Reviewer Chem Lab Midterms

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 Experiment 1 (Bunsen Burner)

o Parts of Bunsen Burner

 Barrel – raise flame to a suitable height; gas and air mix for combustion
 Collar – regulate amount of air entering barrel thru air holes
 Air Holes – allow air to enter
 Base – support
 Needle Valve – control amount of gas from gas to barrel
 Hose – connect
 Gas Valve – controls amount of gas relayed to apparatus
o STEPS (read)
o Flame
 outermost cone – complete combustion; hot
 inner cone – incomplete combustion; hottest
 innermost cone – unburnt gas and oxygen; coolest
o Types
 yellow flame – luminous
 blue flame – non-luminous

 Experiment 2 (Common Lab Techniques)

o there is a difference between average mass of 5 coins and mass of 1 coin
o ρ=
 density is dependent to temperature
 relative density = specific gravity; (density of a substance)/(density of
standard (water at 20OC); unitless
o V =lwh(c m3 )
true−experimental value
o % error= ×100 %
true value
o significant figures (BASED on DATA given)
o mass & volume : directly proportional
o temp & density : inversely proportional
o density & volume : inversely proportional
o pipette is more precise than cylinder (lower meniscus of water DOES NOT
coincide with the 5 mL mark of graduated cylinder)
o precision laboratory glassware are determined thru experiments
o filtration is more effective than decantation in separating solid from liquid
 BaCl2 + H2SO4 --> BaSO4 (s) + H2O
 BaSO4 y precipitate
 water – supernatant liquid
 filtration: precipitate is residue; filtrate is the liquid passed through
 decantation: precipitate; water is supernatant liquid
o Evaporation: NaOH + HCl --> NaCl + H2O
 base: NaOH
 acid: HCl
 forming NaCl (dissolved in H2O)
 evaporate it to dryness using evaporating dish --> white crystal of NaCl
crystallizes (white powder)
o if the %error > 5% ---> not valid/viable
o do not consider exact values (standard values) in determining significant figures
o irregular solid ---> water displacement method
 part of specimen floats in water ---> will not add to the V; true volume
will be less than apparel volume (observed volume)
 air bubbles trapped under specimen ---> air = gases, takes space; greater
true volume than the expected volume
 small needle mass: water displacement method (100 needles)
o exclude outlier [malayong data compared to others --> ex: (10.6), (5.3), (5.25)]

 Experiment 3 (Heat of Reaction)

mc ∆ T kJ
o ∆ H= ( )
moles mol
mass solute
o no . of moles=
atomic weight
o Specific Heat (Cp) ( J
mole )
−3 kJ
 specific heat of water is 4.184 ×10

o factors affecting delta H (enthalpy)
 system is not isolated
 purity of CuSO4

 Experiment 4 (Heat of Combustion)
o qrxn = -qwater
enthalpy change during combustion ( ∆ H )
o −∆ H rxn =∆ H 0c =
mole of alcohol
o mass of alcohol burnt=mass of lamp before−after
( mass )( specific heat ) ( ∆ T )
o ∆ H 0c experimental=
moles of alcohol burnt
mass of alcohol burnt
o n of alchol=
molar mass
o no. of CO2 atoms and heat of combustion : directly proportional
o highest heat of combustion ( ∆ H 0c ) is the best fuel (butanol in the experiment)

 Experiment 5 (Electrical Conductivity)

o Electrical Conductivity Apparatus
 to test the difference in conductivities of solutions
o Procedure
 check apparatus parts; current source, a pair of electrodes, light bulb
 check for functionality;
(1) clean electrodes,
(2) plug 220-volt outlet,
(3) let 2 electrodes touch,
(4) if it lights, apparatus functions
 CAUTION: Do not touch the electrodes while the apparatus is plugged to
the 220-volt source
 test electrical conductivity of a solution;
(1) dip both electrodes of the apparatus in each solution (same depth and
distance from each other)
(2) switch current on
(3) observe bulb light intensity
(4) electrodes must not touch the bottom of the container
(5) after testing each solution, turn current off, wipe electrodes dry to
avoid contamination of the next solution
 NOTE: Always take necessary precautions in using the apparatus
o distilled water has no electrolyte (pure solvent) unlike mineral water = non-e
o seawater contains many minerals = strong e
o nitric acid is a STRONG acid = strong e
o sodium hydroxide is a STRONG base = strong e
o acetic acid is non-electrolyte because it has no solvent
o Intensity: Bright, Dim, No light
o Classification: Strong Electrolyte, Weak Electrolyte, Non-electrolyte
o concentration and volume : inversely proportional
o higher volume of solvent, higher of degree of ionization:
more ions formed = brighter light
o benzoic acid is a weak acid (non-polar)
o toluene is non-polar; benzoic is not soluble with toluene (soluble but in very
poor manner)
o electrodes touch each other = closes circuit
o brightly = ions dissolved completely/ more ions are formed
o dimly = less ions are formed/ some compounds ionized partially/completely/not
ionized at all
o Solvent should promote the ionization of the solute (compatibility); solute
should be soluble in the solvent used (electrolyte)
o conductivity of solution = depends on degree of ionization of solute (ions)
o metallic conductivity = depends on the mobile electron that move from one
crystal lattice to another (electrons)
o NaCl will not ionize by itself; need to dissolve in water to promote ionization

 First Aid and Emergency Measures

o Acids on skin
 water
 dilute sodium bicarbonate solution
 water
 ointment
o Alkali on skin
 water
 dilute boric acid solution
 water
 ointment
o Organic chemicals on skin
 water
 rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol)
 soap and water
o Cuts
 Minor Cuts:
 let bleed for few seconds
 remove fragments of cut glass from wounded area
 disinfectant and bandage
 Serious Cuts:
 see a doctor
 check the bleeding area by applying pressure with sterile pad over
the wounded area
o Electric shock
 remove source of shock
 use dry towel when removing/holding live wires or electrical equipments
 artificial respiration if not breathing
o Eye accident
 wash eyes with large amount of water
 do not apply chemicals to the eyes, may result to deeper burns as caused
by the heat of reaction
o Fires from burning reagents
 damp or wet cloth to cover mouth of the burning vessel ---> extinguish
fire and prevent from spreading
 turn off all gas burners
 fire extinguisher/dry sand for larger fires
o Fires from burning clothing
 stay calm
 do not run/panic
 use wet laboratory gown to put off fire
 water may also be used
o Poisoning by swallowing
 drink plenty of water to dilute poison
 neutralize poison depending on nature of the poison
 acids ---> milk of magnesia
 alkali ---> vinegar
 other types ---> let victim vomit by giving victim a glass of lukewarm
water with two tablespoons of table salt dissolved in it; continuously until
expelled liquid is clear
o Thermal burns
 ice on the burnt area for a few minutes
 cold water when no ice
 not bandage or ointment
 if severe, call a doctor immediately
 Common Lab Operations and Techniques
o Cutting a glass tubing
o Fire – polishing sharp glass edges
o Bending a glass tubing
o Handling of Reagents
 solids reagents
 liquids reagents
o Measuring volume of a liquid
o Heating of chemicals
o Decantation
o Filtration
o Evaporation
o Measuring mass

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