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Nama : Nurul Azizah

Nim : G061211038
Prodi : Proteksi Tanaman

Stating the topic

exercise 3
In this exercise, the toplc is not Included In each group of words. Write the toplc above
the words. Work with another student. Time lmit: three minutes.
1) Topic:
Clinton Ford Nixon Carter Reagan Johnson
- U.S Presidents
2) Topic:
frame strings hammers keys cover pins pedals legs front
- Piano
3) Topic:
dulcimer zither guitar banjo ukulele
- Stringed instruments
4) Topic:
modem monitor keyboard disk drive floppy
- Computer
5) Topic:
writer producer director actors camera crew
- People who make a movie
6) Topic:
Henry Elizabeth George Victoria Edward
- English royalty
7) Topic:
manager produce buyer stock clerk cashier butcher bagger cleaner
- Supermarket employees
8) Topic:
German Italian Basque Flemish Dutch Spanish
- European languages
9) Topic:
pineapple kiwi papaya mango guava
- Tropical fruits
10) Topic:
Copernicus Brahe Kepler Galileo Newton
- Early astronomers

Working with the

topic exercise 6
In this exercise, the topics are given. Write a list of things that ft the topic.

Topic 1: Reading materials

 Novel, text book, magazine, comic, encyclopedia.

Topic 2: Money in different countries

 Rupiah, dollar, euro, baht, won.

Topic 3: Kinds of weather

 Sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, snowy.

Topic 4: Public Holidays

 Beach, theme park, highland, park, garden.

Topic 5: Major Corporations Compare your lists with another student. Are they the
same? Why or why not?

 Apple inc, Gojek, Intel, Amazon, Google.

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