the other hand, based on structure of the character image and
choice of classifier, to discriminate given fea- the topological and geometrical properties of
tures, is not an easy task because of classifier the character. In this work, the idea of recursive
subdivision of the handwritten character image
———————————————— as in [10, 13, and 14] is used as a way of extract-
 Mahesh Jangid is with the Department of CSE, Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT, ing the features which are based on different
Jalandhar (India) 144011. E-mail: levels of granularity. At each level, features are
 Renu Dhir is with the Department of CSE, Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT, Jalan-
dhar (India) 144011. E-mail: extracted based on the point, at the intersection
 Rajneesh Rani is with the Department of CSE, Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT, of the horizontal and vertical lines, which di-
Jalandhar (India) 144011. E-mail: vides the handwritten character image into

© 2011 IJEECS
four sub-images that consist of about the same Table 1: Distribution of numerals in
amount of foreground pixels. The process of Devanagari Database
division of the image gives 4, 16… sub-images. Digits Training Set Test Set Total
Initially at each level, the feature is calculated 0 1844 369 2213
and then recognition rate is calculated at each 1 1891 378 2269
level, choose the level at which the highest 2 1891 378 2269
recognition rate is achieved. 3 1882 377 2259
4 1876 376 2252
2 DATABASE 5 1889 378 2267
6 1869 374 2243
The database is provided by the ISI (Indian
7 1869 378 2247
Statistical Institute, Kolkata) [15]. Initially De-
8 1887 377 2264
vanagari script was developed to write Sanskrit
but was later adapted to write many other lan- 9 1886 378 2264
guages such as Hindi Marathi and Nepali. The 18784 3763 22547
printed Devanagari Numerals are shown in 3.1 Preprocessing
figure 1 and it is seen that there are variations
i) Adjust image intensity values of the image
in the shapes of numerals 5, 8 and 9 in their
using imadjust () function of Matlab.
printed forms. In figure 2, there are shown the
ii) Convert the image into binary image by
samples of the Handwritten Devanagari Nu-
choosing threshold value 0.8.
merals database. The distributions of training
iii) Remove from a binary image all connected
data and testing data are shown in table 1.
components (objects) that have fewer than 30
iv) Apply median filtering, is a nonlinear oper-
ation often used in image processing to reduce
"salt and pepper" noise
v) Normalized the image into 90*90
Figure 1: Devanagari Numerals 3.2 Feature Extraction Algorithm
Suppose that im(x, y) is a handwritten charac-
ter image in which the foreground pixels are
denoted by 1‟s and background pixels are de-
noted by 0‟s. Feature extraction algorithm sub-
divided the character image recursively. At
granularity level 0 the image divided into four
parts and gives a division point (DP) (x0, y0).
The following algorithm shows that how x0 is
calculated and likewise y0.
Step 1: input im (xmax, ymax) where xmax and ymax
be the width and the height of the character
Step 2: Let v0 [xmax] be the vertical projection of
image (fig 3.b)
Step 3: Create v1 [2*xmax] array by inserting a „0‟
before each element of v0 (fig 3.c)
Figure 2: Handwritten Devanagari Numerals Step 4: Find xq in v1 that minimizes the differ-
Samples ence between the sum of the left partition [1, xq]
and the right partition [xq, 2*xmax] or left parti-
tion should be greater than right if not able to
3 PROPOSED METHOD equally divide.
Step 5: x0=xq/2;
The entire database is gray scale image that
contains noise and is not in normalized form.
All experiments have done on Matlab 7.10.0.

Step 6: if xq mod 2 = 0 culated at particular level and drawn a graph
2 sub-images are (figure-6) that shows the level of granularity
[(1, 1), (x0, ymax) and (x0, 1), (xmax, ymax)] and the recognition rate. By the help of graph
Else examine the highest recognition rate at corre-
2 sub-images are [(1, 1), (x0, ymax) and sponding level (L best).
(x0+1, 1), (xmax,ymax)]

Figure 4 : Example where the xq mod 2 = 1

Figure 3(a) Vertical division of an image array
(xmax=8, ymax=8) (b) vertical projection of image
(c) v1 created from v0 to calculate xq

Figure 3 shows the vertical division of

handwritten character image where the xq=10
and x0=5 and xq mod 2 is 0 than the co-ordinates
of two sub-images are [(1,1),(5,8)] and Figure 5: Devanagari Handwritten Numeral 4
[(5,1),(8,8)]. Another example of an image have segmentation at Level 0, 1, 2 shown in cor-
the xq mod 2 = 1 is demonstrated in figure 4. rponding (A) (B) and (C)
The number of sub-images, at the
specified granularity level (L) will be 4(L+1). Let (ii) Recognition phase
L=0 then the number of sub-images are four After the examining the best level of granulari-
and when the L=1 it will be 16. The number of ty, Test dataset feature, extracted at L best, is fed
DP (division point) equals to 4L (figure 5). At to the classifier. The classifier recognizes the
level L, the co-ordinates (xi, yj) of all DPs are test dataset by the help of training dataset.
stored as features. So for every L a 2*4 L-
dimensional feature vecter is extracted.
All feature vectors are scaled to (0, 1),
by the help of normalized dimension value in
our case it is 90. All the co-ordinates of feature
vector are divided by 90.

f”= f/90 (1)

3.3 Classification
Classification step is divided into two phases.
(i) Training phase
In this phase, gradually increase the higher
levels of granularity starting with level 1, fea-
tures are extracted. The recognition rate is cal- Figure 6: Example finding the best level (Lbest )

Support Vector Machine is supervised Machine
Learning technique. The existence of SVM is
shown in figure 7. It is primarily a two class
classifier. Width of the margin between the
classes is the optimization criterion, i.e. the
empty area around the decision boundary de-
fined by the distance to the nearest training
pattern. These patterns called support vectors,
In case that two classes have identical votes,
finally define the classification function.
though it may not be a good strategy, now we
Computer simply choose the class appearing first in the
Vision array of storing class names.
LIBSVM is used with Radial Basis Func-
tion (RBF) kernel, a popular, general-purpose
Artificial yet powerful kernel, denoted as
K (xi, xj) ≡ exp (-γ||xi-xj||2) (2)

Pattern Machine Robotics Natural Now a search is applied to find the

Recognition Learning
value of γ which is parameter of RBF as like
find the value of c that is cost parameter of
SVM using cross-validation. The value of both
Unsuper- Supervised Semi su- Reinforce-
variance parameters are firstly select in the
vised pervised ment
Learning range of (0, 2] and (0, 1000] and examines the
Learning Learning Learning
recognition rate.

Clustering Support
In order to classify the handwritten numeral
Figure 7 and evaluate the performance of the technique,
we have carried out the experiment by setting
All the experiments are done on LIBSVM various parameter examples Lbest, gamma, and
3.0.1[20] which is multiclass SVM and select cost parameter. All experiments was performed
RBF (Redial Basis Function) kernel. A feature on a Intel® core 2 duo CPU T6400 @ 2GHz with
vector set fv(xi) i=1…m, where m is the total 3 GB RAM under 32 bit windows 7 Ultimate
number of character in training set and a class operating system.
set cs(yj) j=1…m , cs(yj) ϵ { 0 1 ….9} which defines The training set of Devanagari Hand-
the class of the training set, fed to Multi Class written Numerals provided by ISI, Kolkata
SVM. contains 18784 samples used to determinate the
LIBSVM implements the “one against best granularity level. Here to obtain recogni-
one” approach (Knerr et al .., 1990) [16] for tion accuracy at different granularity level used
multi-class classification. Some early works of cross validation function of LIBSVM with n=10
applying this strategy to SVM include, for ex- and set the γ =0.5 and c=500. The recognition
ample, Kressel (1998) [17]. If k is the number of accuracy at different-2 granularity level shows
classes, then k (k-1)/2 classifiers are construct- in fig 8. At level 3, the highest accuracy 98.98
ed and each one trains data from two classes. obtained.
For training data from the ith and jth classes, we After obtaining the best granularity
solve the following two class classification level, trains the LIBSVM by ISI training set. The
problem: size of feature vector is 170 (2*4L –
In classification we use a voting strate- 2*40+2*41+2*42+2*43). Some granularity level
gy: each binary classification is considered to applies on the test data to form the feature vec-
be a voting where votes can be cast for all data tor and obtained the 98.40 % accuracy when
points x - in the end a point is designated to be values of γ, c set to 1.1 and 500. Confusion ma-
in a class with the maximum number of votes.

trix (Table 2 in bold latter) shows that 2 con- Table 4: Comparison of accuracy obtained by
fused with 3 and 4 confused with 5 as 7 with 6 different methods
and the highest recognition rate is 99.73% for 8. S.n Method proposed Data Accuracy
Computation time taken by the training phase by Size Obtained
and testing phase is shown in table 3.
1 R. Bajaj et al [6] 400 89.6 %

2 R. J. Ramteke et al 169 92.68 %

3 U. Bhattacharya et 16274 95.64 %
al. [8]
4 N. Sharma et al. 22,546 98.86 %
5 Proposed System 22,547 98.98 %


In the literature, the many techniques for
Figure 8: Define the best level for accuracy recognition of Devanagari Handwritten Nu-
merals have been suggested. In this paper an
effort make towards recognition of Devanagari
Table 2: Confusion Matrix at γ, c set to 1.1 and Numerals and obtained 98.98% on the data-
500 base, which have approximately all the varia-
tion occurred in handwritten numerals, pro-
vided by ISI, Kolkata.
This technique is very successful for
the Devanagari Handwritten Numerals and
this can be extended to the recognition of De-
vanagari Character. As we have seen in confu-
sion matrix shown in table 2, the 2 is confused
with 3 and 4 is confused with 5 so we can im-
prove this for decreasing error rate.

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