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Oral Communication
Quarter 1
Module 1.
Let’s Communicate
(Unraveling the Functions, Nature, Features and
Process of Communication)

Source: Free Com Clip Art, &

Oral Communication in Context - Grade 11
Quarter 1: Module 1. Let’s Communicate (Unraveling the Functions, Nature, and Uses
of Communication

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Tomasa Fe P. Mañago, MT 1

Editors: Emma V. Dasco, EPS
Reviewers: Emma V. Dasco, EPS / Darcy Guy Y. Mañebo, EPS
Illustrator: Tomasa Fe P. Manago, MT
Layout Artist: Rubelyn P. Morales, TII

Oral Communication in Context - Grade 11
Quarter 1: Module 1. Let’s Communicate (Unraveling the Functions, Nature, and Uses
of Communication

I- Introduction

Do you believe that we cannot “NOT” communicate? Well, that’s true and here’s some
situation that can prove this claim.: A baby cries when he’s hungry, right? But the baby can’t
talk. How do adults know what the baby wants? Okay, do write down two other meanings of a
baby’s cry. Ask your mother or any adult at home if your answers are correct. I believe they
would even explain them to you.

You are absolutely right. So, again, we cannot “NOT” communicate. The next lessons
will unravel the functions, nature and process of communication.

II- Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Explain the functions, nature, and process of communication. (EN-11/12-OC-Ia-2)

a. Define and explain the nature and process of communication
b. Discuss functions of communication.
c. Appreciate the features of an effective communication.
d. Makes use of these knowledge in engaging in effective communication.

III- Vocabulary List

Expanding Your Word Wealth

Barriers to communication are those instances where miscommunication happens.

Communication- the process of sending, receiving, and feedbacking messages that exists
among people, even animals.

Communication situations are the situations that require exchange of ideas, either verbal or

Effective Communication is the communication situation which is completed and the

message is clearly understood.

Elements of communication- pertains to the factors and aspects that help us understand each
other better such as speaker, message, encoding, channel, decoding, receiver, feedback,
context, and barrier.

Emotions are the human expression of their thoughts and feelings as triggered by a stimulus.

Expressions are the human manifestations of his/her thoughts and feelings as triggered by a

Facts and figures is an idiomatic expression which means literal and numeric data.

Features are distinctive attributes of someone or something.

Functions of communication are the uses of meanings by which we communicate with

others, either verbal or nonverbal.

Grammar is the whole system and structure of a language governed by rules of use.

Nature of communication- means the characteristics of the communication process.

Public relations is the professional maintenance of favorable intention in the interpersonal


Reflection is an individual’s view on how a certain topic impact his life and the people
around him.
Tactful means full of sensibility.

Vague means unclear.

Vivid means very clear.

Wordy means the use of a number of words even if it may also be described in one or two
words only.


IV- Pre-Test
Let’s Push Your Knowledge Cart!
A. Write TRUE if you believe the statement’s meaning is
a fact and FALSE if it is not.

Source:Cart Pushing pictures. stock photos

1. Communication can be expressed through oral or written form.

2. It is a process by which a meaning is sent, decoded, and answered or reciprocated as
both sender and receiver understand the same meaning.
3. The message is the most essential aspect in communication.
4. Everyone has a different view on how we send messages and how these are received.
5. When the environment is full of noise, communication is not even hindered.

B. Identify which of the words in the vocabulary list is exemplified, described or

defined by each of the following situations and descriptions. You may write your
answers in your notebook. Be ready for a face to face checking as we meet in class.

6. statistical and instructional data in the making of a specific

7. Words uttered were unintelligible, unfamiliar_____________
8. Comprised of the origin of message, message, and the recipient of the message
9. A full phone call, a party chitchat, a long talk____________
10. The sales clerk is enticing the customer with many adjectives and technical terms
regarding the product ____________________

C. Identify the Features of Communication exemplified in each statement below.

Choices: Courtesy, Completeness, Consideration, Concreteness, Correctness
11. You forgot to tell your classmate an important detail about your assignment.
12. The word that should have been used was “adapt” not “adopt”.
13. Seeing that the old woman cannot hear you, you adjusted your volume for her.
14. Sheena gave the exact number of lost seedlings according to the guard’s list.

15. Since she knows that the guy was a priest, she did not use swards’ language in their

V- Learning Activities (Discussion Proper)

A. Let’s Warm Up

Before we start with the nature, functions, features and process of communication, you
are to check the level you feel comfortable with in response to the given statements at the left
most column of the table below. Do ponder well before you put your check.
What I can Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
1. I can effectively communicate to
convey my messages and express
my ideas
2. I firmly believe communication is a
3. I understand that communication
can be expressed in words and
4. I can distinguish the features of the
communication process.
5. I can explain the causes of
communication breakdown.
6. I can identify the elements of
7. I can discuss the functions of
Total for each column
Average score
Level of Proficiency
Scoring Guide: Usually- 3 points, Sometimes- 2, Seldom -1, and Never- 0
Level of Proficiency: 19-21 Advanced, 16-18 Proficient, 13-15 Approaching
Proficiency, 10-12 Developing, and 9 below Beginning
Source: LM -Oral Communication in Context, p.3

Processing Questions:
1. What does your score say about you?
2. Are you now ready to explore how we cannot “NOT” communicate? What would
want to know more about?
What is Communication?
Communication is a process of sharing or
conveying messages or information from one person to
another within and across channels, contexts, media and
culture (McCornack, 2014). There is a wide variety of
contexts and situations in which communication can be manifested; it can be a face to face
interaction, a phone conversation, a meeting, a letter or memo, an interview and a lot more. It
may also exist among animals, human to animals. Now let us talk about the nature of
Source of image: Business Communication ,

What is the Nature of Communication?

1. Communication is a process. It is a process since it follows a certain set of procedures.
The ones communicating take turns in becoming a sender and a receiver at some point
in the process.
2. Communication occurs between two people or among people. These people may
take turn as sender-receiver. One may communicate with many and vice versa.
3. Communication may be expressed through oral or spoken words, actions
(nonverbal), or both at the same time. Put simple, we often communicate verbally
and nonverbally at the same time, like smiling while saying “Yes”.
4. Communication is a process. It is a process since it follows a certain set of procedures.
The ones communicating take turns in becoming a sender and a receiver at some point
in the process.
5. Communication occurs between two people or among people. These people may
take turn as sender-receiver. One may communicate with many and vice versa.

6. Communication may be expressed through oral or spoken words, actions

(nonverbal), or both at the same time. Put simple, we often communicate verbally
and nonverbally at the same time, like smiling while saying “Yes”.

Let’s pause a little!

To clarify the nature of communication, answer these.

1. Can we say that reciting in class is a form of communication? Why?

2. Do we really communicate verbally and nonverbally at the same time? Give an
authentic example or one of your experiences.
What are the features of Communication?

The features of communication must be

mastered by an individual in order for him to
become an effective communicator. You are to
carefully study each of the 7Cs or the features of
communication. This was introduced by Professors Broom, cutlip, and Center (1952) and are
still listed and used by many authors today. This appeared first in their book, “Effective Public

For example, you need to inform your

friend about the deadline of submission of
your project, the data you should give should
include the exact date, time, place and person
to contact. You should also specificy the
manner of submission, whether hard or soft

Conciseness cuts the wordiness Conciseness means communicating what
that often comes with the rush to you want to say in least possible and effective
communicate or for others, either words. It has the following features:

shortness of vocabulary that tends to -It is time both time-saving and cost -saving.
come up with more words synonymous to -Underlies and highlights the main message.
what is really meant, or the intention to _Provides short and essential message which is
impress. more appealing to the reader or audience.

In order to achieve conciseness, you have to consider the following:

1. Avoid wordy expression.
Ex: It is so very very nice and pretty. (wordy)
It is so nice. Or It is so pretty. (conscise)
2. Include only relevant material.

Ex: The heat is so freakingly scorchingly hot. (wordy)
The heat is scorching. (concise)
3. Avoid unnecessary repetition. In the previous example, “scorchingly hot” is a
redundant expression since what scorches is something hot.

Have you ever been questioned because the data that you have given is not correct? For
example, when you say there are students who are absent, you must give the actual number, or
if needed, the names of the absentees. This is a good example of concreteness.

Grammar and syntax go hand and hand. You have been learning this since your
elementary and junior high school years. Although it is understandable that learning grammar
and syntax in a non-native language is not easy, a student like you should strive to learn certain
rules and structures. Remember verbs, nouns, and adjectives? The thesaurus and the
dictionary are great help for students like you.

Clarity also means CLEARNESS. When communicating, one should be clear with
his/her purpose or goal. When you say “I may or may not go with you tomorrow,” it is not the
expected answer. You only have to say “Yes, I’ll go,” or “No, I won’t go.”

Regard towards others considers their views, needs, educational background, etc. For
instance, if you’re talking to a child, say, your brother, you become careful with your words so
as not to upset him and had his tantrums. It is also a different thing when you talk to your
mother or elder brother. When you ask for permission, you make sure that you made use of the
words your parents will appreciate.

Courtesy is always coupled with politeness. One’s tact is called for to maintain effective
communication. In Filipino it’s the use of “po” or “opo” to show the difference in age and rank.
Even if one is younger than the other, the rank or position at work is still considered, thus, the
use of ma’am or sir.
Processing questions:
1. Is there a difference between politeness and courtesy? Explain.
2. Why do we need to practice courtesy? Give some situations wherein you practice
courtesy at home, at school or in your community.

Let us summarize the features of effective communication.

Effective communication takes place only when the listener clearly understands the
message the speaker intended to send, whether oral, written, symbolized, or acted.

• For the illustrations , credits to,, and

What are the Elements of Communication?

Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics
or process. These are the elements of communication.

1. Speaker- the source of information or message

2. Message- the information sent

3. Encoding- the process of converting message into words or actions or other forms
both the speaker and the receiver understands

4. Channel- the medium or means, such as personal or nonpersonal, verbal or

nonverbal in which the encoded message is conveyed.

5. Decoding- the process by which the receiver decodes the message sent

6. Receiver- the recipient or the one for whom the message is intended for, someone
who decodes the message

7. Feedback- the reaction or response of the receiver towards the message sent

8. Context- the environment where the communication takes place or shapes the
meaning of the exchanges like, personal or nonpersonal, relationship existing

between the communicators, time and place where the communication happened;
the true meaning of the message sent

9. Barrier- the factors that affect the flow of the communication taking place

Processing questions:
1. Can we remove one element of communication in any communication situation?
2. Is feedback really important? How?

What are the Functions of Communication?

The first function of communication is pretty obvious. When one gives or cites facts which
were heard, observed, seen, or perceived and proven, this is INFORMATION DISSEMINATION.

The diagram shows how information is sent and received. The information provider considers
internal factors like his/her feelings towards the recipient or towards the information he/she has to send.
Others include factors such as his/her own assumptions and how he/she gives the information. The
recipient of the information considers the same and is aided by his/her desire to bond with others called
HOMOPHILY. For example, you told your sister that there will be an online enrollment and she took
her phone and enrolled herself via Facebook link. It was a fact that resulted to her quick action.

Sometimes, getting a response for a given information, rhetorical questions are used which later, will
be answered with full confirmation of the given information.

If I ask you to write a poem about the time when you were very happy, will it be an
expression of this function? Why? This is the target function wherein you were able to express
your feelings. There are various feelings that we, humans, can feel and express in different

Human behavior needs to be regulated or controlled to maintain peace, clarity of ideas
and show respect towards others regardless of creed or race.

Humans always wanted to belong, thus, motivation from others add up to one’s
motivation of himself/herself.

• For the illustrations , credits to,, and

• Credits to Remoral, Gil Buella, Functions of Communication, July 2, 2017,

VI. Let’s Practice (Practice Tasks)

Brain Treat A. Fill in each box with the correct letters to come
up with the correct word to complete each sentence. Refer to the elements of communication.

1. Communication is a

2. It is the medium or means in which the encoded message is conveyed and is known as

3.This process of converting the meaning of the message into words or actions is

4. The one decoding the message takes the role of the

5. Usually, this is the last element in a complete communication situation and known as the
given response of the receiver

Brain Treat B. Identify the function of communication exemplified in
each number. Write only the letter of your answer in the blank provided.

A- Emotional expression B- Information Dissemination C- Regulation/Control

D- Motivation E- Social Interaction
1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students. ________________
2. Ana greets Ritchie; then they started talking about their plans for the group
3. Fe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite this pandemic._____________
4. Monica tells you about her frustrations. ________________
5. The teacher of English lectures on the functions of communication and implements the
class’ house rules during discussion.. _____________

Brain Treat C. Identify the feature of communication exemplified in

each number. Write only the letter of your answer in the blank provided.

A- Consideration B- Clearness/clarity C- Concreteness D- Conciseness

E- Correctness F- Completeness G- Courtesy
1. The student asked her teacher if she may be allowed to go out of the room.
2. The teacher instructed the students to cut the cardboard by ¼ thickness. ____________
3. As of today, June 13, as posted at DOH FB page, there are already 24,236 Covid-
positive. _____________
4. Monica tells you about her frustrations while crying, then you told her it’s alright and
you are going to keep it a secret. ________________
5. The teacher of English repeatedly told the class that Subject-Verb-Agreement should
be carefully used when constructing sentences. _____________
Brain Treat D. Identify the elements of communication exemplified by
the following communication instances.

1. Regina gave Zanjoe a heart-shaped cake last week. ____________________________.

2. The cake that Regina gave means she likes Zanjoe. ______________________.
3. The element that Zanjoe represents in scenario 1 is __________________.
4. Amy nodded twice to signify that the answer to question no. 2 is B. _______________.

5. After seeing Amy’s nods, Lea gave her a thumbs up. ____________________.

Brain Treat E. Using your cellular phone, send me a text message by

arranging the following processes into the correct communication process. Simply send
the number according to its correct arrangement. For example, you may text, 3,2 6,1,5,4.
Don’t forget to type your name first before your answers.
Process of Communication Example
_____ The receiver gets the message. Diana hears what Dino says.
____ The speaker generates ideas. Dino doesn’t like Diana as a friend.
____ The receiver sends/provide feedback. Diana frowns and keeps quiet.
____ The speaker transmits ideas. Dino told Diana that she dislikes her.
____ The speaker encodes an idea. Dino thinks of how to tell Diana.
____ The receiver decodes the message. Diana tried to analyze what Dino said.

Task 2.1 Do you recognize me?

This time, identify the functions of communication exemplified by the following lines
from movies, telenovela and known personalities here and abroad. Write your answers in
your notebook

1. “Ang pera natin ay di mauubos, pero ang pasensiya ko, konting-konti na lang.”
(Angelica Panganiban)_______________
2. “No vaccine, no classes.” (President Duterte; news headline)_________________
3. “Come and explore Hotel De Luna.”_(Aju, main character-Hotel De
4. “Sige ,Sir, isusubmit po namin ito sa Saudi pulis tapos dadamputin na lang po kayo
at pauuwiin sa Pilipinas ng nakaposas dahil sa pambababae niyo.” (Raffy Tulfo
radio/video) _____________________
5. “Ano na? Hamus na kita sa bertdeyhan. Gulpihon duman mga kabisto ta.”(Boss
Kareppa) _____________________

Task 2.2 Write an example for each of these elements of communication in real
life situations. Three points each correct answer. Write your answers in your
notebooks for checking as we meet in class.

1. Receiver
2. Channel
3. Sender
4. Feedback
5. Message

Task 2.3 Do you recognize me?

This time, identify the features of communication VIOLATED by the following lines.

1. “Hoy Manong,makikiraan .”_______________

2. “I think there were seven of us present in class yesterday.”_________________
3. “Kelangan natin no’ng bilog, ganoon, alam mo na yon.”___________________
4. “Everybody are invited to my party tonight.” _____________________
5. “I don’t care if you’re not feeling well. I need the report today.”

Task 2.4 Following the process of communication, write a series of sentences

used in a telephone conversation about an assignment in one of your subjects. Write this in a
whole sheet of paper. Using different colors (crayons), identify the complete set of the
communication process.

Developmental Rubrics

KRAs 5 3 1

No. of processes 4 -5 processes 2-3 processes 1 process only


Ability to follow All the directions 3 followed 2 followed

instructions followed

VII. Post Test A. Given this scene, write an anecdote applying the elements of
communication, identifying the functions and features of communication . Give your anecdote
a catchy title. Your anecdote must be made up of at least 8 to ten sentences.

Developmental Rubrics Source:

KRAs 5 3 1 Total

Elements of Elements of Elements of Elements of

communication communication communication communication
are correctly are partially are not
identified identified identified

Functions of 3 functions 2 functions 1 function

Communication evident evident evident

Features of 4 features 3 features 1 feature shown

Communication shown shown


Test 2. Write a sentence explaining your realization of the importance of

understanding and applying each of the features of communication. Create a replica of the
illustration below in a whole sheet of bond paper. Write your sentences on top or beside the
illustration of each of the 7Cs. You may give the illustration a perk up of colors for the
additional three points.

Source: Notes on Concepts, Scope, Functions & Nature of
KRAs 5 3 1
No. of explained 6-7 features were 4-5 features were 2-3 features were
feature explained explained explained
Accuracy of the 6 features were 4 features were 2 features were
explanation accurately explained accurately explained accurately explained

For Test 3, place the situation under its appropriate function of communication. Copy the
labels at the back of the sheet where you answered Test 2 and write your answers.

Motivation Emotional Expression Information Dissemination

Regulation/Control Social Interaction

A. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.

B. The city Mayor presents in a public forum his strategies to execute the plans.
C. Coco Martin thanks his sponsors for making “Ang Probinsyano” the longest running
telenovela of this decade.
D. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.
E. The President reiterated in his second situational address during the first two months of
ECQ the strict implementation of the IATF guidelines.

VIII- Assignment: Let’s Explore What We Learned

Observe from a considerable distance what happens in the most in-demand store in your
barangay. From your point, catch one interesting conversation among those whom you found
there. Record it in your phone and transcribe later in a whole sheet of paper. If you don’t have
a high -end phone, ask somebody to help you get the whole conversation. From your
transcription, point out the elements, functions and features of communication and identify the
number they have taken turns in a complete communication process. If you find it hard to
transcribe into English, keep the dialect used but do the identification of elements, functions,
and features of the communication process observed.

Rubrics for rating the output:

KRA 5 3 1
Appropriateness to Transcription was Transcription was No submission at all
task appropriately done appropriately done
and elements, but some elements,
features and features and
functions of functions of
communication were communication were
correctly identified. not identified
Artistic value Observes aesthetic Aesthetic principles No submission at all
principles in were observed but
presenting the output has some
discrepancies in
color and framing
Overall presentation Comprehensive and Comprehensive but No submission at all
with good the principles of style
observation of the were not well
principles of style observed

IX- Answer Key

Pre-Test A. B. C.
1. True 4. True 6.facts and figures 11. completeness
2. True 5. False 7. vague 12. correctness
3. False 8. Elements of communication 13. consideration
9.communication situation 14. concreteness
10. wordy 15. courtesy

Practice Task A. B. C. D. E.
1. Process 1. B 1.G 1. Sender 1. 4
2. Channel 2. E 2. B 2. Message 2. 1
3. Encoding 3. D 3. C 3. Receiver 3. 6
4. Receiver 4. A 4. A 4. Sender 4. 3
5. Feedback 5. C 5. E 5. Feedback 5. 2
Practice Task 2.1 2.2 2.3
1. Emotional Teacher’s discretion 1. courtesy
2. Information dissemination 2. concreteness
3. Motivation 3. Clearness/clarity
4. Control 4. correctness
5. Social interaction 5. consideration

Post Test 1-Rubrics provided

Post Test 2. Rubrics provided
Post Test 3. A- Motivation B-Information Dissemination C. Emotional expression
D- Information dissemination E- Control


Rubrics provided

2. Sipacio, P.J. & Balgos, A.R., 2016. Oral Communication in Context, C & E
Publishing Co. Inc. ,Quezon City, Philippines.


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