Week 6 - Nurul Azizah - G061211038

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NIM : G061211038

Stating the main idea

exercise 4
The topic is given for each paragraph. Working with another student, write a
main idea statement. Remember that it should be a complete sentence. It
should cover the whole paragraph and not be too specific or too general.

Interesting Inventions

1. After several decades, jogging is still a very popular activity in the United
States. Many people like to go jogging early in the morning before work or
after work in the evening. However, inthe winter months especially, it may be
dark during those hours. To help these joggers, a sports shoe manufacturer
has invented a new kind of jogging shoe. These shoes have little red lights on
the back of the heels. The lights are very small and lightweight. They are run
by tiny batteries. With these new shoes, the jogger can feel much safer
running along the road in the dark. The lights make the jogger much more
visible to the drivers of motor vehicles. This mayreduce the risk of accidents.

Topic: A new kind of

jogging shoe Main
 A new kind of jogging shoe has lights on them for night safety.

2. If you have too much noise in your life, an American company has a special
prod- uct for you! This product is a machine that can eliminate sound waves
from the air. Machines like this are already in use in some very noisy
factories. Soon there will be models for use in large trucks. Yet another
model, the "personal quieting machine," designed for use in homes or offices.
It will be able to eliminate all kinds of unpleasant background noises,
including street and airplane traffic. A quieter environment in the home
could mean reduced stress and improved mental and physical health. A
quieter office could allow greater productivity and job satisfaction.

Topic: Quieting machines

Main Idea:
 Quieting machines reduce noise at work and at home.
3. Have you ever noticed how much of the potato is wasted when you peel it?
When you are peeling just a few potatoes for your dinner, this does not
matter, of course. But just imagine what happens when potatoes are peeled
in factories. Industrial potato peelers, in fact, waste an average of 15% of the
potato. In the largest factories, billions of pounds of potatoes are processed
every year. This means a loss of millions of dollars annually. Now, new
technologymay bring an end to that loss. A special kind of laser potato peeler
has been developed to eliminate almost all of the waste. However, this new
peeler is not for everyone. Only the largest manufacturers will be able to
afford to buy the new machine. Each one costs over a million dollars!

Topic: A new laser potato peeler

Main Idea:
 A new laser potato peeler reduces waste in factories.

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